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  mike_s_6 said:
Actually I just read this thread after a while now, and it's one page back where there were people thinking that October 10 was the release date of the second movie based on kresphy's joke. And it appeared again on this page, so I thought it should be cleared up.

Doesn't the October 10th date come from a teaser shown at the Tokyo Anime Fair ?


  Sergorn said:
Doesn't the October 10th date come from a teaser shown at the Tokyo Anime Fair ?


I watched the teaser and it wasn't there, just the title of the movie, unless I missed it? On the up side:


This event says that they would say some stuff about the Macross F movie 2:

# ◆劇場版マクロスF~サヨナラノツバサ~最新情報!


The event will happen on August 15. I wonder why 情報 was replaced with ○○, like they're trying to make you guess it. Weird.

  mike_s_6 said:
I watched the teaser and it wasn't there, just the title of the movie, unless I missed it? On the up side:


This event says that they would say some stuff about the Macross F movie 2:

# ◆劇場版マクロスF~サヨナラノツバサ~最新情報!


The event will happen on August 15. I wonder why 情報 was replaced with ○○, like they're trying to make you guess it. Weird.

As was noted previously in the scoop thread ;-) Beat ya for once mate! lol

  Sergorn said:

Edit : And I've just realised you're french too judging from your signature, so I guess you already know that :D

I didn't know every detail, but thanks for clearing them up ;)


A "preview" for a webcam version has been released, and it does look terrible... but still no signs of a release date for the DVD / Blu-ray ... :mellow:

  Germán said:
I doesn't matter the quality, I can't wait to see the movie.

I'm a fan!


I understand you eagerness, but quality DOES matter. I remeber watching MF Episode 7 in an awful .rm file because I could'nt wait for the higher quality avi to come out. Terrible experience. "Never again" I said.

  nexxstrait said:
I understand you eagerness, but quality DOES matter. I remeber watching MF Episode 7 in an awful .rm file because I could'nt wait for the higher quality avi to come out. Terrible experience. "Never again" I said.

Seconded. When Evangelion 1.0 came out in theaters, I resisted viewing the camrip. Two months later, I was in Tokyo, and got to see it in a plush movie theater with a huge screen and great sound, and it made for a truly awesome experience.

The good ones are worth waiting for. ^_^


Hey, I watched the whole of M7 the first time via .rm files. Took 2 or 3 days of overnight FTP'ing to get each one. (our AOL line then was so bad a 56K modem was lucky to get 14K really, and I think I had a 33.6 modem then---9K normal transfer rate IIRC)

  David Hingtgen said:
Hey, I watched the whole of M7 the first time via .rm files. Took 2 or 3 days of overnight FTP'ing to get each one. (our AOL line then was so bad a 56K modem was lucky to get 14K really, and I think I had a 33.6 modem then---9K normal transfer rate IIRC)

Ohh, this brings on memories!

  Gubaba said:
Gawd, that's bad...like peeking through your neighbor's window to watch his TV...

You know you want it.

You wanna see this movie so bad. I sure do.


I still have all the Central Anime tapes.

God I want to see this movie. It makes me want to blow a ton of money I'm supposed to spend on school and go to Nihon just to see it. 私の日本語はまだ上手じゃありませんが。My Japanese is not yet skilled. It would be like confronting Vader too soon. I'd get my hand chopped off.

The soundtrack for this is awesome. I've heard Pink Monsoon a million times and have never seen the movie.

  Legioss said:
I still have all the Central Anime tapes.

God I want to see this movie. It makes me want to blow a ton of money I'm supposed to spend on school and go to Nihon just to see it. 私の日本語はまだ上手じゃありませんが。My Japanese is not yet skilled. It would be like confronting Vader too soon. I'd get my hand chopped off.

That's how I felt when I went into the theater to see Eva 1.0...turned out it was fine. 2.0 was a different story, however... :unsure:

  network19 said:
When is he going to release the cam version?

Looks like never...

As he says on the blog:

It seems like I'll get criticize whatsoever... so what if i dragged the release a few days?

Macross Frontier - The False Diva Camrip will not be out due to this...thanks.

  Gubaba said:
That's how I felt when I went into the theater to see Eva 1.0...turned out it was fine. 2.0 was a different story, however... :unsure:

Well that is understandable since 1.0 is pretty much following the original series' story pretty closely, if you're familiar with it it'll be pretty easy to follow even if you don't understand a word that is being spoken. 2.0 however introduced a new character and took the whole story on a different unfamiliar route. You should have stopped trying and just let it wash over you at that point. Trying to concentrate what is being said and translate it in your head would just get in the way of enjoying it.

It's pretty much what I did when I had my Kara no Kyoukai marathon in a cinema in Ikebukuro. Familiar with the story I followed where I can and let the rest wash over me to be deciphered afterwards.

As for this webcam things, why even bother really. One of the biggest reason for the movie was the buffed up graphics and visuals and you sure as heck ain't going to see much of that on a webcam capture.

  Strumvogel said:
Well that is understandable since 1.0 is pretty much following the original series' story pretty closely, if you're familiar with it it'll be pretty easy to follow even if you don't understand a word that is being spoken. 2.0 however introduced a new character and took the whole story on a different unfamiliar route. You should have stopped trying and just let it wash over you at that point. Trying to concentrate what is being said and translate it in your head would just get in the way of enjoying it.

It's pretty much what I did when I had my Kara no Kyoukai marathon in a cinema in Ikebukuro. Familiar with the story I followed where I can and let the rest wash over me to be deciphered afterwards.

That's pretty much what I did. And then I saw it a second time a couple of days later. I would've seen it a third time, but Odaiba Gundam called, and I couldn't disobey...

By the way, if you saw Kara no Kyoukai in Ikebukuro, I wonder if this will look familiar...


  Gubaba said:
That's pretty much what I did. And then I saw it a second time a couple of days later. I would've seen it a third time, but Odaiba Gundam called, and I couldn't disobey...

By the way, if you saw Kara no Kyoukai in Ikebukuro, I wonder if this will look familiar...


Yeah pretty much, though that's mainly because I pretty much lived on that street in my time in Tokyo. That arcade in that picture still gives me PTSD as it blared out the same penetrating, grating pop song at all times of the day when I was there. It affected me so badly from just such a brief exposure, I fear for the poor souls who actually worked in the place who had to put up with it endlessly...

I didn't see it in that cinema though. I ended up in the smallest (and worse one of the three cinemas located there; but I got to see it on a big screen so I can't complain) one just a few steps further down the street and underground. Yep, underground. Had to walk down a set of steps under a building where that one screen cinema is located. It does at least gives a certain 80's charm about it...

I take it this cinema in the picture is where they screen Frontier as well?

  network19 said:
Since imur88 won't release it. Is there not another person with a camrip copy.

dude seriously,just wait..it wont be long for a quality dvd/bluray rip..why ruin the experience with a gammin cam job? thats not how macross is to be viewed.


Patience does seem to be in short supply in some quarters.

In any case, I'm sure the wide world of internet and file sharing offers camrips galore if anyone wants it that bad.


I guess your right. Its just that 2 minute preview got me really excited.

Can't wait.


No matter how bad I want to see this, I'm gonna wait till I can see it in DVD quality version. I'll definitely buy it on Blu-Ray as well. Afterall, having all of MacF as a fan sub doesn't truly show my support. I have no problems paying for something that puts out this quality.

  Jasonc said:
No matter how bad I want to see this, I'm gonna wait till I can see it in DVD quality version. I'll definitely buy it on Blu-Ray as well. Afterall, having all of MacF as a fan sub doesn't truly show my support. I have no problems paying for something that puts out this quality.

My thoughts exactly!


Perhaps this question has been asked already, but I didn't see it... I am assuming that there's a good chance the DVD won't come with English subs?

  frothymug said:
Perhaps this question has been asked already, but I didn't see it... I am assuming that there's a good chance the DVD won't come with English subs?

It would be a great getaround to the blockade thing, and would probably boost the sales of their DVDs/BRs, but they haven't done this so far, so I'm not counting on it. You should write a letter to Bandai about it. I have, and I'm sure others have also. If the request got big enough, they'd probably pay attention.

  frothymug said:
Perhaps this question has been asked already, but I didn't see it... I am assuming that there's a good chance the DVD won't come with English subs?


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