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Despite the continuous repaints and the discouraging MSRP, its not like Yamato has a real major competitor that makes such high-grade scaled model toys anywhere near equivalent as Yamato anyways.

Obviously, sucks for the overseas fanantics! Glad I got the following from a buddy that goes to Japan on business trips:

1. VF-22S $100-

2. VF-11B $130-

3. YF-21 $130-

Despite the continuous repaints and the discouraging MSRP, its not like Yamato has a real major competitor that makes such high-grade scaled model toys anywhere near equivalent as Yamato anyways.

Obviously, sucks for the overseas fanantics! Glad I got the following from a buddy that goes to Japan on business trips:

1. VF-22S $100-

2. VF-11B $130-

3. YF-21 $130-

Good for you

I always wondered why we never saw any different variants. The whole line couldn't been just cannon folder 1A types? Did even squad commanders pilot a 1B or 1C? I think a J or S version VF-011 would've looked pretty cool, especially with skull 1 trim.

VF-11D is a different head (and cockpit).



It's not uncommon for American toy mark up to be in the 50% range. I mean just looking at HLJ how can they afford to sell Yamato merchandise at 40-60% off? Obviously there are liquidation cases where it's better to take a loss on item than have it eat up your shelf space but you see where I'm going with this. Remember MSRP isn't the buyers actual cost...

It's not uncommon for American toy mark up to be in the 50% range. I mean just looking at HLJ how can they afford to sell Yamato merchandise at 40-60% off? Obviously there are liquidation cases where it's better to take a loss on item than have it eat up your shelf space but you see where I'm going with this. Remember MSRP isn't the buyers actual cost...
Yes, we know that!

Anyways, my friend knows of people who knows distributors. Also, the sales rep from HLJ was asking $200- for the VF-22S at SDCC '09 and we passed on it. HLJ, declined our offer of $300- for two pieces. No thanks HLJ!

Also, the sales rep from HLJ was asking $200- for the VF-22S at SDCC '09 and we passed on it. HLJ, declined our offer of $300- for two pieces. No thanks HLJ!
Was it Jim? because he is the webmaster for HLJ B))

He offered me an SV for $150. I was like nah I need to stay away from Zero I already have too much stuff. I did get a 10% coupon from him though.

It's not uncommon for American toy mark up to be in the 50% range. I mean just looking at HLJ how can they afford to sell Yamato merchandise at 40-60% off? Obviously there are liquidation cases where it's better to take a loss on item than have it eat up your shelf space but you see where I'm going with this. Remember MSRP isn't the buyers actual cost...

40% off means they are willing to make little to no money on "deadstock" that only eats up warehouse space for new items with new and higher margins.

Got that 10% card too but only applies to regular priced items.

Are you insinuating you're too frugal to use it/they're too expensive?

BTW you can use the code multiple times :lol:


Actually this is a repaint I can get behind considering they do change some stuff besides the paint (ie. Fast packs, gunpod,....) but It's getting harder to come up with the money. If it was $30-$40 cheaper.......... either way with all the releases this year my wallet is getting burnt out......... or maybe I just need to live on Ichiban and Kraft dinner again for a while. :lol:

I always wondered why we never saw any different variants. The whole line couldn't been just cannon folder 1A types? Did even squad commanders pilot a 1B or 1C? I think a J or S version VF-011 would've looked pretty cool, especially with skull 1 trim.

From the looks of things it was never intended to be a hero mecha so maybe SK didn't feel the need to do any variants outside of the VF-11D. The VF-4, VF-9 and VF-14 seem to fall into the same category.


Wha-wha -whaaat? :blink: Now they (Yamato) gone full throttle on Macross 7, I guess Bandai has finally dropped their license on Macross 7 now that they are concentraing on Macross Frontier Products

Wha-wha -whaaat? :blink: Now they (Yamato) gone full throttle on Macross 7, I guess Bandai has finally dropped their license on Macross 7 now that they are concentraing on Macross Frontier Products

Bandai hasn't dropped the M7 license. One of their next releases is the VF-19 Kai. ;)

Just had a thought---will a VF-11D's heat shield still work as a toy? It's quite different than the B/C---bigger, bulkier, and "double-humped".

I guess they go the 22 route and don't put one at all?

Just had a thought---will a VF-11D's heat shield still work as a toy? It's quite different than the B/C---bigger, bulkier, and "double-humped".

hard to say,


I'd definitely be interested if they made one though.


How does that heatshield even work in the world of anime? That thing is huge. The only way I can imagine it working is if it was tucked in somewhere beneath and behind the cockpit in fighter mode and then swung on top in front of the head during transformation.

Not PT but maybe they could attach the heatshields on the bottom of the cockpit pod. Then you could simply remove it, flip it around and put it back in.
Man, that heatshield is HUGE. I've never seen that particular Valk before... As I haven't seen all of M7, when does it appear?
That guy is insane... First of all why make it personal like that? Second is, I wish Graham would do the early reviews and the Yamato scoops like he used to. And third, how are you a Macross Collector and be complaining about repaints? Macross is all about repaints. I would probably hate it if all the robots in Macross were different from each other. It's just not believable. And the fact that they have an evolution, like the YF-21 to the VF-22 is so awesome. I can talk poo about every other Yamato line I have bought but their Macross products have been one big blessing to the collection/curse to the wallet. I'm hoping to catch up to all the 1/60 version 2s of the VF-1s, at the same time trying to get all the 21/22s. I would skip them but Yamato makes them so damn well... I still need the 11B and C too.... augh!!! I wish I can turn off the bias... TURN OFF THE BIAS!

I know I'm not an anything Macross drone because I just can't get myself to buy the Frontier DX line. But if they design it like Yamato does Macross and the way Beagle did the Mospeada, I'm a sucker for it...

That Project BM Keneda Bike and figure are looking so good...

Its because i am a macross fan that I can be more critical. And I will take G-Mans reviews and consider them very carefully because regardless of what is said the fact that he has a personal relationship with said company and receives promotional products from them in any part of the world would be considered a conflict of interest. I do see he leans more torwards yammies then bandai valks which i havent had a single problem with (except one and i was surprised when i wrote a letter and 4 months later a got a valk with a return package???). The excuse that they are a small niche company isnt so anymore either. Yamato makes many different product lines and the fact that you pay so much for the item has nothing to do with exclusiveness its about the quality. When you pay so much for a toy that continually fails (or a pretty high dud track record) um thats not good. They have been in the business for 10 years and they still cant figure it out. Yes the Vf-11 is flawless. I was in shock but compared to the NUMBERs released Bandai has them beat. As for people calling MF Valks chunky than i think those Macross fans should pack it in and replace their collection with ROTF the fallen cause that thing looks pretty skeletal. As far as i can remember the 80s show valks were pretty bloated in a lot of areas and they had Popeye hands

So all this BS about lineart is pretty useless too. Case in point. the VF -19Kai by bandai is not 100% lineart but look at it and its unmistakeably a Kai. TO me the VF-11 looks odd but i still see and recognize it as the VF-11B

DO I like yamato products sure i would be crazy to say no but why pay for a product they cant seem to get a grasp on QC. A company comes to mind with the same sort of haphazard QC um GM anyone!

Destroid are good. Maybe thats because they dont transform. But then lets speak about the Ingram and its floppy back syndrome. And instead of taking returns and sending out a new one they expect you to take apart a pretty complex toy and fix it yourself. Never mind if you botch up the job and ruin a 400 dollar toy. I can imagine the outcry if they printed do it yourself fixes for GM cars. Sure thats a car and this is a toy. But its a 400 dollar toy. Most people would say are you nuts! you paid how much for that ......etc So they have v1 v2 v2.5 v3 v3.5 fcuk sounds like microsoft releasing stuff before properly testing their software and using the customer base as the QC auditors. If your small all the more reason to keep your reputation. You cant use well we are a small company and thats why we make mistakes with our products sorry. But the product is still 200 plus bucks. For 200 plus I get a PG Gundam which has a valk beat in every way. And in the past i was pretty stupid. My definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Well i have learned to BE extra cautious with yammy. I read every single review. Here and elsewhere. Thanks to the good folks here I canceled my preorder the blue ingram. Ill stick to wave in that toy line. Im loyal to who gives me a good product. I have no problem paying 200 400 or even 800 for a toy if what i get is detail something fine worthy of a masterpiece title. But if you sell me garbage for 200. it doesnt matter about past present or future or other peoples happy stories all i care is that I got a 200 piece of garbage. ANd thats what counts in business. Peoples personal experiences. So what may seem trival to you is not to me because you may have got the long straw doesnt make it right.

As for repaints. We have had repaints from white blue red orange purple Grey striped to weather, grey low vis high vis no vis stealth badly tampoed anniversary colors v1 v2 1/48 re releases of v2 and so of one basic line vf-1 with slight head molds and fast packs. Really All that and it took them 10 years to make 2 destroids and shi t ty monster. WOW. I need to apply to this company. If you claim to be a macross fan you would like all the mecha

what about chicken legged mecha or the Command type how nice would that be you can make them in low vis camoflage, stealth, anniversary and so on, you have the SDF sh it even wave made a fairly decent attempt. ANd why all the problems. My dad was a tool and dye maker and he tells me that if the factory has one bad mold the entire product line is botched. If you have good molds then your entire should not have a single problem. But if the metals used were substandard and those molds degrade in a short period of time and the plastic mixtures used are of bad quality you get some good and some bad

Maybe its time to take a smaller margin and use better factories

anyway Nuff said/

When i hear yammys product is good i will buy it case in point i got the vf -11 and destroids cause of you guys

Get the sausages out of your mouths fellas

Funny I have a serious problem with the product and im insane REAL MATURE

no... it's because you freak out over something, like when you couldn't figure out how to transform the yf-19 and then you blame your incompetence on Yamato, run around saying poo about Graham and swearing up and down to never buy another yamato product, post long winded rants about this and that and how you'll never buy another yamato product and then one year later here you are, throwing toys against the wall and doing it all over again. THAT's why we think you're insane.

no... it's because you freak out over something, like when you couldn't figure out how to transform the yf-19 and then you blame your incompetence on Yamato, run around saying poo about Graham and swearing up and down to never buy another yamato product, post long winded rants about this and that and how you'll never buy another yamato product and then one year later here you are, throwing toys against the wall and doing it all over again. THAT's why we think you're insane.

If I was saying poo about G-man which i wasnt then yeah you would have a point. But what i said is factual.

1. He has a personal relationship with Yamato

2. He gets a promotional product for every release

So tell me again how is that negative.


I then I said.

1. that made me upset cause I treated MW as an impartial source of Macross producs from all companies

2. I would still consider his review but more carefully

3. I was grateful for MW and its review in my deciding factor in getting the VF-11

4. its not really news if its just a repaint.

5 I want to see Yamato continue with quality destroids. I would buy the spartan in a flash after the reviews go up

Moving on

SO what i threw my valk at the wall. It was amazing to see how many people were asking the "insane" person for spare parts!

It had nothing to do with not understanding how to transform it. I build PG kits in 4hrs without issues. The belly plates would not stick together from day one. Yes I had the little piece of paper that said how tuck in the legs. I lived with it for a year and scotch taped the plates together and when i decided to relocate it i made a real attempt to fix the problem. After tab breakages and one full hour of frustration temper got the better of me

Insane.....Insane is having a weapons thread in a toy forum talking about how you bought a bazooka!

This is a forum on the internet which should be the last place for free discussion but it seems difficult here since everyone is predisposition ed to be politically correct and YAMATO NATION

So if you want to call me insane go ahead but i can just as easily label you for opposite reasons

As for the VF-11 Great awesome stuff

Yamato Make a full armor pack with the same level of quality and yes i will buy it


Might be a repaint, but I like the VF-11C over the B. Might pick it up if the price drops a bit

I'm glad graham can pass on our gripes to yamato. At least the company listens to us and fixes their valks one repaint at a time.

no... it's because you freak out over something, like when you couldn't figure out how to transform the yf-19 and then you blame your incompetence on Yamato, run around saying poo about Graham and swearing up and down to never buy another yamato product, post long winded rants about this and that and how you'll never buy another yamato product and then one year later here you are, throwing toys against the wall and doing it all over again. THAT's why we think you're insane.

I think it's mostly the long, barely coherent RAAAGGGEEE rants and the evident inability to properly express his feelings.

Also what is with these car analogies. I don't see where there's a valid comparison between a $200-$400 toy and a vehicle which cost 50-100 times that much.

Posted (edited)
Moving on

SO what i threw my valk at the wall. ..

Tell me this please, what wanker throws a 200+ high end collectable at the wall, because of belly plates/tabs breaking from ogre hands. Insane? I call you something else in fact.

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie

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