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Posted (edited)
  On 8/16/2013 at 1:26 PM, ErikElvis said:

I have Kelly Clarkson, Cher, Avril Lavigne, and Pink on my iPod.

Maybe it's just me, but whenever I hear newer kelly Clarkson or Pink songs on the radio, they sound like they're the same person.

Edited by anime52k8
  On 8/16/2013 at 2:13 PM, Mr March said:

The pliable definition of guilty pleasure is largely determined by the company you keep.

I beg to differ. A "guilty pleasure" is something you can't help to enjoy despite seeing yourself as having evolved into "higher" moral or aesthetic standards. This is first and foremost independent from your company.

  On 8/16/2013 at 12:27 PM, Agent ONE said:

You should not be embarrassed to like M Zero. It was pretty good.

Remember this is "Macross World" not "Tentacle Sex World."

I think we're like...the only two people on M-world to like Zero. But you're right, after consideration it's not a "guilty" pleasure by any means; I stand by 'Zero as much as people stand by '7.

I also like that line about guilty pleasures being non-existent, it's really about "pleasures."


It's only a guilty pleasure if you feel guilty about deriving pleasure from it; but not when it's other people's preconceptions or hang-ups that lead them to try to pigeon-hole you or place labels on something you enjoy, then it's no longer about you, but about them.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/16/2013 at 11:14 PM, myk said:

I think we're like...the only two people on M-world to like Zero. But you're right, after consideration it's not a "guilty" pleasure by any means; I stand by 'Zero as much as people stand by '7.


And as they should. I think Macross Zero and 7 are both deserving series in their own right. I thought the opening to Zero was incredible and the ending was appropriately mysterious. It's funny how anyone here on Macross World would rank any Macross show as a guilty pleasure. That seems more fitting to Robotech Valley or some similar site. I do think the Macross Zedro toys could use a reissue, but the shapes of the scuplts themselves are fantastic and the shows can be intense or fun while adding different perspectives to the mythology.

Oh well, to each his or her own. I've enjoyed all of the Macross anime I've seen, and that includes Macross 7 Dynamite.

* Edit an oops *

Edited by technoblue

I found myself another guilty pleasure: The Internship. It's an intelligently stupid comedy about two has-been salesmen (Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson) signing up for an internship at Google in hopes of landing a job there by the end of summer. Critics have mostly hated it, calling it a full-length Google commercial, but that's just them. Still a hilarious film to rent.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/16/2013 at 5:19 PM, electric indigo said:

I beg to differ. A "guilty pleasure" is something you can't help to enjoy despite seeing yourself as having evolved into "higher" moral or aesthetic standards. This is first and foremost independent from your company.

And as I said, the actual definition is pliable. But having said that most people don't agonize over "guilty pleasures" as some internalized moral dilemma. By far, most speak of their guilty pleasures within the context of the lower/lesser regard held by those around them for those pleasures they enjoy. The debate in this very thread has members declaring other's guilty pleasures as nothing of the sort because they are like-minded folks that take pleasure in the same things. Hence, not guilty-enough or guilt-less, but only in this crowd who has defined "other" things as guilty. The company you keep.

Edited by Mr March

Oh, I got one. And this is one I really like, but as a dude in his 30s is kind of embarrassing to tell other people.

I like Fall Out Boy. And I don't mean that in a turn up the radio when "Dance, Dance" is playing. I mean in a have all their albums (including Patrick Stump's solo stuff), one of my favorite bands kind of way.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/19/2013 at 6:38 PM, Mr March said:

And as I said, the actual definition is pliable. But having said that most people don't agonize over "guilty pleasures" as some internalized moral dilemma. By far, most speak of their guilty pleasures within the context of the lower/lesser regard held by those around them for those pleasures they enjoy. The debate in this very thread has members declaring other's guilty pleasures as nothing of the sort because they are like-minded folks that take pleasure in the same things. Hence, not guilty-enough or guilt-less, but only in this crowd who has defined "other" things as guilty. The company you keep.

Well, if I'm the only tennis player in a company of golfers, I wouldn't call tennis my "guilty pleasure".

The internal "confilct" is the key, just others saying "I don't think so" doesn't induce guilt.

Edited by electric indigo
  On 9/29/2009 at 4:19 AM, taksraven said:

OK, c'mon. Everybody has a guilty pleasure. Something that you enjoy but you know that if others knew about this pleasure you could very easily be mocked...



Oh, I agree. Mine was more turning a phrase: "Bow ties are cool," is a quote from the long-running British Sci-Fi show Doctor Who. Some may consider that a guilty pleasure since it was once a show for children. However, today it is more a show for young adults, although I still watch it with my niece and enjoy it because I grew up with the classic episodes. I turned the phrase to be appropriate to Macross since I liked Shaorin's photo and can see the irony in displaying transforming toys, which I also have. Hence "Valkyries (and bow ties) are cool." ^_^

Posted (edited)
  On 8/16/2013 at 4:11 PM, Kelsain said:

Abba Gold...

don't feel too lonely now; i'm myself Ass enough to actually own and actually enjoy that there album.

in fact, stupidly "Weeaboo" as it might come off, a whole lot of ABBA in general tends to strongly come off on me

as the direct source from which so much of the flavor and style of a whole lot of the Moe and Harem related

Anime soundtracks of the late 1990's/mid-2000's or so sprung forth from...

Edited by Shaorin

Time to share another guilty pleasure: One-Hit Wonders.

Every once in a while, there's that one cheesy song that you're guilty of having in your playlist. And that one song is the only known contribution by that artist.

So, what's your one-hit wonder song in your music collection?


Actually now that I think about it my video leads me into what could be considered a guilty pleasure. I follow pro hockey leagues aside from the NHL and its minor leagues from around the world like Asia League Ice Hockey(Kokudo Bunnies you will be missed) or the English Elite Ice Hockey League. I also like cheering on teams in international play like Japan or Khazakstan when they manage to pull off upsets over the big boys like Canada, US, or Russia... also go team Ireland!

  • 3 weeks later...

There's nothing guilty about those 2 Areaseven! From Santiago to Vladivostok, those 2 songs would get you knowing looks and a high five from any 30+ male with a pulse.

On the other hand Chesney Hawkes, yeah that one definitely falls into the guilty category.

So does this one.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/23/2013 at 6:14 PM, areaseven said:

Time to share another guilty pleasure: One-Hit Wonders.

Every once in a while, there's that one cheesy song that you're guilty of having in your playlist. And that one song is the only known contribution by that artist.

So, what's your one-hit wonder song in your music collection?

Take me on by AHA. Love the squiggly lines pencil montage. Some guy put up a "literal" version which is even more popular than the original.


Edited by mass driver

Well, if we are bringing up bad music from the eighties then I like Culture Club from its heyday. I also loved it when Beavus and Butthead commented on the "Karma Chameleon" video though. (speaking of guilty pleasures, B&B are great! - well the originals were, the recent ones were nothing special)

  On 9/11/2013 at 7:51 AM, areaseven said:

I'd understand if she liked Ozzie & Harriet or Ricky Nelson, but the twins? Yeah, that's guilty as charged. :lol:

I think she liked Ricky in her younger days, then switched over to the kids when they came out. My mom was actually a "soft" metal head when I was in high school.

  On 9/11/2013 at 11:42 AM, Jefuemon said:

I think she liked Ricky in her younger days, then switched over to the kids when they came out. My mom was actually a "soft" metal head when I was in high school.

It's always good to have a parent that's into your type of music. B))

  • 4 weeks later...

Guilty Pleasure of the Moment: Sylvester Stallone Movies

Sylvester Stallone is a Renaissance Man in his own right: actor, writer, producer, director, singer (sometimes), businessman. While he received critical acclaim for Rocky and First Blood, his muscular physique got him typecast as one of the top action stars of the '80s and '90s (plus a handful in the 2000s), heavily competing with Arnold Schwarzenegger nearly every year. Of course, this means that majority of his films are hated by critics, but easily guilty pleasures of any film buff. Schlock like Cobra, Over the Top, Lock Up, Tango & Cash, Cliffhanger, Assassins and Daylight are pretty bad, but have their own cult followings. On the other hand, movies like Judge Dredd, The Specialist, Get Carter and Driven are simply unwatchable.

With all that said, what Stallone movies are on your guilty pleasure list?


Rambo 3 (Rocky 3?, First Blood 3?, hard to remember...) where the supposedly top notch colonel "Sneaks" through Afghanistan with the jeep headlights on, I started laughing there and didn't stop till the end of the movie. Later on someone told me it wasn't a comedy...

I really like Demolition Man, his method around the three seashells is classic.

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