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I'm sleepy, tired and hungry, so I start to confess here.

I'm a Macross addict since I:

- Started to hum "Planet Dance" even when I hated that song

- Ordered a Tuna head on a Chinese restaurant

- Succesfully converted Robo**** fan into a pure Macross fan

- Minmay and Misa poster on the bedroom wall

I'll add more when I regain more consciousness


When you marathon all macross series and movies yearly, have wallscrolls in your bedroom and macross frontier towels in your bathroom, macross coffee mugs in the cupboard, a rotation of Misa related backgrounds for your computer and the Zentradi army insigna on your car...

me: Guilty. :ph34r:


I haven't gone to any of these levels... but they do all sounds rational or cool, so I guess I fall unto that category.

Oh, and I did successfully go from Robo**** to Macross. Never looked back either.


Trying to figure out Photoshop all night. :wacko: I'm trying to merge Battle 7 and Battle 13 images mirroring each other.

To have a similar effect as this.


So far I managed only to reverse Battle 13. :lol:

  • 4 weeks later...

Another hard evidence that I addicted to Macross:

I just had a Psychological test today, they asked me to draw a female picture, and I draw Minmay in her DYRL concert dress...........


You spend 40euros plus delivery to buy "English Fire-Fire Bomber American" from a japanese website...

Ask your girlfriend to dye her hair green just for a couple of weeks (in order to fulfill your Milia Fallyna fantasy. She is of course unaware of the true purpose of the request). She refuses.

Have the song Uchū Kyōdaibune (sung by the kabuki Zentraedi singer at the mall scene in Macross Frontier) in the top 25 most played tracks in your ipod.

Posted (edited)

- When you blame a Gundam fan just because it exists.

- When you see relation between real life and Macross EVERYWHERE

- When you call itself "The bigger seeder of Macross of the Latin America"

- When:


Without count the DVD collection and the 3 diferent versions (original en_us sub, original pt_br sub and remastered en_us sub) of the Original Series SDF-Macross and the repeted torrents just to seed.

Edited by Cobalto
Posted (edited)
  Cobalto said:
- When you blame a Gundam fan just because it exists.

- When you see relation between real life and Macross EVERYWHERE

- When you call itself "The bigger seeder of Macross of the Latin America"

- When:


Without count the DVD collection and the 3 diferent versions (original en_us sub, original pt_br sub and remastered en_us sub) of the Original Series SDF-Macross and the repeted torrents just to seed.

That's nothing sir. I have for 58,44 GB of Macross files on my hard drive ...

Edited by Macross007
  Macross007 said:
That's nothing sir. I have for 58,44 GB of Macross files on my hard drive ...

72 gigs here

Macross Frontier soundtrack is my most listened to playlist.

When i see a real world fighter, i wonder what it's gerwalk and battroid modes would look like.

Ask your girlfriend to dye her hair green just for a couple of weeks (in order to fulfill your Milia Fallyna fantasy. She is of course unaware of the true purpose of the request). She refuses.

Must dump her. My ex-girlfriend never dared refuse special requests.

Anyways... I really wanted to write something in this thread for the longest time, but truth be told...I feel so average insofar as being a Macross fan goes...

Let me explain:

1) Spend Massive Amounts of Money on Macross ?

Yes, but...

I also spend massive amounts of money on Gundam, Transformers, Soul of Chogokin, Gurren Lagann and Haruhi Suzumiya figures and stuff...so...financially, my Macross fanatical spending is on par with fanatical spending on other anime I like - ergo, I don't feel it's anything special or indicative of being an 'addict' (a term I don't like anyways ...damn am I being picky tonight!)

2) Having a zillion Giga-bites of Macross stuff on my laptop?

Yeah - I have all the series and the soundtrack to SDFM and Firebomber music.... But I also have the entire soundtrack to Gurren Lagann, and my favorite song is Mikuru Chan singing to her faux "movie" The Adventures of Mikuru-Asahina. Liking that song is potentially "worse" than being a fan of Fire Bomber, so I'm really screwed on that count. In any event - again...Macross doesn't stand out here...

3) Connecting Macross to everything?

Yeah but...I also imagine myself as Danchou of SOS brigade, and yesterday I got a loli chick to agree to dress up for me as Tohsaka-Rhin - the only point of discussion is whether she will wear low-"cut" brown shoes like on the Revoltech Fraulein figure or high boots (since, apparently, Rhin wore those too). My point here is that my whole life from morning till night revolves around anime in one way, shape or form.... so again...Macross doesn't stick out here....

4) hmm...


I know I'm a Macross addict when I check Macrossworld.com more often than any other website, and spend hours composing seventy million word posts on arcane subjects having to do with Macross.


Found one.

I don't visit any other anime fan sights beyond this one - so that's gotta be it.


  VFTF1 said:
Must dump her. My ex-girlfriend never dared refuse special requests.

Yeah, she was left shortly thereafter...


I'm a Macross addict since I:

- Actually visited MW more than RT.com for the past few years.

- Cared more about Macross with atleast 2 marathon viewing a year as compared to RT (yeah, once a year).

- Going nutty over SDFM's, DYRL's, FB 2012's Lynn Minmay depictions

- Actually liked Macross II & LOVED Macross 7 .... BOMBAAAAAAA! (that should count, right?)


I'm a Macross addict because my fascination with the Fire Bomber music made me like Macross 7 and it set me on a path to listening and becoming a full on fan of Yoshiki Fukuyama.

Indeed, BOMBAA!!

  BlueMax said:
When I visit Macrossworld EVERYDAY and spend a gazillion dollars on valks.....

YES!!! That---AND when you are buying a new house and the FIRST thing you think about when looking at floorplans is....."where is the "TOY" room gonna be and is it BIG enough"???, and you find yourself upgrading floor plans to INSURE it's BIG enough!!! :lol:

  Cobalto said:
- When you blame a Gundam fan just because it exists.

- When you see relation between real life and Macross EVERYWHERE

- When you call itself "The bigger seeder of Macross of the Latin America"

- When:


Without count the DVD collection and the 3 diferent versions (original en_us sub, original pt_br sub and remastered en_us sub) of the Original Series SDF-Macross and the repeted torrents just to seed.

Vc tem o Macross versão dublada "Guerra nas Galaxias", onde da pra baixar?? Valeu!

Posted (edited)

.........when you keep having to explain why you have a Minmay poster on the wall and why it is hung upside down.

Edited by Save


when it's perfectly rational for you to accept an aircraft that transform into a robot that flies in space and can be controlled by an idiot in a guitar, but the idea of a boy piloting a gundam and saving the world is preposterous


> When you keep buying Macross goods when you know you shouldnt but you do anyway. 'its not me,it told me to buy it' <

If only that would work on the wife. If only...

You know you're a Macross addict when...

* you've introduced most of your anime-loving friends to Macross.

* you've converted a good dozen Robotech fans into Macross purists.

* you've spent a fair bit of time and money chasing back-issues of old magazines just because they contain early concept art of stuff from your favorite Macross production.

* one of more of your girlfriends has cosplayed a Macross character for you.

  Seto Kaiba said:
* you've spent a fair bit of time and money chasing back-issues of old magazines just because they contain early concept art of stuff from your favorite Macross production.

I'm guilty.

  • 2 weeks later...
  dreamweaver13 said:
:lol: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner! :D

I agree. I just read that - and I think it's wonderfully subtle.



  VFTF1 said:
I agree. I just read that - and I think it's wonderfully subtle.



Actually made me think of doing the exact same thing in my room. a true macross fan would just come in, see the poster upside down, and cry happy tears, saying "I get it man. I get it!" :lol:

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