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Posted (edited)

Generations Thrust and Drift pics

PCC Rallybots and Destructicons combined pics

TFW2005 visits High Moon Studios for War For Cybertron Lots of concept art and character model images.

  JB0 said:
The appearance of a rational argument is usually destroyed by AOL-speak and "witty" catchphrases. Bit of friendly advice there("FYI" in AOL-ese).
My comment was a tongue-in-cheek reference to the occasionally hostile reception this forum has given to newer incarnations of Transformers. And please don't lecture to me. Edited by Fit For Natalie
Posted (edited)
  Fit For Natalie said:
Generations Thrust and Drift pics

PCC Rallybots and Destructicons combined pics

TFW2005 visits High Moon Studios for War For Cybertron Lots of concept art and character model images.

My comment was a tongue-in-cheek reference to the occasionally hostile reception this forum has given to newer incarnations of Transformers. And please don't lecture to me.

I don't care much for the PCC's save for Huffer, but I may have to give the Rallybots a shot.

Doubleclutch reminds me of Camshaft, for me thats enough of a reason to buy it.

I suspect we'll see a Stunticon/Menasor set down the line useing a repainted Huffer and Rallybot drones.

Drift looks good as always and the game just gets better every time I see it.

Edited by Faceless One
  eugimon said:
his pre bay-formers stuff was okay, then he just got all bitter.

Or busy. When he started, wasn't it something he just did for fun? I know he's with Udon now.

  Fit For Natalie said:

I liked the Thrust from Botcon better, but as someone who can't afford to spend crap-tons on a handful of Deluxes, I'll gladly take the Generations fig.

Meanwhile, I see Peg's got some Kawamori-esque hip kibble. I wonder if that's an intentional move to look like a Japanese mecha?

And War for Cybertron is starting to sound like the Transformers game I've always wanted.

  Fit For Natalie said:
My comment was a tongue-in-cheek reference to the occasionally hostile reception this forum has given to newer incarnations of Transformers. And please don't lecture to me.

Two sentences hardly makes a lecture.

The REST of the post was a fairly neutral sharing of opinion/amateur analysis.

Posted (edited)
  eriku said:
Which isn't to say I don't like non-transforming robots. I love me some super robots. Tetsujin 28, Iron Giant, Mazinger, Bender, they're some of my favorites. It's just toys of robots that are supposed to transform but don't transform that I have an aversion to. No real logic behind it, just a wire in my brain that was never connected properly or something. :)

Your logic is impeccable, sir. I'm with you, large robots are cool in and of themselves; however a non-transforming transformer is a contradiction and pointless.

Thrust is a must! :lol: I'm liking about half the The WOC designs, basically those that look like real vehicles. Much like Animated , Megs makes me ask, wtf is it? BumbleBee, the seekers, the unnamed decepticon jet in the lower left corner, Air Raid, plus most of the car mode bots look good. I know these are supposed to be their alien forms, but usually alien alt forms just look like ass when they're not tied in some way visually to a real vehicle. More to the point, the reason they transform is for disguise, so why would they need to transform on Cybertron if there are no human sized robots to drive them around and no generic vehicles with which to blend?

It's a fantastic concept for a toy or game, and made perfect sense the way it was presented in the original series, although they didn't really use the diguise motive very well. But a bunch of robots on a robot planet turning into vehicles their own size would be like humans turning into hairless human-sized monkeys...sure it'd be cool, but not much of a disguise...we'd all stand out to each other. We'd just be great tree climbers with a jones for bananas and ant fishing. B))

Edited by M'Kyuun
  mikeszekely said:
Meanwhile, I see Peg's got some Kawamori-esque hip kibble. I wonder if that's an intentional move to look like a Japanese mecha?

Funny you mention that, because when I looked at the most recent photos of Peg the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the hip kibble was MP Starscream. :lol:

Does Reprolabels to requests? I'd love to put a nice big decal on Peg that says "Peg".

Posted (edited)
  eriku said:
Funny you mention that, because when I looked at the most recent photos of Peg the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the hip kibble was MP Starscream. :lol:

Does Reprolabels to requests? I'd love to put a nice big decal on Peg that says "Peg".

Yeah... ever since Mac Plus, the Hory Froating Head loves himself some hip kibble. YF-19, YF-21, MP Starscream, GP-03, VF-14...

And as hard as Grand Admiral is going to buy Thrust, if Reprolabels makes a Peg decal, I'm going to buy that so HARDER.

Edited by mikeszekely

I'm gonna buy Thrust gently, so I don't break him.

Peg is on my list too. Solely because of this thread.

When I saw the Thrust and Drift link I was just going "Who the hell is Drift?"

Then I saw the pictures, and went "It's PEG! WHOO!"

  mikeszekely said:
And as hard as Grand Admiral is going to buy Thrust, if Reprolabels makes a Peg decal, I'm going to buy that so HARDER.

No way, man. I missed out on G1 Thrust back in the day. I'm going to buy Thrust so hard it'll register on the Richter scale. :ph34r:

Posted (edited)
  M'Kyuun said:
It's a fantastic concept for a toy or game, and made perfect sense the way it was presented in the original series, although they didn't really use the diguise motive very well. But a bunch of robots on a robot planet turning into vehicles their own size would be like humans turning into hairless human-sized monkeys...sure it'd be cool, but not much of a disguise...we'd all stand out to each other. We'd just be great tree climbers with a jones for bananas and ant fishing. B))

Yeah, I always thought it was funny that they needed alt modes at all on Cybertron. Doubly funny that Soundwave's Cybertron alt mode was apparently a street light! I would love a toy of street light soundwave.

These days when I watch G1, which isn't often (although I did get the complete Matrix set for Xmas so I've been watching it out of duty rather than desire), I watch it as a comedy. There is so much funny and nonsensical stuff happening that watching it as a comedy is the only way I can enjoy it. One of my favorite things is how every robot can fly in bot mode without transforming into a jet, using a jet pack, thrusters or anything. They just go up, up and away like Superman. :lol: Or how transforming is always a way to determine how badly hurt someone is. It's always the first question a fellow Autobot will ask when someone goes down, "Can you transform?" "I....I think..so.." Great stuff. :)

As for these new Power Snore combiners, so far the only one I'm warming up to is the core robot of the car gang. I'll probably end up grabbing him, and maybe even Huffer if I'm at Target, bored, with money to spend. Hopefully those connection points can be removed. I guess they thought kids wouldn't be able to figure out where the connection points are unless they were an unholy flourescent blue. :|

Edited by eriku
  eriku said:
Yeah, I always thought it was funny that they needed alt modes at all on Cybertron. Doubly funny that Soundwave's Cybertron alt mode was apparently a street light! I would love a toy of street light soundwave.

These days when I watch G1, which isn't often (although I did get the complete Matrix set for Xmas so I've been watching it out of duty rather than desire), I watch it as a comedy. There is so much funny and nonsensical stuff happening that watching it as a comedy is the only way I can enjoy it. One of my favorite things is how every robot can fly in bot mode without transforming into a jet, using a jet pack, thrusters or anything. They just go up, up and away like Superman. :lol: Or how transforming is always a way to determine how badly hurt someone is. It's always the first question a fellow Autobot will ask when someone goes down, "Can you transform?" "I....I think..so.." Great stuff. :)

As for these new Power Snore combiners, so far the only one I'm warming up to is the core robot of the car gang. I'll probably end up grabbing him, and maybe even Huffer if I'm at Target, bored, with money to spend. Hopefully those connection points can be removed. I guess they thought kids wouldn't be able to figure out where the connection points are unless they were an unholy flourescent blue. :|

When it came to flying, the whole show was full of inconsistencies. While the adult fans of cartoons and anime is well recognized today, back in the 80's it wasn't, and so the writers didn't give two shits about science, consistency , or any established rule or characteristic from a previous episode, b/c I guess they didn't think kids would remember stuff from one week to the next. They wrote what they needed to make the ep work, and damn the pesky laws of physics and whatever came before.

"Can you transform?" "I..I don't think so; I think my linkage is busted." Great stuff. I ate this poo up as a kid, though. Still brings a smile. :)

The Power Snore Combiners just don't appeal. Nothing worse than gaudily colored, way-oversized weapons, even if those weapons transform too. The main toys don't look bad, however, at least Huffer retains an iota of his original self. Actuall, I'd love a nice Universe Scout-class homage to Huffer. Agree too, on nasty colors used to denote connection points and such if they clash with an otherwise decent paint job.

  Grand Admiral said:
No way, man. I missed out on G1 Thrust back in the day. I'm going to buy Thrust so hard it'll register on the Richter scale. :ph34r:

I missed out on ALL the G1 Seekers. So I feel you there. But if Reprolables makes a Peg decal, it'll mean we've started a meme. And that, my good Admiral, would be hardcore.

  David Hingtgen said:
Ok, I saw the origin of the whole Peg thing a while ago, but I've forgotten again.

Based on a random comment from VFTF1

  VFTF1 said:
After looking at Seibertron.com - here's my thoughts:

Oh - interesting - Transformers Generations! Great! So we'll have classic charac----who's Dreg? Or Peg? Or whatever his name is? Drift? Huh? What?


  eriku said:
These days when I watch G1, which isn't often (although I did get the complete Matrix set for Xmas so I've been watching it out of duty rather than desire), I watch it as a comedy. There is so much funny and nonsensical stuff happening that watching it as a comedy is the only way I can enjoy it.

Definitely. And it helps taht it's so incredibly over-the-top nonsensical and awful.

A lot of the 80s cartoons are just BAD when viewed with adult eyes, but Transformers falls out the other side and becomes a rather hilarious parody of itself.

SOS Dinobots is probably my favorite, though.

If you watch it with adult eyes, it is painfully clear that the Autobots are incompetents and fail miserably at absolutely everything they attempt in the episode.

They fail to guard the meteor from the Decepticons(who trusts THE DINOBOTS for guard duty?).

They fail to stop the Decepticons from harnessing the captured meteor to make energon.

They fail to accurately identify the threat posed by the meteor(they're convinced it can destroy the entire world if it blows up).

They fail to stop the "planet-buster" meteor from exploding and doing minor damage to a few dozen yards of wasteland.

And then they pat themselves on the back for a job well done at the end.

Posted (edited)

Gallery of leader class Starscream. Not posed as well as I would like, though. He doesn't need to bend the legs down that far.

  mikeszekely said:
I liked the Thrust from Botcon better, but as someone who can't afford to spend crap-tons on a handful of Deluxes, I'll gladly take the Generations fig.

Meanwhile, I see Peg's got some Kawamori-esque hip kibble. I wonder if that's an intentional move to look like a Japanese mecha?

That Kawamori hip kibble is probably just supposed to evoke the look of samurai, aren't they?

Drift (a terrible new modern character) is supposed to be a sort of wannabe Japanese character, hence him being an honourable samurai who says little, has "Samurai" on his doors (it used to say Dorifuto on his comic character model) and for some reason plays Go (the chinese boardgame popularised in the west through Japan) despite having never been to Earth at that point. I would not be surprised to learn that he has decorated his quarters in the current Autobot base with anime wall scrolls.

  M'Kyuun said:
Your logic is impeccable, sir. I'm with you, large robots are cool in and of themselves; however a non-transforming transformer is a contradiction and pointless.

Thrust is a must! :lol: I'm liking about half the The WOC designs, basically those that look like real vehicles. Much like Animated , Megs makes me ask, wtf is it? BumbleBee, the seekers, the unnamed decepticon jet in the lower left corner, Air Raid, plus most of the car mode bots look good. I know these are supposed to be their alien forms, but usually alien alt forms just look like ass when they're not tied in some way visually to a real vehicle. More to the point, the reason they transform is for disguise, so why would they need to transform on Cybertron if there are no human sized robots to drive them around and no generic vehicles with which to blend?

It's a fantastic concept for a toy or game, and made perfect sense the way it was presented in the original series, although they didn't really use the diguise motive very well. But a bunch of robots on a robot planet turning into vehicles their own size would be like humans turning into hairless human-sized monkeys...sure it'd be cool, but not much of a disguise...we'd all stand out to each other. We'd just be great tree climbers with a jones for bananas and ant fishing. B))

On Cybertron (the planet), vehicle modes are primarily for travel, transportation or firepower. They can usually drive or fly faster than they can run, see? As for disguise, on Cybertron they are occasionally seen using much non-sentient vehicles for transportation.

  eriku said:
Yeah, I always thought it was funny that they needed alt modes at all on Cybertron. Doubly funny that Soundwave's Cybertron alt mode was apparently a street light! I would love a toy of street light soundwave.

These days when I watch G1, which isn't often (although I did get the complete Matrix set for Xmas so I've been watching it out of duty rather than desire), I watch it as a comedy. There is so much funny and nonsensical stuff happening that watching it as a comedy is the only way I can enjoy it. One of my favorite things is how every robot can fly in bot mode without transforming into a jet, using a jet pack, thrusters or anything. They just go up, up and away like Superman. :lol: Or how transforming is always a way to determine how badly hurt someone is. It's always the first question a fellow Autobot will ask when someone goes down, "Can you transform?" "I....I think..so.." Great stuff. :)

  M'Kyuun said:
"Can you transform?" "I..I don't think so; I think my linkage is busted." Great stuff. I ate this poo up as a kid, though. Still brings a smile. :)
While the G1 cartoon isn't that great, I... don't see what's wrong with asking this. The transformation is a natural function of a transformer. If somebody got hurt, then something related to their primary functions (such as transforming) might be busted, so asking somebody if they can do such a thing is perfectly reasonable to do. If they can't transform, then their internal mechanisms are busted or something.

As for flying, these days they tend to restrict flight to characters who actually turn into flight-capable vehicles, or who have some sort of engines built into them somewhere. In Season 2 of The Treansformers, the Autobots stopped flying unless they were planes or had jetpacks.

Edited by Fit For Natalie
  Fit For Natalie said:
On Cybertron (the planet), vehicle modes are primarily for travel, transportation or firepower. They can usually drive or fly faster than they can run, see? As for disguise, on Cybertron they are occasionally seen using much non-sentient vehicles for transportation.

While the G1 cartoon isn't that great, I... don't see what's wrong with asking this. The transformation is a natural function of a transformer. If somebody got hurt, then something related to their primary functions (such as transforming) might be busted, so asking somebody if they can do such a thing is perfectly reasonable to do. If they can't transform, then their internal mechanisms are busted or something.

As for flying, these days they tend to restrict flight to characters who actually turn into flight-capable vehicles, or who have some sort of engines built into them somewhere. In Season 2 of The Treansformers, the Autobots stopped flying unless they were planes or had jetpacks.

There's nothing wrong with them asking if they can still transform. I never said anything was wrong, nor was I trying to point out any serious issues with them flying or having alt modes - I just said it was funny. I don't take Transformers seriously enough to claim anything is wrong or right or have any kind of debate about it. It's brainless entertainment and I view it as such. I meant no offense to those who choose to take it seriously. :mellow:

  eriku said:
There's nothing wrong with them asking if they can still transform. I never said anything was wrong, nor was I trying to point out any serious issues with them flying or having alt modes - I just said it was funny. I don't take Transformers seriously enough to claim anything is wrong or right or have any kind of debate about it. It's brainless entertainment and I view it as such. I meant no offense to those who choose to take it seriously. :mellow:
Oh okay, sorry then.

They also seem to have inverted the forward fuselage----the upper part of the nose/cockpit area is almost level, with the underside sloping sharply.


I just got these 2, and I can't recommend them enough. ^_^


This is the TakaTomy Arcee. based on the pics floating around, the main differences are the paint apps to the feet, the emblem tampo, that little dot on the chin & an overall matte finish. If you guys have an opportunity to get the TakaTomy version, DO IT! ^_^

Brawn is just as awesome. Even more when I discovered that you could clip the guns to his back kibble.

(you can clip them on facing down too, but they don't fit as flat/flush as they would facing up)

This is probably the very few movie designs that i found impressive & hit the "5 fingers per hand/fist" category. :lol:

  UN_MARINE said:
This is the TakaTomy Arcee. based on the pics floating around, the main differences are the paint apps to the feet, the emblem tampo, that little dot on the chin & an overall matte finish. If you guys have an opportunity to get the TakaTomy version, DO IT! ^_^

Another difference is that her belly and arms are brown on the Takara version and black on the Hasbro version.

Guest sh002

thrust is cool and so is animated rodimus but i doubt i'll find those just hanging on pegs at the stores


Looks nice, but I'll wait for a repaint that matches the original version of the molds (Energon). Just can't justify the price for parts that won't match mine.


Dang, it looks good with the original Energon version, at least in combined mode:


Though I am concerned with how Barricade (Onslaught) will look in vehicle mode with the add-on parts. Might be some serious clashing there, as the parts do use ROTF Onslaught's colors.

Posted (edited)

Bruticus looks just amazing... cannot wait to get the sets!


FansProject Defender Review

You should probably pick up FP Defender if you like Springer, or toys, and have been on the fence ;)

EDIT: Oh my god, new forum is so confusinggggg.

Edited by promethuem5

FYI: Transformers are on sale at HTS.com. Also use the coupon code: FREESHIP20 for 20% off and free shipping

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