Tochiro Posted August 3, 2012 Posted August 3, 2012 Also, the merchandise list for the exhibition is up. Not all goods have associated photos yet but..... My wallet is already hiding in fear... Quote
antibiotictab Posted August 3, 2012 Posted August 3, 2012 On 8/3/2012 at 12:24 PM, Tochiro said: Also, the merchandise list for the exhibition is up. Not all goods have associated photos yet but..... My wallet is already hiding in fear... I wonder if those goodies are COSPA products or not. The design of the Valkyrie mug is from that of the T-shirts from COSPA. But the web site tells those are "limited" things. And no news in the COSPA web site. Hmm. I didn't feel like going to Ikebukuro, but should I go there? Hmm. Because I hate "エウリアン"... Quote
Tochiro Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 First commercial for MACROSS THE MUSICALTURE Quote
Renato Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 More pics of goodies for the Genga Exhibition revealed: Argh. I wanted a PSP case but not if it's just stock Sheryl and Ranka illustrations. That design with the VF-1J with all the pilots around it looks great, why couldn't they have used that?? I will definitely buy the Clear File with that design, though. Quote
EXO Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 I want everything on that link!!! Who's on the poster card with the VF-1J fighter... I'm guessing it's Alto, Hikaru, ??? and Shin? Quote
Major Tom Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 It's a clearfile not postercard for that VF-1J pic Quote
Tochiro Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 While still a little bare, the Macross FB 7 website is LIVE! FIRE!!!! Quote
antibiotictab Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 (edited) On 8/8/2012 at 8:35 AM, Tochiro said: While still a little bare, the Macross FB 7 website is LIVE! http://www.macrosswo...l-site-is-live/ FIRE!!!! Summary is here. http://headlines.yah...12-famitsu-game There is not Nakamura-san's name anywhere, but Kamiya-san's name. Where is Alto? And Michael is alive. After the Sayonara no Tsubasa's story, not the TV's? But "Ozma who is fighting in the front line of the battlefield against the Vajra meets the another extraterrestrial "...That means during the battle against the Vajra. When is the timeline? The reminder of the start date of the Anime movies in this autumn. 9/22 Tiger & Bunny 10/6 Madoka Pt.1 10/13 Madoka Pt.2 10/13 Yamato 2199 Ch.3 10/20 Macross FB7 10/27 009 11/17 Eva Q I have to go to Shinjuku many times. lol Edited August 8, 2012 by antibiotictab Quote
antibiotictab Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 (edited) On 8/8/2012 at 6:41 AM, >EXO< said: Who's on the poster card with the VF-1J fighter... I'm guessing it's Alto, Hikaru, ??? and Shin? From left to right. Alto, Basara holding his guitar, Hikaru in the cockpit of the Valkyrie, Isamu, and Shin. I can explain foreigners this picture is not a Robotech thing with those characters. When I wore the Valkyrie T-shirt one day, a westerner was gazing at me for a while. I recognized Robotech is really famous abroad. Edited August 8, 2012 by antibiotictab Quote
Tochiro Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 Updated both of todays news pieces with related stories from ANN: Quote
MacrossCN Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 On 8/8/2012 at 9:43 AM, Tochiro said: Updated both of todays news pieces with related stories from ANN: http://www.animenews...1st-ad-streamed http://www.animenews...roject-outlined 「マクロスFB7 銀河流魂 オレノウタヲキケ!」 2012年10月20日(土)より、全国の劇場にて上映!! 【ストーリー】 西暦2059年、新天地を目指し銀河を航行中の第25次超長距離移民船団“マクロス・フロンティア”は未知の敵(バジュラ)と交戦状態となる。 バジュラと最前線で戦うS.M.Sスカル小隊隊長のオズマ・リーは、ある日バジュラとも違う謎の生命体と出会う。その謎の生命体は、ある船団の記録映像を置いていった。その映像の中身を見たオズマ、ランカ、シェリルは……。 【スタッフ】 原作:河森正治/スタジオぬえ 監督・脚本:アミノテツロ 副監督:阿保孝雄 作画監督:堀内修 バルキリーデザイン:河森正治 『マクロス7』キャラクター原案:美樹本晴彦 『マクロス7』アニメーションキャラクター:桂憲一郎 キャラクターデザイン:江端里沙/高橋裕一 美術監督:吉原俊一郎(美峰) 色彩設計:中山久美子 撮影監督:植田真樹 編集:定松 剛 音響監督:三間雅文 音響制作:テクノサウンド 音楽制作:フライングドッグ/ボーダーライン 制作協力:マクロス7制作スタッフ 製作協力:マクロス7製作委員会 制作:サテライト ビックウエスト/マクロスFB7製作委員会 【キャスト】 オズマ・リー:小西克幸 ボビー・マルゴ:三宅健太 シェリル・ノーム:遠藤綾 ランカ・リー:中島愛 ルカ・アンジェローニ:福山潤 ミハエル・ブラン:神谷浩史 クラン・クラン:豊口めぐみ カナリア・ベルシュタイン:桑島法子 ほか 【データ】 90分/カラー/ドルビーデジタル 5.1ch Quote
JetJockey Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 I don't know if I missed this story. It's kind of old. But I just stumbled across this site looking for 30th Anniversary stuff. I hope more is coming out. There is so much Macross stuff that I want like modern statues, a complete Macross Frontier soundtrack set, perhaps a Macross designed cell phone (I remember Evangelion and Eden of the East cell phones), anniversary books. I'm kind of disappointed so far. Quote
jvmacross Posted August 8, 2012 Posted August 8, 2012 On 8/8/2012 at 9:47 PM, JetJockey said: I don't know if I missed this story. It's kind of old. But I just stumbled across this site looking for 30th Anniversary stuff. I hope more is coming out. There is so much Macross stuff that I want like modern statues, a complete Macross Frontier soundtrack set, perhaps a Macross designed cell phone (I remember Evangelion and Eden of the East cell phones), anniversary books. I'm kind of disappointed so far. Have to agree with you on the merchandise aspect....a nice companion artbook featuring many of the rare art from the exhibit would have been amazing.....missed opportunity I guess... The only item I thought was unique the minmay plushie....but it should have come with a sound chip!!!!.... Quote
Renato Posted August 9, 2012 Posted August 9, 2012 On 8/8/2012 at 10:58 PM, jvmacross said: Have to agree with you on the merchandise aspect....a nice companion artbook featuring many of the rare art from the exhibit would have been amazing.....missed opportunity I guess... Erm, that is exactly what the very first item on the list is. And it comes with a CD, too (unfortunately, jacking up the price). Quote
jvmacross Posted August 9, 2012 Posted August 9, 2012 (edited) On 8/9/2012 at 2:23 AM, Renato said: Erm, that is exactly what the very first item on the list is. And it comes with a CD, too (unfortunately, jacking up the price). I'll take your word for it....although with MacF on the cover (isn't it SDFM's 30th?).....I won't get my hopes up.....I was thinking of a "fancier" book more akin to the recently released MacF genga know...classier and more expensive! And will Tokyo Hunter carry this stuff??? ...Like they did the Minmay plushie??? I would probably want to pick up the "catalog" ....... Edited August 9, 2012 by jvmacross Quote
Tochiro Posted August 9, 2012 Posted August 9, 2012 (edited) On 8/9/2012 at 3:45 AM, jvmacross said: I'll take your word for it....although with MacF on the cover (isn't it SDFM's 30th?).....I won't get my hopes up.....I was thinking of a "fancier" book more akin to the recently released MacF genga know...classier and more expensive! Well, we wont know until we see it! Having said that, Satelite will also be selling the MacF genga book at the exhibit - I'd be surprised if they covered the same ground with both publications. http://www.satelight...post_002256.php Then again, even from the initial flyers for it that were at MACROSS: THE DESIGN, this new exhibit seemed aimed more at Frontier (Sheryl was all over the flyer, whereas posters for THE DESIGN all featured Minmay more prominently). Quote And will Tokyo Hunter carry this stuff??? ...Like they did the Minmay plushie??? I would probably want to pick up the "catalog" ....... Contact them and ask. This stuff goes on sale TOMORROW so ask now or risk not getting stuff. On 8/8/2012 at 11:01 AM, MacrossCN said: 「マクロスFB7 銀河流魂 オレノウタヲキケ!」 2012年10月20日(土)より、全国の劇場にて上映!! http://www.famitsu.c...8/08019372.html 【ストーリー】 西暦2059年、新天地を目指し銀河を航行中の第25次超長距離移民船団“マクロス・フロンティア”は未知の敵(バジュラ)と交戦状態となる。 バジュラ.......... Exactly the same links from the front page and the same information covered by the ANN article. Also, is it too much to ask that you dont drop chunks of Japanese text unless you have the time/are willing to explain it to everyone else? Edited August 9, 2012 by Tochiro Quote
antibiotictab Posted August 9, 2012 Posted August 9, 2012 From the Famitsu web site. Now just 6.5 hours before the exhibition. http://www.famitsu.c...23c9551f5d2.jpg Can't wait to buy a T-shirt on this picture. http://www.famitsu.c...23ce53b05aa.jpg This one seems to be not for sale, but I want... http://www.famitsu.c...23c95f8ddf9.jpg About 670 USD, Hmm. http://www.famitsu.c...23c960d42d3.jpg See more. http://www.famitsu.c...8/10019511.html Quote
jvmacross Posted August 9, 2012 Posted August 9, 2012 Not enough SDFM stuff for us early adopter types... Quote
UN Spacy Posted August 9, 2012 Posted August 9, 2012 I guess I'll have to wait until that merchandise hits AmiAmi. Most of the stuff at Parco and the Design eventually ended up there in two or three months. Quote
JetJockey Posted August 9, 2012 Posted August 9, 2012 (edited) On 8/8/2012 at 10:58 PM, jvmacross said: Have to agree with you on the merchandise aspect....a nice companion artbook featuring many of the rare art from the exhibit would have been amazing.....missed opportunity I guess... The only item I thought was unique the minmay plushie....but it should have come with a sound chip!!!!.... Maybe it's still early in the anniversary schedule and some really good stuff is still coming out. A Minmay statue seems like an obvious idea and an easy sell. I'm surprised at all those Macross II artworks in that famitsu link. I still have two or three large, I think movie sized posters on heavy paper I picked up when the show was released here in the U.S. The music was pretty good but as a whole Macross II was forgettable. I thought they were trying to distance themselves from it. Edited August 9, 2012 by JetJockey Quote
Kelsain Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 Man, I'd love a poster of that 30th artwork! Quote
sketchley Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 Newtype Ace 2012 Vol.12 is out (man... alll these Tiger Bunny covers are confusing... I initially thought it was vol. 11! >.<) Good news: after last month's Playback in Divas fiasco, that column has been removed. Document of Macross No. 005: Design of Macross - both the evolution of the TV version and the movie redesign. - the announcement of a No. 006 is missing from it's usual spot. Does this mean that 005 is the last one? Macross Ace Plus: - Macross FF intro + interview. Apparently it bridges the gap between the two MF movies. - Macross the Musicalture: release of the cast & character designs (nice 1/2 page tall images of the 6 main cast. Is El supposed to be a virtual idol?) and a brief summary (takes place in 2062 on Macross 29 [two-nine]) w/ play-dates (Oct. 3~ 1 pg: - Macross FB7 (same as the details posted earlier herein) - The Macross Gengaten: - Macross Carnival☆30: 8/11 @ Aeon Mall Yamatokoriyama: - Super Dimensional Amusement Park Macross Stamp Rally in Tokyo Dome City Attractions (9/28~11/4) Macross Goods Express - Wave 1/72 SDR-04 MkXII Phalanx: planned release about the end of August. ¥9,240 - Yamato 1/60 VF-19F Emerald Force: planned release September. ¥23,100 - Continuing rerelease of popular Bandai kits: 1/72 Anti-Air Destroid Defender: planned release June. ¥14,700 1/144 VF-11C Thunderbolt: on sale now. ¥945 1/72 VF-1A Super Fighter: on sale now. ¥1,470 1/100 VF-1S Variable Super Valkyrie: on sale now. ¥1,470 Manga: Macross FF: takes place on the tropical island filming of the movie within a movie about Macross Zero. Lot's of bikini fan service. Upcoming Manga collections: Macross 7th Cord: 226 p. ¥651. On sale now. Apparently there's going to be an additional 38 p conclusion to the story. Next issue: don't see an announcement for Macross the First. T.T There will be Macross FF, though. Quote
Tochiro Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 (edited) As Sketchley noted in the round up of news from todays Newtype Ace, MACROSS CARNIVAL 30 is being held at Aeon Mall yamatokoriyama from Aug 11-15 and will include a stamp rally and a merchandise store among other things. Eek, my Sunday just got busy ^^; Edit: No...wait..its hours away in hell with that! lol Edited August 10, 2012 by Tochiro Quote
sketchley Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 On 8/10/2012 at 6:21 AM, Tochiro said: Edit: No...wait..its hours away in hell with that! lol It's not quite hours away... but still, quite far. I, too, was thinking about it, until I realized that it's on the "far" side of Nara Prefecture. Bummer. Quote
Renato Posted August 10, 2012 Posted August 10, 2012 It's "Caravan", not "Carnival"... On 8/10/2012 at 2:54 AM, sketchley said: - the announcement of a No. 006 is missing from it's usual spot. Does this mean that 005 is the last one? If so, I'm done collecting Newtype Ace. Quote
antibiotictab Posted August 13, 2012 Posted August 13, 2012 (edited) The Macross Original Art Exhibition. 8/15's spacial guests are Sakurai-san (Mylene) and Endo-san (Sheryl). Revealed 3 days ago, not so scoop thing. Edited August 13, 2012 by antibiotictab Quote
Gubaba Posted August 13, 2012 Posted August 13, 2012 On 8/13/2012 at 9:20 AM, antibiotictab said: The Macross Original Art Exhibition. 8/15's spacial guests are Sakurai-san (Mylene) and Endo-san (Sheryl). Revealed 3 days ago, not so scoop thing. いつですか? Quote
antibiotictab Posted August 13, 2012 Posted August 13, 2012 On 8/13/2012 at 6:05 PM, Gubaba said: いつですか? August 15th. 8/15じゃ通じないんですね、スミマセヌ。 And new goodies are revealed. Quote
Renato Posted August 14, 2012 Posted August 14, 2012 There will be specially-themed Macross stuff over at Tokyo Dome City Attractions from late September to November. They're going to re-decorate the big Ferris wheel ("The Big O" -- yeah, I know) with a Macross motif and hold a stamp rally, etc... Quote
Tochiro Posted August 14, 2012 Posted August 14, 2012 (edited) On 8/14/2012 at 2:32 AM, Renato said: There will be specially-themed Macross stuff over at Tokyo Dome City Attractions from late September to November. They're going to re-decorate the big Ferris wheel ("The Big O" -- yeah, I know) with a Macross motif and hold a stamp rally, etc... Aaaaaand..the LTTP award goes to...(drumroll)....RENATO! http://www.macrosswo...y-news-updates/ (I kid, I kid!) On 8/13/2012 at 9:20 AM, antibiotictab said: The Macross Original Art Exhibition. 8/15's spacial guests are Sakurai-san (Mylene) and Endo-san (Sheryl). Revealed 3 days ago, not so scoop thing. Thats...a Wednesday :-( But I suppose a lot of people are on Obon holidays. I hope lots of people can go. Me, I'm hoping to see Miyatake-san on Sunday :-) Edited August 14, 2012 by Tochiro Quote
sketchley Posted August 14, 2012 Posted August 14, 2012 On 8/14/2012 at 3:32 AM, Tochiro said: Thats...a Wednesday :-( But I suppose a lot of people are on Obon holidays. I hope lots of people can go. Me, I'm hoping to see Miyatake-san on Sunday :-) Hopefully the heavy rains will have stopped by them - talk about bad timing for the most torrential rains in years. >.< Quote
Tochiro Posted August 15, 2012 Posted August 15, 2012 August 15 here in Japan which can mean only one thing ..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BASARA! Quote
Renato Posted August 15, 2012 Posted August 15, 2012 On 8/15/2012 at 4:23 AM, Tochiro said: August 15 here in Japan which can mean only one thing ..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BASARA! Yes, because the end of WW2 is so insignificant..... Quote
Tochiro Posted August 15, 2012 Posted August 15, 2012 On 8/15/2012 at 4:53 AM, Renato said: Yes, because the end of WW2 is so insignificant..... Why you gotta live in the past man? Accept Basara, embrace the space whales! It's the future! Quote
Beltane70 Posted August 19, 2012 Posted August 19, 2012 Just saw an article on Anime News Network saying that the Gold Book is coming out in a digital version. Quote
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