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  Freiflug88 said:
You do have a point with today's picky anime fans and the fact that they always find out what has been changed in a series through the internet shows like Robotech, Battle of the Planets, Voltron, etc would no doubt die in today's anime market. Just renaming a series would cause massive fan outrage.

You say that it's a BAD thing...

Posted (edited)
No its not. It's stupid and childish. Fly through all the nostalgic loops you want, there's just no reason to watch Robotech anymore. All the peripheral material doesn't matter either. Just stop supporting Robotech. If you love it so much, let it die.

How did that conclusion come from the statement of saying it's ok for people to simply enjoy Robotech for what it is??? While I'm not expecting the most intelligent response here based on this response I'm quoting, given your simplistic conclusion, you might as well say that about a great many things, like Star Wars, Transformers, and arguably Macross.

Moving on...

Oh, and JasonC: I'm sure you've seen this, but apparently, Pizza the Hutt is accusing you of joining RT.com under a different name for the purpose of trolling. The boy doesn't have too good a grasp of history, does he?

Y'know, he once promised he would post here and let everyone know it was him. I wonder what happened to that promise...?

Found it http://www.robotech.com/community/forum/re...mp;pagenumber=2 Supposedly, I'm all over the boards starting trouble. I must be feared over there, like the boogie man. I can just hear him saying "quick ban that guy, he must be jasonc, I'm scared!" Cause you know, that's all I do, I troll. Afterall, I'm one of the Macross Purists who loves to create dissention amongst the Robotech camp (sarcasm for the ignorant). Here's the quote from what PTH said

Good luck Memo,

I think JasonC (from macrossworld) using an alt name to hide his identity is trying to flame bait so I will just let you folks handle this.

What is so funny about those examples of macross fans is they keep saying Harmony Gold was too scared to use the word Zentradi in Shadow Chonicles when they know Harmony Gold has every right to use Zentradi or anything they so desire.

Since he reads on here, let me give him a little background. Unlike those that just speculate, I used to ask a lot of "hard" questions of both Tom and Tommy, and occasionally Steve. I spoke to Tommy on a semi-regular basis for a short time, while Tom Bateman was a room mate of mine at my house. So, with that, there isn't fan speculation I put out on the table. And I'm glad Memo and I have enough friendship to know that I wouldn't go on the site there to cause trouble. So, how do I know that the legal team wasn't comfortable using the word Zentraedi??? Simple, word from the staff they support and PTH claims to have said that HG owns all the rights to use the original designs in new derivitive works. So then, how is there a difference in what I'm providing than with what he believe? Perhaps he should stop trying to manipulate the words the staff say into what he wants to believe. Just because something isn't included in a statement doesn't automatically include it in the argument. So far, HG staff has never said anything definitive to say they can make new derivitive works from SDF macross or not. They usually skirt the question by inserting the word Robotech and that they can use anything Robotech, which basically says nothing. It avoids the "new derivitive" phrase. You'd think that if you were in control like HG, if you did have that right, you'd broadcast it everywhere to let people know, especially to save the argument. That's not disclosing specifics of the Tats/HG contracts, but would be stating the conclusion of those and the court rulings. But, since they haven't, I take what I've been told by them and what logic tells me, and I think the conclusion is quite clear.

Edited by Jasonc
  Jasonc said:
Hmmm, somehow I'm all over the boards??? Hahaha, I must be feared over there, like the boogie man. I can just hear him saying "quick ban that guy, he must be jasonc, I'm scared!"

You're not alone in that... several of those idiots have accused me of having as many as six or seven different accounts that I supposedly use to troll the boards and cause trouble for "true Robotech fans". They seem to be genuinely terrified of anyone knowledgeable enough not to think Robotech is perfect, and outspoken enough to say so publicly.

  Jasonc said:
How did that conclusion come from the statement of saying it's ok for people to simply enjoy Robotech for what it is???

I think the question is what is Robotech. Since all of the stuff that people like about it either doesn't count or is just inherent to the original shows, what exactly are you enjoying outside of nostalgia?

  Seto Kaiba said:
You're not alone in that... several of those idiots have accused me of having as many as six or seven different accounts that I supposedly use to troll the boards and cause trouble for "true Robotech fans". They seem to be genuinely terrified of anyone knowledgeable enough not to think Robotech is perfect, and outspoken enough to say so publicly.

I'm surprised no one has accused ME of being there. I did join RTX, and sent Pizza a polite little note, and he wrote back what I'm sure he thought was a blistering attack, and accused me of being "a young arrogant person" who is on a power trip.

Y'know, it's funny...when people who don't know you try to insult you, they usually end up describing themselves. ^_^

And since I know he's reading this...hi, Pizza! How was your day? :)

  Seto Kaiba said:
If you want it in plain english, what the courts ruled really didn't change anything... Tatsunoko owns the animation they produced, but Big West/Studio Nue own the intellectual property used in its creation. For all practical purposes, Tatsunoko is considered to have used that copyrighted intellectual property with permission when they animated the original series and DYRL, but they don't own it or have any right to use it without Big West/Studio Nue's consent.
That, in a nutshell, is all folks... for how cut and dry this is, it continues to spur many, MANY hours of debate. Honestly, Seto, I don't know how you haven't sustained any head damage (from banging your head against a wall) from all of this. It's pretty simple, really... but...fanboys are gonna be fanboys...
  buffalostyle said:
That, in a nutshell, is all folks... for how cut and dry this is, it continues to spur many, MANY hours of debate. Honestly, Seto, I don't know how you haven't sustained any head damage (from banging your head against a wall) from all of this. It's pretty simple, really... but...fanboys are gonna be fanboys...


Posted (edited)
  Gubaba said:
I'm surprised no one has accused ME of being there. I did join RTX, and sent Pizza a polite little note, and he wrote back what I'm sure he thought was a blistering attack, and accused me of being "a young arrogant person" who is on a power trip.

For PTH, that's actually pretty damn tame. You oughta see some of the stuff he's sent to HappyPenguins in response to various threads.

  buffalostyle said:
That, in a nutshell, is all folks... for how cut and dry this is, it continues to spur many, MANY hours of debate. Honestly, Seto, I don't know how you haven't sustained any head damage (from banging your head against a wall) from all of this. It's pretty simple, really... but...fanboys are gonna be fanboys...

Well, it doesn't spur much (if any) debate here on MacrossWorld... and I wouldn't go so far as to call what goes on over on Robotech.com and RobotechX a real debate. It's a lot more like several people who know the truth trying to verbally beat some sense into three fanboys who live in a fantasy world, and then being banned because the fanboys are also moderators, and want to silence any threat to their perfect little daydream.

Thus far, my wall has gone unmolested, but I have had to stop and facepalm from time to time.

Edited by Seto Kaiba
  Gubaba said:
Woah!!! Thought I was somewhere else for a moment...LOL...
  Seto Kaiba said:
Thus far, my wall has gone unmolested, but I have had to stop and facepalm from time to time.
Ah..yes...facepalming...the peaceful alternative...I should do that more often, myself...
That, in a nutshell, is all folks... for how cut and dry this is, it continues to spur many, MANY hours of debate. Honestly, Seto, I don't know how you haven't sustained any head damage (from banging your head against a wall) from all of this. It's pretty simple, really... but...fanboys are gonna be fanboys...

It's gonna spur debate because RT fans don't have a lot of things to believe in. Yeah, there's a LAM supposedly coming and Shadow Rising maybe sometime afterward or around the same time, but there's no word of either, and fans get fickle. They want Robotech to be what it once was, with a staff that is really inexperienced and unable to deliver, so, I think we'll see quite several many of these debates pop up like summer wildfires.

  VF5SS said:
I think the question is what is Robotech. Since all of the stuff that people like about it either doesn't count or is just inherent to the original shows, what exactly are you enjoying outside of nostalgia?

Bumbling Asteroids! Can't you just let people enjoy Robotech as well as Macross? By the way, Ion Guns don’t rupture VF5SS.

  Gubaba said:
You say that it's a BAD thing...

I say its absolutely horrible! With the American anime industry releasing only completely faithful anime now what will the Obessive Otaku ever complain about in their spare time? Surely they won't complain Robotech, the one show they've never even heard of.

  Gubaba said:

The Emperors of Rome had a way of eliminating their opposition. By appointing them to be Governors of distant Provinces. Supreme Commander Memo has surely learned from history. But the provinces aren’t good enough for him. No, he has to ban his enemies completely from the Robotech forums!

  Jasonc said:
It's gonna spur debate because RT fans don't have a lot of things to believe in. Yeah, there's a LAM supposedly coming and Shadow Rising maybe sometime afterward or around the same time, but there's no word of either, and fans get fickle. They want Robotech to be what it once was, with a staff that is really inexperienced and unable to deliver, so, I think we'll see quite several many of these debates pop up like summer wildfires.

All i can see in the foreseeable future of Robotech is pretty bleak. I mean, most of RT's core fan are those who watched Robotech as a kid back in the 80's, and they haven't been gaining new fans since. And looking at the state of the fandom today and how they are ununified and fighting amongst each other, it's not surprising that some of them become embittered and say 'f**k this, i had enough' and eventually leave the fandom for good. What's left now are a few die hard fans who's only reason for staying is for nostalgia's sake.

Posted (edited)
  Jasonc said:
It's gonna spur debate because RT fans don't have a lot of things to believe in. [...] They want Robotech to be what it once was, with a staff that is really inexperienced and unable to deliver, so, I think we'll see quite several many of these debates pop up like summer wildfires.

I think a substantial part of the problem here is that many of the most devoted Robotech fans are still uncomfortable with the idea that their favorite show is neither original nor terribly successful. A lot of these devoted long-time fans, who stuck with the franchise through the failed sequel attempts and the subsequent release droughts, are genuinely uncomfortable with the thought that most of what they profess to love about Robotech comes from the Japanese originals, and thus is not unique at all. Is it any surprise that they find the idea that Robotech's so-called creators can't use the iconic designs of Robotech's most popular saga profoundly disturbing?

After all, what it ultimately means to Robotech fans is that the sequel they so ardently desire will never be made. I find it unsurprising that some of these devoted fans would rather continue to believe Harmony Gold will one day deliver the goods, rather than admit they've wasted years (and in some cases, decades) waiting in vain for a sequel that Harmony Gold can't legally make.

Edited by Seto Kaiba
  Moly_Sigang said:
All i can see in the foreseeable future of Robotech is pretty bleak. I mean, most of RT's core fan are those who watched Robotech as a kid back in the 80's, and they haven't been gaining new fans since. And looking at the state of the fandom today and how they are ununified and fighting amongst each other, it's not surprising that some of them become embittered and say 'f**k this, i had enough' and eventually leave the fandom for good. What's left now are a few die hard fans who's only reason for staying is for nostalgia's sake.

Does the online fandom represent a huge chunk of the people really into this? The convention tour photos every year from HG shows something regarding the franchise still attracts a lot of people. I'm guessing nostalgia. Of course, how accurate these examples are is questionable sometimes. HG is still promoting itself as being very active with a revival and products like the LAMR coming up at an undisclosed period. Even if they don't have much progress to show anyone, maybe just that is enough to get people to wait another year or even indefinitely for something. I swear, they've lured people's attention with the littlest of things since I started observing this. It's that manipulative side of the crew coming out again. Not everyone knows as much as people here, rtx.com, rt.com, online, etc. about what really goes around with HG to make that prediction accurate, and to this day they're using it to their advantage.

What's disturbed me is that most of the audience they cater to these days are adults, many almost twice my age. But from the way they promote themselves it's almost as if they're talking to children, online or in person.



Justify your fandom, lest ye be erased from history!

But seriously, Seto is right. The people who keep hanging on and supporting Robotech are never going to get what they want. Even the ones who came here and are considered the nice ones still have that fetishistic reverence for THE ORIGINAL 85. That's absolutely disgusting. Even Harmony Gold doesn't care what the fans want and showed it with Shadow Chronicles but fans still supported it so they have no reason to do anything different. Is that what Robotech fans want is generic sci-fi dressed up in anime's clothing?

Posted (edited)
  VF5SS said:
Justify your fandom, lest ye be erased from history!

But seriously, Seto is right. The people who keep hanging on and supporting Robotech are never going to get what they want. Even the ones who came here and are considered the nice ones still have that fetishistic reverence for THE ORIGINAL 85. That's absolutely disgusting. Even Harmony Gold doesn't care what the fans want and showed it with Shadow Chronicles but fans still supported it so they have no reason to do anything different. Is that what Robotech fans want is generic sci-fi dressed up in anime's clothing?

I guess Robotech just gets in your blood or something. :lol:

I'll say that Macross is my Misa and Robotech is my Minmey. I love Misa, but its still fun to screw around with Minmay on the rare occasion. I call myself a Macross fan and hate that HG is blocking Robotech, but that is not going to keep me from enjoying the Robotech that is already here.

  Lolicon said:
Robotech is an awesome American show, not that Japanime crap!


Edited by Freiflug88
  Freiflug88 said:
I guess Robotech just gets in your blood or something. :lol:

I'll say that Macross is my Misa and Robotech is my Minmey. I love Misa, but its still fun to screw around with Minmay on the rare occasion. I call myself a Macross fan and hate that HG is blocking Robotech, but that is not going to keep me from enjoying the Robotech that is already here.

Well put. That's pretty much sums up how I feel about it as well. Love DYRL and Plus, Like SDF Macross, but did not discover all of those until like 5 years ago. Robotech is what I saw first, so it will always bring back childhood memories.

  Freiflug88 said:
You do have a point with today's picky anime fans and the fact that they always find out what has been changed in a series through the internet shows like Robotech, Battle of the Planets, Voltron, etc would no doubt die in today's anime market. Just renaming a series would cause massive fan outrage.

But HG is still moving forward with self promotion after the fact. Is this the only Americanized franchise to continue doing this, I guess aggressively, these days?

  Einherjar said:
But HG is still moving forward with self promotion after the fact. Is this the only Americanized franchise to continue doing this, I guess aggressively, these days?

Let me introduce you to my friend Voltron.

Posted (edited)
  Ginrai said:
Let me introduce you to my friend Voltron.

Does he have self serving podcasts occasionally featuring the creative team and convention panels giving up to date information on the franchise when there isn't much? Where's the constant self promotion?

There's stuff like this:


But where's the more direct actions, like overconfident guarantees of "We own everything in Voltron!" and constant disinformation justifying it's continued existence in one company's hands? (Adults acting really childish)

Edited by Einherjar
  Jasonc said:
See, and I think it's fine to be a Robotech fan, and enjoy it for the story it is. I think that since Macrossworld has a lot to do with Mospeada as well, I find nothing wrong with fans who just appreciate the mecha and designs coming here to talk and look at the site. We wouldn't be any better of a site here if we did the same things that rt.com does in ostrisizing fans who don't think the same, or like Macross only. While there is an occasional backlash from some idiot on the boards here from time to time, simply being able to appreciate what you like and having a place to do so should be simple and fun. When it stops being fun, open all the exit doors.

Wham, I think it's just fine that you're a Robotech fan. If you didn't have any interest in Macross (which I know you have some), although I'd find it a little odd, it'd still be alright if you were here. There's people that I only see on this thread, and some that I only see on Mospeada discussions, so that's OK. It's a good thing to see people here have the diversity that they have, yet coexist in one virtual space. It was one reason why as a mod on rt.com, I tried not to go into the Macross/southern cross/Mospeada forums too often. There's way too much judgement on those boards, and it seems like just posting in there about nothing slanderous can lable you. I hope you don't think that you have to defend your fandom here. While you've already gotten questions about why and so-on, you have to understand that people here can be cautious and need to test the waters when it comes to new people. There's been some bad fish out there from rt.com, and from I believe the Transformers sites that have come in running a muck.

Thanks Jason . I try to keep an open mind on any issue I wander into (just imagine the fun of that, while being raised five miles from Washington D.C. , lol!!). There are some times where I feel a challenge to my fandom here from those with less affection for Robotech than I have, but for that matter I was challenged to defend my fandom on RT.com when I had better expectations of H.G. and Robotech by fans and staff alike there as if I hated Robotech. I dont like the way the some of the hate has come out on both sides of the issue. Im for furthering understanding, as long as its out of true interest and not made to insult. There are people who are going to bash something , no matter what explanation is given to them. And true even though Im not as crazy with Macross as most are, there is some interest, and I respect it for it being quality anime (except for the musical dogfighting thing, thats just wrong!! :lol::lol::lol: )

If youd remember about three or so years ago there was someone that showed up on RTech.com that only wanted to say bad things about Rtech and praise Macross . I tried to difuse the person and promote understanding not win them over to a "superiority" of Robotech ,while others called to ban him/her outright. Once it was obvious that they werent interested in discussion, just bashing ,I bid them well and told them I wouldnt have discussion with them anymore. I would take issue with the same sort of person who would do the same thing about Macross.


Yeah Voltron already had two full American credited series, with a third on the way, and like Robotech, a movie in the works. I think Voltron is BETTER at it than Robotech.

  VF5SS said:

Justify your fandom, lest ye be erased from history!

But seriously, Seto is right. The people who keep hanging on and supporting Robotech are never going to get what they want. Even the ones who came here and are considered the nice ones still have that fetishistic reverence for THE ORIGINAL 85. That's absolutely disgusting. Even Harmony Gold doesn't care what the fans want and showed it with Shadow Chronicles but fans still supported it so they have no reason to do anything different. Is that what Robotech fans want is generic sci-fi dressed up in anime's clothing?

I've already said my beliefs on that. Futility or not , there is still hope. And to be a fan is to have hope.


You know what's interesting?

I think Hasbro recently re-acquiring the rights to the Transformers G1 cartoon animation footage from TVloonland (or whatever they were called) is very interesting.

Apparently, Hasbro were in the same position as Big West. They had the IP rights to Transformers, but TVLoonland (sic) had the rights to worldwide distribution of the cartoon footage.

Hasbro just bought it back like a couple days ago, apparently because TVloonland (sic) was sinking under a mound of debt. Hasbro helped the TVloonland repay their debts and therefore not go bankrupt and in return they re-acquired the distribution rights to the animation of their IPs.

Very interesting that this is the first time that I, as a TF fan, have ever heard that Hasbro didn't have the rights to the TF animation from G1. But there it is.

Why didn't I ever hear about this before?


Maybe it was because TVloonland was busy actually selling the cartoon in various formats while Hasbro was busy making new toys and new cartoons and that Live Action movie?


Wouldn't it be neat if Harmony Gold made some new Robotech cartoons and robotech toys and gave us something NEW to talk about?



What are you talking about? HG's given us such awesome shows like Robotech Plus, Robotech Zero, Robotech Frontier, and the totally awesome but non-canon Robotech II.

I lol'd IRL when I typed that last part. :lol:

  VFTF1 said:
You know what's interesting?

I think Hasbro recently re-acquiring the rights to the Transformers G1 cartoon animation footage from TVloonland (or whatever they were called) is very interesting.

Apparently, Hasbro were in the same position as Big West. They had the IP rights to Transformers, but TVLoonland (sic) had the rights to worldwide distribution of the cartoon footage. *blah blah blah*

The problem with that is, Tatsunoko, who owns the rights to the SDFM animation, isn't going out of business. In fact they became a subsidiary of Takara Co. Ltd. back in 2006.

Posted (edited)
  azrael said:
The problem with that is, Tatsunoko, who owns the rights to the SDFM animation, isn't going out of business. In fact they became a subsidiary of Takara Co. Ltd. back in 2006.

Shift the focus to HG then, since they're the ones claiming the crap out of crap.

Edited by Einherjar
  Whamhammer said:
I've already said my beliefs on that. Futility or not , there is still hope. And to be a fan is to have hope.

There's hope and then there's stupid,blind faith.

  Einherjar said:
What's disturbed me is that most of the audience they cater to these days are adults, many almost twice my age. But from the way they promote themselves it's almost as if they're talking to children, online or in person.

It's one of the more bizarre circumstances of the current Robotech creative staff over at Harmony Gold... they don't seem to fully realize that their core demographic is not the 13-17 year old kids they've been trying to appeal to since 2001, but rather the 30+ year old fans who've been with the show since the very beginning... people like Maverick_LSC and MEMO1DOMINION. The few 20-somethings and teenagers who crop up every now and again in the fanbase are a fairly small minority, and tend to be newly minted anime fans who quickly find something better.

  VF5SS said:
Even Harmony Gold doesn't care what the fans want and showed it with Shadow Chronicles but fans still supported it so they have no reason to do anything different. Is that what Robotech fans want is generic sci-fi dressed up in anime's clothing?

Well, to be fair, Harmony Gold DOES care, but it's only those staff members who were fans before becoming staffers, and only issues that matter to them... like exonerating Rick Hunter of the guilt of ordering Earth's destruction, which led to Robotech: the Shadow Chronicles coming off feeling like a fan-film.

The fans supported the Shadow Chronicles movie not because they liked it, but rather because it was the first and only new Robotech title since the original series. More than 20 years of desperately wishing for something to convince them that Robotech wasn't completely dead colored their opinions heavily... so pretty much anything, no matter how poor, was going to get rave reviews simply because it was Robotech. You could've put the name Robotech on Plan 9 from Outer Space and the die-hards would still be singing its praises simply because it's a new movie with the word "Robotech" on the box.

  Freiflug88 said:
I guess Robotech just gets in your blood or something. :lol:

You should probably see a doctor about that...

  VF5SS said:
There's hope and then there's stupid,blind faith.

And let there be no mistake... what motivates most Robotech fans these days is stupid, blind faith, not hope.

But seriously, Seto is right. The people who keep hanging on and supporting Robotech are never going to get what they want. Even the ones who came here and are considered the nice ones still have that fetishistic reverence for THE ORIGINAL 85. That's absolutely disgusting. Even Harmony Gold doesn't care what the fans want and showed it with Shadow Chronicles but fans still supported it so they have no reason to do anything different. Is that what Robotech fans want is generic sci-fi dressed up in anime's clothing?

Which is the reason why I don't buy any of the stuff, and haven't in awhile. Being a fan, and having hope is good and all, but if it's not followed by anything to support positive change, or convey a sense of urgency in fixing the problems, HG isn't gonna know what to do. I wouldn't mind seeing a good anime feature from HG (glad it'd be Macross free for the most part). Likewise, if it's a garbage show, I'm not gonna buy it. I don't buy the product, and I don't buy the movies. The problem is that there aren't enough Robotech fans who think like that though. Most will buy stuff simply cause it has a Robotech lable on it. I'm sure they'd buy poo on a stick if it had the name Robotech on it. That's why I don't think anything will change from the staff. They'll make money putting out a shoddy product, and way too many fans wanting a sense of nostalgia are gonna gobble it up. I don't waste my time with any of the new stuff at all, and a part of why I had a falling out with the staff.

  Jasonc said:
Which is the reason why I don't buy any of the stuff, and haven't in awhile. Being a fan, and having hope is good and all, but if it's not followed by anything to support positive change, or convey a sense of urgency in fixing the problems, HG isn't gonna know what to do. I wouldn't mind seeing a good anime feature from HG (glad it'd be Macross free for the most part). Likewise, if it's a garbage show, I'm not gonna buy it. I don't buy the product, and I don't buy the movies. The problem is that there aren't enough Robotech fans who think like that though. Most will buy stuff simply cause it has a Robotech lable on it. I'm sure they'd buy poo on a stick if it had the name Robotech on it. That's why I don't think anything will change from the staff. They'll make money putting out a shoddy product, and way too many fans wanting a sense of nostalgia are gonna gobble it up. I don't waste my time with any of the new stuff at all, and a part of why I had a falling out with the staff.

Indeed. While I was perusing the site yesterday, I found someone saying that whether or not Shadow Rising gets produced depends on how much Robotech merchandise everyone buys.

A few dozen more fans like that, and HG would never have to worry about backlash again. :wacko:

  Einherjar said:
But HG is still moving forward with self promotion after the fact. Is this the only Americanized franchise to continue doing this, I guess aggressively, these days?

Well Robotech and Voltron have an established fanbase of nostalgic fans to possibly leech on. I should have more clear and stated that if some company were to make a so called "original" show today in the same vein as Robotech or Voltron were made over 20 years it would fail miserably with today's anime fans. Of course such a new show would no doubt market itself to viewers of western cartoons as Robotech did, but these days with more and more cartoon fans taking the plunge into anime fandom that business plan probably won't work too well either.

  Ginrai said:
Let me introduce you to my friend Voltron.

Awesome! Does friend do birthday parties? How do I contact the big guy?

  Seto Kaiba said:
You should probably see a doctor about that...

But if RT fans are absolutely clueless about the effects of Robotech and protoculture on the human body after nearly 25 years of study how in the world is a doctor with only four years of medical school going to be of any real help to me?

  Gubaba said:
Indeed. While I was perusing the site yesterday, I found someone saying that whether or not Shadow Rising gets produced depends on how much Robotech merchandise everyone buys.

Good think I listened to my gut and didn't blow $30 on a Toyami Valkyrie I saw for sale at AWA 2009 several weeks ago. Instead I bought a Minmay PVC doll for $30 from a dealer trying to sell off his collection. ^_^

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