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Who else won't buy any Macross 7 Valks cause of the series?

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Initially I tried before, but couldn't beyond the frist few episodes. Now I just went through the series, and the movies... and the WTF! Surely this can't be considered as part of the MAcross universe? :blink:

Anyway, I lost total interest in any Macross 7 Valks. And curious to know who else won't be buying any cause this series struggles to fit in the with the feel of DYRL, original TV and Zero... IMO. :p


Your loss. I'm looking forward to more Mac7 valks. Bring on the rest of the ships! And Mac7 is very much part of the Macross Universe. :3

Got my VF-22S displayed on my desk with no intentions of ever replacing it. :p

Bomba in 3... 2... 1...


Same in that I tried watching 7 but couldn't get beyond 2 episodes, but in my case I don't like Zero either...

My rather small valk collection consists only of the triumvirate of Macross Plus valks both for interest and poverty reasons :p.

  Omegablue said:
Anyway, I lost total interest in any Macross 7 Valks. And curious to know who else won't be buying any cause this series struggles to fit in the with the feel of DYRL, original TV and Zero... IMO. :p

You're speaking nonsense, amico mio! ^_^

  Omegablue said:
Initially I tried before, but couldn't beyond the frist few episodes. Now I just went through the series, and the movies... and the WTF! Surely this can't be considered as part of the MAcross universe? :blink:

Anyway, I lost total interest in any Macross 7 Valks. And curious to know who else won't be buying any cause this series struggles to fit in the with the feel of DYRL, original TV and Zero... IMO. :p

Things will get better around episode 30... I used to visit forums and watch M7 at the same time, it's easier that way. ^_^

I have no love for M7 mechs... But I am getting M&M 22S for sure.

I might get the other M7 valks just because I love Yamato toys. If it's of MF DX quality, I'll skip.

Posted (edited)

Dragon type giant characters, furry elves that fly through space, space whales, metal peircing speakers, slow plot... For a while I thought I was watching Drag-on Balls dipped into Gundam and acid... Almost put me off the whole of Macross... :(:p

And nope, not my loss... my gain so I can watch something else and buy other stuff. LOL :p

Edited by Omegablue
Posted (edited)
  Omegablue said:
Dragon type giant characters, furry elves that fly through space, space whales, metal peircing speakers, slow plot... For a while I thought I was watching Drag-on Balls dipped into Gundam and acid... Almost put me off the whole of Macross... :(:p

I've been accused of "being someone who thinks he knows Macross better than the producer", or something like that too, by commenting that such magical creatures do not fit well into the Macross universe. :huh:

Edited by ff95gj

Whether I like a series or not does not really affect me buying a valk. For example, I dislike Macross Plus and it's characters, still I like the three valks on their own enough to buy them. Vice versa with DYRL. Love the movie but I prefer the TV color schemes.

Posted (edited)
  ff95gj said:
I've been accused of "being someone who thinks he knows Macross better than the producer", or something like that too, by commenting that such magical creatures do not fit well into the Macross universe. :huh:

I think you do know more than the producer. :)

I cannot believe Kawamori came up with this. I'm still stunned. :blink:

And dreading the thought if Yamato would to ever consider in making those DBZ magical creatures... :o

Edited by Omegablue
  VF5SS said:
You're a jerk who doesn't like good shows obviously.


LOL, and I can say you're one yourself that doesn't know what a good show is. :p

Posted (edited)
  Valkyrie addict said:
I like all the mecha on 7, except the 19kai, the MAXL and that puke green 17 of the black guy

Armored 11 FTW!!

In other words... Except all those mechs with a mouth. You're a "traditional" Macross lover. B))

So am I!

Edited by ff95gj
  Omegablue said:
Dragon type giant characters, furry elves that fly through space, space whales, metal peircing speakers...

Heh, I still haven't watched M7 and this line just gave me a burning desire to watch it. :lol:

Like it or lump it, the show will never alter my love of the VF-17. I love that bird.


I went youtube to watch a few episodes.

The main character is some funky guy playing guitar and singing in a VF??? :blink:

And sound force? Sorry definitely not my cup of tea! Ya I'm with you Omegablue.

Each to his own I guess. Either people like it or not, each has their own freedom to voice it out.

But I might just get a few M7 valks if they r really nice, cos I just luv VFs :D


You don't like furry elves and space whales but you think big bird is okay :blink:

Mac 7 & Zero were both written after one too many puffs of the wacky tobbacy :p

  hui said:
I went youtube to watch a few episodes.

The main character is some funky guy playing guitar and singing in a VF??? :blink:

You'll also see an elf flying through space sucking life forces, a space whale, and you know what, music expelling monsters like an AT field!

  thegunny said:
You don't like furry elves and space whales but you think big bird is okay :blink:

Mac 7 & Zero were both written after one too many puffs of the wacky tobbacy :p

Personally I don't like the flying stone tablet... :huh:

I can endure the bird man though. It's just a machine made like a bird after all. But the stone looks like it was flying magically to me.

I don't like magics in Macross!


The thread starter obviously has spiritia levels close to 0.0.

I recently finished M7 a few months ago and it's worthy addition to the franchise (even moreso than Zero).

It had VERY memorable music, great character designs, superb mecha, touching moments, and pretty funny comedy too.

I'd gladly purchase Sound Force, Gamlin's VF-17, and maybe even DOOOOCKER'S VF-19 if the0y were made in 1/60th scale.



I watched all of Mac 7 minus Dynamite. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had the finish from start to end. I think I'm finally ready for Dynamite, so I plan to watch it soon. Mac 7 was all about the music, the animation was just so so it made the mecha less interesting. Pretty much all the same mecha are in Frontier and I think they all look great rendered in 3D. Battle Frontier and the Macross 7 are pretty much identical but man it looked horrible drawn but in 3D amazing.

I actually don't buy Valks that much so the crappy story line wouldn't be my reason for not buying. On thing is for sure you don't put a mouth on a Valk.



I have zero interest in any Mac 7 designs. Not even the Emerald Force 19s or the Max, Milia, Gamlin 22s.

But I respect those that appreciate the designs of Mac 7 and hope that Yamato makes some kick-ass valks for them.


Shh! Everyone keep it down! Keith and Agent One will hear you!!

As for me, I'd buy a 1/60 VF-5000. I like the VF-19F, but the Yamato YF-19 has stick legs - and that would look REALLY weird on the VF-19. I am eyeing the VF-100 line, though.


I'd buy them ALL in a heard beat. Already have the VF-22.

Now the series isn't as bad as it sounds. It starts slowwwwww but then picks up. Love or hate Basara, the rest of the characters are nice.

  Save said:
the animation was just so so it made the mecha less interesting. Pretty much all the same mecha are in Frontier and I think they all look great rendered in 3D. Battle Frontier and the Macross 7 are pretty much identical but man it looked horrible drawn but in 3D amazing.

Actually, one thing that really stood out to me about Macross 7 was how good the character animation often was, while the mecha action was often very bland. I'd say Battle 7's transformation sequence was one of the noteable exceptions, but that only occured a handful of times during the series, and all of the recycled battle footage was awful.

It seemed to me that the entire series was much more focused on both the characters and the themes, and this carried over to the animation, and where the budget went.

Still, I love most of the mecha designs from the show. I really want Yamato to release some VF-17's, VF-5000's, VA-3's, an armoured VF-11, a Jamming Birds VF-11, etcetera. I'd love a VF-19P, too. Probably my all-time favourite version of the VF-19.

As far as the OP's question there's a lot I loved about M7, though. A lot that made me cringe, too, but overall I liked the show, and I loved Dynamite 7. I can see why not liking a show could diminish appreciation for the mecha designs. But for me, a lot of the designs aren't limited to a single show. I don't care for the Emerald Force colours, but I like the VF-19 design. The armoured VF-11 is an awesome armour add-on to the VF-11, which I loved in Macross Plus. The VF-5000 is just a great design, as is the VA-3 and the VF-17, all of which appear in VF-X, too. And these designs all fit in with the larger scope of Macross, which I love despite any issues I did have with M7.


if they made a VF-17D/S and a the VF-11C with armor I'd be happy

and no, it's not as bad as it sounds, it's WORST!! 49 episodes of monster of the week, a singing fool, an unresolved love triangle, and the worst thing for me is how they messed up Max & Millia relationship with hints of probably getting back but not happening... pffft

Macross 7 story was a bit stick up every macross fan

and yes, the animation was terrible, I still have nightmares of the same 3 VF-11C getting blasted 50 times in every episode


So.... Macross Zero is evil for having a birdman, Frontier is evil for having an unresolved love triangle, SDFM is evil for having animation repeats, and G Gundam is evil for having AWESOME?

Feh. Lame excuses. It's like TTGL. Watch it with a grain of salt, don't expect it to make sense and/or be realistic.

As for me, I'd love to see a whole line of 1/60 Mac7 Valks.

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