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Question to all the people who have MW outages sometimes:

Do any of you have a yahoo mail account, and do you also experience yahoo mail outages?

I just realized that for the last three months, only Macross World and my Yahoo mail account have been on-and-off experiencing outages.

-Sherlock Holmes


I've got yahoo mail as well, but no outages there, only MW.

Posted (edited)
I've got yahoo mail as well, but no outages there, only MW.

Mmm....the plot thickens! How about bad weather? It's summer here, but it's been raining for two months pretty much non stop.

I'm trying to deduce causality...

-Sherlock Holmes

Edited by VFTF1

I wanted to write that I had an outage, but then I had another outage when I clicked "add reply" :(

I think it's all yahoo mail's fault. Because obviously my yahoo mail didn't work either.

Now both MW and Yahoo mail work fine.

Maybe someone is doing an EMS attack... or EMP? EMP.

It's an EMP attack by aliens.

These are the first signals.

Oh man! Think about it!

These are the warning signals. And we will scratch our heads and ignore them. But then, in five years - the aliens will come and eat us all! We have to spread the word now! These can't be any ordinary outages! There is no rational explanation for why Yahoo mail and Macross world are the only ones having outages?

It must be aliens trying to access our emails to learn about us, and mistakenly thinking that Macross world contains pictures of real life mecha that Earth has to defend itself!

It's like Galaxy Quest!


Almost not really worth mentioning everything is running so good guys thanks Shaun!!!

Oh - yeah. I'm not complaining. I could care less about the outages. If Shawn can't find out what the problem is, then he shouldn't have to bend over backwards trying. Maybe it'll sort itself out. The site works fine 99% of the time. The outages are short lived.

So - just to be clear that I wasn't complaining or nagging "fix it!" - It's not that big a deal. Just a kind of FYI thread.


Posted (edited)

My money is on a few people having routing issues to the MW server.

Announcing "I've had an outage" and noting the time, while providing some information, eventually stops being helpful when the problem persists after basic actions (like a server restart) have been taken. ;)

In the hopes of figuring out if its a routing/connectivity issue (rather than a server side issue). . .

While things are working, please take a moment to do the following from a Windows command prompt:

tracert macrossworld.com > c:\mw-good.txt

The file on the root of your c: drive named "mw-good.txt" should now have a record of the route you were taking when things were working. Save this for later.

The next time you have an outage, run the following from a Windows command prompt:

tracert macrossworld.com > c:\mw-bad.txt

Then, post the contents of both the "good" and "bad" file here (take out the first few lines of each unless you want everyone to know where you live and/or your home IP address!).

By comparing the two files, we can hopefully determine if overall connectivity to the MW server has been lost, and if so, at what point. And from there, we can determine if there's a realistic hope of Shawn actually being able to do anything about it or if possibly the hosting provider needs to get on the horn to their upstream network providers to report intermittent outages.



P.S. If you are not an admin on your computer, you may get an error when trying to write to the root of your c: drive. If that's the case, remove the "c:\" and just give a filename. . . it should then be written to your user directory.

P.P.S. Here's an example of a successful traceroute (tracert)

Tracing route to macrossworld.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1     1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  -------bleh------------
2    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  -------bleh------------
3   187 ms     1 ms     1 ms  -------bleh------------
4    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  -------bleh------------
5     3 ms     3 ms     2 ms  -------bleh------------
6     3 ms     3 ms     4 ms  -------bleh------------
7     3 ms     3 ms     3 ms  -------bleh------------ 
8     3 ms     3 ms     3 ms  -------bleh------------
9     3 ms     3 ms     3 ms  te-4-1-0.rar3.la-ca.us.xo.net [] 
10    36 ms    36 ms    36 ms [] 
11    36 ms    36 ms    36 ms [] 
12    36 ms    36 ms    36 ms [] 
13    36 ms    36 ms    36 ms  border3.tge4-1-bbnet2.ext1.dal.pnap.net [] 
14    36 ms    36 ms    36 ms  te2-1.cer03.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com [] 
15    38 ms    39 ms    39 ms  po3.dar01.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com [] 
16    39 ms    39 ms    39 ms  po1.fcr02.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com [] 
17    39 ms    39 ms    40 ms  macrossworld.com [] 

Trace complete.

Edited by Hurin

What's a Windows Command Prompt? :o

I think I'm gonna stick my head back in the sand and leave this to people who are clearly smarter than me :(


  VFTF1 said:
What's a Windows Command Prompt? :o

I think I'm gonna stick my head back in the sand and leave this to people who are clearly smarter than me :(


It's also called a command prompt or "dos prompt". . . or the "command line."

The easiest way to get to it is by:

1. On your keyboard, press "windows key" and "R" key at the same time.

2. Type "cmd" in the run dialog box that pops up.

3. Click OK.

You're now looking at the windows command prompt. But that's only one of many ways to get to it. It's also buried in the start menu somewhere (usually under accessories).

(type "exit" to close the command prompt and its window)


Do you want multiple copies of good ones? I could run one every day or so. I've only had the one outage this week, so I can't provide a bad one yet.

  David Hingtgen said:
Do you want multiple copies of good ones? I could run one every day or so. I've only had the one outage this week, so I can't provide a bad one yet.

No need for several good ones. What might be best, though, is a saved good one taken whenever, then a bad one, then once it starts working, grab another good one.

Ideally, the route should remain the same in each one. However, when experiencing trouble, the route should be broken at some point along the line if it's a issue with one of the "hops" along a user's route to the MW server.


Got a partial-----didn't connect for 60 secs, then it did on the second try. But it may be useful:


1 4 ms 6 ms 5 ms

2 8 ms 5 ms 5 ms

3 12 ms 14 ms 13 ms

4 13 ms 13 ms 17 ms

5 12 ms 13 ms 14 ms

6 14 ms 13 ms 13 ms

7 14 ms 13 ms 14 ms att-gw.chicago.savvis.net []

8 14 ms 13 ms 13 ms cr2-tengig-0-0-5-0.chicago.savvis.net []

9 38 ms 41 ms 43 ms cr2-tengig0-0-2-0.dallas.savvis.net []

10 39 ms 70 ms 40 ms dpr1-ge-4-0-0.dallasequinix.savvis.net []

11 40 ms 39 ms 40 ms er1-te-2-1.dallasequinix.savvis.net []

12 39 ms 39 ms 40 ms te1-1.cer02.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

13 38 ms 39 ms 40 ms po2.dar01.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

14 39 ms 39 ms 39 ms po1.fcr02.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

15 40 ms 41 ms 40 ms macrossworld.com []


1 6 ms 5 ms 5 ms

2 7 ms 6 ms 7 ms

3 12 ms 12 ms 13 ms

4 13 ms 13 ms 14 ms

5 12 ms 13 ms 14 ms

6 13 ms 13 ms 13 ms

7 14 ms 13 ms 13 ms att-gw.chicago.savvis.net []

8 13 ms 16 ms 13 ms cr2-tengig-0-0-5-0.chicago.savvis.net []

9 41 ms 40 ms 39 ms cr2-tengig0-0-2-0.dallas.savvis.net []



ugh, don't know about router issues but I couldn't get on before I left for MWCon and still had trouble when I got to Con and tried to log on with iphone. Wanted to blog to the thread from there...


Failures from a few hours ago:

1 7 ms 7 ms 8 ms

2 6 ms 7 ms 7 ms

3 35 ms 23 ms 14 ms

4 15 ms 14 ms 14 ms

5 14 ms 13 ms 17 ms

6 12 ms 13 ms 14 ms

7 16 ms 12 ms 23 ms att-gw.chicago.savvis.net []

8 13 ms 13 ms 13 ms cr2-tengig-0-0-5-0.chicago.savvis.net []

9 39 ms 40 ms 40 ms cr2-tengig0-0-2-0.dallas.savvis.net []

10 40 ms 41 ms 52 ms dpr1-ge-4-0-0.dallasequinix.savvis.net []

11 41 ms 40 ms 41 ms er1-te-2-1.dallasequinix.savvis.net []

12 46 ms 40 ms 50 ms te1-1.cer02.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

13 41 ms 41 ms 42 ms po2.dar01.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

14 38 ms 50 ms 50 ms po1.fcr02.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

15 40 ms 42 ms 41 ms macrossworld.com []

1 5 ms 5 ms 6 ms

2 5 ms 6 ms 7 ms

3 13 ms 16 ms 13 ms

4 13 ms 13 ms 13 ms

5 14 ms 23 ms 13 ms

6 16 ms 12 ms 15 ms

7 14 ms 13 ms 15 ms att-gw.chicago.savvis.net []

8 13 ms 15 ms 14 ms cr2-tengig-0-0-5-0.chicago.savvis.net []

9 41 ms 41 ms 40 ms cr2-tengig0-0-2-0.dallas.savvis.net []

10 39 ms 42 ms 40 ms dpr1-ge-4-0-0.dallasequinix.savvis.net []

11 56 ms 210 ms 207 ms er1-te-2-1.dallasequinix.savvis.net []

12 39 ms 41 ms 38 ms te1-1.cer02.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

13 39 ms 51 ms 39 ms po2.dar01.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

14 39 ms 41 ms 40 ms po1.fcr02.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

15 42 ms 40 ms 39 ms macrossworld.com []

Current working one:

1 19 ms 5 ms 17 ms

2 6 ms 5 ms 10 ms

3 13 ms 11 ms 11 ms

4 14 ms 13 ms 25 ms

5 12 ms 14 ms 21 ms

6 14 ms 13 ms 13 ms

7 14 ms 13 ms 15 ms att-gw.chicago.savvis.net []

8 12 ms 19 ms 26 ms cr2-tengig-0-0-5-0.chicago.savvis.net []

9 48 ms 39 ms 40 ms cr2-tengig0-0-2-0.dallas.savvis.net []

10 39 ms 39 ms 39 ms dpr1-ge-4-0-0.dallasequinix.savvis.net []

11 38 ms 39 ms 42 ms er1-te-2-1.dallasequinix.savvis.net []

12 40 ms 39 ms 40 ms te1-1.cer02.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

13 39 ms 200 ms 203 ms po2.dar01.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

14 40 ms 39 ms 43 ms po1.fcr02.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

15 40 ms 39 ms 41 ms macrossworld.com []


It's interesting that DH's original failed traceroute (a few posts back) showed a failed traceroute as well. Which would indicate that it's a network provider. And it appeared that the failed hop was within the savvis network a few hops upstream from MW.

But this latest report doesn't show any connectivity issues while apparently the site was down from DH's perspective. Which would tend to indicate a problem on the server itself.

So, at this point, we're getting contradictory indications.

Which, sorta just means we need more data (traceroutes).

DH, can you confirm that those first two traceroutes in your latest post were taken while MW was fully down from your perspective. And, what was the experience on your end when you tried to access it? Timing out? Error message? Just browser icon turning but no result?


Lost some access around the usual time today. Only browser timeout.

Here's the bad:

Tracing route to macrossworld.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

2 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

3 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

4 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

5 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms dc-oak-core1--oak-agg2-10ge.cenic.net []

6 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms dc-paix-px1--oak-core1-ge.cenic.net []

7 2 ms 1 ms 2 ms xo--paix-px1-ge.cenic.net []

8 3 ms 2 ms 2 ms []

9 43 ms 43 ms 43 ms te-3-0-0.rar3.la-ca.us.xo.net []

10 43 ms 44 ms 43 ms []

11 43 ms 43 ms 43 ms []

12 53 ms 53 ms 54 ms []

13 53 ms 53 ms 53 ms border3.tge3-1-bbnet1.ext1.dal.pnap.net []

14 43 ms 43 ms 43 ms te2-1.cer03.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

15 44 ms 43 ms 43 ms po3.dar02.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

16 44 ms 43 ms 44 ms po2.fcr02.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

17 43 ms 44 ms 45 ms macrossworld.com []

Trace complete.

Tracing route to macrossworld.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

2 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

3 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

4 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

5 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms dc-oak-core1--oak-agg2-10ge.cenic.net []

6 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms dc-paix-px1--oak-core1-ge.cenic.net []

7 2 ms 1 ms 2 ms xo--paix-px1-ge.cenic.net []

8 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms []

9 44 ms 43 ms 43 ms te-3-0-0.rar3.la-ca.us.xo.net []

10 43 ms 43 ms 44 ms []

11 44 ms 44 ms 43 ms []

12 53 ms 53 ms 251 ms []

13 53 ms 53 ms 53 ms border3.tge3-1-bbnet1.ext1.dal.pnap.net []

14 43 ms 43 ms 43 ms te2-1.cer03.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

15 43 ms 43 ms 43 ms po3.dar02.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

16 43 ms 69 ms 44 ms po2.fcr02.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

17 44 ms 43 ms 44 ms macrossworld.com []

Trace complete.

Here's the good:

Tracing route to macrossworld.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

2 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

3 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

4 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

5 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms dc-oak-core1--oak-agg2-10ge.cenic.net []

6 2 ms 1 ms 2 ms dc-paix-px1--oak-core1-ge.cenic.net []

7 2 ms 1 ms 2 ms xo--paix-px1-ge.cenic.net []

8 2 ms 2 ms 3 ms []

9 46 ms 44 ms 44 ms te-3-0-0.rar3.la-ca.us.xo.net []

10 43 ms 43 ms 43 ms []

11 43 ms 43 ms 43 ms []

12 53 ms 53 ms 53 ms []

13 53 ms 53 ms 53 ms border3.tge3-1-bbnet1.ext1.dal.pnap.net []

14 44 ms 43 ms 43 ms te2-1.cer03.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

15 44 ms 44 ms 44 ms po3.dar02.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

16 44 ms 43 ms 44 ms po2.fcr02.dal01.dallas-datacenter.com []

17 44 ms 44 ms 44 ms macrossworld.com []

Trace complete.

I'm tempted to say it was a fluke today since the outage didn't feel as long. If I can't reach the site for more than an hour, then I'll post those logs.


For me, I almost always get a "browser icon turning for minutes on end". It is very rare for me to actually get some sort of message/error. (I'm talking about MW over the past decade or so)

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