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Back in August of 2008 at the ROBOT 魂 Premier Event, a sculpt prototype was shown of the VF-25 listed below (click on for pics)...


R-0?? <SIDE VF?> VF-25F Messiah (Alto Saotome Custom) - Macross Frontier - (?/?)

The ROBOT 魂 home page has now updated it's Line Up Page with three <SIDE VF>s on the way with two in November:



We'll see how they pan out........

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I have asked previously whether VF100 = ROBOT 魂 ...

And it seemed so to everyone back then. So finally, the HCM/ GFF story has come to Macross. :blink:

Just curious, how do you know it's VF-25 but not VF-1 (or others)?

Thanks for the news!

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They already had pics of Alto's along with the other Gundam Robots last year, when introducing the line.

3 Vfs? Well it's cost effective to use the same mold and run on the Frontier novelty. Alto's, Ozma's and Michael's.

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I was also under the impression that VF100 ~ the Robot Damashii line.... but I'm glad I was wrong. I've been debating whether or not to get the Alto VF100 despite the lukewarm reviews, perhaps I will wait now to see what this stuff is about.

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My guess is that this line will be Valk-only to 'compete' with the GN-Dou figures.

I think Graham mentioned something about this, too, but can't find what he said.........

And here's the pic I had linked above in case people missed it. VERY rough sculpt back in Aug 2008, so no idea what it may look like now......


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i have high hopes for these RD Side-VFs since i currently have 8 RDs and i've seen the improvements they've done since the first few releases. the articulation has been greatly improved (some have mentioned it to be MG-ish now), tight joints all around, and the seams don't open up while posing unlike the GN-Us... they now provide extra solid (i'm guessing ABS) fins/antennae if you don't like the bendy PVC type they put on the figures.

but i'm still hoping against hope that these could be transformable like the Nirvash Type Zero w/ some parts-swapping involved... but i figure that would be a long shot since they already have the VF-100 line.

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I was just wondering why there was no more follow up on this. "Non-transforming" is ideal for the Q-rea! but I guess it's going to be VF-25F, S, G...not so fast on the VF-27. Please no more VF-1s!!!

off topic: saw in a shop in Hong Kong the new GN-U VF-1 Max and Hikaru versions. they come in very cheap looking packaging (not sure what their technical name is: you get the vacuum-formed tray, glued to a carboard with a hole to hang in the shop, no more actual "box"). The figure itself is unremarkable, sculpt does not look as fantastic as the promotional pictures, the 1/60 looks better in battroid. Paint and plastic also looks cheap compared to earlier GN-U toys. The good thing: they come with a transparent stand by default, but comes at a hefty price.

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Source please.

Lol. If rumors had sources, they wouldn't be rumors, would they?


11月發售 ROBOT魂 Macross F Queadluun-Rea 3,200Yen

ROBOT魂 クァドラン・レア

11月發售 ROBOT魂 Macross F Super Messiah (早乙女機) 2,800Yen

ROBOT魂 スーパーメサイヤバルキリー(早乙女アルト機)

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Lol. If rumors had sources, they wouldn't be rumors, would they?


11月發售 ROBOT魂 Macross F Queadluun-Rea 3,200Yen

ROBOT魂 クァドラン・レア

11月發售 ROBOT魂 Macross F Super Messiah (早乙女機) 2,800Yen

ROBOT魂 スーパーメサイヤバルキリー(早乙女アルト機)

Queadluun-Rea @ amazon.jp

Macross F Super Messiah @ amazon.jp

So, not rumors anymore.

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I agree.

The customs almost always get their release before the grunt, mass production types.

Especially from Bandai....


Got some pics:



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Non-Scale. That's basically the trade-off with the Robot Tamashii line.

Expect VF-25/Q-Rea and probably any future Macross mecha in this line to be no taller than 12-13 cm.

So they'll fit in with the Revoltechs... :p fine with me.

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Non-Scale. That's basically the trade-off with the Robot Tamashii line.

Expect VF-25/Q-Rea and probably any future Macross mecha in this line to be no taller than 12-13 cm.

I thought they were all supposed to be in scale now? At least within the same series line. That was one of the areas of improvement they listed over the old MSIA/EMSIA/Offshoot series.
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I thought they were all supposed to be in scale now? At least within the same series line. That was one of the areas of improvement they listed over the old MSIA/EMSIA/Offshoot series.

Yes, like you said, within the same series.

The SIDE VFs should be in scale with one another, but may not be in scale with the Gundam, Geass or Eureka stuff.

Hopefully we will see pics of the Q-Rea and Super Messiah side-by-side in the near future.....

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another toy I want to have...I am now regretting having purchased some stuff that wasn't great after all, like the VF-100s partsforming flimsy stuff. I so want the Q-rea!!!!!!!! or the non-transforming VF-25 Supermessiah.

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Maybe someone can do a lot better that Google, but some translated points to note are:

Super Alto - Removeable Super Parts, gun pod, knives, wrist replacement(?) (maybe this just means other hands)

Klan's Q-Rea - Opening cockpit with Klan figure, missles in back hatch

11月發售 ROBOT魂 Macross F Super Messiah (早乙女機) 2,800Yen

ROBOT魂 スーパーメサイヤバルキリー(早乙女アルト機)



今年10月に1周年を迎える「ROBOT魂」シリーズについにマクロスFが加わります!バルキリーだけでない豊富なラインナップと「可動」に特化した商品として展開して参ります。その第1弾として主役機「VF-25F アルト機」をラインナップ。スーパーパーツは着脱可能です。今までに無い大胆なポージングが可能なマクロス商品としてご期待下さい!!





11月發售 ROBOT魂 Macross F Queadluun-Rea 3,200Yen

ROBOT魂 クァドラン・レア

バルキリーだけじゃない!「クァドラン レア」!!


メタリック塗装採用【セット内容】クァドアン レア本体、差換え用膝パーツ


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Really? can open hatch and see a Klan inside?!?! the Robot Damashii thingy is only 125 mm as stated, Klan is very small there!

If the stated 125 mm height turns out true, then these toys will be slightly smaller than their 1/100 counterparts, which stand at around 140 mm w/o head laser, the VF-100s fighter mode length is 190 mm.

I would like to see the Robot Damashii Queadlunn stand at least a bit taller than either VF-25!

Edited by regult
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