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Transformers 3  

204 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you want in Transformers 3?

    • Unicron
    • Dinobots
    • More Triple-Changers
    • Omega Supreme and more Gestalts
    • More robots and less human characters
    • A better actress than Megan Fox
    • Mudflap and Skids blown to pieces
    • A better group of script writers
    • A more competent director than Michael Bay / Zoom the camera out during fight scenes
    • Michael Bay's head on a stake
  2. 2. Will Transformers 3 suffer from the "Third Movie Syndrome"?

    • Yes
    • No

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  On 8/6/2010 at 6:56 AM, areaseven said:

No Rollbar in TF3

Well, it was a hoax - sort of. Some fanboy wanted to do a publicity stunt by bringing his jeep over to the filming location.

Unless this is the hoax, and more Bay double talk, saying something's not going to be there when it clearly is trying to mislead everyone for no good reason!!


Oh look, the Armored Fuel Truck has robot feet sticking out of the front grill...

  On 8/11/2010 at 1:56 AM, areaseven said:

Armored Fuel Truck Spotted During Filming - As this vehicle has no insignias, it is unknown if it's an Autobot or Decepticon.

What, did Michael Bay just watch the Road Warrior? Definitely Decepticon - too pointy and mean to be an Autobot. Have we seen any military-cover Autobots in these films? Either way, it seems that they don't quite get the point of the "Robots in Disguise" thing. :rolleyes:


well looking at all the pictures and Mbay.com video etc, one thing is certain Mr Bay has spent a far bit of cash on this one. I will go and see it just because its Transformers, the same way I'd go and see a Robotech film in it just cos its supposed to be Macross.

Well the Nascar bots look a little too armored so IRC they are Decepitcon for my money though the Wreckers would be great. Also Octane is a Fuel Truck in G1 so this would fit with Johns theory that the blue cover hides a Decepticon badge, probably no chance of a Tripple changer though :(

On the subject of Decepticon hood Ornaments does anyone know if there was ever a fan released or otherwise replica of the one used by the Constructicons in RTF ?

  On 8/11/2010 at 2:08 AM, one_klump said:

Oh look, the Armored Fuel Truck has robot feet sticking out of the front grill...

You're forgetting these are Bayformers. Chances are that those things sticking out the front break apart into dozens of tiny pieces of metal that form into a crumpled ball of foil that's supposed to be the robot's sternum. Or given the way the humour in these flicks has gone, its genitals.

  On 8/14/2010 at 8:03 AM, Radd said:

You're forgetting these are Bayformers. Chances are that those things sticking out the front break apart into dozens of tiny pieces of metal that form into a crumpled ball of foil that's supposed to be the robot's sternum. Or given the way the humour in these flicks has gone, its genitals.

Not only that, I always don't understand why a BATTLE DAMAGED robot can turn into SPARKLING NEW automobiles back and forth all the time in the movie.....

  On 8/16/2010 at 6:56 PM, Vi-RS said:

Not only that, I always don't understand why a BATTLE DAMAGED robot can turn into SPARKLING NEW automobiles back and forth all the time in the movie.....

Don't forget all the panel lines that disappear too! :lol: In time I simply accepted it as part of the whole "camouflage" effect made possible with that pseudo-organic metal of theirs. Purely cosmetic when in vehicle mode.

  On 8/16/2010 at 7:45 PM, captain america said:

Don't forget all the panel lines that disappear too! :lol: In time I simply accepted it as part of the whole "camouflage" effect made possible with that pseudo-organic metal of theirs. Purely cosmetic when in vehicle mode.

That is what I always thought even back to G1 days with ill fitting toy parts and badly drawn celluloid images.


Megatron (1st film) and Starscream (3rd film) killed by a damn cube? By a prepubescent human teen? R - I - G - H - T.

If you look at the screen time, it's 85% human and 15% transformers? WTF?

Devistator didn't do anything but eat sand. Seriously?

The robot designs are the worst art design in cinematic history.

Terrible jokes that aren't funny but suck ass and insult any human being with an IQ above zero?

Stupid action sequences that are so close not even the people who worked on the movie know what in the hell is going on?

No plots? No characters for the human or the robots? No story? Bad scripts. Atrocious directing?

I can go on and on, but Micheal Bay is a regurgitated jock itch fungus and a no talent ass clown. Ed Wood could do better blind folded.

Transformers 1 suckes ass. Transformers 2 sucked even more. Transformers 3 has a good shot at being the worst film ever made.


Did you seriously just drop a spoiler? Thanks. Your hatred for the movies notwithstanding, some folks don't want to know the plot of a movie before they've seen it.


i have a feeling this movie will have a lot more gestalts or combiners.

  On 8/18/2010 at 4:11 AM, RD Blade said:

Did you seriously just drop a spoiler? Thanks. Your hatred for the movies notwithstanding, some folks don't want to know the plot of a movie before they've seen it.

Yeah, bad form ae_productions.

Mods could you modify his post?


  On 8/16/2010 at 7:45 PM, captain america said:

Don't forget all the panel lines that disappear too! :lol: In time I simply accepted it as part of the whole "camouflage" effect made possible with that pseudo-organic metal of theirs. Purely cosmetic when in vehicle mode.

Exactly, I can live with the movie magic without seeing the panel lines, but those battled damages and weathered robots to showroom condition automobiles back and forth really don't make sense from scenes to scenes.


Spoilers? From Transformers 1 and 2? These movies have been out over a year, what is the appropriate time limit for such things? If I describe something from DYRL, will it be a spoiler?

  On 8/18/2010 at 1:55 AM, ae_productions said:

*snip Starscream (3rd film) snip*

  On 8/21/2010 at 6:08 AM, one_klump said:

Spoilers? From Transformers 1 and 2? These movies have been out over a year, what is the appropriate time limit for such things? If I describe something from DYRL, will it be a spoiler?

...pretty sure they're talking about the comment that specifically states the 3rd film. Which is still filming.


Posted (edited)

All I can say about any Bayverse TF movie, is that Micheal Bay is far more responsible for a lot of the problems than the scriptwriters. I say this because in the bonus DVD for ROTF where they discussed the "pre-vis" stage of the filming, much of the film actually made sense. Bay kept arguing with the writers about "pressing the anti kid-fun button", which is Bay-talk for scenes that don't appeal to children (ie., any scene where robots don't fart, drool or hump human legs, or have their "genitals" hanging out). In fact, Prime's death scene was almost omitted because Bay thought it would upset the kids.

Also, the concept of The Fallen promising to make Megatron a Prime was also omitted for some reason.

The scriptwriters came up with a decent (albeit pedestrian) script, but Bay turned it into a 150 million dollar film documenting the reproductive and digestive systems of alien robots.

In the DVD commentaries for TF1, he sounded exceptionally proud of all his "improv" scenes that were never in the script...basically the ones that viewers find the most ridiculous--Bumblebee's peeing scene, the pointless tunnel scene where Bumblebee drives on one side.

BTW, Spielberg is also partly to blame for the lack of emphasis on TF's in both movies. In TF1, he told Bay he wanted the movie to center around the concept of a boy and his first car. It could have worked if Bay developed Bumblebee's character enough, but instead he turned him into some Cybertronian Lassie by taking away his voice. Unable to emote on a human level with Sam, Bee is relegated to the role of a sidekick while Sam is given more emphasis than he should.

In any case, if I had to choose, I'd say TF1 was the better of the two. At least it had a tangible, though simple, plot. ROTF was just scene after scene of farting, drooling, leg-humping bots, and Sam's mother on a ganja-brownie high.

And don't get me started with the bad dialogue that even Hugo Weaving and Peter Cullen couldn't save.

"It feels good to grab your flesh." Sounds like Megatron's got a gay crush on Sam.

"I'm going to kill you, slowly." With a spoon? Or with bad dialogue?

"Give me your face!" WTF?

Apparently, Bay blamed the lack of screen time for TF's on Spielberg's budget restriction, and ROTF's bad storyline (was there ever one?) on the writer's strike. Now that TF3 has a huge budget and no strike, I wonder what he'll blame this one on if if tanks?

Edited by GU-11
Posted (edited)

Mostly Im sure that Mr Bay knows deep down that most kids and old skool fans don't give a rats ass about the humans, but still insist on over use of them.

They were always the side act in the G1+G2.

The best bit in TF1 is when Megatron flicks the man off of him in the city fight scene. Kinda thought oh good at least one human is dead, it also shows the humans are meaning less to at least the Decepticons, something that never is really put across in the films, man half the Autobots don't care that much, Ironhide for instance. Man if they did they would try really hard to not destroy their houses and cars, lives etc whilst killing Cons etc.

BumbleBee not having a voice was ok for about five mins then it just got lame.

The only down side of the films apart from the fart,pee and genitalia based humor is that I watch it hoping that the main human characters get killed. Just so the bit part Transformer characters get more screen time.

Someone needs to clip out all the bits with humans in and see how long the films are then.

Edited by big F
Posted (edited)
  On 8/21/2010 at 7:34 AM, GU-11 said:

I wonder what he'll blame this one on if if tanks?

He'll probably blame the millions of fans who still enjoy it for bugging him on facebook and twitter and the huge piles of money he made from the first two for being in his way all the time.

Since we're on the subject:

Transfomers had a running time of 2 hours, 20 minutes, give or take. All you got from that was Bumblebee pissing on Agent Simmons?

Revenge ran around the same and all you got from that was a horny a rc car, the comic relief bots farting and a FUNNY scene with some robot balls?

Those are definitely the scenes I recall when I talk about the movies.

It's definitely not the awesome feeling I got when the Autobots arrived on Earth the first time, or the giddy "OH HE SAID IT HE SAID IT" moment when Prime said "One shall stand, one shall fall" or in RotF when a friggin' SR-71 turned into a giant robot, or when Prime beat the sh*t out of a whole group of Decepticons.

Stupid movies and their stupid balls.

Edited by Chewie
  On 8/21/2010 at 9:35 PM, Chewie said:

He'll probably blame the millions of fans who still enjoy it for bugging him on facebook and twitter and the huge piles of money he made from the first two for being in his way all the time.

Since we're on the subject:

Transfomers had a running time of 2 hours, 20 minutes, give or take. All you got from that was Bumblebee pissing on Agent Simmons?

Revenge ran around the same and all you got from that was a horny a rc car, the comic relief bots farting and a FUNNY scene with some robot balls?

Those are definitely the scenes I recall when I talk about the movies.

It's definitely not the awesome feeling I got when the Autobots arrived on Earth the first time, or the giddy "OH HE SAID IT HE SAID IT" moment when Prime said "One shall stand, one shall fall" or in RotF when a friggin' SR-71 turned into a giant robot, or when Prime beat the sh*t out of a whole group of Decepticons.

Stupid movies and their stupid balls.

Don't get me wrong.

I actually enjoyed the two TF movies (wouldn't have bought the DVD's if I didn't), but not in the same way I would enjoy The Dark Knight or even the first Matrix. Like you, I love the fight scenes, especially that scene where Prime transforms in midair after rolling out of the plane--destined to be my all-time favorite. Cinematically, TF1 and 2 were well presented. But in the case of ROTF, it was resting on a very shaky plot. At least TF1 had a decent plot, but ROTF was all over the place. In other words, I enjoyed TF1 and ROTF for their CG and action, but the dorky jokes and disjointed plot line on the latter just kept distracting me.

I know you don't watch a TF movie for its Oscar-winning script and dialogue, but a decent storyline isn't too much to ask for.

I dunno, I guess it's good enough for the kids (which admittedly are his target audience), but as a TF fan, I just feel it could have been the perfect TF movies had he made it a tad more serious. Then again, TF IS targeted at kids, so the dorky jokes do make sense for the target audience.

Basically, the only problem I have is with ROTF, not TF1. And the only problem I have with Bay as a director is his juvenile sense of humor and lack of plot direction (as far as ROTF is concerned, not TF1). Everything else was just fine.

BTW, on second thought, I think "tank" wasn't the best word to use. I was trying to say that TF3 would probably get shredded by critics. Honestly, I'm not asking for some life-changing storyline for TF3, just a storyline that's just good enough that it won't distract me from enjoying the CG and action scenes.

Oh yeah, and less humans. Hot chicks are the sole exception....

Posted (edited)
  On 8/21/2010 at 7:34 PM, big F said:

Mostly Im sure that Mr Bay knows deep down that most kids and old skool fans don't give a rats ass about the humans, but still insist on over use of them.

They were always the side act in the G1+G2.

The best bit in TF1 is when Megatron flicks the man off of him in the city fight scene. Kinda thought oh good at least one human is dead, it also shows the humans are meaning less to at least the Decepticons, something that never is really put across in the films, man half the Autobots don't care that much, Ironhide for instance. Man if they did they would try really hard to not destroy their houses and cars, lives etc whilst killing Cons etc.

BumbleBee not having a voice was ok for about five mins then it just got lame.

The only down side of the films apart from the fart,pee and genitalia based humor is that I watch it hoping that the main human characters get killed. Just so the bit part Transformer characters get more screen time.

Someone needs to clip out all the bits with humans in and see how long the films are then.

Heheh, killing off Sam's mom would have been nice. At least Simmons was funny; she was just downright annoying in ROTF, IMO. Still tolerable in TF1, though.

BTW, in the DVD commentary, Bay says he was the guy who got flicked by Megs in TF1. Dunno if it's true, but watching the scene with that knowledge does give one a sense of dark satisfaction.... :p

Edited by GU-11
  On 8/22/2010 at 1:44 AM, GU-11 said:

BTW, in the DVD commentary, Bay says he was the guy who got flicked by Megs in TF1. Dunno if it's true, but watching the scene with that knowledge does give one a sense of dark satisfaction.... :p

Plus one on that, I must pay more attention to the extras.

Now I can watch it again and again happy in the knowledge that Bay gets killed by his own creation. :)ph34r.gif

Now all we need is him to get run down on set and be in Hospital for the rest of the filming to allow the script writers to do their jobs and not get sidelined by the Director.

  On 8/22/2010 at 3:23 PM, CoryHolmes said:

Would G1-style Arcee fit the bill? B)):p

no, Arcee is horrifying. :mellow:

  On 8/22/2010 at 3:23 PM, CoryHolmes said:

Would G1-style Arcee fit the bill? B)):p

Heheh, as long as she's got a pair of legs instead of a wheel.

  On 8/22/2010 at 5:33 PM, big F said:

Plus one on that, I must pay more attention to the extras.

Now I can watch it again and again happy in the knowledge that Bay gets killed by his own creation. :)ph34r.gif

Now all we need is him to get run down on set and be in Hospital for the rest of the filming to allow the script writers to do their jobs and not get sidelined by the Director.

Amen to that! How about bribing his personal assistant to mix in some super-strong laxatives into his coffee, and keep doing it until the film wraps up?


Here is what we know from Nelson of Shoot for the Edit, Michael Bay's site.

1. Nascars are the Wreckers. Whether it is the crack first and last resort team of the Autobots or something else entirely like the Seekers we are not sure.

2. Wheelie is back. Nuff said.

3. The new lead actress will play Carly.

4. The fire truck is not Hot Spot, Inferno or Pyro.

Other things we know. Shockwave will be the main villain. TF involvement in the space race. The trailer said to have JFK informed by suits that something is on the moon. Simmons is back with a sidekick agent. Silverbolt is in the cast but we haven't seen him yet. Soundwave will come down to Earth.

As for the new cons we have a SUV and an armored truck. New bots include the Ferrari Italia, Einstein blue Mercedes, the three Nascar Wreckers and the fire truck.

Posted (edited)

So are we starting a book on which one of the new bots/cons does the pee, fart, poop or hump joke ?

Edited by big F

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