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May I ask if the conditions for unlocking Valks are the same as the previous game? Would like to unlock the remaining ones from the Frontier era, namely the Quarter, Galaxy, Battle Frontier and the VF-27.

  Actar said:
May I ask if the conditions for unlocking Valks are the same as the previous game? Would like to unlock the remaining ones from the Frontier era, namely the Quarter, Galaxy, Battle Frontier and the VF-27.

I don't know about the ships, but the standard VF-27 is awarded after you finish the final enemy mission. This is the mission where you fight, Alto & Brera, the Quarter, the Battle Frontier, and the Vajra Queen.


Macross Frontier, Quarter and Galaxy are get from extra mission.

Frontier is complete Macross Heaven(マクロス天国) in S rank(about mission no.11)

Quarter is complete Ultimate Bomber(マクロスアルティメットフロンティア・天) in S rank(about mission no.13)

Galaxy is complete Yak Yak deCulture(ヤック・ヤック・デカルチャー) in S rank(about mission no.12)

  Graham said:
To be honest, the guide book is not really much use if you don't read Japanese (which I don't).

I'm sure there's tons of useful info in there, but about the only thing I find useful is the points needed to S or SS a stage.


Graham, where in HK did you buy the guide book? Also, do you know if there is a Chinese version available? Thanks.

P.S. I haven't played video games since the 90's, but am really tempted to buy a PSP just for MUF

  Ivan said:
Graham, where in HK did you buy the guide book? Also, do you know if there is a Chinese version available? Thanks.

P.S. I haven't played video games since the 90's, but am really tempted to buy a PSP just for MUF

You can buy it in Causeway Bay Sogo 11/F Book Club

Follow is difficult for me to write in English, so I write in Chinese. Sorry for other

香港根本唔睇好這MUF, 將佢定性為只加新機呃錢作, 加上Macross 人氣比唔上Gundam, 自然無Game 書詳寫攻略, 更唔會出專門書.

D 攻略我都係日本自家wiki到找.

如果想找日本原裝攻略本, 先去宇宙船博一博, 但佢地唔多入貨. 最後先去日本書專賣店, 因為佢地最少13算比宇宙船8~10算貴好多. 其中一間日本書專賣店係Sogo 11/F 旭屋書店, 另外康怡都有一間. 我住港島東, 所以只知這2開.

如果你睇日文都OK, 可以試下我找到的日本wiki 網址:MUF Japan wiki guide. Wish it can help you~~ :lol:

  ~Homer~likeVF19A said:
You can buy it in Causeway Bay Sogo 11/F Book Club

Follow is difficult for me to write in English, so I write in Chinese. Sorry for other

香港根本唔睇好這MUF, 將佢定性為只加新機呃錢作, 加上Macross 人氣比唔上Gundam, 自然無Game 書詳寫攻略, 更唔會出專門書.

D 攻略我都係日本自家wiki到找.

如果想找日本原裝攻略本, 先去宇宙船博一博, 但佢地唔多入貨. 最後先去日本書專賣店, 因為佢地最少13算比宇宙船8~10算貴好多. 其中一間日本書專賣店係Sogo 11/F 旭屋書店, 另外康怡都有一間. 我住港島東, 所以只知這2開.

如果你睇日文都OK, 可以試下我找到的日本wiki 網址:MUF Japan wiki guide. Wish it can help you~~ :lol:

Hi there, thanks a lot! That's very helpful. Unfortunately, I can't read Japanese, so will probably give the guide book a try. I am assuming there are some graphics that are easy to understand? Otherwise, guess I will have to wait for an unofficial English translation.

Not surprised to hear that MUF bombed in HK, as I don't see it in many stores. Personally, I think the mainstream crowd in HK are quite difficult to please.

  Ivan said:
Hi there, thanks a lot! That's very helpful. Unfortunately, I can't read Japanese, so will probably give the guide book a try. I am assuming there are some graphics that are easy to understand? Otherwise, guess I will have to wait for an unofficial English translation.

Not surprised to hear that MUF bombed in HK, as I don't see it in many stores. Personally, I think the mainstream crowd in HK are quite difficult to please.

You can just run it through google online translator for the whole site. The result will be about 70% understandable.

  Graham said:
MUF is definitely the best Macross game I've played, and probably the most enjoyable overall game as well.

I'm lovin' it!


Aren't you glad I told you to walk away from MAF? :)

  BlueMax said:
You can just run it through google online translator for the whole site. The result will be about 70% understandable.

Tried that before. Gave me a headache :lol:

  Keith said:
Aren't you glad I told you to walk away from MAF? :)

So you don't think MUF is a slightly upgraded version of MAF, like most people in Hong Kong do?

  Ivan said:
So you don't think MUF is a slightly upgraded version of MAF, like most people in Hong Kong do?

Not at all, I think MUF is a HUGE improvement on MAF.

MAF was obviously rushed and did seem a bit unfinished. While MAF is still a great game. MUF gives you much more of a Macross experience, or far more of a Macross feel if you like.

While each individual improvement in MUF, by and of itself is relatively small, added all together, they really make MUF a far superior game to MAF in my opinion.

The ability to shoot down missiles, the addition of Super and Armoured packs and the ability to purge them (or have them destroyed), the improved graphics, the ability to import your own MP3 tracks, the neat visual effects, for example the lens flare, the seemingly slightly larger playing areas, the full Zero, D7 and Frontier campaigns, the inclusion of Macross II and VF-X2 mecha, all add up to a fantastic gaming experience IMO.

I’m playing MUF in chronological order. Finished the Zero, SDFM and DYRL campaigns. Got S or SS or all but 2 missions. Just finished leveling up all the mecha from those 3 eras and buying the last few characters from them. Currently at 60 hours. Going to start on Mac Plus tonight.


  Graham said:
I’m playing MUF in chronological order. Finished the Zero, SDFM and DYRL campaigns. Got S or SS or all but 2 missions. Just finished leveling up all the mecha from those 3 eras and buying the last few characters from them. Currently at 60 hours. Going to start on Mac Plus tonight.


Am still on Mac 0. Same as you Graham. I got a SS on all campaigns except on the the were I have carry the AFOS's head. I have a S on that one. I'm about, soon going to start SDFM. Any tips /things I should beaware of?


I also got SS on all but one of the Zero missions. Probably the same one as you.

Nothing really tricky about the SDFM and DYRL missions, although I found it much harder to SS them. I think I've only got 1 or 2 SS, with the rest being S and 1 pesky A on SDFM and 1 pesky A on DYRL.


Posted (edited)
  Graham said:
I also got SS on all but one of the Zero missions. Probably the same one as you.

Nothing really tricky about the SDFM and DYRL missions, although I found it much harder to SS them. I think I've only got 1 or 2 SS, with the rest being S and 1 pesky A on SDFM and 1 pesky A on DYRL.


Cool. I think am going to finish maxing my VF-2SS, then put some work on my VF-1S, then head over to SDFM. Graham have you tried using the Koieng Monster to SS those missions in SDFM and DYRL? I'v found a leveled up monster can destroy pretty much everything ( those machine guns especially).

Edited by SkullLeaderVF-X
  SkullLeaderVF-X said:
Cool. I think am going to finish maxing my VF-2SS, then put some work on my VF-1S, then head over to SDFM. Graham have you tried using the Koieng Monster to SS those missions in SDFM and DYRL? I'v found a leveled up monster can destroy pretty much everything ( those machine guns especially).

I don't have the Konig Monster yet. As I mentioned, I'm playing through the MUF eras chonologically and not moving onto each new era until I have levelled up all the mecha in that era first. I started with Zero, went onto SDFM then DYRL, which I've just finished. Next is Mac Plus, which I'll start on the train home from work tonight.

So, it will still be a while before I get to Frontier, as I've got to work my way through Plus, 7 and D7 first.

But yes, once I've gone through all eras and can use any mecha in any era, then I'll go back and try SS everything using the more advanced mecha.



The little visual touches, and higher emphasis on missiles really do make this game. The flip out bayonette on the VF-11B was the biggest and most welcome surprise. That, and the crazy handling on the Ghost, being able to stop mid-air and turn, really glad they didn't put a rushed version of it in MAF.The levels are also far more faithful reproductions of their show counterparts. While I still wouldn't call this game "finished, it's closer to 80% to MAF's 50%.


Playing through Mac Plus and disappointed that the renegade Zentradi powered armor from ep 1 of the Mac Plus OVA is still not in the game. How could they leave it out twice now!? :(

Also, are there no Super Packs for the VF-11B?


  Graham said:
Playing through Mac Plus and disappointed that the renegade Zentradi powered armor from ep 1 of the Mac Plus OVA is still not in the game. How could they leave it out twice now!? :(

Also, are there no Super Packs for the VF-11B?


Nope, strangely no super pack for the VF-11B, even though it was first shwon with it equipped. It can equip an armored pack.

Here's a little tip for those who have never played VFX-2. On the second to last VFX-2 mission (it's a space one) where you fight Gilliam's blu VF-19A at the end, "DO NOT SHOOT IT." In fact, run away from it so your wingman won't shoot it either. Wait 20 seconds, and it will reclasisfy from enemy to ally, and the real final 2 stage bosses will appear (your turn coat wingman, and either Dalton or Brando in the red VF-17S forget which it is). This is the only way to SS the stage.

Posted (edited)

Is there any way of playing the limited edition bonus UMD Video without a Japanese PSP?

Bloody stupid region lockout...

Edited by hulagu
  Renato said:
Macross Ace published the fourth password:


Knock yourselves out! B))

Much thanks!

And to refresh people's memories, here are the other three:





Finally, the missions are complete, only thing left I have to S is the stupid freakin AFOS Chronicle mission.

Posted (edited)

I've been messing around with the different Monsters a bit...

While the Prototype Monster is good for taking out lots of ground targets, and the Konig is great at taking out ships, I still find the Mk II the most useful due to the full weapon fire having epic range and relatively high velocity. In the Plus test mission where you have to take out the base, one salvo backed up by the Command Skill Macross Cannon can destroy the factory almost immediately.

Edited by D.D. Ivanov

Is there a way to transfer unused skill points from one VF to another?

What's with the SP gauge at the bottom of the Skill Command?

Posted (edited)

I'll have a lok when I get home.


[/ Quote]

Im new to the site but have been reading here for a while after I decided to purchase the new MUF. This game is truely extra ordinary so much detail and time had to be spent for the graphics and all the quirks I'm a older geek so I know what the original cartoons looked like becuase I watched them as child in Germany. I must say that they must have put a lot of time and effort in the game, that is why I like to get Japanese games they have a lot of detail and extra small features that most games dont. And the game is not that hard to figure out especially for most of us on this site who have been gamers since we were BORN. So keep up the good work all and post those helpful controll hints becuase we need them.

Edited by light
  UN Spacy said:
Is there a way to transfer unused skill points from one VF to another?

What's with the SP gauge at the bottom of the Skill Command?

Nope, but the autoskill that looks like a wrench will boost your tune point take, but you won't get any nyan nyan points with it equipped.


Hmm, has the SDFM TV Super Pack always been unusable in atmosphere? I can't switch to Fighter mode in some levels with one on.

Also, how do you manually purge the Armor/Super Packs?


Has the full movies from the special edition UMD been posted somewhere online?

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