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  Roy Focker said:
You're as attractive as 16 year old boy.

There are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo many things that could be said about that remark. :lol: :lol:


  >EXO< said:
I didn't say it was the best thing since sliced bread.

I wasn't trying to imply that. Sorry.

I just thought it was gonna be as bad as the original BSG or Buck Rogers. It just wasn't campy... they played it straight and that made it bearable to sit thru.

I was always willing to give the series a lot of credit for trying to be different and for taking it seriously. My biggest mistake was reading the novelisation of the mini-series. It was a truly fantastic adaptation and whenever I watch the original it pales by comparison to the novel.


Good novelisations of films and TV shows used to be quite important once, especially before home videotaping and the video rental market took off.

The novelisation of the original BSG pilot was brilliant as well, even though it had a few major differences to what was shot. I think that Alan Dean Foster must have been working from a script rather than the finished product.



I really liked this news series premier. I really like the original also as a kid. Hope the show can make it for a while.



Damn forgot about it... I wanted to see if they changed it from SDCC... Well of course they did... they even said back then that it wasn't a finished product.


The new series wasn't bad at all. The pacing was super fast though with no build-up of the situation at all. It's like the ship arrives on Earth and next thing you know everyone's an ambassador or pals with the Visitors within the first half hour. Looking forward to the whole sleeper cel group and how that plays out.


It was funny because my sister was watching it with me... She was like "Hey I remember this show!" and all of a sudden it became MST3K.

Everytime a minor character resolved an issue one of us would say... "Somebody is going to die!"

"Hey, I'm over the fact that you had to sleep with that guy to get valuable info, lets get married" "Somebody is going to die!"

"Son I'm proud of you" "Somebody is going to die!"

  aerocombatpilot said:
SHUCKS, I FORGOT IT WAS ON!!!!! I was so busy watching my new Zorro DVD's I totally lost track of time!!! Does anybody know if they are planing to air the first episode again? :unsure:

The week's episode will be online on Saturdays.


Otherwise, look for a torrent.


That's a funny game to play, EXO.

Maybe we can re-shoot "V". Make it like the office, where the aliens are talking to the camera about how they're going to secretly take over the world. And when a minor character stumbles onto something, we cut back to the Aliens talking to the camera, and they can proclaim "They're going to die," before we see the aliens kill the humans.

Or, we can make a reality TV show out of it. Still working on that formula. I'll get back to you.

Posted (edited)

I couldn't get past the fact that the naked guy on the roof in Death At A Funeral was really a lizard the whole time!

And a bonus special nod to myself for reaching post (Interstella) 5555

Edited by Keith

Yeah, gotta say, not impressed. It felt slapped together. Completely predictable. Rushed pacing. No subtlety. No character. Totally unengaging. Even with its occasionally laughable FX and sometimes cheesy dialogue, the original mini-series provides superior story-telling. Are people so attention-deficit that the makers didn't think they could take a few episodes to build tension and interest before the reveals began?

Man, I miss two-hour pilots.


i do agree that it was rushed the way they found out the Visitors are up to no good, it should have taken longer, and be more dramatic, even though we already knew (and maybe that is the reason). I did feel a chill when those mother ships darkened the groud bellow them to come to center themselves at the cities.

  Arthurius said:
i do agree that it was rushed the way they found out the Visitors are up to no good, it should have taken longer, and be more dramatic, even though we already knew (and maybe that is the reason). I did feel a chill when those mother ships darkened the groud bellow them to come to center themselves at the cities.

That is the problem with MOST of TV, and especially MOVIES nowadays.

All flash. But no camera.


That was interesting...I barely remember the original show, but I liked this remake so far.

I miss Morena's hair though.


why do they always have to have a parent child disfuntional relationship in Sci-fi Boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like a guy would give a crap if there mother was around all the time when you come of age where you are interested in the opposite sex! also, why did they have to put a Zack affron clone with his somewhat reatrded friend in the show. the original is far superior in every single way! this is just crap!

Little hint ABC: there would be ugly people around too if aliens invaded!

my last thing, what are these Lizards Ninjas Too? were they trained by Ninja turtles? C'mon

  mustang1 said:
why do they always have to have a parent child disfuntional relationship in Sci-fi Boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like a guy would give a crap if there mother was around all the time when you come of age where you are interested in the opposite sex! also, why did they have to put a Zack affron clone with his somewhat reatrded friend in the show. the original is far superior in every single way! this is just crap!

Little hint ABC: there would be ugly people around too if aliens invaded!

my last thing, what are these Lizards Ninjas Too? were they trained by Ninja turtles? C'mon

More importantly, a bigger hole has been left open in this remake for something that was also never addressed in the original.

-If you know there are aliens secretly infiltrating society, to the extent that there are elite groups attempting to take on their "terrorist cells." Then why the hell didn't the government jump in and say "hey, these freakin' aliens are terrorists" and nuke the sonsofbitches when they made their big reveal? Where's the freakin' military hardware! From "a-n-y" country? Even if they somehow i niltrated into all the top government to having absolute control, as unlikely as that would be, there would still have to be some military base somewhere to go awol, and attempt to blow them up.

  Keith said:
More importantly, a bigger hole has been left open in this remake for something that was also never addressed in the original.

-If you know there are aliens secretly infiltrating society, to the extent that there are elite groups attempting to take on their "terrorist cells." Then why the hell didn't the government jump in and say "hey, these freakin' aliens are terrorists" and nuke the sonsofbitches when they made their big reveal? Where's the freakin' military hardware! From "a-n-y" country? Even if they somehow i niltrated into all the top government to having absolute control, as unlikely as that would be, there would still have to be some military base somewhere to go awol, and attempt to blow them up.

The elite groups were the aliens (FBI guy). The Terrorists were the ones trying to expose the aliens. Our aliens must not have a great need for medical treatments (hit by a car, doesn't appear to have happened to the infiltrators for example) or they would have been exposed long before (or they are more infiltrated then shown, enough to cover up an alien in a person suit getting hit by a car for example). Time to stop before I ramble too much.


All i'm sayin', is that if a random group of people can organize and catch on to the aliens, then the freakin' government, any government, should have caught them too.

  CoryHolmes said:
What happened is in the mid-1930s someone wrote a book called "It Can't Happen Here", which detailed the rise of a fascist state in America, complete with secret police, concentration camps, political assassination.

Much like what we have now.

I too thought that the pilot should've been longer, and allowed for a more progressive revelation of the hidden alien agenda; perhaps a 3 hour intro wasn't cost-effective. Either way, it was... Fair. Nothing special, but I'll keep an eye on the show, just in case it does get interesting.


The thing with the original V was that there was nothing on TV at the time like it. But now with the amount of sci-fi shows it has to raise the bar much higher to recieve the same type of impact.

  mustang1 said:
why do they always have to have a parent child disfuntional relationship in Sci-fi Boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why not? Isn't that a typical plot tool in most anime stories also? Just because it's been done before doesn't mean that it won't entertain us.

The government doesn't know about infiltrations into itself because the writers are trying to say that it's too late for that; the V's have woven themselves so deeply into our lives that the series will no doubt spend alot of its story-telling trying to tell where our lives ended and the V's began.

This didn't wow me either but I'll stay tuned.

Oh and for the record, I'll take the 80's Visitor leader Diana over the new leader Anna any day...


A few quick thoughts based on the first episode only.

* The pacing really sucked. Not only did it seem like it was going too fast, it also felt like there had been heaps of stuff cut out.

* The designs of the motherships are terrible. The just look like big bugs hovering over the cities. Admittedly the designs of the ships from the original series were much simpler but they also looked much more intimidating and imposing hovering over a city.

* There was absolutely no atmosphere of tension or suspense. Everything just meandered along, there was no "I wonder what the aliens are going to look like" moment. It was like the writers had no idea about drama at all. The only part I found to be mildly exciting was when the FBI agent was attacked by her partner and then she goes and kills him straight away.

* The new Visitors are booooring. Say what you like about the original series, at least Diana, Martin and Willy in particular (bring back Freddy Kruger anyday) were interesting characters. In fact, none of the cast was making a major effort to invest any emotion into their performances. I know that modern drama tends to underplay things, but this was ridiculous.

* The FBI agent mum should have slapped her son silly for coming out with those 18th century ideals about the mothers place being in the home. What a moron, or were the shows producers trying to make a broader statement about what the role of women should be. It wouldn't surprise me.

* The drab colourscheme was truly dull and terrible.

* Why have the Visitors come to Earth, what evil plans do they have? Who cares? I could not give a stuff about any of the characters in this and as a result I have little concern about bad things happening to them.

* "They have the ultimate weapon, devotion". Gimme a break.

* And the final comment. And this is also having a dig at the original series too. If you have a civilisation that is capable of constructing massive fleets of ships like these, why would you go to so much effort to subdue another species? Why not just sit in orbit out of reach of our weapons, use your super-duper weapons to take out a few cities, then explain to the human race how you are now going to be in charge and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. If the humans then go "Er, wait a minute" or "NO WAY!!", just destroy a few more cities until they come around to your way of thinking. It would work and would ultimately be a lot easier than all that creeping around and putting human suits on.

(I think in the novel of the original series they explained that there were some Visitors who had the plan of just outright attacking and invading Earth, but it was either Diana or John who came up with the non-military invasion, I can't remember the reasons they gave as to why it was better but it never made sense to me.)


  Keith said:
All i'm sayin', is that if a random group of people can organize and catch on to the aliens, then the freakin' government, any government, should have caught them too.

Of course, the general flaw with your argument there is that governments have intelligence and are capable of working things out. Never seen or heard of such a government.


  Keith said:
All i'm sayin', is that if a random group of people can organize and catch on to the aliens, then the freakin' government, any government, should have caught them too.

maybe they're already in the government?

  taksraven said:
(I think in the novel of the original series they explained that there were some Visitors who had the plan of just outright attacking and invading Earth, but it was either Diana or John who came up with the non-military invasion, I can't remember the reasons they gave as to why it was better but it never made sense to me.)


I vaguely remember something about concern that if the humans retaliated with nuclear weapons, fallout could contaminate the water supply, which is one of the main reasons the Visitors were there... or that might have been something some friends and I discussed back in the day. Stupid memory...

  Penguin said:
I vaguely remember something about concern that if the humans retaliated with nuclear weapons, fallout could contaminate the water supply, which is one of the main reasons the Visitors were there... or that might have been something some friends and I discussed back in the day. Stupid memory...

that and i think they didn't want to destroy a majority of their food supply.



They were Vastly out numbered when you think about it. What I do like about the original show is that they didn't show aliens as so invulnerable. they could be hurt and there numbers thinned. best stratagey in that situation is to divide and conqure as they did quite effectively; humans turnning in one another in for this or that.

Posted (edited)
  taksraven said:
A few quick thoughts based on the first episode only.

* The designs of the motherships are terrible. The just look like big bugs hovering over the cities. Admittedly the designs of the ships from the original series were much simpler but they also looked much more intimidating and imposing hovering over a city.

* "They have the ultimate weapon, devotion". Gimme a break.


Not as terrible as giant floating dill pickles. :lol:


as corny to you as it may seem; "devotion"...you never went up against a cult have you?

Edited by Gaijin
  Gaijin said:
Not as terrible as giant floating dill pickles. :lol:


as corny to you as it may seem; "devotion"...you never went up against a cult have you?

I went up against this cult thank you very much......... :p :P


  • 2 weeks later...

So I take it by the heated discussion here that everybody else is as underwhelmed with this show as I am. I like the way that Lisa took a photo of herself and her expression in the picture does not even really match the one on her face when she took the fricken photo.

I think that the main idea of this series was to do "V" on the cheap, judging by the really limited numbers of FX shots, so don't expect any moments like


And it just meanders on. Yawn...


  taksraven said:
So I take it by the heated discussion here that everybody else is as underwhelmed with this show as I am. I like the way that Lisa took a photo of herself and her expression in the picture does not even really match the one on her face when she took the fricken photo.

I think that the main idea of this series was to do "V" on the cheap, judging by the really limited numbers of FX shots, so don't expect any moments like


And it just meanders on. Yawn...


I wouldn't expect that in a Hollywood summer blockbuster let alone any other tv show. Unfair comparison. That was the greatest most exciting moment in TV action from one of the greatest shows. Ever. It still makes me warm inside and I've seen it dozens of times. ^_^


I must be a sucker, but I am unfamiliar with the original and really enjoying this. The twist in episode 3 was awesome, and it looks like they're getting right down to business and setting the conflict.

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