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Final Fantasy XI Online, the first Final Fantasy title to feature Online and ONLY online capabilities.

Released in Japan over the PS2, Final Fantasy XI reached the hearts of gamers to take the role of one of Fivedifferent classes of beings on a large midevil planet just in the post war era.

You choose from being a Hume, a human like being which is beginning to take shape around the world who can have a number of skills from combat, to wizardy. The Evlaans, a proud warrior race, excellenet with the swords and many other type of weapons, one of the most populated creatures of the world.

The Mithra's, a cat like race, mostly female who venture out into the city at the right time of age, and make skilled warriors and ally's. Than there's the Tuartaru, a midget child like race with magical abilities from White magic to Red magic, but their age carries with them a great wisdom.

Than there's the final race, the Galka, heavy, large, stunningly strong beast like animals like Wookies almost. There is only the male race, but they are part of reincarnation, so when they die they are reborn, nifty huh?

You begin the story 20 some odd years after a war against the five races and the "fiends" who tried to take over the world chasing after a odd number of powerful crystals. You take the role of one of these five races and hunt down Fiends which seem to be popping out of nowhere, ready to stir up trouble.

Ally with friends or strangers, gain numerous amount of experince, skills and weaponary. Than go off into certain quests where small stories begin to unravel...where will your adventure take you?

I picked up the game on Thursday night after work...sadly it's for the PC only, cause the Japanese are too damn advanced and yet very slow on releasing their new products here too america...that and it'd cost alot of money for the game since it is basically a new hardrive since the game is so large.

The graphics are very textured and rich. If you have a good graphics card, and a decent internet connection, you wont suffer from any lack of there of. Unlike the original Online RPG, Everquest, the characters on Final Fantasy XI are more realistic, rich in tone, and very detailed. While Everquest uses basic map texturing and structures which limits it's shock and awe from it's PC and PS2 release.

A down side of the FFXI game is less character customization compared to Everquest...while Everquest offers an aray of atleast 5-8 different features, body build, face, hair, etc, FFXI character designs only offer atleast 2-4 different features for each topic of choice...which henders your uniqueness quite alot...(I counted atleast 10 ppl today who looked exactly like my character)

The battles are decents, you target an enemy in the distance, confirm you wish to attack. Once your in range your attacks being, mine are set to auto-attack so it's almost turn based. It's nearly imposible to dodge an enemy attack, but over time your character begins to learn to avoid, evade, perry and such your targets attacks, and becomes stronger....something Everquest doesn't seem to allow to much of.

A bad thing of FFXI is it can be wildly confusing on what your tasks really are unless you go venturing far out around your area...unlike Everquest where you have a quest to perform right away...

It's also best in this game to level up against the weak monsters and continue from there.

Since FFXI was just released last month, don't expect to many players online just yet, espically in your area. But be helpful towards other players and they might be nice to you in the future.

My overall experince of the game from one day is addicting...I just finished playing a few minutes of it and currently at level 5 pushing 6...sadly gaining items and money is very difficult unless you venture far out and fight intellegent monsters.

For 50 dollars, plus 11 not 13 dollars each month and 1 dollar per new character...it's a nice game...but expensive.


yep i really don't like wen comp. do this you pay $50.00 fro a game whit 30 day's free trial and then you have to pay $12. a month, but what can we do just shut up and play and pay :D:D:D:D but this game rocks i'm on the beta for the ps2

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