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Woo Hoo! According to Kanto Hobby, the GFF # 0017a & b Z-Plus C1 red & Blue should hit stores in Hong Kong this coming Tuesday 23rd September!

Guess who's going to Mong Kok on his lunch break on Tuesday.


  Graham said:
Woo Hoo! According to Kanto Hobby, the GFF # 0017a & b Z-Plus C1 red & Blue should hit stores in Hong Kong this coming Tuesday 23rd September!

Guess who's going to Mong Kok on his lunch break on Tuesday.


make sure to post pics!


The GFF #0017a&b Z-Plus A1/C1 [bst] blue and red were just released today in Hong Kong. During my lunch break just now I picked up two of each color.

For those of you thinking of buying them, a warning. Apparently the quantity of the blue one shipped is quite small compared to the red version and at least here in HK the blue one is selling at a higher price. So if you want a blue one I would order it quickly.

I won't be able to open and assembly them until after I get home tonight, eat dinner, spend some time with the wife etc. Plus as usual all the parts are held in place by about a million twist-ties, so it will be about 11pm tonight HK time (about 9 hours from now) before I can post some pics.

Also, the new November 2003 issues of Hobby Japan and Dengeki Hobby magazine have some nice multi-page color photo spreads showing how to transform the Z-plus GFF toys. From the photos transformation looks very solid with lots of tabs to lock the toy together. Also, unlike the transforming ver.2 Zeta MSiA toy, the arms and head remain on the toy in Wave Rider mode.



Ahhh... Sentinel... The Best.

OK, I'm curious: What is the actual references for the Blue (018) Zeta Gundam? All I've seen is a picture of a Gundam Girl in Blue 018 in the Sentinel Book.

I'm not asking because I'm stupid. It's just just that references for the obscure stuff we love is few and far between.


Well, there was that issue of Character Model magazine (or was it Model Graphix?) about a year ago which first showed the blue and red Z-Plus Humming Birds.

The English blurb on the box lists the Beam Smart Gun as being 'for S-Gundam use'. I'm wondering then does the Hummingbird only transport it for the S-Gundam?

Anyway, looking at the toys through the box windows, I gotta say that the paint job looks pretty sloppy. While there are lots of great Tampo printed markings, the actual paint job features lots of paint bleeding, overspray and wonky lines that are supposed to be straight.

I thought the paint job on the three S-Gundams (Refined, Deep Striker & Task Force Alpha) was generally excellent, but on the Z-Plus it is no way near as good. Mind you I noticed the paint job on the two GFF #0016a&b Crossbones Gundams (which I didn't buy) was also pretty bad.

I'm still not sure waht is the purpose of the Hummingbird. I know we discussed this on the old forums, but I don't think we ever reached a consensus. As the photo in the Sentinel book shows it flying in the atmosphere, my bet is that it is supposed to be a high speed rapid response interceptor designed to rapidly intercept high altitude fast moving targets.



As it's very quiet at the office this afternoon, I thought I'd remove the blue Z-Plus GFF from it's box and see how easy (or difficult) transformation is.

I gotta say it's pretty difficult. If you are familiar with the Z-Plus MG kits it may help a bit, but not too much as there are quite a lot of differences as the GFF has far more locking tabs and is much smaller. Also, the black and white instructions are a bit unclear in places and don't help much. Probably easier if I could read Japanese!

Anyway, I just removed the basic figure from the box. I'm leaving all the acccessories (wings, tail, shields, guns, boosters, etc....) in the box until I get home tonight. I managed to get from MS to partial WR mode with only a few wrong turns. I gotta say now I have the toy out of the box and in my hand it looks much nicer.

One warning, I don't think this toy should be transformed much. The small hinges and joints and PVC construction (w/a few ABS parts) all mean that this is a pretty fragile toy which will probably wear or break if handled roughly or transformed too much. Personally, once transformed to the mode I want, the toys are staying that way!

Beautiful looking and a dream come true for this Sentinel / Z-Plus fan, but more of a display piece than a toy, but that's OK, as that's exactly what I expected anyway.


:lol: Thanks for sharing Graham. I hope you will post pictures of these new beauties. Pretty sounds like all the other Gundam FIX toys with a lot of detail, but fragile enough where we have to be careful with it. Curses, another FIX toy I will probably end up getting :p.

argh, now i'm going to have to get two of the damn things. i think i'm going to wait for the grey one, though the red one is still damn tempting. i am, however, not surprised that the transformation was tricky. the plastic used on the GFFs is just too soft for transforming toys, i have the GFF wing and have only transformed it a couple times because i was afraid i was going to mangle it. when you have locking tabs, they need to be fairly firm, meaning ABS plastic, diecast, or other hard substances, the PVC, or whatever they're using on the GFFs tends to mush instead of bending or giving in, in a specific direction.


No pictures yet guys. I wasn't able to start unpacking the toys until 10.15pm last night and by the time I had removed all the damn twist ties from two of the toys and assembled them, it was already a quarter after midnight and I was too tired to take any pics.

Just to clarify on my comments about the poor paint job yesterday. Actually it's only the 4 Hummingbird boosters that have a sloppy paint job, the rest of the toy's paint is quite good.

I've got the blue one set up as C1 WR and the red as A1 MS at the moment and happy to report that in both modes they lock together very well.


  • 6 months later...

Bringin this thread back from oblivion for 2 questions:

1 - I'm thinking about getting either the Zeta Plus A1 MG model, or the Red type Fix Figuration, I found both priced (separately) at $35....any opinions?

2 - Whatever happened to the rest of cwmodels' translations for "ALICE's Confession"? It got up to Chapter 2 then it just stopped!!!

Posted (edited)


Just, wow.

Have to keep tabs on those, they look sweet. Will get the blue when they are released. Or the red. Maybe blue...


oops, they're already out...

Edited by one_klump
  uminoken said:
Bringin this thread back from oblivion for 2 questions:

1 - I'm thinking about getting either the Zeta Plus A1 MG model, or the Red type Fix Figuration, I found both priced (separately) at $35....any opinions?

2 - Whatever happened to the rest of cwmodels' translations for "ALICE's Confession"? It got up to Chapter 2 then it just stopped!!!

Where did you find the GFF Zeta Plus for $35?!??!

Posted (edited)

Well it's actually $45 with shipping :D On hobbybuy.com - they have both red and blue, but I like the test scheme look better

Edited by uminoken

yeah, tell us!

only 1 Ebay auction, both toys going for $100.00!


Holy crap, maybe I should get em both! I really like the streamlined look of the WaveRider A1 tho, I assume you can take all the excess stuff off of the FIX?

  uminoken said:
Bringin this thread back from oblivion for 2 questions:

1 - I'm thinking about getting either the Zeta Plus A1 MG model, or the Red type Fix Figuration, I found both priced (separately) at $35....any opinions?

2 - Whatever happened to the rest of cwmodels' translations for "ALICE's Confession"? It got up to Chapter 2 then it just stopped!!!

I got mine for 46 USD 2 months ago. This toy was out for quite some time, but seems they dropped the price for clearance.

Get the GFF Fix....I personally don't like the MG line. The Zeta Cplus my friend has is hardly poseable. It seems the most stable pose for it is to stand up straight and still. The legs can hardly move due to its transformation hinges. MG line uses dry decals, which is SO *(!&@*(!& hard to apply that you swear you'll pull your hair out trying to get them in place and stick to surfaces.

The FIX is pretty good. The paintjob is good and precise, in contrast to Graham's fears months ago. Only bad thing i can think of is taking the parts out and removing all them twisty wires. And each transformation form leaves out alot of spare parts.....right now I just leave it at humming bird mode....eventhough I prefer it in the normal Cplus mode. But I think I won't do it justice since the Zplus mode leaves out the most spare parts.....heh

My baby............

Btw...who has a deep striker? I want one!


Could someone please post a link as to where i can buy these online? (not ebay)


www.Hlj.com is sold out now and Twin Moons only had the red one now. http://www.tmpanime.com/index.php?cPath=55 . I got both of mine from there. Here is one, this place has them both http://www.tisinc99.com/gufixfi.html Most of the other stores I have bookmarked are sold out of both.

wolfx I have the Deep Striker and it is nice. I also have a Fix 0014 too but no pics. I am like Graham and favor the Sentinel ones. http://www.tmpforums.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=75


Still waiting for news of a grey GFF Z-Plus, no news yet at all :(

I've sort of gone off the blue and red GFF Z-Plus color schemes, too candy-cane-ish. When (or if) a grey one is released, the blue and red will be retired from my display cabinet.

And about which is better, the GFF or MG, I'd say go with the GFF. More option parts so you can make more modes, and the MG has a very badly designed hip joint clasp.


Posted (edited)

I never noticed this thread before today...

Graham started a Gundam thread, weird...I tought you hated gundam.

Edit cause I called Graham "gundam", lol ! gotta stop putting rhum in my corn flakes in the morning I guess...

Edited by Montarvillois
  Montarvillois said:
I never noticed this thread before today...

Gundam started a Gundam thread, weird...I tought you hated gundam.

Gundam started a Gundam thread?! LOL!


Shipping Weight 6.00 pounds !!

My God, how big is this thing?


GFFs are 1/144 scale, the same size as HGUC model kits and the Kado Senshi toys.

There's no way that toy will scale at 6 lbs. even after it's been packaged in a tough box for shipping. At most 3 or 4 lbs. They're obviously trying to rip people off, don't buy it from them.

  • 1 month later...
  Jolly Rogers said:
On Sale for $59.99

One of the first links from a Google search.

Considering that shipping by UPS from HobbyBuy.com is only $8.00, and the FIX figure only costs $35, that's still a heck of alot cheaper than anywhere else I've seen - even the 'sale' at animequest for $59.99, without shipping. Doesn't really seem like they're ripping anybody off with prices like that...

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Only 3 posts on Deacon Blues forum site and that's it.

Now, all of the chapters from the Gundam: Sentinel translation are unavailable. :(

  boinger said:
Only 3 posts on Deacon Blues forum site and that's it.

Now, all of the chapters from the Gundam: Sentinel translation are unavailable. :(

Uhm, they are all available - the site was down last night, but they are up right now - they are just older than 30 days, so you have to show all posts from the beginning...

:( Still no Chapter 13. Anyone try e-mailing or PMing him to see where/when 13 may show up? If not, I'll try.
Well, Deacon Blues has also posted the Sentinel translation at these forums here:


But Chapter 13 is still missing with a request for anyone who has saved it. May someone answer the call.....and soon!!!!

That's odd - if I had a translation, of something that I go through the effort of paying someone to translate, and I thought it was important enough to put all that legal mumbo jumbo on the page, that I would have back up copies of it - probably even a master set burned to a cd.

That and the fact that he is asking if anyone has chapter 13 SAVED?!?! He states:

Nor will this be downloaded for personal use

So, why should he expect someone to come forward to say that they have it... Seems fishy to me...

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