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  thankheaven said:
Graham do you know anything about how the bellyplates on the VF-22 will store the gunpods ?

Will they be accurately stored internally ?

^This^ , and, any idea whether Yamato tackled the QC issues of the previous 1/60 YF-19?

I love the YF-19, but I don't want to spend that much money if part of it is going to snap on the first or second transformation.


mmm...VF-22S...tasty, one of my favorite valks, those screencaps of the VF-22S does look like if it were a dark green, really was a shame a f*cking whale had more screen time than Gamlin's VF-22S that appeared for less than a 1min in all of OVA

I personally prefer a black scheme like this


and here's a quick 5 min chop I did with a very dark green, and it looks kinda nice


Posted (edited)

Graham, thanks for the update. I really do hope Yamato takes the VFX-2 Ravens paint scheme into consideration. I've been waiting on a 1/60 version of that since the first couple months of the release of the original 1/60 YF-19. As for the "Gamlin" vf-22, since it appears they have D7 license, does this mean we can see a VF-19 Kai coming as well? Damn, they might as well make the MAX-L and Ray's VF-17 too.

Overall, I think I'm confident that Yamato will address the issues of the original 19. They were pretty prevailant issues.

Oh yes, and a VF-5000 and VA-6 would just complet me :lol:

Edited by Jasonc

So? What other repaints could come from MD7?

(thx to the m3 website)

1. VF-19P (who wouldn't pay top dollar for a whale blood covered variant)

2. VF-5000G

3. VA-3C

4. VT-1C

More or less obscure than the VF-4 or VF-0D?


Wish it comes in like this, as I find the red clear parts on the promo pics not going as nice with the black and yellow, even though its accurate. Is this an earlier Yamato prototype? Or a custom?


Posted (edited)

That's a 1/72 Hasegawa kit painted by the company VF-1RIDERS. They made YF-21/VF-22S battroid conversions for the Hasegawa line.

Edited by PsYcHoDyNaMiX
Posted (edited)

This is awesome. Yamato with more licenses... I can't wait!

Today Dynamite 7, tomorrow MacF! :D

Edited by Cent

Macross Frontier toys made by Yamato, its no longer just a dream, could happen!! And I'll be saving up for it too!! B))

Posted (edited)

Nothing on suspected release dates for these three, right?

I'd also hazard a guess that at least one of them will end up being a Yamato Online exclusive...............

Posted (edited)
I did inform them that there is demand for a VF_X Ravens VF-19A and also a Focker version VF-19A.
Will either version, if produced, have more tampo printing like the v2 1/60 VF-1's, so that you don't need to put a lot of stickers on to make it look like the one shown on the boxes? Also, since it has been a while since the YF-19 mold was released, will it feature some retooling or modifications to reduce the risk of breakage?

It would be very cool to see the yellow trim and Skull & crossbones's already printed on.

Edited by Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0

On comparing, I actually prefer dark gray colour than the greenish black fm the linearts or actual animation colours.


Loving the VF-22. Guess i have no choice but to get one. Nice poses for the YF-19s as well. :3

Nothing on suspected release dates for these three, right?

No release dates yet. As Graham said, expect the VF-22. VF-19....still waiting for approval and VF-19 paint schemes are yet to be determined.


Well the same place that leaked the photos indicated a May/June release, so take that for what it's worth. In fact the source VF-22 picture has "JUN" in the title.


yea the yellow canopy bugs me... same as it does on Luca's VF-25. Red is much better.

The dark green photoshop there looks pretty good, but I fear that under bright light it will look lighter than that, and thus become unappealing. Safer to stick to the dark grey.


I prefer the yellow, but I'm not that picky and the red is accurate. I rewatched Dynamite with a friend tonight, and Gamlin's VF-22 is definitely much darker. Depending on the lighting of a scene it was either dark green, dark blue, or dark grey for the highlights, but otherwise black. It always struck me as a VF-22 in Diamond Force colours. Still does, going by the animation.

Graham, any chance at all that Gamlin's VF-22 will wind up darker for the actual production, or is this a retro-active official colour change like Shin's VF-0A? A darker grey, closer to black, would be fine by me. I'm not holding my breath, of course, just seems odd that they go with a light shade of grey that doesn't match either the animation Diamond Force colours or the art book that shows it as dark green.



I'm glad to see that YAMATO will produce models MACROSS 7 D as the VF 22S(look great) and maybe other models in the future.

Can we hope to see VF 22S on HLJ or other hobby shops or is it just an exclusive for a few stores.


  type j9 said:

I'm glad to see that YAMATO will produce models MACROSS 7 D as the VF 22S(look great) and maybe other models in the future.

Can we hope to see VF 22S on HLJ or other hobby shops or is it just an exclusive for a few stores.


trying to cook up something....


yamato's official description:


タイトル『マクロス ダイナマイト7(OVA)』より、VF-22S シュトゥルムフォーゲルIIの発売が決まりました!!


Google translate:

I finally got me to this day! New MAKUROSUSHIRIZU The Art of War Now! !

Title, Macross Dynamite 7 (OVA), from, VF-22S SHUTOURUMUFOGERU II decided to launch! !

YF-21 aircraft in the flow of form, as adopted by the minority and special operations aircraft. The phosphorus木崎on board an aircraft gum will play in the second half of his body. Macross 7 DAIYAMONDOFOSU the color "black" based on the aircraft is finished in chic.


Graham, a few question on this new vf-22s.

0) Pls explain how is it even possible that Yamato can make a m7 toys, and is the door open for other repaints in the futur, and if so, is it limited to max and miria, if any at all? This also opens the door for the question, if Yamato can make this specific m7 toy, can they make other types, such as vf-17 ??? Again, this is because i cant understand how yamato is puling off a m7 toy.

1) Does vf-22s come with 1 or 2 guns ?

2) Why is the gun blue, while the figure is dark ?

3) Will there be no fast packs on a vf-22s? As i havent watched m7, i dont know if in the show they just dont include such things.

4) Any further improvements over previous version, though i know yf-21 was already very good?


I really like the red canopy/eyes/lights, and would have probably bought this toy, but i just cant stand the yellow on this figure, and i am not skillfull enough to correct this... so i will wait and hope for another repaint... not sure if there will be a max or miria version, or better, something with white and orange ;). Its sad that i have to keep waiting for my favorate looking valk (yf21 that is, but i like the canopy of the vf-22), and dont even know if what i want will ever even be made.

  Arthurius said:
Graham, a few question on this new vf-22s.

1) Does vf-22s come with 1 or 2 guns ?

2 as told in the product desc.


Arthurius, all they did was paint over a YF-21 toy and replace the canopy for that demo pic... chances are they just didn't bother painting the gun yet, I wouldn't be concerned it's clearly just a very early demo piece.

Posted (edited)

I realized something... the gunpod is molded/painted in Max's VF-22S color. XD


Also I'm agreeing with some on this thread. I'm not really feeling the head for some reason. It's like the visor is too thick (?) from top to bottom. Somehow I feel it should be thinner. Everything else looks really nice.

Edited by PsYcHoDyNaMiX
Posted (edited)
  honkhet said:
something is seriously wrong with the visor,

yamato had better get their act together

what's wrong about it?

oh, nvm, I see. It doesn't have that bisecting line running through the middle.

Edited by eugimon
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