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The 1/48 will remain king for me, I have now both Hikaru's VF-1S in both scales and with fast packs. Hands down the 1/48 is my favorite, size & durability!! It just looks so much more aggressive & deadlier! Oddly enough of all my 1/48 Valks, I've never had the wing-flaps or Airbrake come off or get super loose!!

The 1/60 is nice, super poseable, detailed, its big plus of more tampo printing and in scale with my Zero & Mac Plus toys, but thats not an issue for me, Bigger is better!!

And if NB4M were to make anymore 2 seater 1/48's I'll get one from him!! B))

  eugimon said:
but you can't deny those extra two letters really do make a difference. :lol:

:lol::lol: So true!

  Mog said:
But typing Hik or Hik' is just as quick. ;)

It's so true it makes me sick. :mellow:

  VFTF1 said:
But now that you mention it...

Yo! Yo! Check it!

Why all the hate

For the 1 forty 8?


Be chillin with me homies

Be down with me bitches

Donts Buy da 1:60? HA HA!

Yous gots me in da stitches!

Yo Yo!

All Ays Gots is hate hate

For da 1 fortee 8 - 8 !

Which leads me to my next point... Macross 7Zup Dog!? ... featuring Nekki Bassara as a reinvented hip hop rapper pimpin' it to dem bitches from da protodevlins!


That's what I'd like to see as the next Macross.


Great rhyme mate! Polish rappers are TOPS!


I like my 3 1/48th but I don't have a New 1/60 to compare.

All these scales hurt my feelings. I would love one standard scale. Before you scream 1/60 is the Standard! Once I see a Regult in 1/60 I'll believe it is the standard.

  Roy Focker said:
Once I see a Regult in 1/60 I'll believe it is the standard.

I would love to see this too....but will it happen is the question? We'll see.....COMEON YAMATO PLEASSSSSE!


The few 1/48s I had are great and were a perfect evolutionary jump from what was previous. The 1/60 v.2 is an evolutionary jump from the 1/48. To me, the fact that the 1/60 is just as detailed as the 1/48, and not as bulky is what makes it better. Not only that, but the aesthetic fixes are nice. The icing on the cake is that it is in scale with all the other Valks that are out. The 1/48s seemed too isolated, and I'm glad I never got sucked into the hype of them. As what has been said here, I don't hate the 1/48s, they had their place, just like the 1/55s. There will always be love for the 1/55s, 1/48s, but I'm sold on the new 1/60s.


As I have mentioned in other threads several times as have others is that 1/48 is a great scale for doing in scale dioramas as there are thousands of model kits, accessories and so forth in that scale especially when you consider O scale train stuffs. Just look at military modeling kits with soldiers, support crew, pilots, accessories, air field equipment, jets, choppers, tanks, everything available in 1/48. Then add on all the O scale train hobby stuff and it is quite vast.

Also, I love the new v.2 1/60 but those skinny legs and high heel feet just kill me. The 1/48 has much more robust "calf sections" on the legs and better looking feet. The 1/48 looks burly and menacing. The 1/60 is a little bit cute, which is nice. Which reminds that if they do come out with a black stealth 1/60 I will get it and put pink hellow kitty decals on it. (not joking).

  Jasonc said:
The 1/60 v.2 is an evolutionary jump from the 1/48. The icing on the cake is that it is in scale with all the other Valks that are out.

Now that I finally own a 1/60 v2 I can speak with first hand knowledge. 1/60s are not an evolution of the 1/48, but a different take. By improving some things (fighter mode is simply perfect), they had to worsen others (enormous gap between head and backpack and from chest plate to backplate, tiny shoulders, pilot seems too forward and, most notably, the neck - even if I have to admit that in person it doesn't bother me as much as I thought, especially since you can adjust the chest plate). 1/60s have tampo prints, but much less detailed surface textures. But most of all, the 1/60 are so small compared to 1/48s! For many of you this is a plus, for me it's what makes them beautiful but not awesome. Just compare a Super Gerwalk or Fighter mode in both scales and you'll see the difference.

And as for 1/60s being in scale with other yamato valks, I'm not so sure: if we compare the pilots, they are absolutely not in scale with VF0s (whose pilots are nearly as big as 1/48 ones) nor YF19 Isamu. They seem, ironically, to be in scale with 1/60 VF25 from bandai and the old VF19 Kay and VF17, also from bandai. Or at least, I pose them together in fighter mode and they look good together.

So, to sum up, the 1/60v2 is really good, but it doesn't steal the crown of "King of awesomeness" from the 1/48. ^_^


I'll comment, even though I'm not really qualified. I only own 1/48's, and the reason is the presence of them. When you pose one and place it on your desk, it doesn't feel like you just picked up a "toy" from Target. It's like you have a posable statue. Like I said, no 1/60's in my garage, but that's why I went for the 1/48.

Seeing those size comparison shot makes me appreciate them even more.


I always thought the 1/48 is still the best rendition of the VF-1 mech.. then came the version 2 1/60s and quite a lot of fans having good reviews on it.. eventually i ended up getting a version 2 VF-1S.. but even after tinkering it, i still absolutely think the 1/48 is better.. (i'm an aesthetic type by the way.. i don't care about scale reference)

i had the chance to liquidate my 1/48 collection and use it to rebuild my fleet with the V2 1/60s.. but still opted to keep them

Posted (edited)

1/48 for me. It just looks better to me in battroid mode IMHO. Wish it has the improvements 1/60 ver.2 has. But with all things considered, I'll pick 1/48 still. While improved, the 1/60 ver. 2 looks odd often on photos, partly due the the neck/shoulder and the overall skinny look.


Like eugimon's cool shot here... While most of it looks nice, the shoulders look so small and in odd angles whenever it is posed holding something. And the skinny legs are not helping.

Edited by mpchi
  Agent-GHQ said:
Why do I get that gut feeling that people are putting on a front!? As if being afraid of a change from old to new.

Don't get me wrong, I like new stuff.

However, I dislike the V2 1/60s for a few reasons

The nose is too pointy, and not anime-accurate

It looks bad in Fighter (At least compared to the 1/48's perfection in that field) and the backpack is too small


I need my toys to fill both my hands (That's what she said), dammit! That's the only reason I don't like many Bandai models. It's probably my Texan "Bigger is WAY Better" mentality, but...

Besides, there's no 1/60 Angel Birds.


Although I like the new 1/60's and I am picking up one of each with the exception of the VF-1D, VE-1, and VT-1; touch my 1/48's? And I'll skin your a_s_s like I skinned that catfish last night!



Putting up a front... yeah right... Don't make me laugh and post a pic of what can be done with a 1/48 now. Someone on this board i know can vouch for what i'm talking about.


Pics to further substantiate why I love the 1/48's and hate that Devin stop making those fabulous waterslide decals. Sure wish I could have been around to ride that gravy train. Someone said the new 1/60's were "cute" in comparison to the 1/48's and I could not agree more. Don't get me wrong, I love the new 1/60's, but this picture show's how "cute" the 1/60 looks standing next to a 1/48 of the same type fighter.







  miriya said:
As I have mentioned in other threads several times as have others is that 1/48 is a great scale for doing in scale dioramas as there are thousands of model kits, accessories and so forth in that scale especially when you consider O scale train stuffs.

Yup! I agreed on that. Unless the model railroad community comes out with 1/60 figures soon, the 1/48 is the best for displaying in a diorama setting.

I need my toys to fill both my hands (That's what she said), dammit! That's the only reason I don't like many Bandai models. It's probably my Texan "Bigger is WAY Better" mentality, but...
And you're 15 yrs old. How the heck are you paying for these hundred dollars toy(s)? However, its interesting that someone of much younger generation takes interest in prior generation!

Besides, there's no 1/60 Angel Birds.
The Destroids, VT-1 and VE-1 will be out, so I don't see any reasons why there shouldn't be any Angel Birds or Low Vis and Stealth.

Yeah, IMO, those pics of the VF-1Ds show the 1/60 looks better in battroid mode. Then again, it may be just cause of the 2 seater option. I am not too big on the extended neck of the new 1/60s. That's a cool custom. The paint looks good.


I don't necessarily hate the 1/48's I still admire them for their sheer size and robust appearance. They stand out in my collection and that's what ppl notice first when they see it they always point out the giant 1/48 in my room.

While the smaller 1/60 doesn't really draw much attention due to its modest size. Still I prefer the 1/60 v2 mainly for their lineart accuracy and increased mobility. It is very hard for me to make the 1/48 hold its gunpod with both arms as their isn't enough movement with the arms.

Still although the price of 1/48 has gone down considerably from now on im gonna invest in v2's for the most part because im getting a better figure overall for almost the same price as a 1/48.

  Kicker773 said:
Putting up a front... yeah right... Don't make me laugh and post a pic of what can be done with a 1/48 now. Someone on this board i know can vouch for what i'm talking about.

Oh Kicker773!!! I TOTALLY DARE YOU!!! Show these 1/48 haters what the need to see!!!

  ntsan said:
Yeah I am quite intrigued on that one too.

To anyone who asks, I have 2 1/48s, both of which I got for Christmas. I also have several small Gundam, Zoids, and Transformers action figures and models, all of which I paid for with money from various odd jobs. I dislike the smallness...

Thus, I plan on buying a 1/60 PG Strike Gundam model this summer.


Am have strong hate for the 1/48s because it haves no YF-19, 21, 11B. Boo! 1/60s is for men with girly, hairless fingers. Ham-fisted men need some luving too. Hrmp! :lol:

Posted (edited)

Man, the 1/48 vf-1d is really a treasure here.

BTW, it seems that the heat cap and antennas are not fully painted la, ^_^

1/60... good but a bit small and light weight, personally opinion.

  MacrossMan said:
Although I like the new 1/60's and I am picking up one of each with the exception of the VF-1D, VE-1, and VT-1; touch my 1/48's? And I'll skin your a_s_s like I skinned that catfish last night!


Edited by gwfalcon

I love the 1/48ths, but realistically I would not be able to buy nearly as much in that scale. However, a 1/48 VF-4 would be a dream come true.


1/48 hate? No. Love. No. I like them enough to keep one in each mode but I prefer my scales to be the same throughout a series.

As been said:

1) Upper arms are too long.

2) Chest is too big.

3) Hands are too small.

4) Fuselage nose is too long and FAT.





I believe people don't HATE the 1/48s per se, just that people some people PREFER the 1/60 V2.0s for whatever reasons, just like some will PREFER the 1/48s for some other reasons

Either way, it simply means that there are more choices for collectors to choose from. (specially those who aren't keeping the 1/48s as an investment). I know I'm not complaining... ^_^

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