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What has happen?

Stay tuned and have fun guessing.

I will reveal the terrible truth in about two hours

(This topic will closed tomorrow - Cuss it ain't news worthy the next day)

giant chinchillas have taken over harmony gold with a list of demands and a 24 hrs time limit and only one man and a bag full of dried fruit can save it AND each chinchilla has 42oz of C4 strapped to their chests.....that man is

ryan seacrest ?

am i close? :blink:


pantless ninjas have obtained the only topless picture of singer/ actress Dolly Parton and will air it unedited on local networks during the time slot battlestar once held spliced into scenes of short circuit 2 and encino man?

i'm too excited to think straight! :blink:

  eugimon said:
you received sincere apologies from the recently permabanned and believed it?




Here it is.........

I was at the library today. Amazing right? I checked out a very special DVD!

Yes it is true - Roy Focker has finally seen Robotech the Shadow Chronicles!

I can't believe it either. I swore this would only happen if it was for free. I only have good things to say. Not only are the mechanical designs top notch but the Computer Graphics are too die for. I just gotta have a Children of the Shadow Mecha! The character designs. Don't get me started. I just love cleavage on men and women. Each character designs fits them perfectly. I always pictured Vince looking like he's from Nepal. Admiral Hunter. Wow! I can't reconignize him. Smart move! Reusing the same VO actors for multiple roles and not having them alter their voice. Man! Great writing to boot. No way in hell would a newbie to Robotech not understand this story. I have to watch it again and again! It had my complete and undivided attention. I swear to god that I wasn't googling, eating or playing with toys during the time.

Why did I wait all these years. I'm done with Macross. I hate it with my very being.

Robotech to the Rescue!


I guess the lobotomy was not a success for Roy Focker :wacko: I think we may have to keep him away from RT: Sentinels, or he may not be able to contain himself.


Great. Knew we shouldn't have let Roy drink all that hard liquor.

Now the thing you people should be asking Roy is, what does he think of Shadow Chronicles.

  azrael said:
Now the thing you people should be asking Roy is, what does he think of Shadow Chronicles.

If you wanna go open THAT Pandora's Box, well, you go right ahead.

Just gimme some time to seek shelter..

  Roy Focker said:
Here it is.........

I was at the library today. Amazing right? I checked out a very special DVD!

Yes it is true - Roy Focker has finally seen Robotech the Shadow Chronicles!

I can't believe it either. I swore this would only happen if it was for free. I only have good things to say. Not only are the mechanical designs top notch but the Computer Graphics are too die for. I just gotta have a Children of the Shadow Mecha! The character designs. Don't get me started. I just love cleavage on men and women. Each character designs fits them perfectly. I always pictured Vince looking like he's from Nepal. Admiral Hunter. Wow! I can't reconignize him. Smart move! Reusing the same VO actors for multiple roles and not having them alter their voice. Man! Great writing to boot. No way in hell would a newbie to Robotech not understand this story. I have to watch it again and again! It had my complete and undivided attention. I swear to god that I wasn't googling, eating or playing with toys during the time.

Why did I wait all these years. I'm done with Macross. I hate it with my very being.

Robotech to the Rescue!

You're about 4...5 days too early there...unless the first of April has already come and I don't know it. :X

  Roy Focker said:
Shame there is already a member here using Roy Fokker.

I won't be convinced until you change your custom title from "Beauty of moderating" to one of the many, many brilliant, memorable lines from TSC.


LOL, your man card has been revoked! You may get it back after you attend the mandatory man show allowable classes... :lol:

(For those with sticks where the sun doesn't shine, learn what jokig is.)


ok.. so he hates frontier on one post and loves shadow cron on this one... How we lose a mod to the dark side? did HG spike the water or something back in the states or put out adds with subliminal messages to only love ro.. rooo..... (sigh) roooobboooo... bah tech?

  the white drew carey said:
Hmmm... I wonder if most of us could get away with this bit without a mod locking it up.

Sometimes authority does have it's perks, I guess...


Funny, I was thinking the same thing. Maybe these forums need a MOD-WAR!!!

That would have the potential to thin the ranks out a bit.....

:lol: :lol:


Still very much a man. In fact I'm such a man that my testicles have retreated deep with inside my pelvis. Go Robotech!

(See Mention of Closing in first post)

  the white drew carey said:
Hmmm... I wonder if most of us could get away with this bit without a mod locking it up.

Sometimes authority does have it's perks, I guess...


He has been doing this for like 8 years.


Roy, seriously man.

If a regular member started a thread, you would not just lock the thread, you would delete it, and give the person a temp ban for 10 days for not reading the rules.

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