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Speaking of armors... Was it MW4 that had reactive vs reflective armor choices? Or maybe MechCommander... Anyway, you werent restricted to ferro-fib that you were in the rest of the series.

  wolfx said:
It will prolly damage the endo-steel frame as well with minimal damage to the ferro-fibrous armour due to the impact caused by the fall.

Never mind, dude, there's indeed a way to damage internal structure because of a fall: just roll a double 2 onto the damage location chart and it will do a critical hit which will go right through the armor and damage the endoskeleton only

The "fun" part is when this critical hits an ammo storage, except in post-3050AD

  Gui said:
Never mind, dude, there's indeed a way to damage internal structure because of a fall: just roll a double 2 onto the damage location chart and it will do a critical hit which will go right through the armor and damage the endoskeleton only

The "fun" part is when this critical hits an ammo storage, except in post-3050AD

Ah yes. CASE. Which... unless you're one of the cheating dirty Clanners, is still liable to royally jack up your 'Mech if you are mounting an Extra-Light Engine.

  thegunny said:
um.... how does the frame get damaged if the armour doesn't???

The frame only gets damaged only if your opponent scores a critical hit on your ass.

Speaking of frames...

Balltemech frames are not only protected by armor, the servos are also moved using myomar muscles.


MASC....which usually does nothing useful but add 10-20kmh to your current speed in the MW2 games. :lol:

  Dies Irae said:
Ah yes. CASE. Which... unless you're one of the cheating dirty Clanners, is still liable to royally jack up your 'Mech if you are mounting an Extra-Light Engine.

Maybe... I don't really remember any more: I didn't play this game since at least 15 years; youth doesn't know what is good :rolleyes:


New Battletech computer game!!!!!!


I am soooooo happy that it won't be set after the whole jihad nonsense. Back to the third succession war! I am soooooooooo looking forward to this!!

It'll be interesting to see if multi CPU/GPU support in implemented. If the environment is truly destructible, etc, then the system I am currently building should be good.

Just wish I could afford Core i7!!

Posted (edited)
  Gui said:
Never mind, dude, there's indeed a way to damage internal structure because of a fall: just roll a double 2 onto the damage location chart and it will do a critical hit which will go right through the armor and damage the endoskeleton only

rolling a two when determining hit locations only indicates that you should roll to determine if internal components took a critical hit as if the mech had taken internal damage to the location(center/side torso unless the floating critical rule is in use) the damage is still applied to the armor.

Edited by IHATEYOU

I used to play in a couple MW4 leagues with a clan...one ladder and one galaxy-sim type thing.

lol I was in middleschool and on a dialup connection back then IIRC.


I totally lost track of Battle Tech after the first set of books with the Forbidden Mecha Art (using the work 'art' very loosely). Still a fun way to while away an afternoon of one's youth.

Man, how I wish I had those afternoons back again, though ... :(


Remember Battletech as redesigned by Shouji Kawamori?



Btw totally unrelated question: was there any updated art for the old Macross battletech designs particularly of the Stinger and Wasp (VF-1) and how they were used in the fluff? They're supposed to be mechs that could change into aerospace fighters or something but their usage has been rare or rather i have not really read any books that feature them heavily.


LAM's were featured in one Official BT novel. IIRC it takes place on a world where the dominant lifeform are avians after the DC soldiers experience a misjump. Don't remember what it's called though. Google search: Far Country.

What the hell is fluff?

  wolfx said:
Remember Battletech as redesigned by Shouji Kawamori?

...Which one? :p

  wolfx said:
Btw totally unrelated question: was there any updated art for the old Macross battletech designs particularly of the Stinger and Wasp (VF-1) and how they were used in the fluff? They're supposed to be mechs that could change into aerospace fighters or something but their usage has been rare or rather i have not really read any books that feature them heavily.

While rules for using them are being updated, and they still effectively exist, Land-Air 'Mechs (LAMs) have simply fallen out of favor and fashion in both real-world (game) and universe. Not to mention the Nova Cats found them such abomination that they destroyed the factories...the art wasn't updated for Project Phoenix. Fortunately, the new license eliminates the necessity of redesigning them, so they've always looked like Gerwalk VF-1s.

  Dangard Ace said:
What the hell is fluff?

Fluff is essentially all the little details that make a story complete (in BattleTech for example, notable design flaws in 'Mechs, notable pilots, various successes and failures of certain weapon systems, etc). Also generally used to refer to the "behind-the-scenes" fiction of a given universe.

In Macross, a VF-1 Valkyrie is an aerospace fighter that can transform into a giant robot. This is all we need to know. But if you look into it a little bit, you can find the manufacturer who made the engines, and their exact output specifications. That is the fluff - it makes the VF-1 a little more well-established and "real". The concept of the DYRL OAV can be considered fluff (it's an otherwise inconsequential movie made within the universe!). If we knew Capt. Global's eating habits, they'd be fluff.

Fluff is also a sticky, delicious marshmallow-flavored spread invented in Somerville, MA.

  theplasticwerks said:
Fluff is essentially all the little details that make a story complete (in BattleTech for example, notable design flaws in 'Mechs, notable pilots, various successes and failures of certain weapon systems, etc). Also generally used to refer to the "behind-the-scenes" fiction of a given universe.

In Macross, a VF-1 Valkyrie is an aerospace fighter that can transform into a giant robot. This is all we need to know. But if you look into it a little bit, you can find the manufacturer who made the engines, and their exact output specifications. That is the fluff - it makes the VF-1 a little more well-established and "real". The concept of the DYRL OAV can be considered fluff (it's an otherwise inconsequential movie made within the universe!). If we knew Capt. Global's eating habits, they'd be fluff.

Fluff is also a sticky, delicious marshmallow-flavored spread invented in Somerville, MA.

IE Fluff=Details. Rant mode: Why can't they just say "details" instead of associating a word that doesn't mean that?!

Besides I prefer the Urban Dictionary association for Fluff.


Posted (edited)
  wolfx said:
Remember Battletech as redesigned by Shouji Kawamori?

Yes I do. It was called Armored Core. -_-

I like Battletech's very rugged and crude feeling with blocky mechs. The japanese have their own style... Learn to love both I suppose, but I still think I'd leave Battletech to the westerners.

Edited by Cent
Posted (edited)
  Dangard Ace said:
IE Fluff=Details. Rant mode: Why can't they just say "details" instead of associating a word that doesn't mean that?!

Next you will want us to be saying "expendables" or "cannon fodder" instead of "Redshirts". You're sucking the fun out of it, dude! :p



Edited by taksraven
  Dangard Ace said:
IE Fluff=Details. Rant mode: Why can't they just say "details" instead of associating a word that doesn't mean that?!

Not quite, it's more like "details which are not relevant to the rules of the game".

Granted, that has no relation to fluff as our navels know it, either. :ph34r:

  wolfx said:
Remember Battletech as redesigned by Shouji Kawamori?

To be honest, while I'm usually a fan of Kawamori's work, I found those designs to be a little overdone.

  taksraven said:
Next you will want us to be saying "expendables" or "cannon fodder" instead of "Redshirts". You're sucking the fun out of it, dude! :p



Redshirts is a veritble scientific fact. You wear a redshirt in StarTrek, you die.

Found a better description for "fluff"

A term for anything shallow or superficial. It can be applied derogatively, such as to describe news media; and neutrally, such as to describe the portions of role-playing game books that are not about rules mechanics.

Some of the "fluff" in the TRO may not be relevant to the game mechanics but are relevant to the BT universe(books). Off the top of my head Fadre Sing or Death's Head. Both "notable mechwarriors" in the TRO actually show up in the novels or comic books.


After seeing Macross Plus on Encore Action, I would have to agree with Nexx...

Kawamori certainly has his head up his ass!!!

And God help the Armored Core franchise if Kowamori ever gets his grubby hands on it.

  VF5SS said:
Macross Plus was directed by Shinichi Wantanabe. He directed Cowboy Bebop.

Yeah, but I bet he had direct it Kowamori's way with very limited freedom

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Cowboy Bebop was great, by the way, but Macross Plus stunk like a big, steaming pile of what comes out of Bud Adams' mouth

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If I didn't see it, I wouldn'tve believed that Kowamori was connected in any way with Battletech.

Posted (edited)

Funny, since MPlus was better than every other Macross series, imo. Why? Bitching planes; packed with dogfights and stunts; good music that didn't solely determine the outcome of every battle.

So whoever did MPlus, props. The movie version was mostly a shoddy cut and paste version though.

  Wanzerfan said:
And God help the Armored Core franchise if Kowamori ever gets his grubby hands on it.

??????? What are you talking about? Kawamori had a hand in tons of Armored Core games to date.

Edited by Cent

Macross Plus was good Macross, anyone who says different is wrong.

BattleTech is definitely not Macross, and I think the mech designs should reflect that fact.


HOUSE KURITA,An Ting Legions are the BEST An_Ting_Legion.jpg

The system we played my character has been played for 10 years,is a Capt,ELITE & served in ALL legions of the An Ting (2,4,6 & 8th)\Legions,inc re-establishing the An Ting Acadamy. Has fought in the 4th Succession war,Rasselhague uprising,Had the Orders to infiltrate thus "dishonour" of having to pretend to be a Merc. Fought in the Clan invasion of the Innersphere. Stole a Dashi mech & presumed first one in the DCMS. Defended the Co-Ordinator when homeworld was threatened with invasion by the clans (mech was barely standing at the end,as I sent my lance to defend Takashi). Is aware of what transpired between Takashi`s suicide due to Theodore`s call out to Merc units to defend homeworld. Has been a vocal piece about it too.

Was part of the Invasion into Clan space in taking the battle to THEM. That`s where alas it`s stopped but char`s still exists.

When you need the best in Battletech call the Draconis Combine they HAVE THE BEST.


Girls, girls, girls.

This is supposed to be a thread about Battletech. CGAF about Mac Plus or Kawamori so leave them out of it.

I'm sure there are 100's of other threads where you can wax lyrical on the pro's and con's of Plus and other peoples toilet habits, so stay on topic or get lost :angry:


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Back to the series. It was a cool mix of compuer animation and cell animation. It's also where I found out what a, I may get spanked for saying this, Kerensky was such a coward. Insead of staying in the Inner Sphere to prevent the Star League from falling apart, he takes a hike and inadvertly forms the Clans.

The Clans, a bunch of facist shitheads who aren't happy unless they have the entire pie to play with, with Clan Jade Falcon the biggest shitheads of the bunch.

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