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  SchizophrenicMC said:
Oh, come on! Mine were even in actual poses (In the "Strike a Pose!" thread), and no one noticed. Am I a ghost or something?

my bad schizophrenic, i forgot about you. post more pics aswell...keep em coming ^_^

Posted (edited)
  Hikuro said:
I R Contributing.

Nice pose for the 1J there mate. I dig it. I have a cool one I want to do for my 1D later tonight.

Edited - I just realized that Hikaru head kind sortof behind the YF-19. It almost looks like it's the 19s head :lol:

Edited by macross1979
Posted (edited)

wow, this thread is ALIVE!!!

great pics as always, swoosh! those prone position sniping poses are awesome!


love this poster shot!

Edited by m0n5t3r


Who says only VF-25s can John Woo in fighter?




The last two have some shopping done to erase the crap behind them. Also, my camera's a piece of crap. I don't know, man. I bought it, it said 8.8 Megapixel, it came out worse than my camera phone. I've tweaked all the settings as high as I can. Oi...


Megapixels really has nothing to do with how good the picture the camera takes is. However I am not a camera expert, I was just told that by a camera expert, so I wouldn't know when one is good.


hi guys, this thread is really on fire!

this is a pose using my 1/72 vf-25g model kit :)

i'll try to imitate swoosh's DX sniper poses later :D



  honkhet said:
hi guys, this thread is really on fire!

this is a pose using my 1/72 vf-25g model kit :)

i'll try to imitate swoosh's DX sniper poses later :D

Nice poses mate! How fragile is your model kit there?

  SchizophrenicMC said:
The last two have some shopping done to erase the crap behind them. Also, my camera's a piece of crap. I don't know, man. I bought it, it said 8.8 Megapixel, it came out worse than my camera phone. I've tweaked all the settings as high as I can. Oi...

the ISO is too high, better check on that too.

Posted (edited)

thanks man :)

after some experience with the model kit (Mikhail is my #3)

i applied clear coat on every single joint in the model kit i could find,

and it really paid off! even with the heavy boosters the wings do not flop around anymore.

everything is really very nice and tight right now and i'm very happy

but talking about it is not enough, i'll post more pics tomorrow ;)

for now, here's a pic to prove how solid its arms and elbows are right now ^_^

the elbow can sustain the weight of the whole sniper rifle


Edited by honkhet
  SchizophrenicMC said:

The last two have some shopping done to erase the crap behind them. Also, my camera's a piece of crap. I don't know, man. I bought it, it said 8.8 Megapixel, it came out worse than my camera phone. I've tweaked all the settings as high as I can. Oi...

I'm reminded of a camera angle I saw in a video once :D wait... :unsure:

also, you're photos dont have any of the EXIF data for you camera settings so I can't tell you for sure, but it looks like you need to change your ISO settings. you want you're ISO set lower as that reduces noise. an ISO of around 100 will have almost no noise, but is also less sensitive to light so it will require longer exposures for a given amount of light. don't set you're ISO above 400 if you can avoid it unless you want to have a lot of noise.

Posted (edited)
  m0n5t3r said:

I'm Kamina, fearless leader of Team Gurren!


There! Now we have two faces, too!


The sandpeople frighten easily, but they'll return, in larger numbers.


You'll have to excuse the blur. I'm stricken with the use of only one of my arms, and my desk was covered in Liger parts (I'm a Zoider), so I couldn't get any good shots with a surface to balance on. You'll find a one-handed camera shot is rather difficult.

As for the comments regarding my last post, as well as a few others:

  Master Dex said:
Megapixels really has nothing to do with how good the picture the camera takes is. However I am not a camera expert, I was just told that by a camera expert, so I wouldn't know when one is good.

The more megapixels your camera's receptor has, the larger pictures you can take without fuzz. However, these weren't very big, but REALLY fuzzy.

I haven't seen you in a while, Dex. How you been?

Honkhet, not bad with that Michael. pretty cool.

Thanks, Mike. Adjusting now. Would you say 200 would work?

1979, thanks.

Edited by SchizophrenicMC
  SchizophrenicMC said:
The more megapixels your camera's receptor has, the larger pictures you can take without fuzz. However, these weren't very big, but REALLY fuzzy.

I haven't seen you in a while, Dex. How you been?

Like I said, I'm no camera expert. I don't even have one for myself, I borrow friend's cameras, lol.

As for me, I keep on going. 2 more weeks before the end of the semester for me, so lots of work going on. Will be nice to be on break for a while. Debating getting the VF-25G model, will continue debating for a few days before officially deciding. Think if I do I'll do like honkhet so posing will be easier, make some good pics.

  SchizophrenicMC said:
Thanks, Mike. Adjusting now. Would you say 200 would work?

1979, thanks.

yeah, the new photos look a lot better... and for future reference here's something I whipped up.


Each shot was taken with a Sony Alpha-100 DSLR on a tripod at 10 megapixel resolution set to finest quality and with a f/5.6 aperture.

the ISO 100 shot was a .8 second exposure; the ISO 1600 was 1/20 exposure.

Posted (edited)
  ultimateone said:
Dude, you do some stuff that is straight out impressive. Subtle Warhol? Or did my wifey make the mojitos too strong?

thanks, nothing really fancy on this one. just tweaked the saturation, contrast, sharpening and color balance a little bit.

while this looks good on my monitor, it may not be the case with you guys....and now that you mentioned, it kinda looked like a warhol... sorta lol

also i shoot raw to give me a headway for adjusting the noise reduction, white balance etc.

Edited by Vegas


Messing around with my camera a bit. I still feel I need better lighting. What I have is too bright and I could use a better background. This one seems decent. I will be working for a while to get some better shots.


Your input is welcome.

Posted (edited)
  macross1979 said:

Messing around with my camera a bit. I still feel I need better lighting. What I have is too bright and I could use a better background. This one seems decent. I will be working for a while to get some better shots.

Your input is welcome.

this one looks way better than your previous shots. do explore more lighting angles, practice more.

Edited by Vegas
  Vegas said:
this one looks way better than your previous shots. do explore more lighting angles, practice more.

Lighting angles.....of course. I will work on this. THANKS!

  macross1979 said:
Lighting angles.....of course. I will work on this. THANKS!

oh i forgot to mention: enjoy and have fun!

Posted (edited)
  Vegas said:
oh i forgot to mention: enjoy and have fun!

i hope you are too, man... so you won't quit this hobby :D, what would we do w/out your valk mecha p0rn ^_^ ... 75/25 na ba pre?!?! saya saya, parang bata ulit... mas high tech at mas mahal lang! lol :lol:

Edited by m0n5t3r
Posted (edited)

decided to bust out the old 1J (w/ new 1/60 fix-posed hands) and join in on the 1/48 action... ^_^



Edited by m0n5t3r
Posted (edited)
  SchizophrenicMC said:
As for the comments regarding my last post, as well as a few others:

The more megapixels your camera's receptor has, the larger pictures you can take without fuzz. However, these weren't very big, but REALLY fuzzy.

1979, thanks.

err, not quite.

If you're talking about DSLR type cameras, you have two sensor sizes, cropped and full. Having large pixels on the sensor allows you to handle low light better with less noise. So in fact, the more megapixels you have the more noise you'll have. Real world example, the new nikon D3X is a 25 megapixel camera and it handles low light much more poorly than the D700 which is a 12 megapixel camera.

Now, a camera like the canon 5D has stunning low light capabilities. Why? Well, it's 12 megapixel camera AND it's a full frame sensor. That means it has the same amount of receptors as a cropped sensor body like the D90 or 40D but it has more surface area so correspondingly, the individual receptors are larger and each one can take in more light than their cropped sensor cousins.

Where having high megapixels works is when you want to take massively detailed photos, say for portrait or landscape work where you can either control the light or take a long enough exposure where you don't have to worry as much about the light.

So ISO is basically how many much your sensor will gather light. A low ISO means not a lot and is for sunny or well lit conditions, high ISO is for lower light conditions. How high you can go will depend on your camera. Most current P&S or compact or subcompact cameras can really only go to about 600-800 ISO before noise becomes a real issue. Some cameras like the lumix lx3 and some of the lower megapixel cameras like the nikon coolpix p6000 can hit 1600 with "acceptible" noise... decent for snapshots but still noticeable noise. Newer DSLR cameras can easily handle 1600 ISO and deliver a noise free image for cropped sensors and 3000+ for a camera like the 5D (note, the 5D mk II actually handles high ISO worse as it has almost twice the megapixels).

So... if you want to take a nice clear shot like Vegas and you don't have a 2k rig? Well, ideally you'll want to shoot your mechaporn in good light, say during a nice overcast day, the overcast will disperse the light and give you nice even lighting. Mother nature not agreeing with you? Try multiple lamps with some sort of diffusion like a nice white semi transparent paper ( basically a poor man's lightbox) adjust the lamps to either get rid or minimize shadows like Jenius' pictures or use the shadow's for dramatic effect like Vegas' pictures. With a setup like those, the AI on most cameras should give you a nice image.

If you're not in a position to rig something like that and you only have your desk lamp to work with... well, read the manual and see what settings you can can control. a lot of cameras will let the user control ISO and some nicer ones like the lx3 will even have a "manual" mode. Try setting the ISO to something low, and set the exposure accordingly. Now, this shot is going to be much longer than 1/50th of a second so hand blur will be an issue. So either place your camera on something solid or work with a tripod.

Tip... even if you're working with a tripod, the mere act of physically depressing the trigger can introduce enough jiggle to get a fuzzy picture. If you have it, use your remote trigger. If you don't, use the auto timer. Set up the shot, insure good focus or whatever you're trying to accomplish and then set your timer to 10 seconds or whatever and then step away and let the camera take the picture.

After you have a nice crisp image, most of us will want to take a look at the white balance. Some people have the appropriate bulbs and set ups to approximate daylight, most of us don't. All bulbs produce light in a certain color range. Incandescent bulbs, especially the frosted ones, produce a pretty pleasing color. Compact fluorescents, sodium vapor, metal halides... all produce light that can only be categorized as "not daylight". Either the light is too cool, too blue or usually, far too warm with too much red/orange or yellow. It's why people look sickly under fluorescent lamps... the light itself casts a sickly glow on you. Most of us don't consciously notice because we're not trained to and our brains compensate. It's why when you look at your valkyrie it looks nice and white but you take a picture of it and it looks yellow or brown. Either your bulbs or the culprit or they're working in conjunction with some colored reflective surface... like the desk to cast a brownish light on your toy.

Good new is, most image viewers nowadays have a very decent "auto fix" option. Use it. It will tweak your saturation and hue to something closer to what you probably intended and you can play with the sliders to fine tune it. It probably also played with your brightness and contrast as well. Most of the time, most programs do a decent job. If you were going for something artistic... don't use auto-fix. Auto-fix doesn't understand art. Do it manually and try to shift the colors back to the actual colors or to whatever effect you want.

Edited by eugimon
  eugimon said:

wow, very good explanation. I really want to ad some thoughts to it but I've been writing a history paper for the last 3 hours and my brains about to explode. :wacko:

  anime52k8 said:
wow, very good explanation. I really want to ad some thoughts to it but I've been writing a history paper for the last 3 hours and my brains about to explode. :wacko:

Please do. I left a lot of stuff out cuz I'm lazy like that and I'm sure it could be made more clear. :lol:

  eugimon said:
Please do. I left a lot of stuff out cuz I'm lazy like that and I'm sure it could be made more clear. :lol:

thanks for the lengthy explanation dude,

alot of stuff i didnt know before.

only regret is that i should have read it earlier,

as i just only finished my latest photo shoot :mellow:

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