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Yamato $2000 DYRL MACROSS


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The WAVE SDF-1 was a birthday present from my wife back in February of this year, and it took her quite a bit to track it down. I'm perfectly happy with it, now that I've seen the alternative.

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Well, I was beginning to suspect that this would turn out to be beyond my price range, but I wasn't expecting it to be so far out that even with high magnification optics you can't even see my price range from there.

I guess I shall have to be content with my little matchbox repackaged Storm Attacker mode Macross that sits on my shelves feeling confused and disoriented that all the Valkyries are taller than it.


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Owner of a Wave SDF-1 crew singing in.

Laugh all you want about it's size and price point.

Who's laughing now? It hurts doesn't it?

I own one of those too? So the f what? It's a POS. It hurts either way, just because you feel better about it, it makes you want to gloat? Why don't you buy every POS Toynami toy and keep laughing at everyone else if it'll make you feel that much better. :rolleyes:

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I still believe this is not the $500 toy we have been talking about.

- The price is far from what we've heard.

- The release date was said to be 2010 spring for the toy.

- The previouly announced SDF has a clean name of "SDF" on its tag. This one has "SDF prototype HDR" title, which seems to describe that "it's not the thing".

- I hope I am right.

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Ok this is just getting ridiculous now. What the hell is going on over at Yamato?!? $2K for a resin version of the Macross, not thank you.

It really is too bad that this is what Yamato has resorted to, by having way over-priced items that will only drive customers away towards other items that may be less desired.

What's next a $10K 1/60 Destroid Monster MKII?? Made from overstock cardstock of left over boxes that were to be used to ship the $2K Macross?

Thanks for nothing, YAMATO. <_<

Edited by nightmareB4macross
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pretty disappointing as many of us really thought it was going to retail at $500... where'd that estimate come from?? True that this has almost turned me off to collecting for awhile thinking about how much i've spent on yamato toys lately.

Time to stop for now!

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I still believe this is not the $500 toy we have been talking about.

- The price is far from what we've heard.

- The release date was said to be 2010 spring for the toy.

- The previouly announced SDF has a clean name of "SDF" on its tag. This one has "SDF prototype HDR" title, which seems to describe that "it's not the thing".

- I hope I am right.

I hope you're right...

hmmm.... prototype... maybe I'll srping for one... LOL!

pretty disappointing as many of us really thought it was going to retail at $500... where'd that estimate come from?? True that this has almost turned me off to collecting for awhile thinking about how much i've spent on yamato toys lately.

Time to stop for now!

Yeah... maybe the Yamato execs are sitting down and reading this while laughing to themselves... "So... what do you think of the $500 pricepoint now! Suckas!!!"

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I'm more under the impression that the toy has been canceled and this prototype kit is the only option for people that want one and can afford, paint, detail and construct it...?

If so - An easy pass and total fail combined into the one product.

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If this thing doesn't turn out vaporware it's mine!

but at 2000 bucks it stays bloody vaporware

Moshi, moshi, Yamato?

Hai, person of probable sane mind here

Hai, 1/2000 Macross SDF1


Nani? Economic crisis! That's why

....It's Plastic! Not friggin platinum!

Hai, Elementary Calculus Watson-san, Customers not enough money + your product too expensive = Not enough sales

Nani? Hai, sucks to be me


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Dear Toynami executive(s),

There is demand for an SDF-1 toy of true masterpiece quality at a reasonable price point. Spend $2000, buy this kit, then simplify it, change it slightly, make a toy out of it. Clearly you don't care if people think all your company does is rip off existing designs so why stop now?

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Hm.... think of it this way.... means budget freed up for the other awesome macross stuff...

Mmmmm .... the cheaper blank valks look like a good choice to get multiples of to re-create the 7 stage transformation shown at the Pachinko game launch ceremony....

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Dear Toynami executive(s),

There is demand for an SDF-1 toy of true masterpiece quality at a reasonable price point. Spend $2000, buy this kit, then simplify it, change it slightly, make a toy out of it. Clearly you don't care if people think all your company does is rip off existing designs so why stop now?

haha... yes.

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Let's us think about it...

We have thousands of members in here.

Has anyone ever spend over 2000 US dollars in ONE toy??? (woman and car don't not count :p )


Does Bandai still has Macorss TV/DYRL toy license? If so...

After they release the 30 cm tall Quarter from Macross Frontier...

I hope Bandai will make a 30 cm tall DYRL Macross!

Edited by macrossnake
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so...anyone wants to argue again if Yamato is greedy or not? Save, I would've broken the f*cking thing in 3 parts as a big thanks for all the broken valkyries they've released

this is Yamato's way of saying, f*ck you to everyone, byl making the toys everyone has long for ages, but they will make them so ridiculously expensive you'll never get them, and if you do, something will break cause it's a delicate toy not to be play with

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so...anyone wants to argue again if Yamato is greedy or not? Save, I would've broken the f*cking thing in 3 parts as a big thanks for all the broken valkyries they've released

this is Yamato's way of saying, f*ck you to everyone, byl making the toys everyone has long for ages, but they will make them so ridiculously expensive you'll never get them, and if you do, something will break cause it's a delicate toy not to be play with

No they are not greedy. As a collector outside of Japan and that you are not in the actual "Japanese Small to Mid-Size" toy company industry you have no real clue of costs or any other facts to claim Yamato or any other company is greedy.

As far as breaking it goes......... lame :rolleyes: .

Many are also forgetting in Japan there are plenty of other model kits that are the same price or even higher. I've see stuff at Shizuoka Hobby that was insanely priced.

Edited by Save
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No they are not greedy. As a collector outside of Japan and that you are not in the actual "Japanese Small to Mid-Size" toy company industry you have no real clue of costs or any other facts to claim Yamato or any other company is greedy.

As far as breaking it goes......... lame :rolleyes: .

Many are also forgetting in Japan there are plenty of other model kits that are the same price or even higher. I've see stuff at Shizuoka Hobby that was insanely priced.

Agreed, that is also thre reason that I hate Yamato and love Yamato at the same time.

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I'll quote you on my sig in the future when the "Is your USD2000 Yamato SDF-1 broken or perfect thread" arrives :lol:

I was referring to you saying I should have broke it in three parts intentionally, not be be confused with toys breaking. B))

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So Save, can you tell us more about this then? Or are you :ph34r:

Is this really all there is? Just the bare resin kit with no forseable possibility of an assembled toy?

How did the kit feel? Was it light or heavy? Are there really 400 unassembled pieces? What features and gimmiks does it have? What are the time frames and costs for ordering?

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How about we chip in some money, all together and get one...and recast? LOL.

Oh my goodness, $2,300+ USD!!! My wife said yes...but now definitely no. And I even said "no" to myself. I think this is just Yamato throwing up prices to get reactions of collectors and fans.

They'll probably lower the price on the day of release.

Weak sauce man. I'd rather spend the $400 on a 1/60 G-System resin kit or conversion kit.

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Will yamato come out with the $500 version later? can you chime in?

Graham can't talk to you right now, he's busy on the phone with his friends at Yamato trying to negotiate a discount for one for himself. :)

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The conspiracy theorist in me thinks once the economy is back in a boom, Yamato's gonna make a less expensive, mass-production release of this and price it at US$1000.

. . . And many of us will be conditioned by then to say that the "lower" price is now reasonable.

No doubt, Yamato has every right to price these things at whatever can give them the biggest profit.

But it just sucks for us long-time collectors. :(

As for Toynami picking up the ball? Only if they have Aoshima do all the design engineering on the puppy. ;)

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What about the version at fever macross pachinko unveiling?

I have a feeling Yamato will still release a fully painted/tampo printed version.

Let's not JUMP to conclusions (mat) guys.

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In any case it's a fraked up thing for Yamato to do. Even if I had the 2K to spare to buy this thing the fact that they can't figure out a way to make this available for more collectors at a lesser price tells me that they haven't learned much as far as how to sell their toys.

I mean we're buying the same toy how many times? They come out with the VF-1 in how many schemes and slight variations but its still the same freakin toy.

I understand the fact that other kits out there are ridiculously priced but who's releasing these kits? But there are also other toy companies making larger toys in a limited run.

Hot Toys is a perfect example. They released ED-209 and it was $150 retail here in the US. Now they have the massive and I mean MASSIVE 1/6 scale Batmobile. And it's way under $500. I understand that Batman is a more popular market, but how big of market are we talking about for a batmobile that size. I would say it's pretty comparable to a small believable run for an SDF-1 that's 2 ft tall.

I've always been a wait and see type of person. When people were freakin out about the $600 pricepoint of the Beagle, I didn't jump and yelled murder. And when they speculated that this was going to be $500, I also took the wait and see stance. But in no way did I ever expect a louse unpainted model kit at $2300.

If this is indeed just a sale of a prototype version, then Yamato should come clean and say so, and then do something special for people that are buying the kits that the "regular" customers will never get to sweeten that deal. But to announce it this way is just bad relations for us loyal fans. A big disappoinment. I don't care what side of the ocean we're in. I'm sure Yamato doesn't complain what type of cash they're raking in.

Bad, Bad way of doing things....

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