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  RD Blade said:
Looking at your Rand pic, I noticed that part of the Cyclone's line art is copy/pasted. From the leg armor down, both cycles seem to be virtually identical.

Not sure what you mean by leg armor, I only see the front of the cycles which make the chest armor.

Essentially these cyclone book style packages will not form one big picture like the Macross MPCs when placed all together.

If they were going to, we would not see Rand/Reys right arm going for his pistol, we would see Stick's left shoulder and cycle as shown in the collectable card.

Which is a shame, a mistake -- or both.

  Lonely Soldier Boy said:
I've a question for those of you who already own a Rand/Rey: What part of the set is tighter (than the previous release, I mean), the bike, the rider or both?

Both my figures are very tight, but the bike is decidedly tighter on the Rand than on the Scott. Not just the new parts, either. I don't think they did any changes to make it like that, I think they just tightened up the tolerances.

  DarrinG said:
Not sure what you mean by leg armor, I only see the front of the cycles which make the chest armor.
I meant the leg armor worn by the rider... those oversized boots.
Posted (edited)

any news on that Mospeada book? :unsure:

sorry if its been answered, i looked a few pages back but dont see anything on it. :(


2009 Summer Event

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CM'S Houquet event exclusive metallic ver. 8000yen


more pics at source: http://www.cmscorp.jp/news/index.html

Edited by Shun

+3 on that Mospeada book!!!

I must say I,ve had my Stick Beagle for 6mths now and I,ve transformed it 2-3 times a day(give or take a wk here and there)just to test it,s durability,yeah I know I,m "that guy" ^_^ ,and besides a few things it,s holding up pretty well!!

To my surprise it,s the figure that,s still tight(the seam in the cloth in the crotch has a ever widening gap,but that was happening right from the start.plus a little bit around the figure,s shoulder pad,aswell as the cloth looking a little flaky all over)

The figure,s right hand index finger has come off(the hand used to hold Stick,s gun,the "big" gun that also attaches to his bike)it,s not broken,but has "popped off",just a little glue and as good as new!

The attachment that connects to the the underneath of the bike that enables it to lean to either side is quite loose now ,I am leaning the bike to it,s side now just before you hear the first "click",it can still hold it,s pose with the friction,but after the first click the weight of the bike carries it past the second click and it falls over.

Stick,s bike has it,s loose area,s (that have already been disscussed),but the hip armor/back wheel guards(you know the things with the stripes on them)

are very loose and can hear them rattling around when you,re holding the bike etc..

Other than that it,s holding quite well,i,m going to keep transforming it everyday(not just to test it,s durability,but because it,s so much fun),and see what happens in a yr,I predict around that time I,ll probably leave it in bike mode then,as it will most likely be very loose by then,and I,ll take it out on Ray and /or Houquet at that time!!


I don't own any of the 1/10th but after reading your description, I'm a bit discourage to drop a near $300 bucks of this ultime latest and greatest toy! Take some pics of the gripes you have mentioned above Mr. Troyness...

  Agent-GHQ said:
I don't own any of the 1/10th but after reading your description, I'm a bit discourage to drop a near $300 bucks of this ultime latest and greatest toy! Take some pics of the gripes you have mentioned above Mr. Troyness...


By the way thanx for your reply to my previous post,about collectionDX.com !!

Sorry if I,ve made you nervous about theBeagle,that was not my intent!!

The cloth has been a issue with some for 2 main reasons:

1.the look of it(personally I like the look of the cloth)

2.it comes apart at the seams.(which is my problem,and a few others on this thread ,and other sites I,ve visited)

Stick,s front wheel armor /forearm armor is very loose in both modes.

The windscreen attaches to the bike ,is also very loose.

The HBT(feul) tank attaches to the seat ,is also weak/unstable-comes off easly.

The targeting scope is very loose,infact it falls out ,I don,t even bother taking it out and attaching it anymore,for me too much hassle.

The ankle armor (MB tampoed) is very loose,I find it hard to get it to hold it,s position extended out (but is possible).

The loose helmeted head.(but jenious,s excellent idea of putting some tape on the ball joint has fixed that)

These are the main problems,but transforming it correctly(and there are a few instinctual things in the transformation that isn,t in the manual)and you shouldn,t have any problems!!

I was trying to say in my post that I,ve transformed this thing excessively,easly over 200-300 times ,and for that, it,s held up pretty well. Sorry I don,t have a camera ,as you can tell by my avatar ,but most of what I,ve mentioned is in jenious,s review.



I forgot to mention,everything that I,ve mentioned refers to the Stick Beagle..NOT the Ray Beagle.(I don,t own one),but from what I,ve read here at Macrossworld & jenius,s review it seems that the bike atleast ,is a little bit tighter,and that the helmeted head is fixed,PM some of the members here or visit jenius,s site for Stick & Ray,s review,if your not too emotionally attached to Stick ,I say get Ray,s release he,ll have some improvements and you can go from there(the screw hole in the neck is still with the Ray release,but from the prototype pics of Houquet it may be covered with her release)



Thanx Hiriyu for the link,thanx atom for the review.It does look a little tighter in bike mode as atom was rolling the bike across the floor,the the front wheel armor and gun didn,t move at all!!!,on the Stick release it would have flopped all over the place,damn I,m soo tempted now to get one ...must control myself until Houquet,s release( Ray if you,re cheaper then ,you,ll be mine) B))

I say get Ray,s release he,ll have some improvements and you can go from there(the screw hole in the neck is still with the Ray release,but from the prototype pics of Houquet it may be covered with her release)
What's the significant with or without the screw hole in the neck?
  Agent-GHQ said:
What's the significant with or without the screw hole in the neck?

Some people (myself included) can,t stand the sight of a HUGE frickin, hole in the side of Stick,s, Ray,s neck ,for a $200-$300 toy it,s just not good enough!!

Some members joke that it,s his throat cancer hole :lol:


SO I'm trying to use up my remaining PayPal balance on toy collecting before I make a slew of practical purchases for my home . . .

I need the dreaded Green and Shadow Alpha MPCs. I see that RB.com STILL has them at $59.99 ea, and with a very low shipping cost I can get them for about $130.00. But they don't take PayPal, only Visa or MasterCard.

After canvasing eBay for months and watching them go individually for more than $60 apiece( ! ), I finally see them posted together, I follow the auction closely of course.

To use up my balance I'm EVEN willing to stupidly go over $130. I make a max bid of $160 'knowing' that it can't possibly go up that far.



I would be better off buying 4 sets on RB.com and selling them on evilbay to the unknowing to bankroll the set I keep . . .


Have you tried getting a Paypal Debit card?


Hmmm - PayPal debit card? Interesting. I generally don't keep much of a balance but if I started selling more (and collecting a balance) that sounds like a good idea.

I ended up using may PayPal balance on Overdrive - for the TV version Max and Kakazaki 1A 1/60s . . .


Saw both review of the Beagle. I'm quite impress! Especially, the improvements done on the Ley. However, the vid did not show whether the stearing can be done in bike mode of course??

A bit disappointed by that from a near $300 bucks toy!


Where the hell do you people buy your toys? Get the Toynami version, it's less than $200. The Beagle Stick was even on sale at HLJ for less than $200 shipped at one point. I don't think anyone ever paid $300 for one of these toys.

Posted (edited)
  Agent-GHQ said:
Saw both review of the Beagle. I'm quite impress! Especially, the improvements done on the Ley. However, the vid did not show whether the stearing can be done in bike mode of course??
Stick's doesn't so I'm pretty sure Ley's bike can't steer.

  jenius said:
Where the hell do you people buy your toys? Get the Toynami version, it's less than $200. The Beagle Stick was even on sale at HLJ for less than $200 shipped at one point. I don't think anyone ever paid $300 for one of these toys.
Yep. I couldn't be happier with my Toynami Cyclone. If somebody's overpaying for them, they're just not looking hard enough. Edited by RD Blade
  Agent-GHQ said:
Saw both review of the Beagle. I'm quite impress! Especially, the improvements done on the Ley. However, the vid did not show whether the stearing can be done in bike mode of course??

A bit disappointed by that from a near $300 bucks toy!

Correct, it can't steer. I was a bit disappointed by that too, but bikes are mostly steered by leaning into the turn anyway.

  Agent-GHQ said:
HLJ shows discontinued! Evil bay is a NEAR $300 bucks. Where are you people looking at then?

Overdrive has them for $219.99 each link

I thought they had sold out of Sticks previously, you might want to be fast. :unsure:



BBTS has Stick for $229.99 link which should be a cheaper shipping option if you're in the USA.

Angolz has Ley for $235.00 link

Robotech.com and BBTS.com have the Toynami versions for $199.99 as well if you prefer their head sculpts. ;)



You,re both Aussie,s me to, from Brisbane. !!

Yes I know about the various price range from $200+,the highest I,ve seen awhile back was $280.00 :wacko: (so you know,who cares,rounding up ..whatever ^_^ )

HLJ.COM was the lowest I,m aware of at $150-60 abouts.

That,ll probably never happen again due to being discontinued so the cheapest around (Beagle that is) seems to be $219.00 at over-drive and they haven,t gone down for clearence always the same.Anyone got an idea of Houquet,s release date?

  Agent-GHQ said:
Thanks my fellow Aussie mate!

Interesting, I swear you said before that you were in the US Navy, so which is it?

  Tober said:
Correct, it can't steer. I was a bit disappointed by that too, but bikes are mostly steered by leaning into the turn anyway.

This brings up an interesting question (well, interesting to me... maybe not to anyone else), though a bit off topic maybe.

Off-road bikes tend to be steered more by actual turning, plus leaning. Motards, a type of streetbike, are usually the same, plus some countersteering.

Cruisers (street) are usually steered more by regular steering, and leaning, due to the speeds they are usually ridden at.

Sportbikes (street) are steered by leaning, but, most importantly, by countersteering at any real speed.

What kind of bikes do you think these are?

They all have fairly slick tires, so seem likely to be streetbikes. Are they sportbikes? Motards? Aramaki's bike that they were inspired by was a standard (streetbike), though the look was based on a Katana, which is a sportbike.

However, considering where they ride them, it seems like they would more likely be dual-sports (which are meant for riding on road and on dirt, though not too rough terrain), which also seems like a better idea for military applications and is more in like with the Kawasakis that the US military (not sure about others) uses in real life.

Ok, sorry, probably too off-topic.

Posted (edited)
  RavenHawk said:
What kind of bikes do you think these are?

They all have fairly slick tires, so seem likely to be streetbikes. Are they sportbikes? Motards? Aramaki's bike that they were inspired by was a standard (streetbike), though the look was based on a Katana, which is a sportbike.

However, considering where they ride them, it seems like they would more likely be dual-sports (which are meant for riding on road and on dirt, though not too rough terrain), which also seems like a better idea for military applications and is more in like with the Kawasakis that the US military (not sure about others) uses in real life.

I think they're gigantic dual sports. They sort of have fairings like street bikes, but look a lot like dirt bikes from some angles. Though they are missing anything resembling a mud guard.

Edited by Pat S
  Pat S said:
I think they're gigantic dual sports. They sort of have fairings like street bikes, but look a lot like dirt bikes from some angles. Though they are missing anything resembling a mud guard.

I was thinking something along the lines of a KTM Super Duke, but with dual sport tires.

Interesting, I swear you said before that you were in the US Navy, so which is it?
I'm a SEAL! I adjust to all types of extremities like a cameleon lizards.
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