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I suppose I can't let Totoro242 have all the fun, so I'll start it off with something that's fairly uncommon.

These are the Brocolli Special Edition promotional cards that preceded the release of the 95-card collection, and, unlike the final release, consist of paper stock only.



  veffidas said:
I suppose I can't let Totoro242 have all the fun, so I'll start it off with something that's fairly uncommon.

These are the Brocolli Special Edition promotional cards that preceded the release of the 95-card collection, and, unlike the final release, consist of paper stock only.

Wow, those are super cool! I have not seen those before...


I have those promo cards too, I stumbled across them as a complete set, lucky me! They are as already mentioned out of paper and not plastic. Any info when and where they were handed out (I assume they were for free as they are afterall promo cards)?

Since I am at it, does anyone have any rare Broccoli cards for sale or trade? I am after the SP01 and CS01 cards.

  • 2 weeks later...
  Valk009 said:
I have those promo cards too, I stumbled across them as a complete set, lucky me! They are as already mentioned out of paper and not plastic. Any info when and where they were handed out (I assume they were for free as they are afterall promo cards)?

Nope, it looks like they were sold at (book)stores during a publicity event (most likely to commemorate the crash landing of the ASS-1, since they were apparently released in 1999). The Macross Compendium seems to have them listed as a "Premium Pack":


Premium Pack

Trading cards

10 cards


1999 January (event-only item)

Y476 (each pack)

Y500 (eack pack, tax included)

It does state a total of ten cards, but, given the naming inaccuracy and puzzle design, nine cards seems probably correct (and a list card doesn't really make much sense for only nine promotional cards.)


Thanks for the clarification on those promo cards! However, I guess the info on the Macross Compendium is not too correct, maybe there was insufficient info or something got lost in translation. I have to double check with my cards as if I am correct, there are "Not For Sale" printed on them. Furthermore it would not make any sense to issue nine cards in a ten pack, unless there are more cards to collect or cards from another anime series!

  • 2 weeks later...

There doesn't appears to be any "Not for Sale" text on my cards, so it's probably still fair game for them to have been retailed.

The following are the special CL cards from the standard Brocolli Special Edition set.



Again, very impressive veffidas!

I'm still having trouble completing this Broccoli set. Well, I could always buy another case, but I don't have $60 for another one, plus I've got so many oubles already...

Very cool!


Been going through some of my old books and found these, the E-Graphics Jumbo Macross cards! There are 15 in total (12 regulars and 3 specials). The cards were offered in gashapon like machines, each card measures about an A5 in size, clear plastic coated and best of all, it allows you to punch-out a post card!


  • 4 weeks later...

Question regarding the Macross Perfect Collection Part 2 cards. Is it very likely that if I buy a complete box of 15 packs (10 per pack) that I will end up with a complete set?

I would be getting essentially 150 random cards. A complete set is 72+9(special)=81 cards. The math makes it seem possible, but I'm just not sure.

I've just got bit buy the trading card bug. :D It seems like you guys have been down this road before, so a little insight would be appreciated. Thanks.

  sharky said:
Question regarding the Macross Perfect Collection Part 2 cards. Is it very likely that if I buy a complete box of 15 packs (10 per pack) that I will end up with a complete set?

I would be getting essentially 150 random cards. A complete set is 72+9(special)=81 cards. The math makes it seem possible, but I'm just not sure.

I've just got bit buy the trading card bug. :D It seems like you guys have been down this road before, so a little insight would be appreciated. Thanks.

Not at all likely that you would get a complete set unfortunately. There are 81 cards 72 of which are regular cards and 9 are special cards.

You would probably get about 90% of the regular cards, but you would only end up with 2 or 3 special foil cards. The special foil cards are really nice and feature mostly original artwork. I am still tracking down the special cards even though I completed the regular set a while back. I need 3 more :)

There are a handful of collectors on here that trade or sell cards, so you can always start with a box and work from there :)

Posted (edited)

Two (2) boxes minimum will likely net you a complete regular set, if you're simply purchasing boxes. From data I compiled from two different boxes, it appears that two (2) regular cards will be missing from a single box. So, I'd recommend buying one box and trading for the two missing regular cards if you're only going for the regular set of 72. (If you're going for completing the specials as well, you're going to need to buy two boxes without trading anyway, as stated below.)

Three (3) boxes minimum are required for completing the special set. Each box only contains 4 specials per box and you have 9 cards to collect, so you need to bite at least three times assuming no duplicate specials within a box. I didn't come across duplicates within a box so I assume that they are collated accordingly, but you need to be mindful of duplicates between boxes.

Keep in mind that trading cards are used to make money as a product, so it's less likely that cards would be simply randomly collated (within a box) and more likely that they'd stack the odds against you. If all you had to do was buy one box to get a complete set, they'd be better off just selling you a numerically ordered set!

Edited by veffidas

Thanks guys for the info. I was thinking about getting a box. While it would be nice to get a complete set with the special cards, it seems like it will get pricey. I'm not gonna obsess over not having all the specials. I'll just settle for a complete set without the specials. I'll most likely get 1 box and see if I can trade for the missing regulars that I need. Thanks again, Totoro24s and veffidas.


A fellow member here eecsman is offering complete sets of the Macross Perfect Collection II cards at $20 before shipping. This is a fair price and should be far cheaper than getting a box knowing you will not get a full set!


It depends on what you're gunning for. It's only the regular set of 72 that eecsman is offering judging from the photo he's provided. So, you get the regular cards with no option of specials.

With a box, you're guaranteed four specials - and, if my assumption is correct, four unique specials - plus around 70 of the 72 regular cards. (One box was missing two DYRL cards while the other was missing a checklist card and a Macross II card.) So, it requires a little bit of trading to complete the regular set, but you also have 4 specials in your hands.

If you absolutely don't care about the specials, eecsman is likely a good option indeed. However, if you think you might want a few specials to go with your regular set, a box may be better instead.


The cheapest I've seen an entire box is $60 before shipping. $20 for a complete set minus specials seems like a good deal to me. Of course it would be cool to get the specials, but it all comes down to money and how much I would be willing to spend to get the specials.

Personally, I will be satisfied with just the regulars if I can get a complete set that cheap. I would rather spend the money I save on other Macross toys, etc. :)

Thanks for the head up Valk009. I'll PM eecsman and see if he still has any for sale.

Posted (edited)

I'd recommend going ahead and getting the Broccoli Special Edition base set from eecsman as well then, if you don't already have it. At $20 for each set, I think the Broccoli cards are a better buy over the Perfect Collection 2 cards. See his sale topic for details and pics.

The following are the specials from the Perfect Collection 2 cards for reference:


Edited by veffidas
  veffidas said:
I suppose I can't let Totoro242 have all the fun, so I'll start it off with something that's fairly uncommon.

These are the Brocolli Special Edition promotional cards that preceded the release of the 95-card collection, and, unlike the final release, consist of paper stock only.

These are by far the coolest. I should start looking for some.

  veffidas said:
I'd recommend going ahead and getting the Broccoli Special Edition base set from eecsman as well then, if you don't already have it. At $20 for each set, I think the Broccoli cards are a better buy over the Perfect Collection 2 cards. See his sale topic for details and pics.

The following are the specials from the Perfect Collection 2 cards for reference:

Thanks for the tip. I don't have the Broccoli set, but I may see if he still has it available at a later time. His "for sale" thread indicated he has many of the Broccoli sets and only 2 of the Perfect Collection 2 sets. So, I went with the Perfect Collection 2 set at the moment.

Normally, I would have simply purchased both at the same time, but I noticed he had the Special Preview book and both Studio Nue books for decent prices. I have been looking for those items (especially the Special Preview book :) ), so I didn't want to pass them up. The last time I tried to get the Special Preview book I got sniped out of it on ebay. :( I'll bet it was probably a fellow MWer. :p


Mikimoto must spend most of his time churning out DYRL character group shots these days. Look at all of 'em on these cards, and then you have the wall scrolls and posters and game ads, etc!

  • 2 weeks later...
  glane21 said:
Mikimoto must spend most of his time churning out DYRL character group shots these days. Look at all of 'em on these cards, and then you have the wall scrolls and posters and game ads, etc!

Actually most if not all of those 2-piece shots were originally done for PC-9801 platform-based games (see MW:Games) which were released between 1994-95, a few years before that specific card collection in 2000.

As for the Brocolli Special Edition promotional cards, I believe the following should clear up a few questions. Since the hermetic seal is actually coming apart in the back, there does appear to be a paper (possible advertisement) insert included, but I haven't decided whether or not to fully open the pack, yet.


  • 6 months later...

Hey, everyone. I know this should be in the For Sale thread, but honestly I think Macross trading cards pretty much get buried under the toy avalanche in there!

Anyway, in case anyone's interested, I have the following up for basically free on eBay right now:

Seika Note, Macross Perfect Collection 1, COMPLETED regular cards, 1-180


Seika Note, Macross Perfect Collection 1, COMPLETED regular cards, 1-72


Took me hundreds of $$$$ to complete, but I need to raise cash. So....have at it, if interested. :)

  • 2 months later...

On the topic of Macross cards, does anyone have any game cards from the Super Robot Wars series. I assume there are many series out there but one or two of them had some Macross characters. I would be interested in a good scan of the card with the SDF-1 in attacker mode.

  • 5 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 3 years later...
Posted (edited)

Been looking for a complete set of these Bandai E-Graphics cards/postcards......never expected to find an new, old-stock box full of them!

Funny thing is cards is one genre of Macross collecting that I have never been into...but I do collect Macross postcards.....so an exception had to be made!....








Edited by jvmacross

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