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The marketing timeline for Star Wars is as follows - This week, The Clone Wars, then the original Star Wars trilogy is being released September 2004, then Episode 3 teaser advertising begins in January of 2005, Episode 3 May 2005, Episode 3 DVD/VHS November 2005. One little fun fact - seems that they have TWO Star Wars television ideas floating around the ranch...one would be animation and the other - LIVE ACTION. These television projects would be in 2006. Let's hope they're better than the Star Wars Christmas Special, or those Ewok films.

Slashdot's confirmed it too. Finally. We still have to wait until September for the original trilogy, but at least we know it's coming.

Already have it. Sure it's bootlegs, but burn off a laserdisc and has the trailers and the SE documentary on it (from beginning of VHS). Not bad at all and holding me over until the official release (which I will no doubt be getting)...

Posted (edited)

Honestly I'm kinda hoping the live action would be something taking place post-Return of the Jedi that really screws with novels. While I enjoy them, Star Wars is GL's story and he should have a say and be the final word in how the OT cast ends up. Having them come back for it would be a nice touch. :D Wouldn't even have to be a movie. An hour or so of showing off some new special effects, maybe showing the Luke, Han and crewed ended up after the battle at Endor, cover a few years or decades in that time, jumping from time frame to different time frame. Just an idea. B))

Edited by Effect

Now that is surprising. With the OT having the highest demand, I figured Lucas would've released that *last* in order to squeeze every last drop out of SE releases. Maybe all the bitching has finally begun to sink in Lucas' head. :lol:

So where's the super-uber-all 6 episodes box set? ;)

  TheLoneWolf said:
Maybe all the bitching has finally begun to sink in Lucas' head. :lol:

But has there been enough bitching that he includes an option to see the original cut instead of just special edition?

*not intended to start another flame war*

Posted (edited)
  TheLoneWolf said:
Now that is surprising.  With the OT having the highest demand, I figured Lucas would've released that *last* in order to squeeze every last drop out of SE releases.  Maybe all the bitching has finally begun to sink in Lucas' head.  :lol:

I doubt it. :lol:

Still, he said all along he wanted to devote personal attention to it. I'm hoping some of these deleted scenes are there, myself. The Snowtroopers wandering in the Wampa chamber, extended Vader/Luke in RotJ, the original intro to ANH (Luke wondering out in the desert and seeing the Star Destroyer running down the Tantive IV from his binoculars), etc.

I'll bet they stick to cartoons rather than Live action, though I'll be happy to be proven wrong. I think most of the original cast woudlnt return for something like that anways... except maybe the deadbeats like Carrie Fisher and Billy Dee Williams. Harrison Ford is probably way too big (or at least sees himself that way)... and Mark Hamil I don't think has been too fond about his being typecast (and returning for a TV stint woudln't help). I hope they'd do the Knights of the Old Republic / or Tales of the Jedi era myself or maybe something past the NJO...

Edited by Uxi
  Uxi said:
I'll bet they stick to cartoons rather than Live action, though I'll be happy to be proven wrong. ... I hope they'd do the Knights of the Old Republic / or Tales of the Jedi era myself or maybe something past the NJO...



Oh gods... what if they make GUNGAN cartoons?

  JB0 said:
  Uxi said:
I'll bet they stick to cartoons rather than Live action, though I'll be happy to be proven wrong.  ... I hope they'd do the Knights of the Old Republic / or Tales of the Jedi era myself or maybe something past the NJO...



Oh gods... what if they make GUNGAN cartoons?

Then we will have to:

Wipe them out. All of them.

Palpatine had the right idea when coming to that race! :D

I dunno about a TV series, it could be really crappy... Then again it could be good!

  Uxi said:
Already have it. Sure it's bootlegs, but burn off a laserdisc and has the trailers and the SE documentary on it (from beginning of VHS). Not bad at all and holding me over until the official release (which I will no doubt be getting)...

Hmm.... Where would one "hypothetically" find one of these so called "bootlegs"? ;);)


Heres one cartoon I wouldn't mind seeing. Kyle Katarn Chronicles. Okay if I really had to choose I would choose no TV shows at all. But the thing I always found odd was that the game Jedi knight 2 felt more like a star wars movie, and had better charactors and had a better story than the new 'cannon' prequels. I sat there playing the game and said, you know? this would have been a better sequel if it were a movie than the current prequels <_<

Oh well. If I were to have it my way their would be no prequels and the special editions would not have fiddled with the content nearly as much as they did.


It's almost exciting news. It'll be great to have Star Wars on DVD, but since it's the Special Editions it sort of lessens the appeal.


Well there is gonna be a cartoon miniseries of the clone wars on cartoon network, the animation isnt high quality but its clean so it looks nice, somewhere between powerpuff girls and samurai jack. i have only seen little clips so i cant say if it looks good or not but ill be checking it out, it starts tonight at 8 on cartoon network

Posted (edited)

I don't mind the special editions, except for two dumb edits made to ESB: Putting the emperor's yell while Luke fell in the end, and changing Vaders "Bring my shuttle" to "Alert my star destroyer to prepare for my arrival" Really bad sounding edit. Those are my two cents. Everything else is fine with me.

At least he didn't digitally add in any Gungans.

I'd agree with the uber 6 disc box for the 30th anniversary theory, after we all have already bought them once. Would fit Lucas's MO.

Oh yeah: forgot the "Greedo Shoots first" bull. That was asinine.

Edited by Anubis
  Dangard Ace said:
Yub yub. :p

Yep. :D

My prediction: the 2004 set will be a 4-disc set, a'la the Indy movies, with a 4th disc with all the extra goodies. Whether it will be the O-OT or the SE-OT is debatable.

2007 will see the release of all 6 films, either seperately or in an uberboxset, in some kind of "ultimate edition" and will include many, many extras. The films themselves will be some "improved" version of the existing Special Editions and will likely be Lucas' final word on the matter. (lets hope that Han shoots first again ;) )


Since everybody likes to accuse Lucas (or Luca$ as some write it) of milking SW for all its worth, he should put out the SE now and then in a year, put out the origonal edits. Whine and moan all you want, you know you will be waiting in front of the store to buy the movies again.

  bsu legato said:
My prediction: the 2004 set will be a 4-disc set, a'la the Indy movies, with a 4th disc with all the extra goodies. Whether it will be the O-OT or the SE-OT is debatable.

Or both.

Don't forget the DVD format IS capable of branching.

  JB0 said:
Or both.

Don't forget the DVD format IS capable of branching.

Quite true. I guess I just forgot it because so few DVDs seem to use it these days.

However, the new Alien Quadrilogy set does utilise branching on all four movies. Maybe there's hope for the future after all...?

  JB0 said:
  bsu legato said:
My prediction: the 2004 set will be a 4-disc set, a'la the Indy movies, with a 4th disc with all the extra goodies. Whether it will be the O-OT or the SE-OT is debatable.

Or both.

Don't forget the DVD format IS capable of branching.

Yeah but someone has to want to do it, first. And it would be contrary to everything they've said up to this point. It'd be nice, but I don't expect to see anything other than the SE or an "improved SE."

  GobotFool said:
Heres one cartoon I wouldn't mind seeing. Kyle Katarn Chronicles.

I wouldn't mind seeing a show about Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron, or perhaps other units involved in the OT timeline.


For some reason, I don't see them exploring any stories set within the timeframe of two trilogies. If a SW show does go ahead, I can see it being set either before the PT, or some time after ROTJ. Or perhaps something set between the trilogies?

  bsu legato said:
For some reason, I don't see them exploring any stories set within the timeframe of two trilogies. If a SW show does go ahead, I can see it being set either before the PT, or some time after ROTJ. Or perhaps something set between the trilogies?

Or it could be set during the NJO.... just to make your life even better. ;)

  Pat Payne said:
  GobotFool said:
Heres one cartoon I wouldn't mind seeing. Kyle Katarn Chronicles.

I wouldn't mind seeing a show about Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron, or perhaps other units involved in the OT timeline.

That or the X-Wing series. It has potential to not suck. :)

Posted (edited)

It's a question of maintaining public interest until Episode 3 which also translates into milking money out of the Star Wars name. As opposed to the orginal trilogy, the current Star Wars franchise has a lot more competition (Matrix, LoTR, etc). LFL management wants to do its best to keep the general pubic (adults and children) enthralled with Star Wars. Hence why we see Star Wars films being on DVD before the ep3 is finished.

Edited by Chuey

Both of those "competitive" franchises are done according to their creators. The W bro's left room for more movies, but I'm dubious if we'll see it anytime soon (certainly not before Episode 3). And Peter Jackson has outright said he's done with Tolkien, though I don't think he himself is that integral towards doing The Hobbit, for example. Just get Gandalf, Bilbo, and the CG Gollum and everyone else is new. Why not a new director, too. ;) But that's another thread...

The "management" at LFL is Lucas himself IIRC. He always said before he wasn't gonna do the DVDs until he could personally oversee it, though this is most likely just limited to the special features for a 2004 release. After Ep 3 is done, though, we can probably expect the "ueber edition" or something like re-done special editions and maybe even special edition prequels...

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