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What're the chances of a New Macross class figure?

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Since Bandai already has Macross Quarter on the way.

1. Battle 7

2. Battle Frontier

3. Battle Galaxy

4. Battle 13 (VF-X2)

Let's say they also came with their respective cities.

Do you think it'll eventually happen?


Bandai doesn't have the VF-X2 license, and they don't seem to be re-opening the Mac7 license anytime (except maybe for the VF100s line), but the Battle Frontier and Battle Galaxy are possibilities.


Minus the VFX-2 Battle 13 since that would be a Yamato deal.

I'd say all of the above if they were to make them!! But then again no one after 20+ years has even made an up to date version of the SDF-1 TV version, but stranger things have happened!!

  • 3 weeks later...

After seeing the prototype of Bandai's Quarter, I have faith they can make an excellent Battle Frontier.

  UN Spacy said:
After seeing the prototype of Bandai's Quarter, I have faith they can make an excellent Battle Frontier.

Make that in scale with Quarter and I can open my own Macross Frontier museum.....

  Morpheus said:
Make that in scale with Quarter and I can open my own Macross Frontier museum.....

O_O You do realise that a Battle Frontier to scale with the Quarter would be twice the size of the 1/2000 Yamato DYRL Macross?

  DarkReaper said:
Well, you could dance with it.

Would be funny to put it in the passenger seat but I guess the weird leg proportions would ruin it.

Creepy!! :p Well even though many seem on intent on every last thing being in perfect scale now a days. To make a Battle Frontier in scale with the Macross Quarter, It be awfully big and EXPENSIVE!!! Better be ready to pay the big price tag for it. I say make them all one general size, well detailed, no exploding parts and priced accordingly, I'd be happy!!!

  edwin3060 said:
O_O You do realise that a Battle Frontier to scale with the Quarter would be twice the size of the 1/2000 Yamato DYRL Macross?

Not to mention their respective cities! Yikes!

Vostok 7

  Vostok 7 said:
Not to mention their respective cities! Yikes!

Vostok 7

The only way to to do the Cities with the Macross class ships attached, these would have to relatively small scale items. Most people are spazzing out on the size of the new SDF-1 1/2000 as well its price tag.

If you did the Cities in that scale, it really be the toss up of a new car or a toy???

  505thAirborne said:
The only way to to do the Cities with the Macross class ships attached, these would have to relatively small scale items. Most people are spazzing out on the size of the new SDF-1 1/2000 as well its price tag.

If you did the Cities in that scale, it really be the toss up of a new car or a toy???

On the bright side, it'd be the size of a large tent, so you could live in it! :lol:

  DarkReaper said:
Well, you could dance with it.

Would be funny to put it in the passenger seat but I guess the weird leg proportions would ruin it.

I can actually imagine putting the Yamato SDF-1 in a kids car seat and driving around with it. :lol:

  SchizophrenicMC said:
I don't know what's worse:

The fact that this dude needs ass so much he made that

Or that I recognized what that was...

the fact that you're a fcking dick.


What I wanted is a collection of all the Macross class ship just like the Yamato Mechanical Collection. They can offered many variation like SDF-1 cruiser/attacker, Battle-7 cruiser/attacker, etc and also a hidden one (Megaroad-1).

Darn, I would love a Macross Mechanical Collection, it would stand perfectly along my LoGH minis.

  • 7 months later...

Bump. Well folks?

I'm thinking that a NMC ship is becoming more of a possibility with Bandai and Yamato's ships coming out in 2010.

  • 4 months later...

After seeing mostly positive reviews for the DX Macross Quarter I have NO DOUBT that Bandai would make an excellent Battle Frontier.

I hope that the same design team has one in the works.


1/3000 or 1/2500 would be fine. Then redo the Quarter in the same scale.


It's surprising bandai made the quarter instead of battle frontier in the first place. Although it turned out to be a nice toy the transformation is kind of lame and doesn't make any attempt whatsoever to hide the fact that it's a giant robot which spoiled it for me.

While I passed on the quarter I will definitely buy a battle frontier or battle 7 if it's big enough.


I'm not surprised they chose to do the quarter over battle frontier, given how much more action and screen time it got. Battle Frontier didn't even disconnect from the city until late in the series and didn't do a transformation til the end. The series was focused pretty squarely on SMS for the most of the action.


I would think that Battle Frontier would depend, partially, on the status of Bandai's hold on the Macross 7 license. Since it's such a similar design to Battle 7. Personally, I'd love the whole set of New Macross class ships. From Battle 7 to Galaxy. Make them similar in overall size to the Quarter and I'd be in mecha heaven.

Strike that, I'd be in mecha heaven if we also got a similarly sized SDF-1 Macross to top it all off. (DYRL version if you please, but I'd love to see both versions get made.)

Also, I'm pretty certain how well the Quarter sells would be a huge determining factor. I hope it sells well, it certainly deserves to considering how freaking awesome it is.


Well if there is a market for it they will risk the chances, but seeing how M quarter is on clearance everywhere I doubt they will be doing more Macross captial ship.. (compare to VF-27 that been selling like hot cakes)

  ntsan said:
Well if there is a market for it they will risk the chances, but seeing how M quarter is on clearance everywhere I doubt they will be doing more Macross captial ship.. (compare to VF-27 that been selling like hot cakes)

Shame. The Quarter is an outstanding figure. I'd LOVE to get a Battle Frontier in the DX line.

  ntsan said:
Well if there is a market for it they will risk the chances, but seeing how M quarter is on clearance everywhere I doubt they will be doing more Macross captial ship.. (compare to VF-27 that been selling like hot cakes)

They have Quarters up the wazoo in the store just down the road from my place. All going for around 8000yen.

Good thing too, since mine was damaged after that bloomin fall off my shelf.

  Kicker773 said:
I'm referring to this one:


and there were two more..

Cool, I didn't know anyone had even bothered to make a Uraga class carrier.

I'm still hoping Bandai at least makes a Battle Frontier though.

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