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  On 7/10/2012 at 3:21 AM, ron5864 said:

Caught up to Gundam Unicorn: Episode 5, The Black Unicorn. I still don't understand what the Unicorn gundam is suppose to unlock that everyone is afraid of. At least Banagher is less "lost" in this epsiode and has a better sense of purpose. The animation graphics is top notch again. I wish more anime would have such a rich look to the animation.

Unicorn unlocks, what is believed to be, the original UC Charter. Unlocking this could cause insurmountable political destabilization of Earth Sphere and the colonies.

  • 4 months later...

Just keeping up this thread:

Episode 6: "Space, Earth, and..."

Blu-ray version will cost 6,090 yen and the DVD will cost 5,040 yen, available March 22nd, 2013.

And like previously, will be opening in select Japanese theaters (~16 of them) on March 2, 2013. Theater goers and 1st print limited editions will receive special disc containing a making-of-Episode 6 video and the live event from May 2012.


Question for you Gundam fans. I have only watched 0079 and 08th MS Team in their entirety. The only other Gundam I have watched was the first season of 00. The second season of 00 just didn't appeal to me enough to keep watching

Just wondering if I should start watching Unicorn or if I should watch more UC series first.

  On 12/4/2012 at 6:10 PM, Smiley424 said:

Question for you Gundam fans. I have only watched 0079 and 08th MS Team in their entirety. The only other Gundam I have watched was the first season of 00. The second season of 00 just didn't appeal to me enough to keep watching

Just wondering if I should start watching Unicorn or if I should watch more UC series first.

I would recommend at least watching the zeta movies and char's counter attack first. That'll cover all the stuff that really matters leading up to unicorn.


Actually I think you can jump right into Unicorn and not be missing out on much. There will be the occasional reference to past events but nothing that hinders your enjoyment.


Watch Zeta, or at least the movies of it. And there's no reason not to watch CCA, as it's just the single OVA.

0080 is rather "stand-alone" but it's really good IMHO and worth watching just for "filling out the era/universe".

0083--never liked it.


0083 has good (90s) music and great for the time animation and design. It works, but theres no getting away from the fact that the lead characters primary distingishing trait is that he is deathly afraid of carrots.


I like 0083, probably becuase I work in flight test, but I was never able to understand his fear of carrots, what the heck was that about, just a bit of comedy to was there suppossed to be a reason that was never adequately explained in the anime?

Posted (edited)
  On 12/4/2012 at 9:05 PM, David Hingtgen said:

And there's no reason not to watch CCA, as it's just the single OVA.

Well, there's the part where it completely misrepresents Char as a character, has a bullshit ending and despite being ostensibly about Char and Amuro spends a good third of its run time on Hathaway and Quess who are by far the two worst characters in any gundam production ever.

Also, I much prefer Zeta the series to the Zeta movies, mostly because the movies cut out a lot of the Axis Zeon stuff which sets up ZZ; and I really like ZZ.

Edited by anime52k8

My point was that CCA is a very small investment in time/effort. Even if you don't like it much, it's fairly important and doesn't take much time to see.

Whereas Zeta takes quite a while to watch.

  On 12/4/2012 at 6:10 PM, Smiley424 said:
Just wondering if I should start watching Unicorn or if I should watch more UC series first.

As mentioned, you don't need to watch any previous UC series as Unicorn is self-contained. But if you want back story on the character behavior/motivations or some of the technology used, then it would be best to watch Zeta and Char's Counterattack. ZZ would help with the Neo Zeon information, but like the other shows, it's there if you need some back story on the character behavior and tech of the series. The link between Unicorn and ZZ would be two characters, Marida Cruz and Audrey Burne. But Unicorn covers all the info you need to know about the 2.


Nice replies everyone. Just signed up for my free trial of CrunchyRoll. Starting Zeta now, may rewatch MSG as its been almost 10 years since i watched that series. Might give 00 another try too. Thank you everyone.

  • 2 weeks later...

I just re-watched CCA (probaby 3rd or 4th time in total) and I like it even less than I remember. Honestly, I didn't remember much from the previous viewings---it really didn't make any sort of impression on me the first time. But this time, I basically thought it sucked. Really, it should be called "Quess's Crushes on Guys" more than anything. There's basically the opening battle scene, 90 mins of Quess being annoying, then the end.

(my actual intent on watching it again, was to see if I could justify a purchase of the new MG nu----nope! Little screen time really, doesn't seem to use most of its weaponry for more than 5 frames of animation, and is seemingly far less important to the plot than Quess's dad)

But yet, a quick check of reviews, almost all seem very positive----8's and 9's, etc. Am I missing something? They all seem to note the same issues I do, but consider them minor----yet these issues take up the majority of the movie's run-time, and are not short scenes, sub-plots, or anything else that could be "waved away".

  On 12/19/2012 at 9:03 AM, David Hingtgen said:

I just re-watched CCA (probaby 3rd or 4th time in total) and I like it even less than I remember. Honestly, I didn't remember much from the previous viewings---it really didn't make any sort of impression on me the first time. But this time, I basically thought it sucked. Really, it should be called "Quess's Crushes on Guys" more than anything. There's basically the opening battle scene, 90 mins of Quess being annoying, then the end.

(my actual intent on watching it again, was to see if I could justify a purchase of the new MG nu----nope! Little screen time really, doesn't seem to use most of its weaponry for more than 5 frames of animation, and is seemingly far less important to the plot than Quess's dad)

But yet, a quick check of reviews, almost all seem very positive----8's and 9's, etc. Am I missing something? They all seem to note the same issues I do, but consider them minor----yet these issues take up the majority of the movie's run-time, and are not short scenes, sub-plots, or anything else that could be "waved away".

Nope, I that pretty much sums up CCA. I still think you should get the MG Nu Ver. Ka though, it's so pretty and has an inner frame that glows under black light.

  • 3 weeks later...

Apparently, Banshee is getting some new parts (the Armed Armor DE that's coming out for UC Bande Dessinee Vol. 8 Limited Edition will make an appearance in the anime with Banshee as you can see).



Does this mean we're gonna get a another round of RD, HG and MG Banshee releases with all the extra parts?

Posted (edited)

One thing about CCA - it does at least look gorgeous, one of the very last examples of big-screen 80s anime. I personally like the movie a lot, but Tomino has always had a distinctive directorial style that may not be to everyones taste.

It is also all right not to like something - thats something that took this once-bright-eyed anime fan a long time to learn... :) (as long as, in general, you have reasonable objections that you can explain - though we all have our irrationalities... )

Edited by F-ZeroOne

I love CCA too. It has grandeur/"the final curtain is closing" thing going on. I was nice to see Amuro so grown-up/sensible/rational in the movie.

Apparently that Banshee config is called "Banshee Norn".

I like that Beam Magnum/Bazooka weapon. I wonder what that new backpack is?

  On 1/7/2013 at 8:01 PM, F-ZeroOne said:

One thing about CCA - it does at least look gorgeous, one of the very last examples of big-screen 80s anime. I personally like the movie a lot, but Tomino has always had a distinctive directorial style that may not be to everyones taste.

Personally I too don't think CCA is all that enjoyable when viewed by itself. Quess' character really pulls down the show. And ofcourse I wish hateful death on Hathaway. :lol:

However, when I put CCA in the context of Amuro and Char's character maturation after First and Zeta, I like it more and find CCA to be a nice finale to their story. In an odd way, I don't enjoy it when I watch it but like it when I think about it as a part of the whole Amuro vs Char story.

And yeah, the animation is fabulous. Even if it is brief, the Nu Gundam in movie really rocks. I intend to get the Ver.Ka MG Nu Gundam kit but only after I finish several other MG kits in my closet...

Hard to finish kits in the winter. Too cold to go outside and spray...


Will the Blu Rays continue to be released here in the U.S.? After the 4th, Bandai Ent disbanded so I am hoping I can complete the set in Blu Ray format.

  On 1/8/2013 at 7:42 AM, Richardmvela said:
Will the Blu Rays continue to be released here in the U.S.? After the 4th, Bandai Ent disbanded so I am hoping I can complete the set in Blu Ray format.

Blu-Ray/DVDs are being handled by directly by Bandai Visual, not Bandai Entertainment. So those will continue to be released on schedule.


I'm still hyper over episode 5's end, that will probably be one of my top great ending teasers of all time. Can't wait for 6.


While I understand the reason, the length of time between releases is killing me. That accompanied by the fact that it seems this series can only be purchased online (no Florida retailers seem to carry) at exuberant prices for the Blu rays is kinda frustrating. That being said I love the design of the Delta Plus.

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