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  sketchley said:
Text says: "The family of Ranka. The father has appeared in a flashback only for a moment (the face was not visible)."

As i said before, although i know some spoken and writen japanese, it's not enough for me to read that, so thanks for the translation. So IT IS her dad. Nice looking fella. :lol:

I went to where i believed i had seen that picture to check on it. It's in episode 13, "Memory of Global", when Alto is inside the Global, in the lab and sees the foto inside a crystal frame, just before it breaks. It's just for a split second but you can see his face, alright. The ones we can't see are Ranshe and Brera's.


Its the exact same picture from page 55, right down to the dog. Nice touch to put this kind of stuff, that you only get a glimpse of in the show, in this book.

  Gubaba said:
Erm...the fansubs said "Lost Peace." The Official Fan Book was the one that said "Lost Piece."

My bad. I'll go with the DVD titles then, given that other mistakes have already been found with the Fan book.

Posted (edited)

I wish they would do a proper artbook, with character and mecha line art, scene deconstruction and some Gengas.

That type of material exists, the line art pages in this book are just the tip of the iceberg.

On another topic page someone posted scans from the booklet that comes with Blu-Ray volume 7 and it has some preliminary sketches for the characters and i have a magazine called Animation Note, dated September 2008 wich dedicated 21 pages to Macross Frontier. It has lineart for some of the sets, characters and even the VF-25F that aren't in any of these books, a breakdown of how the 3D was done in certain scenes and a couple of gengas. Oh, and Shoji Kawamori himself, holding a transformable "lego" VF-25, i guess they used it in the design stages of the Messiah.

So the material is out there. Let's hope someone gathers it in book form and give the fans what they want. :lol:

Edited by westfall
  • 3 weeks later...

I picked it up this weekend at the Seattle Kinokuniya Bookstore while on vacation.

Is there any chance that Movic will get their hands on making a Frontier lineart book?

  UN Spacy said:
I picked it up this weekend at the Seattle Kinokuniya Bookstore while on vacation.

Is there any chance that Movic will get their hands on making a Frontier lineart book?

They already have.

A two volume set, Red book and Blue book. B))

Mostly character, environmental,Vajra and a few capital ship art. No Valks...

  Zinjo said:
They already have.

A two volume set, Red book and Blue book. B))

Mostly character, environmental,Vajra and a few capital ship art. No Valks...

Bear in mind that the VFs in Frontier were done via CAD. There's no pencil works because there were never many to begin with. Those drawings that we have seen were those made for the 1/72 model sculptor to use and very rarely do those get released by Bandai. Zinjo is correct that the Red and Blue books have almost all the lineart from the series.

  • 2 months later...
  westfall said:
Yeah, that's so true. Funny thing in the case of "Michael", they had Alto Calling him "Mikail"(or something) for most of the episodes, in sort of a derrogatory way, while everyone else calls him "Michel" wich is a French name, wich seems to be, officialy, where his family came from. But when you analise the katakana in the name, it reads ミハエル wich sounds like Mi-Ha-E-Ru (Japanese intonation, please) wich is closer to "Mikail" than to "Michael". Here, i think, the typo was on the production company's part since, if they wanted to call the character "Michel Blanc" they should have writen it ミシェル ブラン (Mi-She-Ru Bu-Ra-N). :lol:

Well we can find humor in how the Japanese mis-pronounce foreign words, just like they could find humor in how we'd mis-pronounce Japanese words.

Fact is that this show had the benefit of a French speaking animator to help them with pronounciation of French terms, but no English staffer to help them with the English ones, so they simply "sounded it out phonetically" based on the katakana.

The same situation was found in Eureka 7. None but one cast member knew how to pronounce "Eureka" correctly and that single cast member only voiced one character in one episode. The sad part is that when Bandai Entertainment English dubbed it for Western release they kept the mis-pronounciation as it was, instead of correcting it for audiences who knew how to say the name. So now you have a load of western E7 fanboys running around mis-pronouncing a name as if it were gospel... :rolleyes:

  Graham said:
Now if only they'd publish some thrust and weight figures for the VF-171.

It probably won't show until it makes it's appearance in the Chronicle.

  Zinjo said:
The same situation was found in Eureka 7. None but one cast member knew how to pronounce "Eureka" correctly and that single cast member only voiced one character in one episode. The sad part is that when Bandai Entertainment English dubbed it for Western release they kept the mis-pronounciation as it was, instead of correcting it for audiences who knew how to say the name. So now you have a load of western E7 fanboys running around mis-pronouncing a name as if it were gospel... :rolleyes:

Reminds me of the Nadesico dub where no one could pronouce "Yurika" so everyone was saying "Eureka" I'd always shudder thinking "Her name is not my state's motto, dammit." Bandai also kept the french sound pronunciation of Simon in Gurren Lagann. Then there's how we had, what, three different pronunciations of "Macross" in ADV's dub? Only one of them correct.

  westfall said:
Yeah, that's so true. Funny thing in the case of "Michael", they had Alto Calling him "Mikail"(or something) for most of the episodes, in sort of a derrogatory way, while everyone else calls him "Michel" wich is a French name, wich seems to be, officialy, where his family came from. But when you analise the katakana in the name, it reads ミハエル wich sounds like Mi-Ha-E-Ru (Japanese intonation, please) wich is closer to "Mikail" than to "Michael". Here, i think, the typo was on the production company's part since, if they wanted to call the character "Michel Blanc" they should have writen it ミシェル ブラン (Mi-She-Ru Bu-Ra-N). :lol:

As Sketchley said, this has been discussed at length. I will sum it up for you here, because it's probably not the easiest thing in the world to search for: They write it both ways -- he has two names, essentially. His friends call him Michel (ミシェル), but his real name is Mikhael (ミハエル). Alto doesn't call him Michel because he is not "close" to him yet, until the episode Friendly Fire, when he calls him Michel at the climax of the episode so that he knows he trusts his aim. That is why Luca is so excited that the two of them are much closer now.

Both are "correct".

  Zinjo said:
Well we can find humor in how the Japanese mis-pronounce foreign words, just like they could find humor in how we'd mis-pronounce Japanese words.

Fact is that this show had the benefit of a French speaking animator to help them with pronounciation of French terms, but no English staffer to help them with the English ones, so they simply "sounded it out phonetically" based on the katakana.

The same situation was found in Eureka 7. None but one cast member knew how to pronounce "Eureka" correctly and that single cast member only voiced one character in one episode. The sad part is that when Bandai Entertainment English dubbed it for Western release they kept the mis-pronounciation as it was, instead of correcting it for audiences who knew how to say the name. So now you have a load of western E7 fanboys running around mis-pronouncing a name as if it were gospel... :rolleyes:

What were the mispronounciations of Eureka? Which is the "correct" one? Remember, the show is called エウレカセブン, but the word Eureka is neither Japanese nor English. I don't find any problem using an English interpretation of an originally Ancient Greek word. Think about it, Max Jenius is actually pronounced "jiinasu" in Japanese, but it wouldn't make sense to keep it that way in the English dub. Thus it is pronounced as in the normal "Genius".

  Mercurial Morpheus said:
Then there's how we had, what, three different pronunciations of "Macross" in ADV's dub? Only one of them correct.

Three? I counted two. What were they?

Posted (edited)
  Renato said:
Three? I counted two. What were they?

I wasn't actually counting, nor have i seen much. :p Though I remember hearing something about the actors having two incorrect ways, adding inconsistency on top or error. MUH-cross ma-CROSS, etc. Basically difference in the first syllable and the emphasis given.

Edited by Mercurial Morpheus

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