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Posted (edited)

Here are some images of my Macross Playset I made for the kids. Its 1/100 - 1/144 approx and is modular. I can be packed away into a small space and the boxes can hold the models.

For anyone looking for some interesting backdrops or runway decals to display their models on, please follow the link to my decal sheets here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30029551@N06/...57612902647388/ Simply print off the decal onto A4 sticker paper, peel off and lay onto mounting board...voila Suitable for medels 1/144 - 1/72nd scale

I posted this item in custom mods, but I thought I\'d show it off here as it is easy to build and can make a great display for kits. If I have posted this in the wrong place, I apologise.









Edited by skonchboy

That's pretty neat, reminds me of the facility from Aliens.

What a great dad to make something for you kids to play with.

  SchizophrenicMC said:

Dammit, they're awesome, but you should have a single, amalgamated thread for all of them! <_<

Again, though, good stuff.

Really sorry, point taken. :unsure: I have deleted a post for this reason. + There will be no more posts with these models.

  SchizophrenicMC said:

Dammit, they're awesome, but you should have a single, amalgamated thread for all of them! <_<

Again, though, good stuff.

For someone who isn't a mod you crap on quite a bit.....

  Temjin said:

That's very interesting, how did you made those colored printout?

oh... nvm

I used a program called Adobe Photoshop Elements. By starti with an A4 template at 300dpi I then filled in areas with a colour and then added effects using th airbrush tool.

Some of the more complicated textures were found by searching for game textures on Google.

I have posted the dcals here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30029551@N06/...57612902647388/

If you have Photoshop you can try playing around with then to suit your own dioramas. If you would like me to create some decal sheets for you just let me know.


Skonchboy, don't take the schizoMC too seriously. Your posts have all been pretty relevant and they each draw new fresh conversation from other forum members. Also, you reply in a timely manner and keep the threads on track as well.

If you are doing anything that needs to be changed, a mod will let you know. I'm sure they will let you know in a much more polite manner and with some helpful suggestions too.

  jardann said:
Skonchboy, don't take the schizoMC too seriously. Your posts have all been pretty relevant and they each draw new fresh conversation from other forum members. Also, you reply in a timely manner and keep the threads on track as well.

If you are doing anything that needs to be changed, a mod will let you know. I'm sure they will let you know in a much more polite manner and with some helpful suggestions too.

Believe it or not I felt aweful after I read Mr Stinkypants's response. Although he did have a point, plus he did make some very positive posts as well, so don't be too hard on him.

I did go a bit mad making two posts in the other forum which is why I requested that one of them be terminated. I just thought that people making the models might like some of the decals for display purposes and my sets are neither Models nor Customs.

I am new to this Forum stuff, so it's a bit of a learning curve for me. Thank you for making me feel better :rolleyes:


Oh, come on, have I not gone over this before?

I can be insensitive-sounding sometimes, but I mean well. I like his stuff, it just tires me to see a new thread every time he makes a new one of these... Especially since the first thread was so aptly named. I meant no hard feelings, Skonch.

And Berrt, you didn't even have to take it out of context to make it sound bad. How the hell do you do it? :huh:


it seems like everyone is on the same page here (pun?) now, so no big deal. i think a lot of the problem lies in not being able to get the correct inflection of the written word across. it happens everywhere, but here, folks are civil enough to come to an understanding before all hell breaks loose. one of the boards i'm on makes me afraid to post just sheerly because someone is going to insult/fight/scream/flame for no particular reason. OTOH, macrossworld seems full of good folks. group hug everyone! *dives out of room leaving hug-seeking missle behind* :ph34r:

and skonch, i love the dioramas. it's a great idea and very low cost! last year or two, someone had their valks in an amazing 1/48 city diorama that was just unreal, actually too real, and out of reach for most of us. your idea is far easier to implement. one could even do a mini display for a single figure. i'm thinking of printing out a nice big pic of the sdf-1 in space to place behind my vf-1s now!


Hey Skonchboy, Love the concept of your idea, you ought to try doing the deck of the Prometheus or something since you have some skill there!!

  505thAirborne said:
Hey Skonchboy, Love the concept of your idea, you ought to try doing the deck of the Prometheus or something since you have some skill there!!

Once again, I find myself wondering if 505th is my twin...

Skonch, ARMD, Daedelus, and Prometheus are relatively untouched ;)


  SchizophrenicMC said:
Once again, I find myself wondering if 505th is my twin...

Skonch, ARMD, Daedelus, and Prometheus are relatively untouched ;)


creepy!! :p

  SchizophrenicMC said:
And Berrt, you didn't even have to take it out of context to make it sound bad. How the hell do you do it? :huh:

It's a gift.

You can have all the good intentions in the world but if everybody think your dickhead what good does it do?

  505thAirborne said:
Hey Skonchboy, Love the concept of your idea, you ought to try doing the deck of the Prometheus or something since you have some skill there!!

As it seems I have caused quite a stir (problem with texting and e-mails is they sometimes get taken the wrong way), so as an apology I have put together 2 runway decal sheets inspired by the Promethius. There are very few images of the flight deck, so I've used some arisitic licence. As soon as I get the chance I'll make a backdrop and hangar to go with it. The scale will most likely be 1/100 but the backdrops and runways are for most other scales.

here they are:



link here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30029551@N06/...57612902647388/

Sorry for all of the trouble!

  wolfx said:

Keep up the good work!

Thank you! it is great to be able to show off my work and the encouragement I have been getting is only spurring me on to create more.

I'll be back!

  • 3 weeks later...

Check out the new photos.

I've completed the set with a cool backdrop -









If anyone wants to make this for themselves here are the decal sheets: http://www.flickr.com/photos/30029551@N06/collections/

  Dangard Ace said:
Sweet!!!. Looks really good with the backdrop.



wait....what....why's there a Gundam in there? Boooo!!!!! haha!

OMG, I can't believe that there is Macross snobbery here! - :rolleyes:

  SchizophrenicMC said:
My god, Skonch...

That's a hobby, man. Great work.

Makes me want to start designing my own for my 1/48s...

Word of warning - it's very addictive. Everytime I get a kit, I want to make a diorama or building to display it in!

Posted (edited)
  edwin3060 said:
Nice... don't you have to pack it away everytime you do work or something though? It seems to take up the whole table! Or is that your Macross/Gundam shrine? :p

Actually the set fits into a couple of IKEA EXPIDIT shelves (around 13in square), the backdrop folds up and can be stowed away & the hangar sections in the backdrop are fixed with Velcro so the whole thing stows away surprisingly neatly.

So the wife is happy!

Edited by skonchboy
  edwin3060 said:
Nice... don't you have to pack it away everytime you do work or something though? It seems to take up the whole table! Or is that your Macross/Gundam shrine? :p

  skonchboy said:
Actually the set fits into a couple of IKEA EXPIDIT shelves (around 13in square), the backdrop folds up and can be stowed away & the hangar sections in the backdrop are fixed with Velcro so the whole thing stows away surprisingly neatly.

So the wife is happy!

The wonders of paper and foamcore. It's not solid enough to be obstructive, but it's strong enough to stand up to that.

If only I didn't suck at graphical design... And I had foamcore (All I have is some leftover Extruded Polystyrene from an attempt at making a foamie R/C plane) and a printer that worked... Anyway, if I had those things, I'd make stuff like this. Probably a whole Macross City devoted to the new Yamato... I really want that new SDF-1. A lot.

Posted (edited)

Here aresome images showing the build process:

Print off decals:


Make foamcore shapes using decals as templates


Use hot glue gun to glue shapes together - (note strenghtening triangles)


Attach decals (CAREFULLY)




attach to backdrop:


Edited by skonchboy
Posted (edited)

It looks really awesome man. Real awesome!

Like Jack Black's Panda said, "There's no charge for awesomeness..." And these are priceless! :)

Oh yeah... BOOKMARKED. :p

Edited by ver CO

Your kid must be thinking that you're the coolest dad EVER! I wish i had a dad like you.

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