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Megahouse Ranka in swimsuit 1:8 figure

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  anime52k8 said:
every time I see a pic of it my eyes go strait to the O and thing "dammit, that should be a U"

I have checked the art from Ep21, the letters in the Heart are really "OP", it's just that they missed out the word "up" directly after the word "Call".

Anyone know what does the "OP" means?


It could always be short for "Operation", like "Special Ops". "Operation Monster Girl" sort of works. Though I always though it was "up" anyway. The coloration's still a touch odd though.


Just like to comment that I ordered a pair of Ranka Lees upon seeing this interesting thread. :lol:

No, I'm not into lolis. Hence, I don't watch shows like Kodomo no Chikan or buy figures based on those characters.

My preference is for boobalicious women like the cow lady figure and the Queen's Blade Menace shown in this:



I'm buying because:

1) Megahouse, a subsidiary of Bandai, makes the best accurate PVC figures at the lowest prices. You can compare the prices of their 1/8 figures with the other manufacturers e.g. Orchid Seed, Maxfactory, Goodsmile Company. Megahouse's ones are bigger, better made (except maybe for GSC, but GSC is more expensive), and priced lower.

2) I want to support a company that offers collectors like me a cheap but good quality product.

p.s. I also buy stuff from Orchid Seed, Maxfactory, Goodsmile and others. These 4 companies I named ranked among the best in accurate PVC sculpts, paint quality and prices. Yamato is inconsistent, as usual. Taki is priced higher and doesn't acknowledge the sculptors in their product boxes most of the time. As for the others...are those even the same anime ladies figurised? :blink:

  edwin3060 said:
rofl. I think its just Engrish in the Episode as well.. we might get confirmation if it is redrawn in the DVD/BR release.


The Art from the anime is right, however the Figure missed out the word "up". B))


Uh huh! So it seems like both sides are right-- it is 'Call up' AND it is 'Op (Operation?) Monster Girl' They just missed out the 'up'. That makes so much sense now. Call up Op Monster Girl at least makes some (engrish) sense.

  blacklotus said:
1) Megahouse, a subsidiary of Bandai, makes the best accurate PVC figures at the lowest prices. You can compare the prices of their 1/8 figures with the other manufacturers e.g. Orchid Seed, Maxfactory, Goodsmile Company. Megahouse's ones are bigger, better made (except maybe for GSC, but GSC is more expensive), and priced lower.

2) I want to support a company that offers collectors like me a cheap but good quality product.

p.s. I also buy stuff from Orchid Seed, Maxfactory, Goodsmile and others. These 4 companies I named ranked among the best in accurate PVC sculpts, paint quality and prices. Yamato is inconsistent, as usual. Taki is priced higher and doesn't acknowledge the sculptors in their product boxes most of the time. As for the others...are those even the same anime ladies figurised? :blink:

I'd say that Maxfactory and Megahouse offer the best quality-to-price levels, though I prefer Megahouse. Yamato can be up and down, but overall I like there work (My all time favorite figure is a Yamato). Goddsmile and alter Make absolutely amazing figures but are crazy expensive, deffinatly a case of you get what you pay for.

Orchid seed is interesting; they don't have the best production (though they've gotten better) but they have really interesting subject matter and some really good sculpts.


Damn. Good job to Megahouse, getting everything right XD. Guess there's nothing left to be picky over anymore :(


I'll be picky about one other thing:

I would really prefer if she were poseable. Although - in this case I guess an exception could be made, since it's not so much "Ranka" as a statue of a painting of Ranka ...

But in general the one thing I don't like about figures like these are the fact that they are fixed pose... Thank God for Fraulein Revoltech :)


Posted (edited)

I think fixed posed figures have their own sort of ball-jointless beauty.

Its a sort of thing that says: I'm so awesome and sexy, I can't be put in a better pose. And maybe lineart accuracy for MWFers? xD

Edited by Cent

I'm not denying the beauty of non-jointed figures that are fixed in anime accurate poses. It's just that I dream of having figures one day that have no joints that are visible and still can move while looking like the fix-posed figures in whatever pose you fix them in.

It would be technologicall possible to produce something like this. Kaiyodo is on the right track with their Fraulein series which is getting better and better at covering and masking ungainly joints.

I hope that in the near future we will have perfect poseable figures with no visible joints that are scaled at 1:1 - then we can forever be rid of wives, girlfriends and the like. Mwaha ha hah hah.


  VFTF1 said:
I hope that in the near future we will have perfect poseable figures with no visible joints that are scaled at 1:1 - then we can forever be rid of wives, girlfriends and the like. Mwaha ha hah hah.


I take it you've never heard of a "Real Doll" then.

Vostok 7

  anime52k8 said:
Goddsmile and alter Make absolutely amazing figures but are crazy expensive, deffinatly a case of you get what you pay for.

Alter makes some amazing figures. Their rendition of (Powered-up) Masane from Witchblade is what got me into figures.

I also agree about MaxFactory and Megahouse, although I personally give my nod to the former.


Ok, I've been looking for some place on the forum to ask this and not have it be off topic - and since it's in the title of this topic, I figure it's as good a place as any:

What does NSFW stand for? Nude Sexual Foreplay Women? Not Sure For What? New Song For Willow? Never Stand For Wombats? Nuclear Spasmic Forensic Wikan?

Sorry for being such a dunce, but I just figured out what IIRC stood for like, yesterday... but this one I can't break the code for no matter how hard I try...


  VFTF1 said:
Ok, I've been looking for some place on the forum to ask this and not have it be off topic - and since it's in the title of this topic, I figure it's as good a place as any:

What does NSFW stand for? Nude Sexual Foreplay Women? Not Sure For What? New Song For Willow? Never Stand For Wombats? Nuclear Spasmic Forensic Wikan?

Sorry for being such a dunce, but I just figured out what IIRC stood for like, yesterday... but this one I can't break the code for no matter how hard I try...


not safe for work...



I guess since I'm self employed I never would have guessed that it was "Not Safe For Work"... In my "Office," I have that naked sheryl in the apron making Pine salad for naked Alto that was in the Character Art Appreciation Thread on my laptop as the wallpaper. My girlfriend is pretty cool about it too whenever we meet.

Oh well :) Now I know, and KIHTB ! :)


  VFTF1 said:
I'm not denying the beauty of non-jointed figures that are fixed in anime accurate poses. It's just that I dream of having figures one day that have no joints that are visible and still can move while looking like the fix-posed figures in whatever pose you fix them in.

It would be technologicall possible to produce something like this. Kaiyodo is on the right track with their Fraulein series which is getting better and better at covering and masking ungainly joints.

I hope that in the near future we will have perfect poseable figures with no visible joints that are scaled at 1:1 - then we can forever be rid of wives, girlfriends and the like. Mwaha ha hah hah.


I don't know about that. I think I still prefer Melanie Griffith over Pamela Gidley, though both woman and android are deliciously hot back in those days. Ouch! ^_^

And yes, I've seen RealDolls before. And no, I have no wish to be like that triple-degree Vietnamese-American Macross male fan with overdrew 3 credit card limits to build his own android. :blink:

I don't know about that. I think I still prefer Melanie Griffith over Pamela Gidley, though both woman and android are deliciously hot back in those days. Ouch!

It's nice to know there are Cherry2000 fans out there:)

I remember watching that movie over and over when I was in college. It was great...

And yes, I've seen RealDolls before. And no, I have no wish to be like that triple-degree Vietnamese-American Macross male fan with overdrew 3 credit card limits to build his own android.

I never new about RealDolls - at least not until five minutes ago :) Those are awesome! And at only 7500 bucks a pop...that's really cheap when you consider the quality of those things.

Maybe my girlfriend can get me one eventually as a present :)

The problem with RealDolls though, is that they don't have much of a personality... well - ok - they do - I mean - there's a lot of character in those girls, true - and it's a leap forward - but... you can't really take them out to dinner or dancing.

However, I would love to fill the house up with those. In any event - there is a reason to work hard, save and be ambitious after all :)

um... and Ranka 1/8 is cute and great :)


  VFTF1 said:
It's nice to know there are Cherry2000 fans out there:)

I remember watching that movie over and over when I was in college. It was great...

I never new about RealDolls - at least not until five minutes ago :) Those are awesome! And at only 7500 bucks a pop...that's really cheap when you consider the quality of those things.

Maybe my girlfriend can get me one eventually as a present :)

The problem with RealDolls though, is that they don't have much of a personality... well - ok - they do - I mean - there's a lot of character in those girls, true - and it's a leap forward - but... you can't really take them out to dinner or dancing.

However, I would love to fill the house up with those. In any event - there is a reason to work hard, save and be ambitious after all :)

um... and Ranka 1/8 is cute and great :)


Yup. Cherry 2K, and of course, pre-Sex-in-the-City Kim Cattrall's Mannequin are my 2 favourite sexy B movies. Oh wait, there's a 3rd - Zapped - Heather Thomas. Yummy...

I'm already working hard, saving and be ambitious for my GF. Yup. Apparently, GFs are all the same, Asian, Black, Hispanic, Blonde, etc - we call it having the 5 Cs in Singapore - Cash, Car, Credit Card, Country Club membership and a Condo in a posh district. :lol:


I'm lucky enough to have a girlfriend who make 5 times more money than I do, and already has all that stuff. She just loves me cause I make her laugh. Been together 4 or 5 years now and it's great :)

This also means I can focus on making moeny to buy a RealDoll :) I would even go so far as to have them make a custom Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier - which honestly was the first thing that came to mind, despite the fact that I prefer Ranka as a character and I prefer her songs, and I love Misa and I like Minmey... but just on the face of it - Sheryl seems to be the most perfect fit for transformation into a RealDoll :)

Hm - guess that really does mean I have a low esteem of Sheryl: only good for one thing :)


  VFTF1 said:
I'm lucky enough to have a girlfriend who make 5 times more money than I do, and already has all that stuff. She just loves me cause I make her laugh. Been together 4 or 5 years now and it's great :)

Lucky you. Congrats. Hope your relationship blooms even more. ^_^

  VFTF1 said:
This also means I can focus on making moeny to buy a RealDoll :) I would even go so far as to have them make a custom Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier - which honestly was the first thing that came to mind, despite the fact that I prefer Ranka as a character and I prefer her songs, and I love Misa and I like Minmey... but just on the face of it - Sheryl seems to be the most perfect fit for transformation into a RealDoll :)

Hm - guess that really does mean I have a low esteem of Sheryl: only good for one thing :)


That's what I thought too. But if I ever get a Realdoll, my 1st would be Klan Klan. (The scaled down adult version with the full set, not the loli-micronised one) :lol:

  CF18 said:

1000 unit magazine limited re-color. No idea which magazine but this pic came from Hobby Japan.


Its the Victoria Secrets Ranka Lee!!! I like that one!! Ozma approved!!! :p


I like Undies too - but above all it was the green hair that got me :) I really do think Ranka is a very beautiful girl, and she looks worse with the light green/yellow/monster girl hair :)

But she needs a dress and some boots dag nabit :)


  VFTF1 said:
I like Undies too - but above all it was the green hair that got me :) I really do think Ranka is a very beautiful girl, and she looks worse with the light green/yellow/monster girl hair :)

But she needs a dress and some boots dag nabit :)


You and Edwin after Ranka's white undies, perves!! :p

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