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I guess we know who will win the Most Retarded Strategy in 2009 now.

Those new kamikaze MS, I wonder if this is all Bandai idea for promoting future Gunpla.

Bring MS Kamikaze squad, 5 unit in one package, may exploded when thrown. :ph34r:

  wolfx said:

:p right on! Still, the scene where all the clones say "Trans-Am" makes me laugh--- I immediately think of that Simpsons episode with all the Homer clones going "Doh!" as they walk off a cliff ^_^

Posted (edited)

Almost caught up. Currently on episode 22 of second season. I must say, I'm not enjoying this season as much as the first. It's not as tightly written or as coherent as first season. There's also so many characters acting completely idiotic in this second season it's really dragging me down. The Innovators (gawd knows why anyone would want to become like them) are so annoying on so many levels and Ribbons is a total fool. Saji's character arc is being stretched out for far longer than there is material worth writing about him. Anew's arc was so predictable and I wasn't the least bit convinced by Lyle's emotional plot. Wang Liu Mei and Hong Long feel totally extraneous at this point in the story. There is also far less interesting strategy in this season and the battles aren't nearly as engaging as first season was. Specifically, I think Gundam 00 "used up" most of the good tech advances and/or match-ups in the first season. Plus the Trans-Am system has become pedestrian from excessive use.

On the plus side, the story that culminated in episode 17 was fantastic. I liked the clash of political wills and the depths to which the A-Laws will sink to ensure victory. There was plenty of tragic losses in this part of the story and I like all the forces coming together to save the city. I found the story of Hank Hercule and Segei Smirnov quite fascinating. The show did a good job of contrasting the good-intentioned motives of each and the unfortunate conflict between the two opposing viewpoints of men who are both trying to do the right thing. Gundam is at it's best when you have two likable characters on opposing sides who the audience can relate to and sympathize with. It adds so much gravitas to the drama and the battles. I also have to say it's a welcome sight to see Graham back in action against Setsunna. Can't wait to watch episode 22 to see how the cliffhanger turns out.

I'm still invested in watching all of second season to the end, but I think first season of Gundam 00 was much more impressive. Maybe the final episodes will pick up, but I'll have to watch and see.

Edited by Mr March
  Mr March said:
Plus the Trans-Am system has become pedestrian from excessive use.

You have no idea... You're only 1 episode away from understanding that. :lol:


I don't think so--- there's just too much to squeeze into the final two episodes IMO. And you must have known that Trans Am would eventually become pedestrian-- it's characteristic of Gundam shows that the super weapon would lose their uniqueness ever since SEED (which was the first one I watched)!

Posted (edited)
  azrael said:
You have no idea... You're only 1 episode away from understanding that. :lol:

Just finished episodes 22 and 23. Okay, NOW the Trans-Am has gone beyond pedestrian! :o

So, what was the point of all those "Gaga" mobile suits? They are just Trans-Am suicide squads piloted by innovator clones? I'm not sure I understand the point of that. Why would one build a horde of kamikaze mobile suits and cloned pilots when it would be so much easier to just build thousands of missiles? That was really rather silly. I guess Ribbons is just that much of a tool. His attack of ultimate evil is pretty lame.

The battle between Setsunna and Graham was fun. I wonder what Graham will do now that he's had his ideology defeated as well as his mobile suit? I also liked the anti-GN particle field. That was an interesting tactic. Also, it was nice to see that A-Laws idiot finally get it :)

Well, not bad so far. We'll wait and see how the rest turns out.

Edited by Mr March

Told ya.

Chances are, the Gagas were used since missiles can be jammed, dumb-fires have a lower chance of hitting, and they can adjust to different targets without problems.

  azrael said:
Told ya.

Chances are, the Gagas were used since missiles can be jammed, dumb-fires have a lower chance of hitting, and they can adjust to different targets without problems.

[Yoda voice over] Quantity over quality I can see, Bring clones they have made.


Wow for this episode.

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  Morpheus said:
Wow for this episode.

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I still wonder about Jupiter. What did Aoelia find there in the expedition? I hope they will explain, cause apparently there is going to be another enemy.

  kensei said:
I still wonder about Jupiter. What did Aoelia find there in the expedition? I hope they will explain, cause apparently there is going to be another enemy.

Find the answer in the upcoming 00 Movie "Mr.Bushido Kabuki Attack:with Za Powa from Jupiter" B))


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  azrael said:
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I thought it resembled the Dark Gundam.


Move over Jesus Yamato, there's Mohd Ibrahim now. :lol: Man that whole scene is whacked. Happy thoughts were aroused, wounds were healed, i was surprised no one was resurrected. :lol:

So somehow this makes me think the series will end like Evangelion except without the whole world ending. GN particles are anti-AT-FIELDS, humankind will unite their conciousness....blablabla.

Nice strangling scene too....wonder where i've seen that. :rolleyes:

How did Regene and Tieria end up in Veda?. :ph34r:

Guncannon boss ftw!

  kensei said:
I still wonder about Jupiter. What did Aoelia find there in the expedition? I hope they will explain, cause apparently there is going to be another enemy.

Aeolia never found anything around Jupiter. They went to Jupiter because they needed a suitable environment to create the 5 original GN drives.

...unless they found space whale bones out there and incorporated them into the GN drives. :blink:

How did Regene and Tieria end up in Veda?.

You can thank Setsuna's GN particle spamming.


I'm totally underwhelmed by that red mecha. I don't like the look of Ribbon's uber-suit at all. But that's the trouble with this whole second season, it's just an extended game of one-upping the previous episode. That formula had already over stayed it's welcome by the time season one had finished. It didn't detract that much from first season, but now that we're into second season, the number and look of secret designs is just becoming ridiculous. IMO, Gundam 00 first season is still winning the contest. I don't think I'm going to find this second season as good, but perhaps the final episode will make up for some of the slack.


Try classic media player that usually works best for .mkv

otherwise make sure you use the latest cccp package for VLC


I had nearly given up after the clones episode but they managed to turn it around. This was quite a good episode.

One more vote here to give Billy a lead injection.

Shame Louise and Saji have become such whiny characters. I enjoyed their "normal person view" in season 1 but no they had to be dragged in to the action.

Hopefully a good wrap up in the next episode. Is that the last one or is it 26 total for s2?

  Mr March said:
I'm totally underwhelmed by that red mecha. I don't like the look of Ribbon's uber-suit at all. But that's the trouble with this whole second season, it's just an extended game of one-upping the previous episode. That formula had already over stayed it's welcome by the time season one had finished. It didn't detract that much from first season, but now that we're into second season, the number and look of secret designs is just becoming ridiculous. IMO, Gundam 00 first season is still winning the contest. I don't think I'm going to find this second season as good, but perhaps the final episode will make up for some of the slack.

You should have been around for season 1 where the surprises felt like deus ex machinas.

  Bri said:
Hopefully a good wrap up in the next episode. Is that the last one or is it 26 total for s2?

Next week is the series finale (Yay! Only KR Decade to worry about after next week!!).

  azrael said:
You should have been around for season 1 where the surprises felt like deus ex machinas.

They weren't that bad. Only the appearance of the thrones and the Trans-Am system felt really deus ex machina. But I adored Gundam 00 season one and had a lot of fun with it. I just hope this last episode of season 2 is good.

  Mr March said:
I'm totally underwhelmed by that red mecha. I don't like the look of Ribbon's uber-suit at all. But that's the trouble with this whole second season, it's just an extended game of one-upping the previous episode. That formula had already over stayed it's welcome by the time season one had finished. It didn't detract that much from first season, but now that we're into second season, the number and look of secret designs is just becoming ridiculous. IMO, Gundam 00 first season is still winning the contest. I don't think I'm going to find this second season as good, but perhaps the final episode will make up for some of the slack.

Gundam SEED Destiny was the same way as the sequel to Gundam SEED, so it's nothing new.

Heh I forgot about all the NGE references in this episode--- makes the other thread discussing NGE references in MF seem trivial, really.

  Mr March said:
IMO, Gundam 00 first season is still winning the contest. I don't think I'm going to find this second season as good, but perhaps the final episode will make up for some of the slack.

Yea I definitely agree. I didn't realize it before but after watching this episode and then watching some old clips of season 1 I remembered how exciting it was. This season just doesn't have the same level of excitement. It's still good enough though. Plus Exia >>>>>>>> 00.

Also: SEVEN SWELLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyone managed to get the pic of Reborns Gundam from 4chan? It appears there's a Gundam under that Guncannon look-alike....

Posted (edited)
  Morpheus said:
Anyone managed to get the pic of Reborns Gundam from 4chan? It appears there's a Gundam under that Guncannon look-alike....

There is a pic on NgeeKhiong, not sure if it's the same one:


And apparently, according to the same post:

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shall we call it... GUNDAM 00: ENDLESS TANGO? lulz....

Edited by Ghost Train
Posted (edited)

First appearing in episode 24 of season 2, it is a large mobile suit used by Ribbons Almark. The Unit appears to be equipped with 3 GN Drive Taus and the Trans-Am System.

Source : wikipedia

Hell no...3 GN drive Taus ? I bet my wager on Graham and Setsuna work harder to whoop babyface beach...

Edited by NightmareEX

I don't think Bushido Bob is going to swoop in and help Setsuna all of a sudden.

Setsuna beats the crap out of Ribbons MS, and Bushido Bob will appear all of a sudden offer to cross swords 1 final time with Setsuna, as their MS fly towards each other, the screen fades to black... that would be an ideal ending for me XD.

The problem is that I don't know where he's going to get a new uber-mobile suit, as double-0 pretty much busted his whole garage, and Billy is now officially out of A-laws.

  NightmareEX said:
First appearing in episode 24 of season 2, it is a large mobile suit used by Ribbons Almark. The Unit appears to be equipped with 3 GN Drive Taus and the Trans-Am System.

Source : wikipedia

Hell no...3 GN drive Taus ? I bet my wager on Graham and Setsuna work harder to whoop babyface beach...

When will people learn to NOT trust Wikipedia. Jeez, it barely made an appearance and people are already claiming stuff about it? :rolleyes:

  Ghost Train said:
  Reveal hidden contents

shall we call it... GUNDAM 00: ENDLESS TANGO? lulz....

This rumor showed up a few weeks ago. Let's just say, keep an eye out till the very end of the show for something more concrete.

  NightmareEX said:
First appearing in episode 24 of season 2, it is a large mobile suit used by Ribbons Almark. The Unit appears to be equipped with 3 GN Drive Taus and the Trans-Am System.

Source : wikipedia

Hell no...3 GN drive Taus ? I bet my wager on Graham and Setsuna work harder to whoop babyface beach...

Lol why would Setsuna need help defeating a mobile suit with 3 gn drive taus? Alvarone (sp?) had SEVEN(!) and Exia defeated it with ease. 00 will wipe the floor with it. Unless Ribbons somehow managed to sync 3 GN drives which I highly doubt since the entire Celestial Being was barely able to sync the two on 00.


I think that's my main problem with the show... the 00-Raiser is just too overpowered, there was never a real opponent that came remotely close to taking it down. I had high hopes for the Susanoo but it lasted about as long as the GN-flag <_< .

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