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Good ol' Revoltech joints.

Is thee anything they CAN'T fix?

Seriously though....they were giving away free Revoltech joints at last years SDCC (in the Kaiyodo booth).

The person working there was pretty furious after he saw some idiot taking handfulls upon handfulls of free replacement joints. :ph34r:

Posted (edited)
  shinjizh said:
Just find out the detail to modify VF-25S neck, but can't directly change to fighter mode.

Does anyone want to try?


That looks like a revoltech joint but like two of them put together. Is that what it is?

EDIT: sorry I was writing this at the same time as the both of you?

Edited by miriya
  UN Spacy said:
Good ol' Revoltech joints.

Is there anything they CAN'T fix?

Seriously though....they were giving away free Revoltech joints at last years SDCC (in the Kaiyodo booth).

I know. I was there. Got I think 3 orange packs and 2 revoltech "pliers". Don't know if the joint packs had the double joints though....

  UN Spacy said:
The person working there was pretty furious after he saw some idiot taking handfulls upon handfulls of free replacement joints. :ph34r:

I blame *insert legendarly infamous blamed mod name here* :lol: :lol:

  Dangard Ace said:
I know. I was there. Got I think 3 orange packs and 2 revoltech "pliers". Don't know if the joint packs had the double joints though....

I blame *insert legendarly infamous blamed mod name here* :lol: :lol:

haha, I only grabbed 5 each day I was there. So I think I have at least two of each color. ^_^

  BoBe-Patt said:
haha, I only grabbed 5 each day I was there. So I think I have at least two of each color. ^_^

When the hell did you find time to grab 5 each day with all that other swag you were grabbing/buying?!



Yotsuba has an extra double-Revoltech joint that serves no real purpose (well - it sort of does come in handy for when you want her to be extra bendy)...

But - yeah - I'm sure a joint will be found to use...

Although - I don't know why I'm excited about this.

I NEVER mod ANY of my figures. I like to have them "as is" since all of my adventures in modding (long time ago - dark past) have ended in tragedy (the greatest tragedy being when I used an acid-based paint thinner to try to get the paint off of my laser rod Prime and ended up litterly watching as the stuff ATE through him :0


  Dangard Ace said:
When the hell did you find time to grab 5 each day with all that other swag you were grabbing/buying?!

haha, the revoltech booth was always on the to where ever I needed to go buy stuff. EXO got more than I did! ^_^

  Cent said:
With the head mod though, wont the head stick up in fighter?

Yeah, what Cent said. Will the head have to swap out the additional part during transformation to Fighter/Gerwalk mode?


Yes, yes it should be. I think that's my big clue that I haven't been sleeping enough lately. Website corrected... I better crash. Thanks for catching that.


I read it, and I'm grateful for the review, and the pictures were very informative. Mostly though, it reconfirmed the things I was already thinking about the DX... But Im surprised that you didn't deduct more points for the flood of big flaws mentioned in the design category. Issues like that were heavy penalties to the scores of Yamatos, but I guess this is being reviewed in the context that its intended as more chunky-monkey toy.


The neck mod looks good and simple.

Does anybody know which (if any) Revoltech toys come with the correct color double joint to use for the VF-25S neck.

Will pick up the Revoltech to canabalise for the joint, once I know which one.


Posted (edited)

Great review Jenius! I posted some comments on your site. Also, opposite to TCracker, your review convinced me not to get Ozuma hehe... I think the bendy head lasers are just too much for me. Also, the DX looks wayy better without the ankles extended, the proportions, while not anime accurate, look more natural that way (and since we are already sacrificing so much accuracy in other areas, might as well go with something that looks good). Ultimately, fighter still looks to be the nicest mode to me.

Edit: I think you made a mistake with your comment about the same chest and back plates for the -25S and F. The chest plate is clearly different from your photos, given that the -25S has 2 bumps for the additional sensors. I think that looking at the model kit gives us a better explanation of why the head sits so low-- which is the collar piece (which is different for the -25S and F model kits). Some kitbuilders who used the -F collar piece instead of the -S collar piece ended up with the same neckless VF-25S. I suspect the same problem is occuring with the DX-25S

Edited by edwin3060
Posted (edited)
  Graham said:
The neck mod looks good and simple.

Does anybody know which (if any) Revoltech toys come with the correct color double joint to use for the VF-25S neck.

Will pick up the Revoltech to canabalise for the joint, once I know which one.


I think these would be useful:

Joint parts assort Kaiyodo Revoltech Assemble Borg

BTW, if I understood correctly, for the modification to work an additional hole needs to be made in the head.


Thanks for the review!

Edited by GGemini

Good review Jenius. I wish your pictures were a bit bigger, but if it is because of web space restraints I understand.

Oh and One more thing, can you say something about the toy dimensions. How tall Battroid mode with ankles extended?

Did Bandai get the scaling right or wrong?

Graham were is your review or are you not going to bother?

Posted (edited)
  Graham said:
The neck mod looks good and simple.

Does anybody know which (if any) Revoltech toys come with the correct color double joint to use for the VF-25S neck.

Will pick up the Revoltech to canabalise for the joint, once I know which one.


I know that the movie versions of the Evangelion Revoltechs have an extra double joint that is solely used for the stand. So then you wouldn't even have to cannibalize the figures themselves. Note that these are the movie versions (Rebuild of Evangelion). The other Evangelion Revoltechs still use single joints.



Edited by SDF-ONE

Thanks for the review Jenius. I still have some time to think about these two. It's a hard choice. If they were one quarter of the price, I'd pick them up. But for the asking price - I want something with greater anime accuracy. I'm accustomed to paying high prices for Bandai's Soul of Chogokin, for Yamato Macross and for similar goods because they really take extra care to be anime accurate.

These just don't.

I would be far more positive about them if they were priced in the 50 USD range.



Thanks Edwin for pointing that out, I'll have to make a correction when I'm home on my lunch break :). For everybody else, I know it doesn't really add a whole lot new but I'm glad you liked it. LeChuck, I was hoping people could determine the size from the picture with the Yamato VF-1 toy. Scale is approximately correct unless you collapse the ankles in which case it's way too small in battroid (but I think it looks way better with the ankles collapsed). Cent, the toy is actually enjoyable to transform, I think that's what I couldn't quite figure out how to say last night when writing up the design section. That offsets a lot of the faults... there are no heart attack points or items you really have to struggle with.

  GGemini said:
I think these would be useful:

Joint parts assort Kaiyodo Revoltech Assemble Borg

BTW, if I understood correctly, for the modification to work an additional hole needs to be made in the head.


Thanks for the review!

I know Kaiyodo used to make Revoltech joint packs.


As for drilling an extra hole, I'm not sure that's needed. They made the hole because the original ball joint hole is bigger then the revoltech peg but if you put a correct size ball on the revoltech peg you should be able to plug that in no problem.



Got a little freaked out by how small the package was!!! Thought the seller sent me the model kit but when I opened I was pleasantly surprissed that it was the DX

I guess I was used to the friggen HUGE boxes from Yamato and was grateful that the box is small for storage purposes.

The plane feels smaller to me than an actual 1/60 More like a 1/72??

Love how sturdy it feels

Took some pictures of 1/72 YF-19 ISAMU pilot to compare to Bandai. Really I now feel the same as some other members here that Bandai could have applied better paint apps to the pilot. Also lacking more accessories in DX collections I feel a little cheated by Bandai ( I guess a little spoiled by SOC and Aquarion DX) THIS IS NOT WORTH THE $200 Plus PRICE TAG! I will get the VF-25G and the super Strike Pack for the Alto if they come out with it. The regular Super packs are a little pricey right now and I wont bother. Again I think Bandai is asking a little Much. The SOC Eva Spec stuff is almost the same size and come loaded with a myriad of accessories and yes it doesn't transform but you can remove the armor and that takes some intelligence to make.

So Far my overall rating is 3/5 if only for the price

Still would prefer the Ozuma paint app but that neck and bendy multi-directional cannons are NOT worth the money. n

BTW Gloss looks great. A nice coating of nail polish to protect the tampo prints!




  jenius said:
Thanks Edwin for pointing that out, I'll have to make a correction when I'm home on my lunch break :). For everybody else, I know it doesn't really add a whole lot new but I'm glad you liked it. LeChuck, I was hoping people could determine the size from the picture with the Yamato VF-1 toy. Scale is approximately correct unless you collapse the ankles in which case it's way too small in battroid (but I think it looks way better with the ankles collapsed). Cent, the toy is actually enjoyable to transform, I think that's what I couldn't quite figure out how to say last night when writing up the design section. That offsets a lot of the faults... there are no heart attack points or items you really have to struggle with.

You're welcome :). I agree with you fully on the collapsed ankle issue. Also, I think someone did calculations, either in the earlier part of this thread or the Ver.2, and the length of the DX in fighter mode is indeed to scale with the anime. I'm not sure about the Battroid though. However from nugundamII's pics I think the 1/72 Yamato Isamu fits nicely into the cockpit!

nugundamII: Haha your comparison makes me think that the DX fits in really well with the 1/72 Yamato line! I guess it will go great next to my VF-11B! (Sold off my 1/72 YF/VF-19s once I got my 1/60, unfortunately)


I got mine through Overdrive, think I spent $103 each plus EMS shipping which was probably another $50. I think anyone who might be tempted to spend more than that ought to wait... these aren't niche products, I'm sure more will be available and the price will get reasonable again. Plus, the Yen is too strong right now.

  edwin3060 said:
Edit: I think you made a mistake with your comment about the same chest and back plates for the -25S and F. The chest plate is clearly different from your photos, given that the -25S has 2 bumps for the additional sensors. I think that looking at the model kit gives us a better explanation of why the head sits so low-- which is the collar piece (which is different for the -25S and F model kits). Some kitbuilders who used the -F collar piece instead of the -S collar piece ended up with the same neckless VF-25S. I suspect the same problem is occuring with the DX-25S

I'm home on my lunch break, and I'm looking at photos of both the Alto and Ozma chests, and they look identical to me other than paint schemes. Are you mistaking the two dark paint spots on the Ozma for sensor bumps? Maybe I'm just looking at the wrong spot? Can someone confirm? Are the Alto and Ozma toys the exact same things with different paint and heads or is there an actual difference between the two?

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