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Posted (edited)
  D_Unit said:
I'm inclined to pre-order for the Tamashii fast-packs; I know they cost a lot but they look so much better than the Bandai versions (on the Luca & Micheal)... or an I only looking at the prototypes and the final versions will be just as detailed?

They will be just as detailed. Most photos have been of the prototypes/test shots which are not fully detailed.

Check out the official stock pics of the DX 25G and RVF with super packs below. Markings will be tampoed on on the final product.

Pics originally posted here:http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=695891



Edited by IXTL
  IXTL said:
They will be just as detailed. Most photos have been of the prototypes/test shots which are not fully detailed.

Check out the official stock pics of the DX 25G and RVF with super packs below. Markings will be tampoed on on the final product.

Pics originally posted here:http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=695891

Thanks for the heads up. Since Tamashii's going to build on demand; I'll just wait to see if Bandai does their own stand alone fast packs in the future.

Posted (edited)
  D_Unit said:
Thanks for the heads up. Since Tamashii's going to build on demand; I'll just wait to see if Bandai does their own stand alone fast packs in the future.

You do know Tamashii and Bandai are one and the same right? Tamashii is just a sort of sub-branding/grouping of Bandai's high end collector's toys (e.g. SOC, SIC, DX Chogokin, Saint Seiya etc.) under one umbrella. The Tamashii Web Shop being an outlet for Bandai to sell exclusive items from their various collector's lines.

Also, it doesn't look like the Web Shop is going to produce on demand anymore. The are re-opening orders for the exclusive super pack and will continue accepting orders until stock runs out. So like I mentioned in my original post about the second order period for the super packs, it looks like they will now produce them in larger quantities. The first order period was likely to gauge demand and produce just enough to meet it but by the looks of it, demand has exceeded their expectations so they're accepting more orders.

Mass release stand alone super packs don't look likely at the moment. Bundled sets and exclusive stand alone packs seem the more likely sales route.

Edited by IXTL

I'm literally holding out and keeping my fingers cross that they will release the Ozma & Alto Customs in a Super/Armored bundle. Ozma's just doesn't look complete without the full armor configuration and Alto's are pretty much sold out even in it's normal config anyway, so might as well get it with the Super Pack.

  badboy00z said:
What would the chances of the "Movie Version" be an anime accurate one?? Lol.

Depends if the movie versions will be re-engineered at all. It is a possibility. VF-1 went form boxing gloves to detailed hands for a movie, who knows how the VF-25 could change. I am starting to wonder if I should wait on the VF-25G with fast packs to see what Bandai will do for the movie line (which there will surely be).

Posted (edited)
  IXTL said:
You do know Tamashii and Bandai are one and the same right? Tamashii is just a sort of sub-branding/grouping of Bandai's high end collector's toys (e.g. SOC, SIC, DX Chogokin, Saint Seiya etc.) under one umbrella. The Tamashii Web Shop being an outlet for Bandai to sell exclusive items from their various collector's lines.

Also, it doesn't look like the Web Shop is going to produce on demand anymore. The are re-opening orders for the exclusive super pack and will continue accepting orders until stock runs out. So like I mentioned in my original post about the second order period for the super packs, it looks like they will now produce them in larger quantities. The first order period was likely to gauge demand and produce just enough to meet it but by the looks of it, demand has exceeded their expectations so they're accepting more orders.

Mass release stand alone super packs don't look likely at the moment. Bundled sets and exclusive stand alone packs seem the more likely sales route.

Thanks for the info. Well if that's the case, then this is probably Bandai's way of releasing the stand alone fast packs... in other words I'll probably order one when I get home from work.

Edited by D_Unit

I didn't get my DXs today. Bummed, I was hoping to spend this weekend reviewing them. Oh well, my review will go up some time next week. For some reason I'm still kinda excited about them even though I'm also already a little let down.


Well Dammit I broke Down and purchased an Alto on Ebay for 223 CDN

I really like the Ozuma a lot more but the dam Neck Thing really bothers me and that fact they didnt use the clear visor or clear plastic visor for the optical units and thats its painted on

Oh Well

Now I will hold on super pack units the G to see if they have an Ozuma Super Strike Valk then it would be worth the money


Can the head lasers on the VF-25F change position in Fighter Mode?


Got my DX Alto and Ozma today. Still playing with them, getting an idea of how much I like them. I'm not entirely certain I'm transforming them right. Is the neck-piece supposed to snap into place or anything? It just kinda sits there, wobbling around in the chest. Doesn't seem quite as poseable as I had expected. Bent head lasers on my Ozma. They're not bad. Comparable to Masterpiece Starscream. Less detailed, but more poseable. Kinda cheaper feeling in some ways, but they do have that heft of die-cast. I'm hoping I've got them mistransformed and that's why the neck won't snap into place. Still on the fence about whether or not I'll get Mikhail's and Luca's. Like I said, they're not bad, but they're a bit pricey for what they are. Of course, the economy being what it is is almost certainly part of that issue.

Still, I've only had them for a few hours so far. These are just my initial impressions.


Just receive mine but....Fu...Custom 70€ of Tax :(

Gerwalk seem to be very dispointing in my opinion j will try with alto to see if it s the same ...

J begin with the vf25-s

Just enjoy :p




Posted (edited)

It's a shame about the head lasers on Ozma's valk. I've yet to see a single photo of a retail piece with straight lasers.

Has anyone with a DX VF-25S tried straightening the head lasers on their's?

Edited by IXTL

Yes laser bend too easily on ozma for sure j will try to put them in little plastic tube and put them under heat may be it will solve this ....

Just for the pleasure a little picture of ozma and alto valkyries together ;)



got my vf-25f and vf-25s from overdrive. nobody mentioned how much smaller the boxes are compared to the 1/72 model kits. damn probably could have saved on shipping like on hlj if i had these sent sal instead.

my vf-25s was double taped though. i hate when items get double taped.



Every time I look at more pictures of these guys I get depressed. As in "do I really have to buy THAT"...

I think I'm going to put off buying thse for a long, long loooooooooooooooooooooooong time.

Te bend head lasers on Ozma are just a joke. Come on. I understand everything, but what's with that?

I mean... they surely did not intend on it? It must be a QC flaw? What is that? ... why... so sad :(

Such a wonderful series and such craptastic figures.


Posted (edited)

Ok So I'm finally recovered from Emma Effing X-mas and now I can't find the Alto anywhere except for e-bay!! Help! Please : )

Edited by Hikaroso

I caved and ordered a VF-25F on Angolz...since I already pre-ordered the Super parts. Which is kind of putting the cart before the horse, oh well. Hopefully (not likely) Bandai will release accurate movie versions and these releases become the 'Chunky Monkeys' of the 21st Century. I shudder to think about what they will do to my precious VF-27!! At least the 1/72 model kits are gorgeous-- however, I ordered a -25S thinking that I would do a quick build so that I could play with it-- big big mistake-- there's no such thing as a quick build with this kit and once I was done it looked too good and I spent too much effort for me to bear to play with! Hence my pussing out and buying a DX-- it really is something to play with and toss around (not literally!). Ohh where art thou, Yamato?


Yeah, I would LOVE to see Yamato do the VF-25, VF-27, VF-171 etc.

I hope that they will eventually. I guess whenever Bandai gives up the license? or they could share the license? Whatever needs to be done legally I hope that they do it.


ah well, by the time I got around to trying to get it from Angolz, it was out of stock, so I ordered from HLJ with low stock, now it's discontinued and my order says Future Release. Guess I'll have Alto's super pack without Alto. :lol:

Hopefully there will be a rerelease with some updates.

  miriya said:
Yeah, I would LOVE to see Yamato do the VF-25, VF-27, VF-171 etc.

I hope that they will eventually. I guess whenever Bandai gives up the license? or they could share the license? Whatever needs to be done legally I hope that they do it.

Well Bandai dropping MF/M7 license is as hard as HG dropping Macross license.. look at them, over 10/20 years and they still have it!

  VFTF1 said:

Every time I look at more pictures of these guys I get depressed. As in "do I really have to buy THAT"...

I think I'm going to put off buying thse for a long, long loooooooooooooooooooooooong time.

Te bend head lasers on Ozma are just a joke. Come on. I understand everything, but what's with that?

I mean... they surely did not intend on it? It must be a QC flaw? What is that? ... why... so sad :(

Such a wonderful series and such craptastic figures.


I see the bend head lasers as a design flaw rather than QC problem.

A harder material should have been chossen in the first place! Real shame.

Posted (edited)
  VFTF1 said:
I think I'm going to put off buying thse for a long, long loooooooooooooooooooooooong time.

i'm waiting too... for any of these things to happen:

1) Bandai announcement for a Renewal ver. or Movie ver. w/ improvements

2) indication that this will be the first and last VF-25 mold that Bandai will do and lock away the Frontier license forever

3) if standalone VF-25's go on sale for $100 or less and Super Packs become non-exclusive items

4) a miracle happens and Yamato does a 1/60 VF-25 that resembles and has the aesthetic qualities of the 1/72 model kit

5) or if my doctor tells me i have 2-3 years left to live :lol:

i'm lucky that i have convinced myself that i can go on living w/out a DX VF-25... for the time being :rolleyes:

Edited by m0n5t3r
  miriya said:
Yeah, I would LOVE to see Yamato do the VF-25, VF-27, VF-171 etc.

I hope that they will eventually. I guess whenever Bandai gives up the license? or they could share the license? Whatever needs to be done legally I hope that they do it.

I would love for Yamato to make these too. But chances of that is pretty damn low for now. Bandai hasn't given up the license for M7 yet so who knows if it's ever going to happen to the MF license.


Hey don't know if I asked this already or not but I remember seeing a promotional pic long time ago that showed that you could store the gunpod underneath the valk in Gerwalk mode like the show. Can you actually do that or is it just fighter that can do that?


I just got my VF-25S in the mail today and I must say, this toy is pretty sick!! I've read and argued many people about how they should give these new Bandai toys a chance, and boy was I right. I opened the package to only see a really nice toy. The construction is really good without that super light, something is going to break feeling. The colors are bright, and it has a little weight to it. The construction is very solid and durable, with a very tight feeling. The transformation was a little confusing do to Japanese only instructions, but I eventually got it.When everything was said and done, I was simply amazed at what Bandai has achieved. Granted it isn't totally flexable like some of the Yamato toys, but I must say it would be hard pressed to see Yamato come up with something totally better (really). Yamato, granted has come out with some really cool looking toys in the past, but unfortunately has been plagued with bad quality. Not in this toy. This figure is solid, and well worth buying, no questions asked.

I also hear about how these particular toys aren't anime accurate. That may be somewhat true, but I don't fully agree. It looks really good (and accurate)to me. I often hear the models look more accurate. I just think Bandai payed attention to making this thing really duarable and chunked some things up, but not too fat by any means. I really love this figure , and plan to get every figure in the DX line. I am currenyly displaying this particular figure right next to my 1/48 macross VF-1's and I must say that it fits in duite well.

I'm almost positive that somebody out there, whether it be Yamato or some other toy company could tweak this thing a little more( but not much because it doesn't need much), but I think Bandai really nailed it this time around. It's not the greatest thing since sliced bread, but remember you are getting true quality and a great looking toy. Well worth the money in my book, even if my impatience forced me to pay almost $200.00!!!

To all of you hard core Macross fans, give this toy a real chance! I do not think you will walk away feeling ripped off. I really really love this thing!!

Posted (edited)

Alright, having had a day now to play around with them, transform them, and all that...there's some really dumb design flaws with these things.

You have to remove the hands to transform them. Leaving in a hand that can hold the gun pod is not an option. The shield will not fit over them. Actually, if BanDai hadn't decided to mold the shield so that it slipped over the hands, you would be able to leave just any of the hands in there. But, no, you are required to switch to a pair of hands, the sole purpose of which is to be hidden underneath the shield cover. Said hands don't look good in battroid mode for anything beyond dance poses, which I've yet to try and get the figure into.

There is no way to stow the gun pod in fighter mode. Well, that's not entirely true. You can let it hang from the gap between the arms, but it won't stay. The moment you so much as think about it too hard, it falls out. It's clearly not designed to be displayed like that, and will not stay should you pose the fighter on any sort of pose stand. ( I stand corrected, you need to use a separate piece to stow the gun pod in fighter mode. That will teach me to toss the instruction booklet aside after working out the transformation.) Despite the fixed-pose hands, the gun pod still tends to droop.

Most of the rest has already been covered by everyone else. Ozma's head lasers, the scale issue, the landing gear...the landing gear doesn't actually bother me so much. I saw an early photo of the landing gear that made them look like poorly molded plastic, and while clearly too short, they do their job and aren't as cheap looking as the photo I saw.

As for appearances, well everyone has seen the photos by now. These toys are certainly not meant to be the high-detail collectors items that Yamato makes. The molding isn't quite as sharp, and there are relatively few details. I am glad they went with tampo printing for what details there are, still waiting for Yamato to climb on board that particular bandwagon. The toys compare favourably to the Takatoku/Bandai 1/55 toys, and BanDai's Macross 7 toys, but set them near any of Yamato's Macross toys and the difference in visual quality is pretty clear.

Now, they do have that nice die-cast heft to them, to which I would attribute much the "sturdier" feeling the toys have to them, the rest of which is the fact that there's few little tabs or spikes or antennae poking out of these to be broken. There's the head lasers...and those bother me every bit as much on these as on other Macross toys. I have found that the landing gear doors do not always want to close properly, either. There are also a couple pieces that may come off, but easily snap back into place. I would say that the plastic feels more solid as well. I'm no expert on that, but I get the impression that I can be a little less careful when transforming the toy, though there are a couple pegs (such as those connecting the wing roots to the legs) that I could see posing problems if you're not careful.

The transformation is pretty simple and intuitive, and the toy seems to use sturdy parts where necessary. I really don't get the impression that a sacrifice of looks was necessary for improved sturdiness. The sturdiness mainly comes from good use of die-cast joints and sturdy plastic, and of course the psychological effect of that die-cast heft.

I would say fighter mode is the best mode on these toys, gerwalk being the weakest. Though, you can get a decent "A" stance out of them, by disconnecting the intakes from the main body. Unfortunately, the knees will not bend far enough forward to get really good poses out of it, and the feet won't bend side to side enough for much stability. It's not a mode I'd leave these toys in for long.

Of course, everyone is going to compare these to Yamato's toys, that's only natural. It's comparable in price to Yamato's version 2 VF-1 toys (with FAST packs), though I would say the actual toy is more comparable to Takara's Masterpiece Starscream/Skywarp/Thundercracker. Even those are more detailed in appearance and feature noticeably better tampo printing for the details, and cost about $40 less. I do think price is an issue with these toys. I'd certainly be far more forgiving of the flaws if the toys weren't priced comparable to something like the VF-1 version 2.

If you're a big fan of the VF-25 design and really want to add it to your 1/60 toy collection, I'd recommend picking one up. It's the only game in town, as far as that goes.

If you're into model kits, you might want to pass on this toy and just get the model kits.

If you've been burned by Yamato in the past, you might be pretty satisfied with this toy. It has design issues, but I doubt Bandai will have the kind of QC issues Yamato is known for.

I'm still on the fence about whether or not I want to pick up Mikhail's or Luca's, I do like the designs, and there really won't ever be much in the way of options. The toys aren't bad, just overpriced for what they are. I'm kinda hoping the movie will see alternate colour schemes, being the sort of person who preferred the more subdued colours of the DYRL Skull squadron over the more brightly coloured tv series Valkyries.

Edited by Radd
Posted (edited)
  Radd said:
There is no way to stow the gun pod in fighter mode. Well, that's not entirely true. You can let it hang from the gap between the arms, but it won't stay. The moment you so much as think about it too hard, it falls out. It's clearly not designed to be displayed like that,

Have you used the provided attachment device? The device is needed to attach the gunpod in fighter mode.



Edited by Vifam7

So THAT's what that little piece is for. Guess I stand corrected. Not used to needing a separate piece to stow the gun pod away.

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