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Posted (edited)

I had a chance last evening to catch up on the last few eps of Railgun. I'm glad that they're finally back to conveying the illusion of plot :) ... though I did enjoy the filler eps. This show should have instead been called, "A Certain Berserk Yuri Teleporter."

Edited by Ghost Train
  Ghost Train said:
I had a chance last evening to catch up on the last few eps of Railgun. I'm glad that they're finally back to conveying the illusion of plot :) ... though I did enjoy the filler eps. This show should have instead been called, "A Certain Berserk Yuri Teleporter."

It always seems the titular character doesn't get the star treatment doesn't it? For Index, railgun and everyone else seemed to be more of the main characters than index herself, and now the same can be said for Railgun. :lol:

  Keith said:
Somewhere around 10 years ago, a Korean company released 999 & Adeiu on DVD with english subtitles, specifically Viz's subtitle script. Exactly where they got those subtitles from was a bit of a topic for debate back then, some thinking they "pirated" them, others believing they got them from Toei. Regardless, it was an official DVD release, and 999 is region 3, while Adeiu is all region, and as I just recently found out, they're even anamorphic, which made be incredibly happy.

Unfortunately, the disc's seem to be OOP, but if you know of any shops that deal in Korean DVD's, you may luck out.

Ok, thanks! I'll have to check around and see. I've loved the 999 movies since I first saw them on vhs even though the copies weren't great. I really wish some company would release them with english subs; that would really make my day.

To keep in topic with the thread, I'm currently watching Rose of Versailles and Dragon Ball Kai. I'm thinking I need to start watching Legend of Galactic Heroes again. I stopped around episode 20 or so for reasons I don't remember.

  wolfx said:
It always seems the titular character doesn't get the star treatment doesn't it? For Index, railgun and everyone else seemed to be more of the main characters than index herself, and now the same can be said for Railgun. :lol:

Quite true. If I recall from the first series, poor index was really only the focus in the first few episodes, fell completely into the comedy relief role towards the middle, and had an inconsequential role during the finale.


I picked up Final Fantasy Unlimited a year or so ago for $20, so figured I'd give it a shot, and just recently started watching it.... Currently I'm debating on tossing it back into the bottom of my watch pile :) 5 episodes in, and nada!

  Keith said:
I picked up Final Fantasy Unlimited a year or so ago for $20, so figured I'd give it a shot, and just recently started watching it.... Currently I'm debating on tossing it back into the bottom of my watch pile :) 5 episodes in, and nada!

Is that the one with the Vincent Valentine rip-off? never got past ep 2. :p

  dreamweaver13 said:
Is that the one with the Vincent Valentine rip-off? never got past ep 2. :p

Uh-huh, for some reason I keep hoping it'll get better...


Watched Genius Party yesterday, a collection of shorts by Studio 4°C: most of them are really good but only once was great and another one strictly average. Overally, a very recommendable title


Well, this is strange. In-between bouts of the "Endless Eight" I've been watching a series called MariaHolic to break up the monotony recommended to me by a friend of mine who happens to be a lesbian. It's my first time watching anyting in the Yuri genre. Yaoi on the other hand I'm staying away from...

Posted (edited)
  Noriko Takaya said:
Well, this is strange. In-between bouts of the "Endless Eight" I've been watching a series called MariaHolic to break up the monotony recommended to me by a friend of mine who happens to be a lesbian. It's my first time watching anyting in the Yuri genre. Yaoi on the other hand I'm staying away from...

MariaHolic is lots of fun.

MariaHolic is not really yuri though. It's more like a parody or comedy of the yuri at school setup like that of Maria-sama ga Miteru. In fact it kinda pokes fun at the whole concept.

Edited by Vifam7
  dreamweaver13 said:
Is that the one with the Vincent Valentine rip-off? never got past ep 2. :p

Pssh, I like Kaze more than Vincent :rolleyes:

  Keith said:
Uh-huh, for some reason I keep hoping it'll get better...

Ehh, it has a couple episodes that stand out from the rest...

  SkullLeaderVF-X said:
It was in the extras in the blu-ray, they were talking about the making of each episode, and I believe it was in the "Odd one Out" and also in "Be Human". They were talking about the Itano circus and the Cyclones designer of Mospeada. But the guy in the interview only mentions them as being made famous in Robotech IIRC. :mellow:

I wanted to smack him through my t.v. Not once did they do this but three times. No mention of Macross and Mospeada,just Robotech(Again in thise two shorts IIRC).

How do they get robotech from the "odd one out" episode? I don't think there were any missles in it.

I could see "Be Human" and "The Package" due to the use of missles.

  BeyondTheGrave said:
How do they get robotech from the "odd one out" episode? I don't think there were any missles in it.

I could see "Be Human" and "The Package" due to the use of missles.

I could be wrong. Like I said, I think it was Odd one Out, I know be human for sure.I know they were comparing odd one out to Dragonball (the guy looks a little like Gohan, and the girl Videl), so I could have gotten it confused.


I just watched all of Halo Legends. Honestly, I'm surprised, it's alot better than I expected it to be. Probably even better than the Animatrix.

  SkullLeaderVF-X said:
I could be wrong. Like I said, I think it was Odd one Out, I know be human for sure.I know they were comparing odd one out to Dragonball (the guy looks a little like Gohan, and the girl Videl), so I could have gotten it confused.

The only thing that I thought was reminiscent to Macross in "Odd One Out" was the ship shooting the giant yeti thing into slipspace. It's only a tad similar...

  shiroikaze said:
I just watched all of Halo Legends. Honestly, I'm surprised, it's alot better than I expected it to be. Probably even better than the Animatrix.

The only thing that I thought was reminiscent to Macross in "Odd One Out" was the ship shooting the giant yeti thing into slipspace. It's only a tad similar...

What about the pin point barrier'ish punch to Pluton? :lol:


I collected Legend of the Galactic Heroes and Turn A Gundam a while back, been watching them as I get the chance. LoGH is definitely dominating my attention away from Turn A, but from the few eps of Turn A I've watched so far it's still really good, just not as pure space-opera fantastic as LoGH.

After I finish those I'll be moving on to Macross 7, finally. xD

  Brand said:
I collected Legend of the Galactic Heroes and Turn A Gundam a while back, been watching them as I get the chance. LoGH is definitely dominating my attention away from Turn A, but from the few eps of Turn A I've watched so far it's still really good, just not as pure space-opera fantastic as LoGH.

After I finish those I'll be moving on to Macross 7, finally. xD

I'm extremely biased on this one, but once LoGH get's a hold on you it will not let go for 110 episodes. In the sheer breadth and scope of its storyline, there's just no other anime like it out there.



Watching Black Cat. It's pretty good, but Sven's vocie sounds like Holland's from Eureka 7 or Ali Al Saachez from Gundam 00. I'm expecting Sven to yell out "Renton" instead of "Eve" in one of these episodes. ^_^

  shiroikaze said:
Watching Kampfer, I don't even know why. It's painful but I can't take my eyes away!

It gets worse and worse.... by the end it's basically porn.


Xabungle. Anyone who has suffered the first 20-odd episodes of ZZ Gundam and was left with the impression that Tomino can't do humour should really check this out. Its an almost perfect de-construction of the entire mecha genre, made back when there almost wasn't anything to de-construct!

  shiroikaze said:
Watching Kampfer, I don't even know why. It's painful but I can't take my eyes away!

That show is so wrong on so many levels, it has no right to be so entertaining as it is.


Started RahXephon. Think I'm on episode 9 or 10; I spoiled myself by reading the wikipedia synopsis (derp!) but I'll keep watching to see how they execute the ending.

Also, started Xam'd; I'm on episode 3. I'm not crazy about the main characters bio-mech-whatever design but I'll keep watching because the animation and other designs are sweet.


I quite liked Rahxephon actually. More than i originally thought I would.

Im sort of bereft of things to watch. Im giving serious thought to buying Planetes. But really I just want the first season of Code Geass to hurry up and get released here.

Posted (edited)

I just finished Kampfer, never have I laughed and facepalmed consecutively so many times in one series... I'm down for another season. :blink:


Edited by shiroikaze
  Scream Man said:
I quite liked Rahxephon actually. More than i originally thought I would.

I like it too, I was saying "derp!" to myself for spoiling the series (I read the ending on wikipedia).


Finished the first 25 eps of Blood +. Lord knows when the rest will be released here.

I think Im goignt o go back and watch something older. Maybe Patlabor again, or Guyver...

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