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Like this one?

Yeah, similar to that one. I don't recognize those exact markings, but I'm no expert on his airplane's markings, especially for any D.V he may have flown.


Well I got ROTF Sideswipe today; I like him (his altmode looks incredible, the detail on the wheels are sharp), he is seems a tad punty in bot mode, he does have the torso pegging issue and I wish he had better footing. Given how his feet ransform, I don't think it could have hurt to have extra spur or something added to the piece that flips down and mates with the wheel.

More/better pics of future Animated toys: http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/a...ed-toys-167782/

Rodimus, Arcee, Cybertron Ratchet...all AWESOME. I'm especially impressed with Ratchet's altmode out of all three.

I'm on the fence about the new Bumblebee He looks like mix between the Legends figure and his deluxe version), I don't care for the Grimlock repaint, and as much as I liked Jazz I might skip his repaint too.

Well I got ROTF Sideswipe today; I like him (his altmode looks incredible, the detail on the wheels are sharp), he is seems a tad punty in bot mode, he does have the torso pegging issue and I wish he had better footing. Given how his feet ransform, I don't think it could have hurt to have extra spur or something added to the piece that flips down and mates with the wheel.

I've seen a lot of pictures where people are transforming Sideswipe's feet backwards, so that the little folding silver panel is his toes, instead of his heel. I tried it on mine, and it does seem to make him more stable, for posing.


Sideswipe's stability depends greatly on your knowing the pose you're trying to pull off beforehand. Then each foot is balanced either wheel/toe or wheel/heel...whichever works best for the pose. Using that method, (and employing plenty of patience) lots of poses become possible.


Seibertron has a section for Breakaway head mods and Sideswipe chest mods that greatly improve the toy.

Posted (edited)
Seibertron has a section for Breakaway head mods and Sideswipe chest mods that greatly improve the toy.

Link? I couldn't find it, over there.

EDIT: Nevermind. Found it.

Edited by Greyryder

BBTS has them.

Anyways - to suddenly change gears a bit...

I have a fairly nice Beast Wars Neo and Beast Wars II collection and I've decided to expand it and add Big Convoy, Megastorm, Starscream/BB, Moon. Anybody else a Japanese BW fan? I personally love them- especially ones like Heinland and Moon. So kawaii! :)

I prefer BW II and Neo to Animated. I guess my list of favorite TF goes something like this:

G1 (Marvel comics and Sunbow cartoons as well as later Japanese Master series)

Beast Wars (CGI)

Beast Wars II/Neo

I know BWII and Neo were slap stickish and juvenille - but that's why I like them. In fact, the older I get, the more I like these types of shows - they work particularly well for Transformers toys which have to be cute to be interesting (attempts at realism constantly fall flat - witness Binaltech/Alternators which had great car modes but fall asleep robot modes or Movie toys which go the opposite route...and have wierd robot modes to boot)...

In any event - any other Moon fans out there? :)


Seibertron has a section for Breakaway head mods and Sideswipe chest mods that greatly improve the toy.

Thanks, I'll have to check those out.

Sideways thankfully pegs together nicer. I'm not sure if I like his junk-a-licous limbs, but I like the figure otherwise; it poses pretty well too.

Posted (edited)
Has anyone seen the Target Superion and Bruticus in the store yet?

Nothing in the SoCal valley either. I read on a TF forum that they have a supposed release date of June 21st. But folks in other parts of the US are finding them ...


FYI: Looks like the Target Exclusives TF Animated Shockwave and Sunstorm are now marked as clearance for 75% off. My local store had about 15 Sunstorms, no Shockwaves for $6.97. Not as awesome as $4.99 a month or so back, but still cheap. Good hunting.


Edited by Vermillion21

There are two versions of RotF Skids out there. One with painted teeth, and one without. I unfortunately picked up the latter. I'm still trying to find out if there's a marking on the package differentiating one from the other because it's difficult to tell if the teeth are painted in package. The figure itself is pretty cool, if you like the head design. It reminds me of a gremlin in bot mode and car mode(remember those 70s Gremlins?). I really like the transformation and how the kibble folds up pretty well.


You can go by the production number stamped in the back of the packaging. Don't know if Skids follows the same set, but for Breakaway and Sideways:

89xxx, 90511, 906xx, are the older version

90961 and presumably everything later is the new version

::edit:: Found some skids numbers---90981 can be either painted or unpainted, so he must be a later change.


Masterpiece Grimlock looks great. Almost bought him, but I'll wait for the price to come down a little bit.


FYI: Toys R Us is having a sale on TF ROTF toys, specifically Deluxes are $7.99 and Voyagers are $17.99. Prices good until June 13.

Masterpiece Grimlock looks great. Almost bought him, but I'll wait for the price to come down a little bit.

A Hasbro release of Masterpiece Grimlock is scheduled for late 2010 if you can wait that long.

You can go by the production number stamped in the back of the packaging. Don't know if Skids follows the same set, but for Breakaway and Sideways:

89xxx, 90511, 906xx, are the older version

90961 and presumably everything later is the new version

::edit:: Found some skids numbers---90981 can be either painted or unpainted, so he must be a later change.

I found one with painted teeth. The number on the back was 90921. I was going to pass when I saw the number, but then I looked to see if I could see the head through the package, and there was the silver and gold teeth staring back at me. So yeah, if you want one with painted teeth, look through the package. The front of the head rests against what would be the top of the center console. If it has painted teeth, it *will* be blatantly obvious. If you question whether you see gold and silver teeth, then trust me, you're seeing green.

Posted (edited)
Having fun with Voyager Prime. Still one of the best movie molds :)

Excellent pics! Did you paint that at all or does the ROTF version come looking like that out of the box?

I still like this mold best of all the different movie Prime toys. Much more so than the new Leader Prime.

Edited by eriku

I was actually put off by the colors on the new voyager movie Prime. It just looks wrong. The Target exclusive robovision version still remains the best deco this mold has seen.


I'm more interested in the display you have him on. Looks like a flexible camera tripod screwed into a CD spindle cover. Nice.


len_d69, that is a nice paintjob on voyager Prime, that mold is fun. Still I have to say I do like the new leader one better. With a bit of touch ups, a wash and some drybrushing it just looks soooo nice.



As most of you know, ROTF Voyager is a pretty disappointing release. The colors are all wrong, funky deco, and more looser joints due to Ironhide had prior multiple releases of the same mold. But while most of you may skip this release, I find the new cannons and the new head sculpt serve a very good purpose... upgrading your 07 Movie Ironhide.

Both the new head sculpt and cannons are a lot more screen accurate than the previous. The head sculpt is spot on on Ironhide's likeness with some nice crooked facial feature. Add a lot more accuracy and personality over the old head. The cannons, while being sized a bit funky with the right one really big and the left one a bit small, and a bit oddly colored with the light grey (thanks again Hasbro!), they look cool on the figure still. The light grey cylinder/barrel of the left one might slide around too much, so you might need to unscrew it and do some minor mod to keep it in place. I even flipped it right side up to make it look more accurate. Not sure why Hasbro assembly it the other way around...

The parts are pretty much identical, so swapping arm parts, hands, and cannons are easy. The only tricky part is unscrewing the head, which the screw is located at the bottom end of the neck, and has to half-transform the figure to expose the screw through a gap on the body panels. So get a long enough skinny screw driver and some patience to get the head out. But once thats done, pick and choose any parts of the ROTF Ironhide and swap it with your original.

When everything is in place, and maybe add a little bit of paint touch up, Ironhide can look better than ever, thanks to the ROTF Ironhide.



Dude that's great! I've been looking for some Bin/Alt stuff to bash. Actually, I kind of like Jazz and the racing Dead end. I HIGHLY recommend the Predaking KO it's a nice price for it, I got that a while back from somewhere else and it's a really nice quality for a KO. I've been meaning to paint mine, just haven't got around to it. I might pick up another one from these guys for the hell of it.


The one thing that amuses me is how EASY it is to make a knock off TF - which just goes to show that the "real" TFs are basically about as complex as a... knock off.

Notice how nobody's making any knock off version 2 VF-1s - the detail and engineering are too complex to make for a cheap profitable knock off...

Although in fairness to Takara-Tomy - no knock off Masterpieces on the horizon either :)


The one thing that amuses me is how EASY it is to make a knock off TF - which just goes to show that the "real" TFs are basically about as complex as a... knock off.

Notice how nobody's making any knock off version 2 VF-1s - the detail and engineering are too complex to make for a cheap profitable knock off...

Although in fairness to Takara-Tomy - no knock off Masterpieces on the horizon either :)


True. But keep in mind TF's are more simple, as they're made for kids. I have seen some impressive knock offs though, especially the G1 Primes (I own the black and clear KO's), the Predaking (which I also own), and I've heard the oversized Bruticus KO a few years back was incredible.

As for KO's in general, look at the KO PG/MG Gundam kits, the General Marshall Mk.II KO, and Jumbo Grade Gundam KO's. While of course they're not up to snuff with the real manufacturers stuff, some are DAMN close. Personally, I don't mind KO's for bash projects, or to have something to play and fool with. However, I do have a problem with KO's that pass for the real thing. I was one of the unfortunate ones who got a KO Encore Metroplex, and almost bought a KO G1 Cyclonus from BBTS a few years back before they discovered it was a KO. Luckily, I got my money back for the Metroplex, but the whole thing disturbed me so much I quit collecting the Encore line figuring if they did it once, what's stopping them from doing others?

The one thing that amuses me is how EASY it is to make a knock off TF - which just goes to show that the "real" TFs are basically about as complex as a... knock off.
Considering that the factories for both Transformers, and KO products, as well as nearly the entire toy industry are based in China, how is this surprising at all? If someone really wanted to, they could make KO Yamato's but the amount of tooling needed to make a repro mold is most likely more expensive than something like a $6 Transformer with far less parts. Same reason you don't see Masterpiece bootlegs yet, too much money to tool up a reverse engineered mold for the high amount of small pieces.
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