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I have them. I just need MP Megs and MP Grimlock. I would love to see those and MP Starscream in some poses.

  David Hingtgen said:
If you're interested, my Alt Jazz and Grimlock are for sale.
I just need MP Megs and MP Grimlock.

Gee whiz. I just happen to have an MISB MP Grimlock just for you...




Just some generic shots, but I am planning on some more dynamic poses to shoot for the Seekers one day.





Nice collection. My cartoon Starscream is on the way and I can't wait.

  chen said:
Just some generic shots, but I am planning on some more dynamic poses to shoot for the Seekers one day.

ergh... Buster Prime is awesome but he's not 90 dollars awesome... guess I'm slapping some silver paint on ol'regular prime and calling it a day.


A toy store near my place has the Animated Voyager Class figures at under $15 each. Mostly Optimus Prime, Cybertron Mode Megatron, Bulkhead, Starscream and Lugnut, but they have Shockwave. Is he worth picking up?

BTW, I noticed that there are two variants of Voyager Prime; one has a silver Autobot emblem on the left side. Is there a production difference? Also, can the same be said about those packaged in robot modes instead of vehicle modes?

  areaseven said:
A toy store near my place has the Animated Voyager Class figures at under $15 each. Mostly Optimus Prime, Cybertron Mode Megatron, Bulkhead, Starscream and Lugnut, but they have Shockwave. Is he worth picking up?
I'd say so. He's got 4 modes...most of them clever.

  areaseven said:
BTW, I noticed that there are two variants of Voyager Prime; one has a silver Autobot emblem on the left side. Is there a production difference?

Do you mean the '07 movie version? Because the same mold was used for the ROTF version.

  areaseven said:
Also, can the same be said about those packaged in robot modes instead of vehicle modes?
I have no idea. Maybe somebody else has the answer.
  eugimon said:
ergh... Buster Prime is awesome but he's not 90 dollars awesome... guess I'm slapping some silver paint on ol'regular prime and calling it a day.

you're right. He's not $90 cool. But of course, that's just BBTS' crazy high prices.

  RD Blade said:
Which is which?

I think the one on the left is David's and the one on the right is the factory's. Not 100% sure, though.

The fact that we have to ask should show how good a job you're doing, David.

Posted (edited)

It looks like the one on the left is the custom job but on my MP Thundercracker the forearms are a really dark blue/black but the pelvic colors are silver not blue.



Edited by chen
  RD Blade said:
Do you mean the '07 movie version? Because the same mold was used for the ROTF version.

I have no idea. Maybe somebody else has the answer.

I was talking about the Animated version.

Posted (edited)

My haul arrived today B))

Words cannot describe my excitement...


Space Death Chicken Dragon bids you farewell!


The little figs... the blue car is Rabbicrater, the special Micromaster packed in with the Zone OVA VHS, one of my personal grails!


And a big updated shelves shot for Pete:


Edited by promethuem5

Sweet haul! You know when Takara re-issued Metroplex I thought for sure there would be a Metrotitan re-color even as a E-hobby exclusive since I know finding one MIB is pretty rare. Also I never knew the combined Star Saber was so big.


Yeah, I was honestly waiting for an E-Hobby Metrotitan as well, but it never materialized. I think the bootleg version scared Takara off, which is a crying shame. I'm half hoping that the recently released Encore Bruticus will yield a Battle Gaia E-Hobby, but it seems unlikely.

And yeah, Victory Saber is a friggen beast... someday when I have a bigger set of shelves and more room, I'd like to be able to display Victory Saber in jet mode alongside Big Powered and the Return of Convoy convoy setup.


chen---the pelvis armor plates photograph funny in most pics I've seen. I'm sure mine were originally painted the same as yours--dark gunmetal, with unpainted blue edges.

Everyone---yeah, I kinda photographed them "backwards"---my repaint is on the left. I debated on painting the forearms, as they are notably "not as blue" as most of the other navy blue parts due to lacking the gloss coat (dunno why Takara did that), and the G1 toon always had lighter forearms, AND I didn't want to spend forever masking the wrist stripes. But I went ahead and did it, and am glad I did---having a pure black background really makes the striping stand out. Yeah for 1.0mm masking tape!

I debated on exactly how to do the pelvis for a while, and came to a final decision last night--I'm actually going to have to redo one part (all silver, instead of just the center), but I'm waiting for a new can of silver to arrive.

Currently done:

All chest/shoulder parts

Feet, nozzles, nozzle holders, shins.

Nosecone, forearms.

Codpiece, 1 waist armor plate

To do:

Tailfins (black)

Intake exterior (silver)

2 waist-joint parts and a waist armor plate (ran out of paint)

All the parts around the engines that are bare metal on a real F-15. (will probably go with titanium, though I'm going to keep experimenting with stripping the factory paint and glossing to match---it's worked surprisingly well so far, but that's a large area)

Opinions needed:

Feet. Currently they're PURE black. But most seekers including nearly all incarnations of TC have silver on their feet--but the MP mold just really doesn't have any obvious area to paint due to being all curves and very few panel lines. (and I don't want to use G1 style stickers--just doesn't work for the new shape)

Chest missiles---what color? I'm thinking red, as most of the other "minor accents" on MP TC are metallic red. Though canon SS colors seem to be kind of lavender?

H.stabs---leave pure blue? I kind of want to add a little something, maybe paint the tips black. Or red?

  David Hingtgen said:
Opinions needed:

Feet. Currently they're PURE black. But most seekers including nearly all incarnations of TC have silver on their feet--but the MP mold just really doesn't have any obvious area to paint due to being all curves and very few panel lines. (and I don't want to use G1 style stickers--just doesn't work for the new shape)

I don't know how much this helps, but when I look at my MP Starscream, there's a black piece of plastic that rotates connected to the end of his shin, and a blue piece that folds up and down connected to the black piece by a pin. A small square with two small lines is molded into the top of the blue part, close to the black. This solitary panel is painted kind of a grayish silver. If you're going to paint any part of TC's foot silver, that'd be the place to do it.

And a big updated shelves shot for Pete:

Thanks for that and congrats on the new additions ! :) I failed in my attempt to acquire Victory Saber last month. Hopefully will manage it soon :(

Star Convoy actually looks good when he's on display with the rest of that crowd.


And I must again start tearing my hair out, because not only do you have such a fantastic collection of Japanese TFs, but I noticed... POSEIDON!! on the shelf!!

I so desperately need to add Poseidon and his Getter Dragoner friends to my collection!!


  mikeszekely said:
A small square with two small lines is molded into the top of the blue part, close to the black. This solitary panel is painted kind of a grayish silver. If you're going to paint any part of TC's foot silver, that'd be the place to do it.

Yeah, I've considered that. I'd like a bigger area, but I may have to go with that. Will have to wait a while though---the feet ended up the glossiest of all somehow, and it'll be a while before they're "rock hard" dry and can be masked. (there's dry, then REALLY dry when it comes to gloss paint)

  David Hingtgen said:
Yeah, I've considered that. I'd like a bigger area, but I may have to go with that. Will have to wait a while though---the feet ended up the glossiest of all somehow, and it'll be a while before they're "rock hard" dry and can be masked. (there's dry, then REALLY dry when it comes to gloss paint)

I know that all too well. I've taken to painting something else (usually a trashed model) at the same time as my work piece, so that I can poke at it to find out when the paint is dry, and not damage the finish on the piece.


Saw my first Jetfire at a store today. I'm half-heartedly considering doing a "revised" scheme for Thundercracker on the wings/stabs---slightly lighting-bolt-themed of course. Inspired a bit by these:


Nice schemes on the F-15. I still think that nobody can outpaint the RCAF when the Government gives them the cash to go nuts on a F-18...

If you were going to do it David, how would you execute it?


I think it's beyond my ability to do red and white complicated striping over dark blue, but I was thinking something like the wings of the first pic (love the "fade" effect towards the rear, and the "overlap" design). H.stabs would be simple---just color the leading edge and use the "natural dogtooth" for the zig-zag. V.stabs would probably be totally G1, or a slight tweak to introduce a zig-zag.

While I didn't like Classics SS design, I did like Classics SW a lot (especially the wings). I really wish Hasbro or Takara had tried to do a "modern" Classics TC design, instead they both went for G1--which we've seen many times before.


Well, I have taken advantage of the "Endless Eight" 'fiasco' in Haruhi Suzumiya to do something I should have done ages ago but there was always something more interesting or pressing to do...

Namely: I've just gone and watched episode 1 of Transformers: Victory and am now downloading episode 2. To keep things kind of sentimental, I've also gone and watched More Than Meets The Eye part 1 as well. It's very very interesting to watch Transformers this way because you get to see how much had changed from Fight Super Robot Lifeform through victory - or rather - how much HADN'T changed and how even in this crazy little kiddie robot show, there was continuity and some kind of basic understanding of continuity.

First of all - I am happy that we get the explanation that there is now a Galactic Alliance to fight Destrons; and Star Saber is the commander of the Alliance's Military wing. So - he is not 'Autobot leader' as such, but simply the supreme commander of the Galactic Alliance.

It was also enjoyable to see either Wreck Gar or at very least a Junkion living on...er...that alien...planet...that decided to...model itself on a Western flick :)

I have to think that those were Junkions who just loved westerns and decided to colonize a barren world, build a church and a bar and enjoy their country livin' lifestyle?


It was also good to see Ginrai - although I know what will happen to him...and that's kind of a shame because insofar as I understand it, there is never any psychological continuity between Victory Leo and Ginrai, is there? No latent memories or anything like that? I would hope there would be, since Ginrai in Masterforce was er...well...the main character, and a fairly interesting character to boot.

The one thing that somewhat bugs me about Victory - although I think this kind of started in Masterforce (Headmasters still managed to retain the Season 1-3 of the American cartoon feel) is the flashy lights. ... Oh god... It's like the stereotype of "Japanese cartoons" that we see in the Simpsons episode where they fly to Japan and it's just some robot and really really heavy flashing lights that hyptonize and stupefy children :)

To me, it's annoying not so much for being "stupefying" as for just getting in the way. It's just ..I dunno... it's not what I really identify with Transformers. It's very super-robot and although I do understand Transformers are super robots...I guess I never quite liked THOSE kind of super robots where you wave your sword around and multi-colored lights appear to beat your opponent...

Speaking of which - I guess the Transformers have all by this point just started ..er... storing everything in Subspace? Or am I thinking to heavily about this? ... I mean...they just reach into the lights and pull out their weapons, or change weapons...

The comedy element with the little triceratops is ok. I don't mind it. Just like Jan and Holi... but it is kind of forced. Like - hey! We're the slapstick!

Finally, Starsaber's decision to protect Earth, just like Dethzarus' decision to have the Dinosaur Squadron attack the Lunar base seems...well...arbitrary.

It's like...there's this huge galactic alliance and whatnot...but... the Earth is still the most important because...er...well...why?


Dag. Dag. Dag. I must be getting old. Transformers is looking so childish. Although - I must admit that the original cartoon holds up very well. Marvelous story telling. Still diluted and for children - but something that still gives me great joy and is a real sci fi treat in many ways.


getting old and crusty


Interesting observations... I've never actually seen any of Victory. I have the terrible bootleg dubbed DVDs, of Headmasters, Masterforce, and Victory, but never finished Masterforce or got into Victory. I should.


You should definitely see Masterforce. The core issue of that series is actually pretty amazing. Transformers want to be like humans so they develop pretender technology. Meanwhile, humans want to be like robots and use the Godmaster technology to achieve this aim.

It's very interesting.



MP TC update---got my new can of silver, have everything but the intakes painted. Also painted the "bare metal" parts of the plane and have removed all the navy blue from the legs and re-glossed the plastic to match the rest. Plan to do all my cutting/mods to the tailbooms before painting the tailfins.


Added Starscream. He seems pretty small in bot mode but definitely an awesome TF. I never really messed around with my jap MP-03 version. Display is getting crowded so I'll have to start a Decepticon one when Megatron arrives. And I want that Jaguar Ravage.



Been photoshopping pics of MP TCs to figure out exactly how to paint mine---pretty sure I want the feet all-black. Adding any spots of silver to glossy black feet really makes it look like he's wearing wingtip shoes or something--blue(SS) or purple(SW) feet don't have that problem.

I'd like to do the "waist" in blue to separate the chest and pelvis (and most depictions of the G1 seekers do it like that), but matching the factory color may be impossible. (I'd also like to touch up a few factory chips around the canopy and tailbooms if I ever get a match) Photoshopped a black waist band and a red one, but neither really looked right. (I saw an SW with a purple waist and it looked good--but SW is overall black so ANY accent color would really look decent there). Also considered black thighs (G1 boxart, and the toy if you really think about it) but didn't like the look with the all-silver pelvis and waist---too little color then. Maybe with a blue waist?

These are really rough, but should get the point across.

1st is factory, 2nd is how mine is currently painted (assuming I get the intakes done tomorrow), 3rd is with a blue waist, black thighs, and silver foot accents. Any suggestions/opinions welcome, especially on waist/thighs/feet/lower legs. (also note that I have the stickers from Reprolabels and thus will have G1 wing stripes)

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