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  Vermillion21 said:
Check out this interesting TF online store: Knock-Off (KO) Toys.com!!!!


:p :P :p


Some of these things are rather good like the "Devastator Funky Edition" or the "Sheep Convoy".



Considering how overpriced the Disney Label MM is for what it actually offers, it's KO wouldn't be such a bad buy.

  Ginrai said:

I had that Convoy figure. It's unique for a knockoff, and if you're in the hobby to collect transformable Optimus Prime figures, he was a must have, especially if he came with the Convoy War Brigade set which featured a trailer that transformed into a complete Powermaster Optimus Prime without need of a cab(it wasn't as cool as it sounds, but it was definitely unique). Despite MP Prime being ko'd to create parts for this, the transformation for this was even more simplified than a regular transformer. That waist piece partforms, as it detaches and reattaches to form the top of the cab.

I wonder what the QC is on those BinAlt's. That Jazz is certainly tempting, and really infringing on copyright. :D As for that Sheep Convoy. I plead the chewbacca defense.


Dude, knock-offs almost always simplify transformations. That doesn't mean the original is magically too complex to bootleg. Bootlegging is all about the quick sleazy buck.


Is there a site dedicated to the real-life alt modes of G1? As in, pics of the EXACT model the toys are based on? I know I've seen a photo compilation of such, but never a site.

I'm especially interested in the G1 Constructicons, as well as any pics of real lime green construction vehicles. (I know they exist, I've even seen 1 or 2). I'm wonedering if all six of the original existed in lime green in real life, or just some. I think Komatsu is the most likely to do lime green in real life.

Posted (edited)

An old-time MW member called KidKorrupt has (had?) a site devoted to the original cars the G1 TFs were based on. Try googling it.

If you cannot find it, I have the pages stored.... somewhere.

EDIT-- I do not recall any constructicons in there. It was mainly about the Rally vehicles that Wheeljack and Smokescreen etc. were based on.

Edited by Renato

The whacky KO stuff is fun anc all, but honestly that guy drives me nuts, especially in the way he is allowed to run around TFW2005. Everyone likes to see the movie toys ahead of time and such, but that guy is one of the leading people supporting the market for toys stolen off the Hasbro production lines. Most of his ROTF preview posts read 'got these in today, had to take pictures for EBAY(!!!) and figured I could post the pictures here on TFW as well'. It's unbelievable.

  promethuem5 said:
The whacky KO stuff is fun anc all, but honestly that guy drives me nuts, especially in the way he is allowed to run around TFW2005. Everyone likes to see the movie toys ahead of time and such, but that guy is one of the leading people supporting the market for toys stolen off the Hasbro production lines. Most of his ROTF preview posts read 'got these in today, had to take pictures for EBAY(!!!) and figured I could post the pictures here on TFW as well'. It's unbelievable.

Is that how all of those loose versions were all over Ebay weeks before the toys were officially released? Blech.


To be honest - I am so dissapointed in the Transformers that Hasbro is putting out that I'm just not getting ANY. I've got my eyes on more Encores (Bruticus and the Casssettes), more Masterpieces, the Device Label (particularly USB Blaster) - and that's it. I'm not gonna write a long winded post about the other toys sucking or anything like that because it wouldn't be fair to compare cheap toys to Yamato or SOC - but I guess I'm just at the point where I get less and less thrill from Hasbro's products.

I still love the G1s - which arguably "suck" most of all for a variety of reasons - but only for nostalgia's sake - 'cause I grew up on it :)

Oh and I still like Henkei too - so I guess I AM willing to accept "lower standards" than SOC etc - but as far as the movie toys go...I just don't like the aesthetic on the robot modes :(

Also - no offense - but I couldn't stand the cars they chose either. I mean - it's almost no wonder GM went bankrupt when I looked at the butt ugly cars that the Autobots transformed into - maybe it's because I've been living in Europe for so long now and haven't seen what passed for "new and great" in the USA recently - and maybe also because Binaltech was mainly Mazda, Subaru... I mean really other than the (vintage and not-bankrupt anyways) Ford ... there wasn't a lot of modern contemporary American cars...

But yeah - I just don't like 'em. And I don't like the Sting Ray on Sideswipe either...

But that's neither here nor there - I guess I'm just not very excited about this line. Every time I look at them - I think "yeah..ok... but I still prefer the original" - that especially goes for Devastator.

I'll still see and enjoy the movie - I'm sure - but until they give me Masterpice Movie toys I'm probably gonna pass on these guys.



VFTF- Those are the only releases I'm looking forward to as well at this point. I'm going to see TF2 in IMAX with my friend and little bro and all, but there's not a toy coming out that I want from it. Oh well...


Oh - but I will add one more thing - for all the complaining people do about Yamato costing so much, and even the cost of the VF-25s from Bandai - the fact that Leader class ROTF Megatron retails for 50 bucks on average is ridiculous IMO. I remember when I was in college and you could get something like Ultra Class Transmetals Rampage for 20 bucks. The Mega class Beast Wars were like 15 bucks and the deluxes could get up to 9,99 but also were sometimes like 6 bucks.

Now - I totally understand inflation, the sinking dollar, the economy blah blah blah - but even Hasbro managed to put out a (admitably floppy and horribly painted) "MP" DVD Prime for 50 bucks and the Alternators cost 20 bucks.

Now - your standard Alternator was better engineered and nicer looking than the ROTF leader Megatron.

And again - just to underscore - I'm not dissing Bayformers designs here. I think they're fine for what they are - but the toy versions are lackluster in the extent to which they capture those designs - yet they're being sold at prices which suggest that the second coming of Primus is now on shelves...

In other words - I could accept the comparatively "cheap" nature of Hasbro TFs and not compare them to SOC and Yamato and stuff IF they were actually..well... you know ... cheap.

But they're not. They're actually fairly expensive as far as stuff like this goes.


  VFTF1 said:
Oh - but I will add one more thing - for all the complaining people do about Yamato costing so much, and even the cost of the VF-25s from Bandai - the fact that Leader class ROTF Megatron retails for 50 bucks on average is ridiculous IMO. I remember when I was in college and you could get something like Ultra Class Transmetals Rampage for 20 bucks. The Mega class Beast Wars were like 15 bucks and the deluxes could get up to 9,99 but also were sometimes like 6 bucks.

Now - I totally understand inflation, the sinking dollar, the economy blah blah blah - but even Hasbro managed to put out a (admitably floppy and horribly painted) "MP" DVD Prime for 50 bucks and the Alternators cost 20 bucks.

Now - your standard Alternator was better engineered and nicer looking than the ROTF leader Megatron.

And again - just to underscore - I'm not dissing Bayformers designs here. I think they're fine for what they are - but the toy versions are lackluster in the extent to which they capture those designs - yet they're being sold at prices which suggest that the second coming of Primus is now on shelves...

In other words - I could accept the comparatively "cheap" nature of Hasbro TFs and not compare them to SOC and Yamato and stuff IF they were actually..well... you know ... cheap.

But they're not. They're actually fairly expensive as far as stuff like this goes.


Valid point, and nothing wrong with not buying the bay-former designs. But rather than picking ROTF Leader Megatron, take a close look at Leader Prime instead. Just borrow one from a friend to transform it once or twice, to check it out. Aesthetic preference aside, the ROTF Leader Prime is one complex TF, with many moving parts that surpasses the MP line level in complexity. With all the locking panels and tons of ratchet joints (gimmicks too, if you care for those), its getting to the Yamato complexity territory (again, just complexity, not craftsmanship). So, check out the Prime if you get a chance, just to know how its like. Its the one that stands out from the rest of the Movie toys.

  mpchi said:
Valid point, and nothing wrong with not buying the bay-former designs. But rather than picking ROTF Leader Megatron, take a close look at Leader Prime instead. Just borrow one from a friend to transform it once or twice, to check it out. Aesthetic preference aside, the ROTF Leader Prime is one complex TF, with many moving parts that surpasses the MP line level in complexity. With all the locking panels and tons of ratchet joints (gimmicks too, if you care for those), its getting to the Yamato complexity territory (again, just complexity, not craftsmanship). So, check out the Prime if you get a chance, just to know how its like. Its the one that stands out from the rest of the Movie toys.

Another thing to keep in mind too, and remember that I AM a Yamato fan, but these toys are solid. My kids and I play with them, drop them, transform them, parts come off, snap back on, etc.

Then look at the Yamato and similar ones, where you spend $150-250 for it, and are scared to transform it, because they break so easily, and if one ever falls off your desk, it's all over.

I still buy my expensive transforming toys, but they really end up being display pieces. The Transformers we buy, be they $8 or $50, have detail and gimmicks and are actually toys meant to be played with.

Posted (edited)
The whacky KO stuff is fun anc all, but honestly that guy drives me nuts, especially in the way he is allowed to run around TFW2005. Everyone likes to see the movie toys ahead of time and such, but that guy is one of the leading people supporting the market for toys stolen off the Hasbro production lines. Most of his ROTF preview posts read 'got these in today, had to take pictures for EBAY(!!!) and figured I could post the pictures here on TFW as well'. It's unbelievable.
There's a lot more to it than that. Bear in mind, some of the test shots that end up on Ebay were throw-aways from various factories, and there has been cases where quality control was much higher on a final production figure compared to a pre-production sample and test shot.
Now - I totally understand inflation, the sinking dollar, the economy blah blah blah - but even Hasbro managed to put out a (admitably floppy and horribly painted) "MP" DVD Prime for 50 bucks and the Alternators cost 20 bucks.
Yeah and when were those molds tooled? At a time when petroleum did not cost as high as it got last year.

Now - your standard Alternator was better engineered and nicer looking than the ROTF leader Megatron.
The target market for Alternators was collectors. The target market for ROTF toys is kids. Had it been the other way around, we'd get much more movie accurate ROTF toys.

yet they're being sold at prices which suggest that the second coming of Primus is now on shelves...
The best comparison for ROTF toys would be to other mainline toys, not collectors items like Masterpiece and Alternators. Let's compare Energon Megatron to ROTF Megatron. The former is much more simple, less detailed, and it's gimmicks did not require as much intricate engineering. Same sizeclass, and if the economic situation wasn't as bad as it is presently, ROTF Megatron would be $40 much like Energon Megatron was. ROTF Megatron is also bigger, uses more plastic, and is more detailed.

The comparison from collectors items to kids toys has been made, however where collectors items cost high due to complexity and exponentially more intricate, smaller pieces, kids toys get their cost from gimmicks and tooling needed for it. Sure Alternator Smokescreen is much more detailed than ROTF Megatron but why should Megatron cost less when it is much, much bigger and uses up way more plastic?

Its the one that stands out from the rest of the Movie toys.
ROTF Prime definitely does. Speaking of standouts, others IMO, include Skids, Mudflap(hate the idea of these 2 purposely written in as idiots who could), The Fallen, and voyager Megatron.

Soundwave has completely sold out in some areas, but I think it's because its Soundwave. In my opinion, the figure isn't terrible but it's the worst ROTF deluxe so far. Even for Sounwave fans, I find it hard to recommend. Freaking Ravage turned out to be a better figure! RAVAGE!

Edited by Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0

My local Target has nothing but Soundwave. Dozens and dozens. Possibly 100. Not kidding. We ONLY have the preview wave deluxes, filling up peg after peg, and the endcaps too.


Darn it, vehicle mode colors for G1-repaint Mixmaster suck. http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/new...r-g1-deco/16188

How hard is it to use the black/yellow safety striping everywhere, instead of introducing clash-a-riffic red-orange? Plus the lack of Decepticon insignia. And total lack of purple in alt-mode.

The movie colors one has a much better cement barrel. (don't like the repaint's orange windows much either--if anything in alt-mode should be purple, it's them)

So close yet so far. Think I'll pass on both versions. (annoying, since Mixmaster is my fave Constructicon, and one of my all-time fave Transformers---but I can't stand the large amounts of weird mis-matched beige on the movie colors, and the G1 repaint looks weird in alt mode with all the black, orange, and grey)

::edit:: Here, super-quick color replacement of orange with purple:

My local Target has nothing but Soundwave. Dozens and dozens. Possibly 100. Not kidding. We ONLY have the preview wave deluxes, filling up peg after peg, and the endcaps too.
Sorry to hear. I was very surprised at how underwhelming the figure turned out, the satellite mode looked like it used minimal transforming, the fighter mode even less, but overall I did not expect it to be this disappointing. Range of motion is excellent, as are the clear parts, but other than that, aside from being Soundwave, I don't really see anyone wanting to buy this.
So close yet so far. Think I'll pass on both versions. (annoying, since Mixmaster is my fave Constructicon, and one of my all-time fave Transformers---but I can't stand the large amounts of weird mis-matched beige on the movie colors, and the G1 repaint looks weird in alt mode with all the black, orange, and grey)
I'm planning to buy the movie color version, I think G1 colors can work well, but in Mixmaster's case, it could have been much, much better. Most of the G1 repaints on movie figures aren't as good as regular movie deco.

Normally I don't like the real cars used in TF toys for their alt modes. I also would like to see some European designs (since those are the ones I see on the streets). That said, Mudflap and Squids car modes look great; I really like the designs so I'm keeping an eye out for Human Alliance Squids.


I just want my Human Alliance Bumblebee, it looks great with tons of cool gimmicks, and a larger scale. I will pass on the Sideswipe one since it doesn't seem too different from the deluxe model, but I too am waiting to see pics of HA Skids and Ironhide. If Ironhide at least is on the same kick ass level as BB I will be happy.


The nearby Target Greatland had a pretty remarkable selection of scouts, FABs, Robot Repilcas and Gravity Bots. Deluxes was okay, quite a number of Skids, Breakaway (in both colors!) and Sideways; but only one Sideswipe and Rampage, with nary a Bumblebee to be found. [Thank god I ordered him from TRU a day prior] Leaders were an even mix if two Megatrons and two Optimuses. Voyagers were dominated by Ratchet, with an Ironhide and Constructicon or two.

I picked up a Ratchet as I like his solid-if-not-movie-accurate bot mode, and scout Dead End. The latter is a rather nifty little figure with some surprising posability for his size (he can facepalm!), I bought him because he vaguely resembles a Yamaha OX99-11.

I just want my Human Alliance Bumblebee, it looks great with tons of cool gimmicks, and a larger scale. I will pass on the Sideswipe one since it doesn't seem too different from the deluxe model, but I too am waiting to see pics of HA Skids and Ironhide. If Ironhide at least is on the same kick ass level as BB I will be happy.
Ironhide and Prime were listed and rumored initially but I don't know if it was an official listing. A lot of us were skeptical because they were listed at the same price as Bumblebee and Prime would definitely have to cost more and be significantly bigger for an ideal Human Alliance figure.

The only ones confirmed are Skids w/Mikayla and Arcee bike(nontransformable I think, smaller than the deluxe), Sideswipe with Epps, and Barricade with Frenzy. I like the idea of Barricade with Frenzy, Barricade needed a better figure, but why not Jazz as well? His figure from TF1 was one of the worst! Range of motion was very limited especially on the knee joints, the lack of actual forearms was disappointing, and overall the best thing about him was the look in robot mode, I didn't mind the bulkier look at all. Handling the figure was a completely different story.

I hope we get Mudflap in the human alliance line too, Skids and Mudflap might suck as characters but their figures so far are pretty good.


I posted this in the Michael Bay Transformers thread, but it looks like this is more of the spot for talk about the toys based on the current conversation, so, with all due apologies, I'm reposting it here:

For what it's worth, I picked up Sideswipe (Deluxe), Skids (Deluxe), Chromia (Deluxe), Breakaway (Deluxe), Rampage (Deluxe), Optimus Prime (Movie Legends), Jetfire (Movie Legends), Depth Charge (Scout), Rollbar (Scout), Ransack (Scout), and Knock Out (Scout) over the weekend (a couple were previously, the rest were taking advantage of Toys 'R Us having a 20% off sale).

For anyone who is interested, here are my thoughts:

Sideswipe: Absolutely love this one. Had a feeling I was going to like him when I saw the first pics of this one, but it is my absolute favorite, by a long shot. Yes, he's tough to pose, but he looks great it car mode, is actually fun to transform, and looks fantastic in robot mode. This is the one I keep going back to, as do my kids, while leaving the others on the shelf.

Skids: Not sure what to say. My son wanted to get this one, so we did. Transforming him is fun, though more complicated than it should be and I don't see a lot of kids really enjoying it, but the robot mode just looks awkward and too small.

Chromia: I really really wanted to love this one, since I am obsessed with motorcycle Transformers. Now, I really really love the bike mode, but the robot mode doesn't look right, doesn't pose, and is all disjointed, like they just rushed something, saying "Just have something fold out, and we'll call it an arm." I like this toy, but I don't love it like I should.

Breakaway: I really like this one. The jet mode is really pretty boring, but his robot mode just looks nice and different, and he's genuinely fun to transform. Problem is, his colors are terrible. If they had colored him the color that he is on the back of the packaging, he'd be fantastic.

Rampage: Looks good as a bulldozer, and his robot mode looks fantastic, really impsing. Problem is he's hard to pose, and he is a pain in the neck to transform. This is one of those ones you transform once, then just leave on display in robot mode.

Optimus Prime: He's ok. Nice to have a simple change prime, and I like that they went with a new way of transforming him, instead of just trying to shrink down the old one.

Jetfire: Eh. Doesn't look so hot in either mode, but I think his robot mode might look better than any of the other movie Jetfire toys currently available, including the robot replicas.

Depth Charge: I really like this one, and I don't know why. Something about the robot mode just looks very cool to me.

Rollbar: Fun little guy. More to the transformation than I would expect. Nothing really special here, though you have to love the Red Bull knockoff.

Ransack: Very very cool. Love the biplane, love the steampunk look of the figure. Wish I had the patience to paint it red.

Knock Out: Not bad at all. Fun and different transformation, not too simple and not too complex. Just right. I like this one a lot and am looking forward to the Reverb repaint.

Now, what I think is a big deal: COMBINING!

Movie Legends class (yes, the tiny ones) Optimus Prime and Jetfire combine! I didn't know this when I bought them, but was kind of hoping they would. Granted, a peg on Jetfire just slides into a notch on Prime, so there's nothing to it, but the result actually looks a good bit like the combined form is supposed to in the movie (and on the big toys and on the keychain).

HOWEVER, with the Deluxe class vehicles, it really ticks me off. We get Chromia now, but Arcee, whom she combines with, doesn't come out until the fall. We get Skids, but Mudflap, whom he combines with, doesn't come out until the fall. Same with Prime and Jetfire I believe.

I assume that this is so that when they combine in the movie it will be a surprise to the general public, but it is really disappointing waiting months to get the other half of the combined toy.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
The only ones confirmed are Skids w/Mikayla and Arcee bike(nontransformable I think, smaller than the deluxe),

The Arcee that comes with the Human Alliance Skids w/Mikayla does transform, though the bike mode looks like the "Arcee" figure, while the transformation looks identical to the "Chromia" figure (based on photos of the back of the packaging for this Human Alliance set). I'm wondering if this is in fact the third Arcee combiner, since in the movie there are three bikes, but for Deluxes we've only seen Chromia and Arcee.

Though I don't know for sure, I'm going to guess that she might actually be the same scale as the deluxe here, to reduce costs of molds used and because, comparing figures I have at home to the expected scale of this one, it looks like the sizes still line up just fine (though, like I said, this is just a guess).

Posted (edited)
I'm wondering if this is in fact the third Arcee combiner, since in the movie there are three bikes, but for Deluxes we've only seen Chromia and Arcee.

Though I don't know for sure, I'm going to guess that she might actually be the same scale as the deluxe here, to reduce costs of molds used and because, comparing figures I have at home to the expected scale of this one, it looks like the sizes still line up just fine (though, like I said, this is just a guess).

It isn't, Hasbro said at Botcon that the 3rd is a repaint of either Arcee or Chromia. I think it will have some new parts, judging by the revelation today:

3rd ROTF Fembot Revealed

I hope it has new parts. Hopefully the combined form is cool, Chromia turned out alright, could have been better.

After handling voyager Megatron more, it is definitely a must buy. He and The Fallen are the best voyagers so far(though Mixmaster might be as well, but I haven't bought him yet). Voyager Megatron has better articulation than the leader version, and not just on the arms. You can get voyager Megatron in far more dynamic poses. The gimmicks are implemented well, no huge right arm with extremely skinny left arm, I don't mind the green, and he looks maniacal. The leader is more imposing for sure, but the voyager isn't bad, in fact I can see more people preferring it to the leader version. It's more fun to pose and tinker with.

Edited by Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0
  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
After handling voyager Megatron more, it is definitely a must buy. He and The Fallen are the best voyagers so far(though Mixmaster might be as well, but I haven't bought him yet).

I'm holding out for the Target Exclusive version of the Fallen, it's way darker and really enhanced by the flame coloring, while the first release version seems a bit muted by comparison. Also got roped into getting the bike sisters (well, just Chromia for now), but I gotta have them all just to see that combined mode.

If you just get one figure, I honestly say get Leader Prime. Bar none, the best movie figure that has been produced from either film.

Posted (edited)

Ah...ever since I got the ROTF Leader Prime there has been something about it that just didn't seem right and I just realized what it is. Those shoulders. When you look at and handle the toy as a whole it's not that noticeable, but when you take a good look at the distance between his shoulders the wonky proportions stick out like a sore thumb. I know it's bordering on taboo to voice even the smallest amount of dislike this toy, but I just don't like the thing that much. Clever transformation though. Maddening and joyless, but clever. :lol: Overall I think the 2007 Prime (who himself has very broad shoulders) is the better of the two.

Edited by eriku

I got the DVD on order should arrive tomorrow, hoping for good things for the new G1 box set. I hear it's pretty good.


Well - in all fairness, regarding the Optimus Prime shoulders - the Transformers are not meant to be completely anthropomorphic in this movie, ergo the shoulders are acceptable...kind sorta...


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