Phyrox Posted March 19, 2009 Posted March 19, 2009 (edited) eugimon said: wow, ironclad shockwave is awesome. was there ever a ship that had that merrimac/monitor hybrid look? The Merrimac/Merrimack* (actually the Virginia but far more often incorrectly called by the name of the frigate her hull and engine came from) seems to be like this Shockwave in that they are both casemate ironclads. So, if you mean was there ever a casemate ironclad with turrets, I think the answer is no. At least I can't think of any. There were some unorthodox designs in the 1860s through the 1870s, and I'd have to check my books to be sure, but I don't think there were any ships that combined turrets with the casemate superstructures usually associated with Confederate ironclads. There were casemate ironclads with paddlewheels, and if you ignore the turrets on this design, it does look similar to some real-world river ironclads. * You see it written both ways, even in contemporary descriptions. I know one spelling refers to a river, and the other to a river valley. I swear I remember reading somewhere long ago that the -CK spelling is the actual one used for the USN frigate, but I have not been able to re-find that source. OK, now back to Transformers... Edited March 19, 2009 by Phyrox
kanedaestes Posted March 19, 2009 Posted March 19, 2009 Just got the silver Alternity Prime. Really cool figure with a simple yet slightly complex in the legs transformation. Very heavy, full of tons of diecast.
JB0 Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 promethuem5 said: And was a piece of sh!t comic. Doesn't matter. Anything that can make Shockwave look THAT awesome deserves some credit. The Prime linked earlier looked pretty slick too.
RavenHawk Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 JB0 said: Doesn't matter. Anything that can make Shockwave look THAT awesome deserves some credit. The Prime linked earlier looked pretty slick too. All of those different time period ones were terrible story-wise, in my opinion (Hearts of Steel, Transformers/GI Joe during WWII) but all had (again, my opinion) gorgeous character designs.
RavenHawk Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 Morpheus said: I thought it was a toy line or something, never expected it came from a comic . I want a toy of it lol Sorry, hope my comment didn't come across harshly.
geepogi Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 kanedaestes said: Just got the silver Alternity Prime. Really cool figure with a simple yet slightly complex in the legs transformation. Very heavy, full of tons of diecast. what turned me off from this line is that there is no articulation in the hand, that is, it's fixed pose. am i right? otherwise, it really looks nice.
eugimon Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 Phyrox said: The Merrimac/Merrimack* (actually the Virginia but far more often incorrectly called by the name of the frigate her hull and engine came from) seems to be like this Shockwave in that they are both casemate ironclads. So, if you mean was there ever a casemate ironclad with turrets, I think the answer is no. At least I can't think of any. There were some unorthodox designs in the 1860s through the 1870s, and I'd have to check my books to be sure, but I don't think there were any ships that combined turrets with the casemate superstructures usually associated with Confederate ironclads. There were casemate ironclads with paddlewheels, and if you ignore the turrets on this design, it does look similar to some real-world river ironclads. * You see it written both ways, even in contemporary descriptions. I know one spelling refers to a river, and the other to a river valley. I swear I remember reading somewhere long ago that the -CK spelling is the actual one used for the USN frigate, but I have not been able to re-find that source. OK, now back to Transformers... cool, thanks. I remember that there were some odd monitor variants later on in the war but I was never that well versed with the confederate ships.
Alex Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 geepogi said: what turned me off from this line is that there is no articulation in the hand, that is, it's fixed pose. am i right? otherwise, it really looks nice. What annoyed me was that, like Animated Magnus, the arms are located so far behind the head that when you aim them forward, he suddenyl has teeny-tiny stublets for arms.
David Hingtgen Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 So NO comments on Leader Jetfire? I want a "perfect sideview" before deciding. Still, I was hoping for frankly near-Masterpiece when it comes to "lack of robot kibble in jet mode". There seems to be a lot more than there should, mainly due to GIMMICKS.
Vermillion21 Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 TF Universe Hot Shot and Ratchet are both cool!! Although the rear part of the car that forms Hot Shot's "shoulder backpack" parts are really annoying and get in the way of an easy transformation process - they require lots of fiddling. Otherwise, I highly recommend both of 'em .... Also picked up the TF mighty muggs wave 1 set - kinda neat. Alpha OTS said: Where the heck is the Wheelie/Cosmos/Warpath legends wave!??! I'm tempted to cave into the ebay gougers. Agreed .... where the hell are these???
JB0 Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 And stuff like Cosmos makes me wonder why the GoBots take so much crap.
Twoducks Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 (edited) David Hingtgen said: So NO comments on Leader Jetfire? I want a "perfect sideview" before deciding. Still, I was hoping for frankly near-Masterpiece when it comes to "lack of robot kibble in jet mode". There seems to be a lot more than there should, mainly due to GIMMICKS. Wow, missed it. I don’t know. I was also expecting something awesome after seeing how well they did the new Leader Prime and Voyager Starscream. Robot mode looks nice, but it almost looks like a simple shellformers with a lot of back kibble too. Need to see more pics. Edited March 20, 2009 by Twoducks
Fit For Natalie Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 David Hingtgen said: So NO comments on Leader Jetfire? I want a "perfect sideview" before deciding. Still, I was hoping for frankly near-Masterpiece when it comes to "lack of robot kibble in jet mode". There seems to be a lot more than there should, mainly due to GIMMICKS. Nothing wrong with gimmicks, unless they are obnoxious like 2007 Movie Starscream's rotating launchers.
kanedaestes Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 geepogi said: what turned me off from this line is that there is no articulation in the hand, that is, it's fixed pose. am i right? otherwise, it really looks nice. Yes there isn't much articulation but I have enough transformers with great articulation that it doesn't bother me. It is nothing more than a cool display piece that is small enough to be put anywhere you want and vehicle mode is accurate enough that most won't know its a transformer. Granted most of the classes binaltech and alternators were already like that but i do like this figure none the less. It isn't for everyone and only suggest you get one only if you want it. It may help to look at the videos on youtube if you are on the fence, then decide.
mikeszekely Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 David Hingtgen said: So NO comments on Leader Jetfire? I want a "perfect sideview" before deciding. Still, I was hoping for frankly near-Masterpiece when it comes to "lack of robot kibble in jet mode". There seems to be a lot more than there should, mainly due to GIMMICKS. Hoping for near-Masterpiece quality from a movie toy? You might as well be wishing for something like Shenmue III or the Detroit Lions to win the Super Bowl. Jetfire looks like he's got as much or more robot kibble underneath than Universe Silverbolt.
Vermillion21 Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 David Hingtgen said: So NO comments on Leader Jetfire? Could someone please post a link to pics??
David Hingtgen Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 Here: Or here:
BoBe-Patt Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 So I take it Jetfire is an old bot? Looks like his landing gear ends up being his cane.
kaiotheforsaken Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 I actually kinda like the look of Jetfire. The Fallen has similar...."whiskers" I guess for lack of a better word and I think his render looks pretty mean. I hope they don't have Jetfire gimp around on a cane though in the movie, in a movie with giant fighting robots, that would take things too far.
Excillon Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 Does anyone know if the individually packaged constructicons will make Devastator, or do you have to get the set to make it? I guess I should ask the same question about Jetfire/Optimus and whatever the hell they combine into...
promethuem5 Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 (edited) It's been discussed that there will be a giftset of Devestator that separates into bot-modeless construction vehicles, and the transforming construction vehicle to bot mode non combining Constructicons will be sold separately. The fan outrage has been pretty massive. Edited March 20, 2009 by promethuem5
Alpha OTS Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 promethuem5 said: It's been discussed that there will be a giftset of Devestator that separates into bot-modeless construction vehicles, and the transforming construction vehicle to bot mode non combining Constructicons will be sold separately. The fan outrage has been pretty massive. I wonder if it's anything that can be remedied by Fans Project or some fan run company to make parts to make the noncombining Constructicons combine. It's still a major screw-up on the part of Hasbro who should have known better. And I'm a little worried that the places I check for Legends class figures hasn't restocked *anything* in what seems like ages.
kaiotheforsaken Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 I'm not sure there is much anyone can do to make the non combining Constructicons combine. We'd have to assume that the non combining ones are able to resemble their Devastator components at all. I'd say it's safe to assume Hasbro didn't include things like Devastator's face in the cement mixer and things like that so it probably isn't likely if it's even possible at all.
David Hingtgen Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 The thing is--we all expected Devastator to have a horrendously complex transformation/combination sequence. One that we'd all go "wow, there's no way you could have that both combine and have individual bot modes". Something like 6 Leader Primes all shifting around their combined 300 parts... But it's not. At all. It's little more than 6 vehicles glued together. Their transformations are about as complex as minicons. You'd probably only need to add 1 or 2 joints to the non-combining ones, to get their "combiner part mode", if that. There seems to be no reason that Hasbro couldn't make one that did "everything".
kaiotheforsaken Posted March 20, 2009 Posted March 20, 2009 Looking at the renders he seems decently complex (but that render isn't the best to see how everything goes together). But from a toys standpoint he's pretty weak, they probably could have just gone with bots that do it all and gotten similar results. I suppose it could be as simple as the movie(s) are huge cash cows, they take a bigger check to the bank this way.
eriku Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 David Hingtgen said: There seems to be no reason that Hasbro couldn't make one that did "everything". Other than their plan to release one that does everything a year or two down the road. They can sell more product this way.
kanedaestes Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 Why are we even talking about all of this? You mean to tell me you guys would actually buy such an ugly, and I stress UGLY figure, or figures??? I will be skipping Devastator. I all want is the new Leader Prime and the new Starscream. Those two seem to be the best figures coming out so far.
Excillon Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 kanedaestes said: Why are we even talking about all of this? You mean to tell me you guys would actually buy such an ugly, and I stress UGLY figure, or figures??? I will be skipping Devastator. I all want is the new Leader Prime and the new Starscream. Those two seem to be the best figures coming out so far. I'm not a fan of the movie designs, they look like an aborted EVA fetus. However, I do like Devastator, besides, he's supposed to be like 2 feet tall! I can totally have my Jumbo Grade Zeta wail on him! I think the only designs I like are Prime, Ironhide, Bumblebee, Barricade, and Devastator out of all of them.
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 Quote There seems to be no reason that Hasbro couldn't make one that did "everything".Seems like Hasbro's approach is to make the huge Devastator simple, while the non-combining Constructicons detailed with full articulation. For $100 I'm still confused as to why the Constructicons in the combining set were not made to transform and be as detailed/articulated as their non-combining counterparts. If the Devastator figure is not extremely stable, rugged, and sturdy, then the simplicity of the toy becomes redundant(this is of course, along the lines of thinking that everything was compromised for the sake of durability). Devastator is a disappointing figure, most disappointing one I've seen from ROTF so far, I was ready for the design itself to be shocking, but not the simplicity of the toy, I wasn't expecting that at all for the price. Unless I really like how he is portrayed in the movie and the toy turns out exceptionally rugged and fun to play with, I won't be buying him.
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 Oh yeah and Jetfire looks awesome from the top in alt mode...undercarriage is far worse than Silverbolt's(whose wasn't as bad considering that it was based on the XB-70 which also had a big undercarriage), but not as bad as TF1 Starscream's. Robot mode is weird....
promethuem5 Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 I'm glad I'm still not buying movie toys and not even excited about TF2 at this point...
David Hingtgen Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 Silverbolt doesn't strike me as XB-70-ish enough to use it as a reference. Other recent TF's have been much closer to real planes while still avoiding licensing etc. It's just plain a sucky toy design IMHO. An actual XB-70 would make an excellent masterpiece figure. Could be as "robotkibble-free" as an MP seeker. Have to be a skinny bot for sure, but it'd sure have a great alt mode.
Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 Quote Silverbolt doesn't strike me as XB-70-ish enough to use it as a reference. Other recent TF's have been much closer to real planes while still avoiding licensing etc. It's just plain a sucky toy design IMHO.Well Silverbolt's alt mode looks more like an XB-70 than an SR-71, silhouette wise, especially from the front.
Fit For Natalie Posted March 21, 2009 Posted March 21, 2009 Alpha OTS said: I wonder if it's anything that can be remedied by Fans Project or some fan run company to make parts to make the noncombining Constructicons combine. It's still a major screw-up on the part of Hasbro who should have known better. I kind of doubt it. Hasbro's reasoning (if you read between the PR-polished Q&A answers) is that basically the individual toys would have been unable to transform into the combined mode parts and stably support the weight and size of the Devastator design, not without significantly compromising the design of the individual robot and vehicle modes (hence the non-transforming limbs and things essentially being bricks). Now, if the robot modes were G1-like bricks in the first place, maybe they could have transformed, but they aren't.
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