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Yeah they have been popping up lately. I was surprised because i didn't expect to see them before the new year. Just keep a look out. The best place to find them will be Wal-Mart.


I want a masterpiece Hot Rod aka Rodimus. Though classics is close there hasn't been an exact representation of the character I dubbed my fav ever since he appeared on the screen in the original movie. Plus they never showed the same transformation so i am curious as to how he actually transforms. He would be good for a masterpiece figure, him and a new cannon Galvatron


I got Swoop last week and I must say I love the T Animated line. The main autobot cast are nowere to be seen here in Spain, but I do see the rest of the animated season 1 characters plus the Prime-Megatron twopack and Leader Ultra Magnus.

Any T Animated must haves? How are Grimlock, Black Arachnia and Blitzwing?


I had a year 9 class today and I was given a DVD for them to watch called "Supervolcano" so I put it on for the students and found something else to do. About 20 minutes in I was distracted by a familiar voice.

I looked up to see that Gary Chalk (Beast Wars Optimus) was one of the actors in the program. Pretty cool. And he was uncredited as well.



I'm totally gonna be skipping out on the movie toys, darkwing is pretty bad ass, but he needs to come with his powermaster, and the samurai prowl i definitely want! ^_^


Im not sold on getting the Prowl with armour yet, but Waspionator looks pretty cool.

Finally found Sentinal Prime and Swoop over here which is cool. Also grabbed Universe Springer/Ratbat.

Usually I avoid decepticons, but animated and now Classics is tempting me...


just got exclusive dragstrip and overkill. both look cool in package. its interesting how much the battle rollar box looks like these boxes. it would be weird if these nonofficial companies were part of hasbro.


Was thinking more about future Masterpieces---I think most people agree than MP Grimlock is kinda "pointless". (and I'm a big Grimlock fan). Frankly, it's simply a very large gimmick-filled version of the G1 toy. It's not THAT much better looking in either mode. He always was one of the more "perfect" toys.

So, my question is--what toys really could USE a Masterpiece treatment? As in, not because they're a fan-fave character, but because their G1 toy really didn't do them justice at all? I'm currently leaning towards the triple-changers. IMHO Blitzwing and Astrotrain had pretty good alt-modes, but robot mode suffered (especially Blitzwing). And Springer is just sad in all 3 modes. (never had one, but I've seen pics). Octane's in-between, in being fairly decent in all 3, but good in none. (truck mode's probably the worst though)

I'd say Astrotrain was the best of the G1 triple-changers. (yes, I'm leaving out Broadside--good luck doing a good-looking carrier/F-14 hybrid at ANY price-point)

Finally, any of the cities, especially Trypticon. Imagine how many skyscrapers and roads etc could be incorporated into a Masterpiece version. (I'd remove the walking ability in favor of appearance and transformation) For a city, it's all in the details/sense of scale, and a larger toy with tons of intricate sculpting could really "sell" the look of a mechanical city-scape. (kind of like the newer Unicron/Primus toys--but even more so)


A very good Post Grace David.

You are totally right that a Triplechanger MP would be great. Springer is a great character - but I thin he would be too "easy" to do -the transformation is not that complex, and the futuristic/non realistic modes would be easy to accomidate - sort of like Grimlock - so for the same reason you note that Grimlock is "pointless" I think Springer would be too.

That leaves the others - who all have realistic alt modes.

You forgot about Sandstorm: a helicopter and a dune buggy - while totally out of scale - would be totally possible along the lines of the original. And Sandstorm would be a pretty decent character to do as well. Next in line, Octane - who along with Sandstorm were pretty buddy-buddy in "Ghost in the Machine" and had some great adventures together.

Again, the plane would be completely out of scale with the truck - but doable.

In any event - Triplechangers would definitely be an AWESOME Masterpiece addition and a logical direction for an engineering heavy line that is into "hard tasks."

You Tripticon idea would also rock - however - there is one problem: namely the issue of interactivity. He would have to be to scale to SOMETHING - just to make it fun - you know - so we could have cars driving around in him. Technically, you could make him to scale with Minicons or Minibots or Micromasters.

Failing that - a perhaps better idea would be to INCLUDE with Masterpiece Trypticon a plethora of regular city vehicles. After all - having a City as your disguise is kind of pointless if you're abandoned - so I could see Trypticon having a plethora of cars, truck, airplanes - all helping add to the illusion that he's a "real" city (think Springfield from the GI Joe comics).

This would certainly be very cool.

As I've mentioned before - I don't want the G1 Cars - unless they do a REALLY impressive job of it - but now that we've gotten Grimlock, I wouldn't be surprised if suddenly we get Masterpiece Prowl, Jazz or Ironhide next...

In any event - this line could well go on forever.


Answer re:

Was thinking more about future Masterpieces---I think most people agree than MP Grimlock is kinda "pointless". (and I'm a big Grimlock fan). Frankly, it's simply a very large gimmick-filled version of the G1 toy. It's not THAT much better looking in either mode. He always was one of the more "perfect" toys.

So, my question is--what toys really could USE a Masterpiece treatment? As in, not because they're a fan-fave character, but because their G1 toy really didn't do them justice at all? I'm currently leaning towards the triple-changers. IMHO Blitzwing and Astrotrain had pretty good alt-modes, but robot mode suffered (especially Blitzwing). And Springer is just sad in all 3 modes. (never had one, but I've seen pics). Octane's in-between, in being fairly decent in all 3, but good in none. (truck mode's probably the worst though)

I'd say Astrotrain was the best of the G1 triple-changers. (yes, I'm leaving out Broadside--good luck doing a good-looking carrier/F-14 hybrid at ANY price-point)

Finally, any of the cities, especially Trypticon. Imagine how many skyscrapers and roads etc could be incorporated into a Masterpiece version. (I'd remove the walking ability in favor of appearance and transformation) For a city, it's all in the details/sense of scale, and a larger toy with tons of intricate sculpting could really "sell" the look of a mechanical city-scape. (kind of like the newer Unicron/Primus toys--but even more so)


I'd been thinking that Blitzwing and Astrotrain would make great Masterpiece candidates. As would Ultra Magnus with his armour (rather than just the repainted Prime we got). I would personally love a Masterpiece Unicron, if such a thing were possible. Hell, I'd be happy if the Beast Wars Unicron made for one of the Japanese lines were released. I have not been happy with any of the Unicron toys released, though as far as Transformers fans go I'm pretty difficult to please.

I'd like to see a Masterpiece Ratched and Ironhide, seeing as how we never got Alternators versions of either, and their original incarnations are somewhat lacking.

I've also wondered what they could do with the gestalts if working in Masterpiece quality. So long as gestalts like Devastator were taller than Prime and Megatron I'd be generally pleased. The cities I'd like to see tower over most everyone else, but then we're talking pretty large toys. Of course, wasn't Fortress Maximus significantly taller than Masterpiece Prime? Still, I know large scale toys like that generally aren't worth it to toy companies like Hasbro, and difficult for collectors to find space for.


I like MP Grimlock more for the dino mode than the robot mode. Looks more fun. But I would change it for a triplechanger in a heartbeat.

I NEED Blitzwing and Astrotrain in Masterpiece form :lol:


If a crappy G1 toy is a reason to make an MP version, I think Ironhide would win hands down. The G1 version completely sucked since it looked nothing like the cartoon. The only Ironhide I've seen come close is the newest one.

Given that each of the triple changer's modes are so different from the rest (i.e. tank to plane to robot, or train to space shuttle to robot, etc) I think that too many parts would need to be hidden somehow and it'd be nearly impossible to pull it off.


I agree that Grimlock is kind-of meh. looks pretty much like his g-1 toy. Personally I think the entire movie line could use Materpeice treatment. A MP movie Starscream and Blackout would be Freaking awesome!!



I dunno.... I don't think Grimlock is pointless. I'm actually more excited for him than any other of the MPs so far (I've got them all, save for Ultra Magnus). Call it a fondness for the character or whatever.

My Masterpiece want list is pretty short, at this point:

Rodimus Prime (though the Titanium figure is actually a pretty decent representation, for now)

Galvatron (HATE the new Deluxe figure - flimsy and awkward POS)

Cyclonus (LOVE the new Deluxe figure - he is probably my favorite $8-$10 toy of 2008)

Ultra Magnus Armored (a fan company is putting out a set of MP armor next year, though, and I'm loving my City Commander)

Soundwave (though my Music Label one is really excellent)

I would buy others, like Ironhide and such, but they are not priorities. Triple changers would be cool, but I'm content with my Henkei ones.


At this point, the only thing that could get me to buy MP Grimlock is if Hasbro released it in America at the American MP Starscream's price point. Due to his smaller size, he'd replace Classic Grimlock on my Classics shelf.

I wouldn't be surprised if suddenly we get Masterpiece Prowl, Jazz or Ironhide next...

Mmm... MP Jazz... *Homer drool*


I agree with Dobber that the movie line should get the MP treatment.

All of Hasbro's movie toys have - for lack of a better word- sucked! I mean - seriously - all of them just suck compared to what we see on screen. Sure, some suck more than others (I would be looking at you, Starscream, if I hadn't sold your crappy butt about 4 minutes after taking you out of the box).

The Movie line - toy wise - is a disgrace. Transformers finally makes it big on the big screen and more effort is franky put into spin off lines like Classics/Henkei/Universe than the Movie itself... not that I think it's bad Henkei is so good - but really - they could have done a more decent job with the movie toys.


  VFTF1 said:
I agree with Dobber that the movie line should get the MP treatment.

All of Hasbro's movie toys have - for lack of a better word- sucked! I mean - seriously - all of them just suck compared to what we see on screen. Sure, some suck more than others (I would be looking at you, Starscream, if I hadn't sold your crappy butt about 4 minutes after taking you out of the box).


We need SK to design a PT Movie Starscream like he did for the G1 Starscream! I would be on that like white on rice... still considering whether to get the MP-03 Starscream but the need for valks is stronger at the moment!

  crasis said:
Galvatron (HATE the new Deluxe figure - flimsy and awkward POS)

Cyclonus (LOVE the new Deluxe figure - he is probably my favorite $8-$10 toy of 2008)

Ultra Magnus Armored (a fan company is putting out a set of MP armor next year, though, and I'm loving my City Commander)

Soundwave (though my Music Label one is really excellent)

Masterpieces of these would be awesome! Especially of Galvatron and Soundwave! Ironhide and Ratchet would be great too. I wouldn't mind seeing one of Powerglide and Skyfire.


What about Hot Rod!!!! Anyway I finally picked up Animated Shockwave. Truly a cool figure. Though his two vehicle modes are basically the same his robot mode does seem like two different figures. He is more built to be handle as Shockwave than Longarm as evident by the more articulation his Shockwave mode has over his Longarm mode.


I on the other hand would like to take a moment to sing the praises of Henkei Octane. Octane as a character has always been one of my favorite Decepticons, right up there with Deadend, Pounce, Wingspan, Ratbat and the like... but I digress...

First of all - has anyone else noticed that rather than use his "guns" as guns on the tanker truck mode (pretty silly for an oil tanker to have firearms mounted to the oil tank anyways) - you can actually use them as smoke stacks! They attach on the sides of the cab and look absolutely chrome-tastic there.

Add to that the very involved and complex transformation (albeit, Octane could use a proper back of the tanker truck like the G1 version had...

In any event - most pleased with him - as I knew I would be. I love it when third tear characters get love.

Oh - and you know who needs love?


Matserpiece Headmaster Nightbeat.

I'd get 50.



MP Jetfire!! Oh wait we have that already, it's Hikkie's VF-1S with and autobot decal.

I still stand by my masterpiece Predacons. 1 every three months, and in 15 months BAM! Instant MP Predaking!!!!!!!!!

However, back to reality, you know they're only going to do POPULAR MP characters, and Rodimus Prime would be easy to make, and make well. Binaltech pretty much covered the regular autobots, so I doubt we'll see them. And that's fine, BT's were awesome anyway. So I'm going to go out on a limb and say Soundwave...simply because he's the only truly ICONIC one left to get the MP treatment (not counting cheezy repaints). I'd personally like to see the Predacons because I think they'd be easy, and easy to make the ultimate Gesalt (which Predaking was), or the Insecticons would be cool as well.


Superion would be cool but no way--making decent limbs and storage for hands/feet would be very difficult, especially on Skydive and Slingshot. Mainly because gestalt members are also triple-changers in a way (some more than others).

Devastator's the only one famous enough to do it, but with the movie and all---unlikely until like 2012...

Frankly, all the gestalts have the "separate parts" issue---I doubt we'll ever again see a combiner that comes with a bag of head/foot/hand parts. They are NOT going to do a masterpiece version that requires that, and it'd be VERY hard to incorporate some parts. If any could be done, I think Menasor, due to Motormaster's trailer providing lots of space etc, and the cars could pretty easily hide feet/hands in their hoods etc, without compromising robot mode.

Hot Rod---G1 was pretty good/accurate, though definitely unarticulated. Fairly pointless IMHO, like Grimlock. Rodimus Prime---no challenge. His vehicle mode is robot mode with arms and head folded in, with the trailer covering up his legs.

Galvatron sure could use a masterpiece. And Cyclonus.


Cyclonus would be an awesome MP to have. I'd be willing to spend a healthy amount on an MP Springer, it'd be nice if they gave that character it's own mold instead of repaints.'

Still the MP Grimlock looks nice, I haven't bought any MP's since Prime so I may bend here soon enough.

MP Jetfire!! Oh wait we have that already, it's Hikkie's VF-1S with and autobot decal.

Well, technically no we don't :) The VF-1S is only Jetfire to the extent that it is based off of the same model as the G1 Jetfire toy... But the whole point of Masterpiece is making cartoon/comic/"soul" accurate representations - so Jetfire could concievably be in need of one - although Henkei Jetfire pretty much does the job. Besides, he's another "fantasy" alt mode - and I don't think MP should be doing those because they are a bit too easy (although obviously with Grimlock upcoming, they have decided to do them anyways).

Galvatron would be nice - as would Cylconus or Rodimus or Springer - but again - TOO EASY.

I think Masterpiece should really stick to doing things which present achallenge from an engineering point of view. Optimus Prime was just such a challenge for instance - because although the "basic" transformation is rather simple, the process of getting him to look cartoon accurate is NOT - and they did it.

Megatron was a marvel of engineering. The Seekers were also a marvel of engineering for the same reason as Prime (again - the transformation is simple - but getting it to look cartoon accurate is the key).

But characters who are not hard to get to look cartoon accurate aren't worth the time.

I can't see them doing Soundwave because it would be even more "pointless" than Grimlock. Grimlock at least can be marketed on his own merits as a big T-Rex that turns into a robot - independent of whether people love and know who he is. But a giant 80s cassette deck that is not in scale, doesn't play music and (probably doesn't come with MP Laserbeak) ? No way - it would be a disaster...I think.

Although I do agree that he is the last of the truly great Icons not to get done.

Hmm... who else? ...hmm....

Technically they could do Perceptor - a functional Microscope would be nifty - but again...tad too simple...

My guess, however, is that they will now do a Decepticon - unless it's pre-ordained, with Grimlock coming out...that we're just going to get ALL OF THE DINOBOTS...

Is that possible? That would be crazy...no...can't be possible...was easy to do with the seekers 'cause it's one mold..... but they wouldn't just dedicate the next 5 years or so to Dinobots...hmm...

So that means it'll be a Decepticon. It's the Decepticon's turn. So that would almost certainly mean either the iconic Soundwave (albiet I can't concieve of them doing that for the reasons given above) or...or who?

Shockwave? Wierd waste of time...hmm...

I'm stumped. I would have never guess Grimlock would actually be an MP so - at this stage it stops being "obvious" and it gets hard to guess what they're up to.


  VFTF1 said:
I can't see them doing Soundwave because it would be even more "pointless" than Grimlock. Grimlock at least can be marketed on his own merits as a big T-Rex that turns into a robot - independent of whether people love and know who he is. But a giant 80s cassette deck that is not in scale, doesn't play music and (probably doesn't come with MP Laserbeak) ? No way - it would be a disaster...I think.

Although I do agree that he is the last of the truly great Icons not to get done.

I know I've said it a billion times, but...

The Soundwave MP3 player would've been perfect IF it'd used CompactFlash cards and come with cassetebots that turned into (non-functional) CF cards.

My guess, however, is that they will now do a Decepticon - unless it's pre-ordained, with Grimlock coming out...that we're just going to get ALL OF THE DINOBOTS...

Is that possible? That would be crazy...no...can't be possible...was easy to do with the seekers 'cause it's one mold..... but they wouldn't just dedicate the next 5 years or so to Dinobots...hmm...

The legendary Dinobot Combiner!111111


Alongside Predaking?

So that means it'll be a Decepticon. It's the Decepticon's turn. So that would almost certainly mean either the iconic Soundwave (albiet I can't concieve of them doing that for the reasons given above) or...or who?

Shockwave? Wierd waste of time...hmm...

I'm stumped. I would have never guess Grimlock would actually be an MP so - at this stage it stops being "obvious" and it gets hard to guess what they're up to.

Well, so far we've got Prime and Magnus, Starscream and Skywarp, Megatron, and Grimlock...

Teams are balanced.

And don't you be dissin' Shockwave! MP Shockwave, with real working light and sound!

Seriously, I'm surprised they're doing something with no repaint potential on Grim, so...

If the next mold is repaintable(far froma safe bet), we get...

Ratchet and Ironhide!

With limited edition Movie Damage Repaints for posing with the MP Megatron!11111


Though MP3 Soundwave didn't get a black Soundblaster version, did it? That kinda torpedoes the repaint angle.

(even if it did get iPod White)

Ooooohhh, there we go!

Next MP is actually a Music Label Blaster!

Actually, my best guess WOULD be Ratchet/Ironhide.

Sorry for the absurd level of dumb. I just watched more G Gundam than is healthy for one sitting.

Though MP3 Soundwave didn't get a black Soundblaster version, did it? That kinda torpedoes the repaint angle.

(even if it did get iPod White)

Music Label Soundwave DID get a black Soundblaster version. It's called Music Label Soundwave Blaster Black



Takara choosing Ratchet / Ironhide for the next MP would really annoy me. They should have been properly released as BinalTech / Alternators. (Although, I think that Skids was originally intended to be inronhide, judging from his build and head.)

Anyway, Alternators are almost to scale with MP Optimus. An MP Ironhide would have to be bigger in order to justify the hefty MP pricetag. Bad enough scale was totally ignored for the seekers. Maybe I expect too much from the MP and BT / Alt. lines, but I'd like at least some consistency.


One mold that they can really abuse is the Prowl, Bluestreak and the other guy.

  RD Blade said:
Takara choosing Ratchet / Ironhide for the next MP would really annoy me. They should have been properly released as BinalTech / Alternators. (Although, I think that Skids was originally intended to be inronhide, judging from his build and head.)

Anyway, Alternators are almost to scale with MP Optimus. An MP Ironhide would have to be bigger in order to justify the hefty MP pricetag. Bad enough scale was totally ignored for the seekers. Maybe I expect too much from the MP and BT / Alt. lines, but I'd like at least some consistency.

Oh, I definitely agree they deserved a proper Alternators treatment. Unfortunately, they didn't really support Alternators with much variety (related lines featuring alt modes other than cars would have helped quite a bit, I imagine) and the line is now dead.

Personally, I'm fine with the size of the seekers. They at least tower over the Alternators. I'm disappointed that Grimlock will be Starscream size, rather than Prime size, though. I'd welcome more military vehicles done in the size range of MP Starscream. Tanks, helicopters, and whatnot. Heh, an MP Warpath could actually be all kinds of fantastic, with a few creative liberties taken.

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