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  VF-19 said:
Carnage in C-minor anybody? My brother showed me that episode and I swear the writers AND animators were drunk and high when doing this episode.

That makes me want to watch it more than anything else.


Heh :) Yeah - there's that too. There is soemthing totally endearing about really bad cartoon episodes, just like junk movies are great too. You just need a rainy Friday night, lots of pizza, some beer, and a few friends over to make it all work right :)


  JB0 said:
That makes me want to watch it more than anything else.

Trust me, it's pretty screwy. There's some HUGE animation and character errors (like parts of combiners being in two places at once)...

Trust me, it's pretty screwy. There's some HUGE animation and character errors (like parts of combiners being in two places at once)...

There has to be more to it than that! I mean - that happens every other episode practically :)


  VFTF1 said:
There has to be more to it than that! I mean - that happens every other episode practically :)


No... This one is litterally right in your face obvious... And like RD Blade said... "sung...and badly, I might add". Once was enough for me...


Well - I'm shocked! Shocked!

Such a classic masterpiece (Carnage in C Minor) and it's NOT on Youtube???

I wanted to watch it. I mean - it has singing and robots..maybe it's like Macross? :)



I never liked Animated Blitzwing anyways :) One of the few Animated designs that I think they took too many liberties with; and made him way off of what I recall as being "Blitzwing" - but this is mainly due, I think, to them not having a grasp of Blitzwing's character. For me, Blitzwing is defined by his role in Five Faces of Darkness, where he turns out to be a very reasonable fellow, who, like it says in his file card, resents being treated like cannon fodder by the higher ups and is actually quite thoughtful (I see him as being like Thundercracker, only with gutts).

Animated blitzwing is a nutjob - which is fine, but I wish they just made him a different character rather than naming him Blitzwing. In fact, now that I think about it - Animated kind of followed the Movie with Decepticons being largely "new" characters and Autobots being rehashes of the classic characters...

err....yeah :) so there :)



Just got Animated Shockwave, and this is one of the best animated voyager Decepticon toys. The transformation from Longarm to Shockwave is impressive and the result looks quite different from Longarm. I just wish this figure had hip ratchets for Shockwave, and better leg articulation for Longarm(his hips move at an angle due to the waist plate blocking the hips depending on which angle it is put in).


I haven't seen anything new for Animated figures since I stopped collecting them back in August...I just finally got around to customizing my Voyager Prime so he's got blue windows and yellow lights...now he looks better. Next will be bumblebee...he's missing loads of black.

Posted (edited)
  RD Blade said:



So Ultra Magnus wrestles the cannon between his thighs until it goes off in his hands (two minutes in). And the singing is really what we're concerned with?

Edited by mikeszekely
Posted (edited)
  mikeszekely said:
So Ultra Magnus wrestles the cannon between his thighs until it goes off in his hands (two minutes in). And the singing is really what we're concerned with?

Wow... I must have been more traumatized than I thought. It's even worse. Even before the shot of Magnus with Galvatron between his legs we clearly see Devastator (as the same size as Soundwave to boot) next to Soundwave, and then in the next shot, the Constructicons are combining to be Devastator, only to be flattened by Broadside! What a quality episode!

Edit: Also, crazy size changing galore!

Edited by VF-19

Well - I watched the first two parts... it doesn't seem that bad. Pretty standard Transformers fair. The animation errors like Bonecrusher fighting alongside the Autobots or Brawn being alive aren't really all that shocking - stuff like that happened all the time - and for me - it was always a great excuse for making up stories about WHY that happened (aka - what ulterior motive did Bonecrusher have for suddenly turning on the machine he and his fellow Constructicons built?).

Soundwave is a tad out of character here - insofar as he's excited and extroverted - but I guess that's excusable since he supposedly is in awe of the power of this planet's harmonics/music/sound - so he gets excited once in his life.

Ultra Magnus on the other hand has a major major phalic fixation - he just keeps trying to put Galvatron's cannon (or Galvatron in cannon mode) between his legs and fire it.

This is just TOO hilarious :)

As for the other stuff - it isn't that off kilter from what I'm used to in Transformers. The animation is visibly slower than in other episodes - and maybe that's why the errors are more noticable?

Also - in some scenes, where Soundave looks "deformed" - I was instantly reminded of what he looks like in...Transformers Animated.



Yup, tampo-printed insignia is decently common with the "Encore" reissues. And it's done to best effect on the seekers, since they have the huge ones on their wings.

Posted (edited)

Tampo'd? Does that mean they don't change colour like the old G1's i remember back yonder?

Only tranny's i got since i was a kid was the Starscrem Energon (both variants)... anyways they didn't have the stickers of old.

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
Posted (edited)

Ahh ok thanks Promethium5.

Does any of the MP's have the rub on's?

Just wondrring if Grimlock would have one, would like it but i guess no...

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
  promethuem5 said:
Nope, MP's don't have rubbies... only the Classics/Henkeis (and not the 2.0 Classics IIRC)

And Megatron didn't have one despite being a Classics 1 toy(and having an indent on teh scope/cannon to apply one in).


Dag. I sold my MP-01 like four years ago and have regreted it ever since :(

As for that Roller - he looks like he's crawled out of Michael Bay's brain - only this time someone actually bothered to do a decent toy of him rather than the crud Hasbro serves out for the movie line :)



Just picked up Classics Hound and Cyclonus, two great figures that everyone should pick up. The transformation engineering seems to get better with every new release

  kanedaestes said:
Just picked up Classics Hound and Cyclonus, two great figures that everyone should pick up. The transformation engineering seems to get better with every new release

I was at Toys R' Us two days ago, their TF section was almost entirely Sunstreaker and Galvatrons. I really want Brawn, Beachcomber, Cyclonus, and Hound. I tried Target today, even though they don't do Legends, and found nothing there either. I'll hit Wal-Mart maybe this weekend or next week.


I found mine at a super walmart. I wasn't even looking for them i was looking for animated shockwave and found those two instead so i still made out well.

  kanedaestes said:
I found mine at a super walmart. I wasn't even looking for them i was looking for animated shockwave and found those two instead so i still made out well.

What an odd coincidence. I went to Wal-Mart after dinner, and I didn't see any new Deluxes. All they had was a Galvatron, a ton of Sideswipes, and a few Blue/Silverstreaks.

But they did have on the wall across the main aisle from the toy aisles a display with a ton of Voyagers; Shockwave, Starscream, Lugnut, Blitzwing, Bulkhead, and Skywarp from the Animated line, plus a few Treadbolts and Blasters from the Universe line.

So if I could have gone to your Wal-Mart, and you could have gone to mine, we'd each have got what we wanted.


Hound is out? Damn, I'm not into TF's really anymore, but I need that for my Hound collection.

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