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Does it really say that it comes with the SMS stand as well? Or does it only come with the smaller stand-arms for the ghosts? Paying ¥1300 more for 3 ghosts and a stand would be a real steal.

  Kelsain said:
Zounds, that's $62 + shipping!1!

On the other hand, 3 ghosts! I suppose with the right custom paint scheme, the RVF could be pretty sweet...

I gotta put more transformers on eBay!

Ah, hell, I'm still trying to find an affordable S or F!

Starship modeler has a few left in stock. Their Alto is out but their Ozma had 4 left last night i believe.

  SDF-ONE said:
Does it really say that it comes with the SMS stand as well? Or does it only come with the smaller stand-arms for the ghosts? Paying ¥1300 more for 3 ghosts and a stand would be a real steal.


Posted (edited)
  klam1020 said:

Luca manipulate the machine comes with three ghosts. Ghost comes with a dedicated stand!

Ok, thanks.

It has been added to HLJ for Febuary 2009 and on Rainbowten it's January 2009...

...so that's probably going to be a late January.

Edited by SDF-ONE
  Parker Midwinter said:
so who's making the VF-4 transforming Kit, Bandai?

Probably a fan made model or one of the older resin kits really well worked over.


Not bad. So the way things are going, the 4th release is probably gonna be Michael with Super Parts, followed by standalone super parts.. ergh, so that means we won't be seeing the Armored VF-25 anytime soon...

  the_foul_fowl said:
Not bad. So the way things are going, the 4th release is probably gonna be Michael with Super Parts, followed by standalone super parts.. ergh, so that means we won't be seeing the Armored VF-25 anytime soon...

the next release is probebly going to be vanilla Michel (no armor) then they'll start coming out with the super versions. (I say that because they've shown only the alto with super parts, Michel's valk has always been shown plain)

this is just speculation but I don't think they'll be coming out with stand alone super/armor parts. form what they've shown. you'll either end up building the kit's plain or with the super/armor parts and changing would require disassembling the kit.

  Master Dex said:
Ok, last question I will ask about panel lining.. I think I am going to try the wash method another time and go with markers now, I can deal with that and I'm not really too picky about line thickness.

Now someone before once said that find tip gray like GM02 would work find for the Ozma kit despite this valks gray color, is that best or should I just go with GM01 black I was thinking about getting both but in the interest of saving money I was thinking then just to get an idea of which would most likely be better and only get the one. I have a place to buy from so I don't need links, just an idea for which would work better.

Hey MAster Dex,

Like yourself, I'm not the best modeler in the world. I don't paint and don't have time for what the experts can do on this board. They are amazing. But if you just want it to look fairly good, all you really need is a *thin* black gundam marker. I've had ample experience on Gundam HG/MG kits. All you need to do is to fill in the panel lines or little lines. The gundam markers are good that if you make a mistake, just wipe it off with your thumb/fingers right away.

Yes sometimes the panel lines come out too huge and exagerrated but it still looks better than if you didnt. I'm currently working on the VF-25S and so far it is coming out ok. Other thing i have found is to panel line at the same time as you build. So at each step (each picture in the manual), cut the parts off the sprue, cut off the excess and then panel line first and then snap it together. It will slow down the build but it sure beats building and taking it apart again.

Now again, this is what has worked for me for ages (as a semi-novie modeler). Results may vary. =)



early bird preordered the rvf-25 at hlj. finally i can get some 1/72 ghosts that won't be at expensive prices. bandai should release a 1/72 q-rea and transformable vf-0s and i'll be happy.


Hey everyone!!

What is everyone using on these models, decals or stickers? If the stickers, is there anything else yall are doing to keep them down FOREVER! lol Also if stickers, do you still put a top coat over them as decals and they blend in decently?? :D:D

  klam1020 said:

Be carefull here, the next line stated that it is NOT the stand that is shown on the picture. :wacko:


Really nice work zebu! So do the wing root guns fit better in fighter mode than they did for the Alto version?


  Dobber said:
Really nice work zebu! So do the wing root guns fit better in fighter mode than they did for the Alto version?


Little bit. Still not as tight as I wish.

Overall, the hip joints and the whole base area of thigh fits much better than Alto version.

  SDF-ONE said:
I stumbled upon some unadulterated VF-25F mecha p0rn. This model was auctioned a while ago for a measly ¥52,000. :blink:

The VF-25F gallery: http://npgpm.web.fc2.com/vf25f.htm

His other works: http://npgpm.web.fc2.com/gallery.htm

Thank you for the great find. I'm floored by his KOG work. I wonder which brand of gold colored paint he/she is using to get that nice smooth gold plated look. I'm using the Tamiya acrylic gold leaf, and the best effect I get is a speckled look...sigh...

  blacklotus said:
Thank you for the great find. I'm floored by his KOG work. I wonder which brand of gold colored paint he/she is using to get that nice smooth gold plated look. I'm using the Tamiya acrylic gold leaf, and the best effect I get is a speckled look...sigh...

probably something like alclad II, testors metalizer brass makes for a convincing gold, too. acrylic's suck for metallic/metal finishes


Would it be possible for anyone to take a nice hi-res scan of the VF-25 decal sheet? I want to make decals for a 1/100 Koenig Monster custom and want some of the SMS markings and the like to use... I also heard there was a special release of the VF-25 kit with the Monster's noseart included as a decal... is that true, and if so could anyone provide a scan of that?

Posted (edited)

Just completed my VF-25S, and I must say that it is gorgeous! The build is pretty straightforward that even a newbie like me couldn't screw things up. Overall, the fit of everything seems to be tighter compared to my VF-25F-- especially the hip/intake guns. The sliding mechanism of the feet also seems to be tighter-- I had to disassemble the right leg and file down the inside of the sliding mechanism so that it wouldn't break the ankle trying to pull out the legs! Does anybody know if the subsequent production runs of VF-25F Altos have the same improvements as the VF-25S?

Edit: I did a really quick build (sanding+panel lining(using pro-modellers paneling wash--cant say enough good things about it!)+stickers) because all I wanted was something that I could play with while waiting for my 1/100 and deciding whether to get the DX or not. No transformations yet, but the wings seem to be stiffer also and don't flop down when the plane is held upside down--might be because this is newly assembled though. Still, overall everything seems tighter than the VF-25F that Zebu build for me (thanks!)

Edited by edwin3060

is the model kit easy to take apart again just in case you want to paint or add some detail?

  sh002 said:
is the model kit easy to take apart again just in case you want to paint or add some detail?

Yes, I assembled and disassembled the kit to get familiar with it. The only parts that I found that had a tight fit were the wing gloves and the feet (the inner and outer parts of the thrusters). For the wing gloves I partially cut off the pegs diagonally. For the feet I did not bother and simply painted them in one color (yep lazy).

  sh002 said:
is the model kit easy to take apart again just in case you want to paint or add some detail?

Yep it is very easy-- you don't even have to cut the male part connectors down which is an improvement I think compared to the Bandai Gundam Seed kits that I built a few years back (I've been taking a long break from modelling!). This kit was just too beautiful not to build which is what brought me back in! The gaps in the VF-25F really are gone now, I have no idea what they did to the mold but the VF-25S just fits together so much better!


I have unofficially finished my VF-25S now, meaning I have completely build and panel lined it but I have not done stickers yet. If anyone is curious because I asked a lot I did lining with a gundam marker, found it to be much easier than it seemed at first and I really like the results. In my opinion the lines are very nice and not too obvious at all.

I am very impressed with the sturdiness it has for a variable kit but it does seem a bit loose in some areas. I have only had it in fighter mode so far and I am having the trouble keeping the shield in place sometimes, and the wing root pieces next to the intake seem to want to move from their current position a lot but overall they stay there very well (I don't have the Alto kit so I don't know how much better the wing roots are here than that, but I hear they are better).

Like I said I have not transformed it yet, I plan to so most of the stickering in fighter mode (I already stickered the wings while assembling though because of the whole wing glove thing) until I get to the part where the only stickers left are the ones that require it to be in battroid or gerwalk to apply. I have to saw that stickers looks like it will be very challenging since a lot of them are really small.

Also one question about setting up landing gear. For the back landing gear you have to remove the panels on the legs in order to put in the gear (which I find kind of annoying, I don't see why an opening panel like that on the cockpit for the front gear couldn't be done) but I cannot get them off, is there a trick or do I just have to keep picking at those pieces to get them off? Also the instructions have you attacking the middle piece under the gunpod while it is displayed with landing gear, is this necessary and why is it there?


just wondering can bandai release 1/72 models of other series because I wouldn't mind a transformable vf-0s, sv-51, vf-2ss, etc


Presumably yes, because they will release such items (except the VF-2SS or any MacII valks) as part of their VF100s line. Whether they will is another matter entirely, since demand for these might not be high enough.

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