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  Max Jenius said:
It could have Bluegrass from Silverhawks... he piloted the Mirage AND played the guitar. Relative of Basara?


Ok. Serioursly, I completely forgot about this show until I saw this picture. Now I am thinking about Galaxy Rangers as well. God, I am an old man.

  Max Jenius said:
It could have Bluegrass from Silverhawks... he piloted the Mirage AND played the guitar. Relative of Basara?


Silverhawks came WAY before Macross 7 or anything like it. Yes, this was the original guitar-playing ship controller. :D

  Shun said:
hmmm so u prefer the same designs just different colors?

that'd be easier i guess :huh:

Well, with Frontier switching to CG, we've seen newer, more detailed renditions of older designs like the New Macross and Guantanamo class ships, or the Konig Monster and VF-171. I'd prefer to see modern "detailed up" versions of Valkyries that got very little screen time like the Lightning III, or were always depicted as cannon fodder like the Thunderbolt. The same would go for an MP Excalibur during the time it was the main fighter before the VF-171 appeared.


Well, I would like them to go and turn VF-X 2 into an anime since it has some potential as far as the story goes, but I'd like to see a civil war or a small conflict against a group of Zentraedi like they showed in F with Tamjin. B))

  MisaForever said:
Silverhawks came WAY before Macross 7 or anything like it. Yes, this was the original guitar-playing ship controller. :D

Gasp! :o So Basara isn't only a joke, he's also a RIP-OFF?! :blink:

hehe. nice call on this one. i remember the silverhawks, but i didn't make the bluegrass-basara connection. :p

  Max Jenius said:
Basically what I'm saying is I'd like to see something vastly different that doesn't follow the standard model.

How about a different genre?

A horror or mystery set in the Macross universe?

That's what I want to see!

The universe is so vast and expansive and all we ever get to see is a new alien, new Kano music and cool new Valks. I love the eye candy as much as the next fan and the music in this series is amazing, but to pigeonhole a franchise is setting up for death IMHO.

"Change or Die!"...

"Variety is the spice of life"

Bigwest seems to have little trouble finding sponsors for OVAs and movies, but they always turn to the "Bandai" machine for TV series. Which is fine, however there are plenty of stories in this universe that can be told outside of the "epic space war musical" genre too...

They don't have to only do TV series.

As an example, if one compares Gundam 00 to MS Gundam, it is clear the franchise has lost its way from the roots that made it legendary. Doing a new TV series every 2-3 years for the past 30 years has stagnated it.

Posted (edited)
  Zinjo said:
How about a different genre?

A horror or mystery set in the Macross universe?

That's what I want to see!

The universe is so vast and expansive and all we ever get to see is a new alien, new Kano music and cool new Valks. I love the eye candy as much as the next fan and the music in this series is amazing, but to pigeonhole a franchise is setting up for death IMHO.

"Change or Die!"...

"Variety is the spice of life"

Bigwest seems to have little trouble finding sponsors for OVAs and movies, but they always turn to the "Bandai" machine for TV series. Which is fine, however there are plenty of stories in this universe that can be told outside of the "epic space war musical" genre too...

They don't have to only do TV series.

As an example, if one compares Gundam 00 to MS Gundam, it is clear the franchise has lost its way from the roots that made it legendary. Doing a new TV series every 2-3 years for the past 30 years has stagnated it.

Wow, well that's a little more out there... but thinking along the "horror" genre. Well... what about a protoculture influenced race that encountered a group of Zentraedi without having the benefit of ASS-1 crashing. Maybe the only OTech they have is stuff scavenged from killing the big bastards. Sure, the full fleet could wipe out any civ w/o OTech, but without Bodolza a large portion of the army would be in disarray and the more far-flung Zent groups wouldn't know what was going on and continue with business as usual. Maybe the Zentraedi are stranded themselves... It would even give people license to have some classic Zentraedi characters show up in the form of their clones. New uses for OTech... humans would have to be pretty weak though for the horror/mystery aspect to work though. Fun to speculate... but yes... I doubt that they will break out of the SW1 mold. Basically Plus is the only one to have broken away sufficiently.

Edited by Max Jenius

Hrm... 2 more episodes to go, and I wonder if they can really wrap it up.

I think I would like to see more of the humans breaking up into factions, with some more belligerent than others. Although this may be too 'typical' of a story. 'Been there, done that.'

Posted (edited)
  Zinjo said:
How about a different genre?

A horror or mystery set in the Macross universe?

Zombies in the macross universe FTW!!!! :D I see that, and i'll die a happy man. :D

Edited by dreamweaver13
  dreamweaver13 said:
Zombies in the macross universe FTW!!!! :D I see that, and i'll die a happy man. :D

Well we already have spiritia sucking vampires on Macross 7. ^_^ Go for Macross Zombies: Revenge of the Orguss Valkyrie :lol:


My dream would actually be a Megaroad show. But not the Megaroad-01, I’d rather have a some other low-numbered Megaroad fleet. Just think about it: all the old designs would return (as well as new ones and variants, so the toy incomes keep flowing...) and maybe some of the old minor characters could make an appearance. Claudia as the fleet’s captain, perhaps? Vrlitwhai could surely make a cameo. Why not the Zentradi spies? That little kid Yotchan, Minmay’s cousin? Heck, something to tie in to the original Macross. Why not depict the start of the journey, from the take off and onward, so that people have a hard time adapting to the life onboard a star ship and so on. Thus it differs from Macross 7 and Frontier where the voyage has lasted for years and everyone is accustomed and everything runs smoothly. Maybe more focus on the fleet’s role as pioneers in unknown space. Everything a bit more low-tech compared to Mac7/F and in that way more like the original. More about the Zolans would be nice; maybe one of the planets they discover on the journey is Zola? Maybe the real Supervision Army (not just some lame brainwashed humans) could have some screen time, even being the main threat (just imagine a battle against a fleet of "ASS-1 Class" ships...) Also, as I'm a gay man and all... a cute MALE pop idol would be a nice change. ^_^

Some may hate me for even propose this, but maybe it's time to close the bag on this franchise. Or, well, they could perhaps wait until the 50th year anniversary or so... :rolleyes: Anyway, if Macross were to come to an end it has to be with a bang. One big epic finale, where all lose strings comes together and the mysteries are solved. Maybe descendents of Protoculture are discovered on some remote planet and all their secrets are finally revealed. A galaxy wide Space War II would certainly fit as the backdrop conflict. The idea of setting a show in the far future and that humankind has become something like the new Protoculture is not bad at all. The fate of humankind could then be mirrored with the fall of Protoculture and so on...

Oh well, that's my two cents. :)

  Lorindor said:
My dream would actually be a Megaroad show. But not the Megaroad-01, I’d rather have a some other low-numbered Megaroad fleet. Just think about it: all the old designs would return (as well as new ones and variants, so the toy incomes keep flowing...) and maybe some of the old minor characters could make an appearance. Claudia as the fleet’s captain, perhaps? Vrlitwhai could surely make a cameo. Why not the Zentradi spies? That little kid Yotchan, Minmay’s cousin? Heck, something to tie in to the original Macross. Why not depict the start of the journey, from the take off and onward, so that people have a hard time adapting to the life onboard a star ship and so on. Thus it differs from Macross 7 and Frontier where the voyage has lasted for years and everyone is accustomed and everything runs smoothly. Maybe more focus on the fleet’s role as pioneers in unknown space. Everything a bit more low-tech compared to Mac7/F and in that way more like the original. More about the Zolans would be nice; maybe one of the planets they discover on the journey is Zola? Maybe the real Supervision Army (not just some lame brainwashed humans) could have some screen time, even being the main threat (just imagine a battle against a fleet of "ASS-1 Class" ships...) Also, as I'm a gay man and all... a cute MALE pop idol would be a nice change. ^_^

Some may hate me for even propose this, but maybe it's time to close the bag on this franchise. Or, well, they could perhaps wait until the 50th year anniversary or so... :rolleyes: Anyway, if Macross were to come to an end it has to be with a bang. One big epic finale, where all lose strings comes together and the mysteries are solved. Maybe descendents of Protoculture are discovered on some remote planet and all their secrets are finally revealed. A galaxy wide Space War II would certainly fit as the backdrop conflict. The idea of setting a show in the far future and that humankind has become something like the new Protoculture is not bad at all. The fate of humankind could then be mirrored with the fall of Protoculture and so on...

Oh well, that's my two cents. :)

Well, there's always the (still unfinished) Legend of Megaroad. Sure, it's a fanfic, but it's a GOOD fanfic.

And if you want a cute male idol, what's wrong with Basara? :p

  Gubaba said:
Well, there's always the (still unfinished) Legend of Megaroad. Sure, it's a fanfic, but it's a GOOD fanfic.

And if you want a cute male idol, what's wrong with Basara? :p

:lol:Basara: Am I not moe enough for you?


In Macross:F, the Valks are totally outclassed by the Vajra. So if Vajra-and NUNS form somekind of treaty, I imagine the next Macross Franchise would be titled: Macross: Vajra Rider. :huh:

  Morpheus said:
In Macross:F, the Valks are totally outclassed by the Vajra. So if Vajra-and NUNS form somekind of treaty, I imagine the next Macross Franchise would be titled: Macross: Vajra Rider. :huh:

"Vajra riders of Pern"? :blink:

  Duke Togo said:
The future of Macross is more retcon!

So they will make sure that the Zentreadi Fleet shot first instead of the SDF-1? :huh:

  VFTF1 said:
I suddenly had a terrible vision of generic voice actors doing Hikaru and Minmey in a new Macross series that utterly fails to impress....

You mean like Macross Frontier?


Don't know where Macross is going, but I do know I'm gonna miss my weekly Macross fix after the series wraps up tomorrow.

Not looking forward to going cold turkey.


  Graham said:
Don't know where Macross is going, but I do know I'm gonna miss my weekly Macross fix after the series wraps up tomorrow.

Not looking forward to going cold turkey.


If Frontier is as successful as it sounds like it is, you don't think we'll see atleast some sort of OVA followup?

  Graham said:
Don't know where Macross is going, but I do know I'm gonna miss my weekly Macross fix after the series wraps up tomorrow.

Not looking forward to going cold turkey.


I'm going to comfort myself by rewatching ALL of Macross...and of course, there's always the Macross Chronicle.

  Duke Togo said:
If Frontier is as successful as it sounds like it is, you don't think we'll see atleast some sort of OVA followup?

That is quite likely. Judging by what I can see about their corporate info, both Studio Satelight and BWA seem prety small firms. Would seem pretty odd to me if they didn't try to capitalise on that succes by making a sequal or spin-offs.


My apologies for the length of this post. Reading through all 11 pages got my head going.

Kawamori has managed to create an incredibly rich history through relatively few series. I like to consider the following when thinking about what I want from a new Macross series:

1.) The original series made it clear that there were still many Zentradi and Supervision Army fleets across the galaxy, duking it out. It’s been that way for thousands of years. I doubt fifty years have changed that too much.

2.) The Supervision Army, were Zentradi and Protoculture drained of their Spiritia, much like the Varauta army. M7 made it clear that Anima Spiritia could be used against spiritia drained beings, much like culture shock to the Zentradi. It stands to reason this could be used against the Supervision Army as well.

3.) Macross Plus (and the video games, and Macross F) showed that, even many years after Space War 1, not all Zentradi are willing to coexist peacefully with humanity. Also, the new design of the power armor in Plus indicates that the Zentradi, who previously had no experience fixing their equipment or building anything new, may have gained some of that knowledge.

4.) Dynamite 7 showed that capitalism is alive and well, and that UN Spacey technology can be bought through the black market. Who has managed to gain this technology?

5.) The Protoculture seeded the earth, and maybe even the planet Zola. What other planets did they attempt to manipulate to continue their existence?

6.) Macross Plus seemed to indicate that there are non-colonization fleets in existence, with the job of seeking out these renegade Zentradi.

7.) Frontier has shown that NUNS is not unlike the Roman Empire toward the end of their days. It is large, with a very capable military, but it very spread out, lacking the ability to communicate effectively and move forces around in a timely fashion.

8.) And finally, are there any other Protodeviln out there?

I think it would be interesting to see Kawamori sew some of these threads together, perhaps focusing on a deep space fleet given the task of expanding the NUNS controlled territory. Or something along those lines…

  kyoufuu said:
1.) The original series made it clear that there were still many Zentradi and Supervision Army fleets across the galaxy, duking it out. It’s been that way for thousands of years. I doubt fifty years have changed that too much.

A series involving UNS/NUNS and that conflict would rock faces from here to China.

  Duke Togo said:
A series involving UNS/NUNS and that conflict would rock faces from here to China.

You, who said over 10 episodes ago, that you were done with Frontier? :lol: Wow, what a change. :)

  MisaForever said:
You, who said over 10 episodes ago, that you were done with Frontier? :lol: Wow, what a change. :)

What does the Zentradi/Supervision war have to do with Frontier?

Posted (edited)
8.) And finally, are there any other Protodeviln out there?

Well the historical record on Lux indicate the 7 produced Evil Series were possesed and does not indicate if a Protoculture or Zentradi was possesed.

Edited by RedWolf
  Gubaba said:
I'm going to comfort myself by rewatching ALL of Macross...and of course, there's always the Macross Chronicle.

yep, i'm already planning to start watching SDFM all over again...

i'm very sad that MacF is coming to an end and the possibility of having to wait for years again for a new macross show... just remembering the feeling i had when i first watched ep1 deculture ed. last january makes me even more sad... :(

  RedWolf said:
Well the historical record on Lux indicate the 7 produced Evil Series were possesed and does not indicate if a Protoculture or Zentradi was possesed.

So in all likelihood, there are no Protodeviln left. That's probably how SK would keep it, since he doesn't like to retread old territory...

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