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Well I guess Yakuza 3 ships today and arrives tomorrow.

Posted (edited)

I'm up to the first character switch in XIII, and I really do have to wonder exactly what they were thinking. Beautiful game, sparse but interesting story so far....but why strip down the play mechanics like this & still use ATB? I hate turn based RPG's that are still turn based but tear out the heart of being turn based (i.e. attack you while you're issuing commands). Either go full action RPG and let me dodge, or leave the option to have the enemy wait until I'm done issuing commands. With that said, I do still like the game, but I'm very confused with where they were going. Dare i say they should have gone with a Bayonetta style engine if they really wanted it to seem more actiony, and drop the RPG thing all together if they didn't want to make an RPG.

Damn, this game is pretty though :) Also boo! for lack of Japanese audio, really square?

Edited by Keith
Posted (edited)

Picked up the PS3 version of FF13 for $53 and the collector's guide for $25 at Fry's. No line and no rush but I did run into two stereotypical 50+ nerdy basement dwellers picking it up too. Can't wait to be there in a few years B))

  Duke Togo said:
Played the first bit of Final Fantasy XIII up to the first save point. . .leaves me feeling rather indifferent
Pretty much my experience today as well. I'll play a little more tomorrow and see how that goes.

I have to pretty much agree with Keith's assessment, although I'd rather Final Fantasy mainly stick with the more traditional turn based system. There's plenty of games out there that have been doing and still do real time battles within an RPG framework already and do it well. I'd also like to throw out the idea that the game is pretty stripped down and uncomplicated. Probably even worse than FF7 that is usually criticized for such things.

I imagine there's no JPN audio on the US release for the obvious reason of the JPN release being a $100 at launch. I'm sure it wouldn't sit too well if we got basically the same release $40 cheaper over her in NA.

Edited by bluemax151
Posted (edited)

XIII is an unlucky number in some places. I might be done with Final Fantasy now. Twelve games seems like a good place to stop for me, especially after my copy of Dissidia really put things into perspective. I have a personal attachment with 4 of the protagonists, know about 2 of them, still have to play the games with 3 of them, having very little idea about who they were, and was just annoyed by Tidus (play-style).

Heck, most of the people responsible for the franchise in the first place either left or got booted out by now.

Edited by Einherjar
Posted (edited)
  Duke Togo said:

It was worth hoping for. :unsure:

  mikeszekely said:
Even though I really disliked XII (and I still maintain that the series peaked with IV), I'm not prepared to write off FFXIII just yet. It is, however, going to have to go on the backburner for a bit. After paying the ol' bills I've been a bit tight lately, and I just realized the other day that God of War III and the retail expansion for Dragon Age come out the same day, so I've gotta figure out how to pay those off first.

Maybe this'll help? Toys'R'Us is giving out a $20 giftcard to Reward Zone members when you purchase God of War III.

You could also try and pricematch to Best Buy... and then there's Amazon with their $10 gift certificate promo.

Edited by shiroikaze
  shiroikaze said:
It was worth hoping for. :unsure:

Maybe this'll help? Toys'R'Us is giving out a $20 giftcard to Reward Zone members when you purchase God of War III.

You could also try and pricematch to Best Buy... and then there's Amazon with their $10 gift certificate promo.

Not quite. I've got $35 on me that's "free spending" (that is, not allocated toward bills, gas, food, etc). And I need $33.98 to pay off my reserves on both God of War III and Dragon Age Origins Awakening. But it's no big deal. I expect that GoW and DAOA will keep me entertained for awhile. Although I won't be putting off GoW like eugimon and Penny Arcade suggest, the idea behind it (saving a game for the summer slump) is sound.

Posted (edited)

I don't know if anyone know this but the PSN Store now has Macross II and Macross Plus (Both movies and OVA versions) up for rent/purchase. Their anime lineup exploded compared to the last time I checked the video-side of the store, unfortunately most of the stuff are dubbed while there are a few that are subtitled... like Fist of the North Star being one example.

  Gaijin said:
Vanille's voice acting is irritating me. I'm actually ok with the dub for this otherwise. But dual voice tracks would've been better.

I wonder what's the reason behind giving her a faux English accent?

Edited by shiroikaze

Free anime has been offered through the Playstation Store with other shows once in a while. I got an episode of Vehicle Era Voltron and Full Metal Alchemist season two a while back, both dubbed.

Did anyone here get White Knight Chronicles? How is that going for people? I'm thinking about buying either that or Demon Souls.

  shiroikaze said:
I don't know if anyone know this but the PSN Store now has Macross II and Macross Plus (Both movies and OVA versions) up for rent/purchase. Their anime lineup exploded compared to the last time I checked the video-side of the store, unfortunately most of the stuff are dubbed while there are a few that are subtitled... like Fist of the North Star being one example.

I wonder what's the reason behind giving her a faux English accent?

Weirder yet still, it seems to randomly sway between faux british & faux southern at the actress's whim.

  Einherjar said:
Free anime has been offered through the Playstation Store with other shows once in a while. I got an episode of Vehicle Era Voltron and Full Metal Alchemist season two a while back, both dubbed.

Did anyone here get White Knight Chronicles? How is that going for people? I'm thinking about buying either that or Demon Souls.

I got White Knight as a gift. It's not bad. Haven't finished it yet though. Kinda overshadowed by FF XIII.


FF13 discussion has been moved to the separate thread wolfx started (was easier to move these posts there than vice-versa).

PS---I keep thinking it's faux French...

  Einherjar said:
Free anime has been offered through the Playstation Store with other shows once in a while. I got an episode of Vehicle Era Voltron and Full Metal Alchemist season two a while back, both dubbed.

Did anyone here get White Knight Chronicles? How is that going for people? I'm thinking about buying either that or Demon Souls.

I rented WKC. It was ok, I wasn't inspired to buy it after returning it to Blockbuster. If you have cash to burn get it. Haven't played Demon Souls.


At what time does the PlayStation Store update? I could have sworn Mega Man 10 is supposed to be available today...

  Dangard Ace said:
I usually login after 8pm est. Sometimes it's updated sometimes it's not. It's a crap shoot.

That late? Then they really should just say that they update Friday.


How is that no one is talking about the awesome that is God of War III? Here, I'll start:

God of War III is really freaking awesome. I'm only about two hours into it. If you've played the first two, you can figure out what kind of gameplay you're getting into. It's very similar to the first two (or three, if you count the one on the PSP), just a lot prettier. Story-wise, I'm looking forward to seeing how everything ties together.

  mikeszekely said:
How is that no one is talking about the awesome that is God of War III? Here, I'll start:

God of War III is really freaking awesome. I'm only about two hours into it. If you've played the first two, you can figure out what kind of gameplay you're getting into. It's very similar to the first two (or three, if you count the one on the PSP), just a lot prettier. Story-wise, I'm looking forward to seeing how everything ties together.

Yeah. Uh huh. Uh huh. Thanks for coming by.

  mikeszekely said:
How is that no one is talking about the awesome that is God of War III? Here, I'll start:

Because I'm still playing MW2...


still playing FF and then there's the dragon age expansion. I'll get around to GoWIII this summer or whenever it starts to flood the used bins at gamestop.

  mikeszekely said:
How is that no one is talking about the awesome that is God of War III? Here, I'll start:

God of War III is really freaking awesome. I'm only about two hours into it. If you've played the first two, you can figure out what kind of gameplay you're getting into. It's very similar to the first two (or three, if you count the one on the PSP), just a lot prettier. Story-wise, I'm looking forward to seeing how everything ties together.

Man, I can't buy that many games at once. :p

Did they change the placement of the quicktime buttons in the final game? I thought it was pretty annoying for the buttons to appear on the far sides of the screen...

  shiroikaze said:
Man, I can't buy that many games at once. :p

Did they change the placement of the quicktime buttons in the final game? I thought it was pretty annoying for the buttons to appear on the far sides of the screen...

Yeah, they're on the edges, and yeah, it's annoying. But it seems like they give you plenty of time. I haven't failed a quick time yet.

I guess it does kind of make sense that a lot of you would still be playing FFXIII. Personally, I'm holding off on FFXIII until I can get a demo. I hated XII, and XIII's reviews have been all over the place. Some people like it, others hate it, and most fall somewhere in between.

  Duke Togo said:
Because I'm still playing MW2...

me too. im so addicted to it

anybody playing BFBC 2 here? are the controls similar to mw2? thinking of getting it tonight

  Vegas said:
me too. im so addicted to it

anybody playing BFBC 2 here? are the controls similar to mw2? thinking of getting it tonight

Can't really say how similar they are on consoles, since I played both on PC. But I can say that I like BFBC2 a lot better than MW2.


Mike---the real question is how much did you like FF X? That's your answer for if you'll like FF XIII. The short version of the battle system is really "picking roles for the AI party members". You can't control them directly, but you can direct them to attack, defend, heal, buff, debuff, etc. So it's more involved than XII, but not as completely controlled as X. It is the fastest battle system ever though I think. You can of course directly control whoever is the team leader. (it'll take a while before you can choose who that is though)

  David Hingtgen said:
Mike---the real question is how much did you like FF X? That's your answer for if you'll like FF XIII. The short version of the battle system is really "picking roles for the AI party members". You can't control them directly, but you can direct them to attack, defend, heal, buff, debuff, etc. So it's more involved than XII, but not as completely controlled as X. It is the fastest battle system ever though I think. You can of course directly control whoever is the team leader. (it'll take a while before you can choose who that is though)

I don't remember it that well anymore. I do remember liking X, but I remember hating the entire cast (except for maybe Auron), I remember thinking the plot was stupid, I remember one really hard boss fight, and I remember that the game had almost no side quests.

I feel like I'd need a demo to figure out if I'm cool with XIII's battle system. Did they improve on any of my other complaints about X?

  mikeszekely said:
Yeah, they're on the edges, and yeah, it's annoying. But it seems like they give you plenty of time. I haven't failed a quick time yet.

I prefer that, as I always seem to forget which side square and circle are on so now I can just look at the screen.

Reason I'm not playing is I'm not able to go out too much to get things and I see no reason to pay full price for games when you can get most for half off in this economy, even 1/3 off for the big-ticket games if you look around. I'd like to rent this one and knock it out in a day or two.

I've found myself addicted to the Last Guy again. I've got three stars on everything except the DLC levels.

  mikeszekely said:
I don't remember it that well anymore. I do remember liking X, but I remember hating the entire cast (except for maybe Auron), I remember thinking the plot was stupid, I remember one really hard boss fight, and I remember that the game had almost no side quests.

I feel like I'd need a demo to figure out if I'm cool with XIII's battle system. Did they improve on any of my other complaints about X?

XIII is a lot harder, A LOT more than X. I like the characters, and yeah side question don't pop up until like 30 hours into the game. Also I doubt there will be a demo put out at this point. The battle system is great but honestly you could never grasp the whole of it in a demo.

Posted (edited)
  David Hingtgen said:
I really wish there was some sort of icon for Home that meant "I look nothing like my avatar". (I assume nothing---if someone's avatar is a tall black guy, in my mind they're just as likely to really be a short asian girl...) (I only go on Home a few times a year, just to see what's new---never much, but it can be fun for an hour or two--can't imagine what there is to do for all the people who go daily/weekly)
You can play Salt Shooter over in the Sodium area of Home, if you have the $4.99, that is. ;)

  Einherjar said:
XIII is an unlucky number in some places. I might be done with Final Fantasy now. Twelve games seems like a good place to stop for me, especially after my copy of Dissidia really put things into perspective. I have a personal attachment with 4 of the protagonists, know about 2 of them, still have to play the games with 3 of them, having very little idea about who they were, and was just annoyed by Tidus (play-style).

Heck, most of the people responsible for the franchise in the first place either left or got booted out by now.

Tidus is character in Final Fantasy X that can leave a bad taste in some people's mouths, mainly because of the actor chosen to voice him. <_< Edited by Wanzerfan
Posted (edited)
  mikeszekely said:
I don't remember it that well anymore. I do remember liking X, but I remember hating the entire cast (except for maybe Auron), I remember thinking the plot was stupid, I remember one really hard boss fight, and I remember that the game had almost no side quests.

I thought the cast was fine and story great. I remember FFX still had plenty of sidequests and minigames.

  Wanzerfan said:
Tidus is character in Final Fantasy X that can leave a bad taste in some people's mouths, mainly because of the actor chosen to voice him. <_<

I thought he did a (mostly) fine job with Tidus.

Edited by shiroikaze

Seconded. He was perfect for that character. (does a good Anakin too IMHO :)

Personally, I love FFX. One of my all-time faves in nearly every category.


I doubt it, but is anyone else playing MLB 2k10 on here? Wow, what a great game. I love the road to the show mode, I just signed a 9 million dollar deal with Toronto after one minor league season...if only it was real life. Graphics are 2nd to none...


On the FF stuff, I liked X, but didn't like Tidus that much. I liked the story, music, and most of the characters. I especially liked the summons in that game.

That said, I really like XIII. I'll agree that I doubt a demo will be able to convey the battle system well enough. It is probably the most exciting "wait until your turn" fighting I've played in an RPG.


By the end of the FFX, I wished Tidus sounded more like the mature voice used for his narration throughout the game. I don't even remember him switching to it once he was done retelling the whole game.

I thought the FFXII demo gave people a pretty good idea what to expect from the game play. A demo for XIII might give away too much of the game, considering how it's organized. I'd try it, but how much of the game would I actually be playing if it happened?

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