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  Phyrox said:
I am the average fan/collector, and I have to disagree.

If you think it is beyond hideous, that's fine, but don't pretend it's some generally accepted truism.

Looks pretty good actually. But then, I only ever try to speak for myself.

if you really are the average fan as you claim to be, let me ask you this...

how many average fans have been a member as long as you? try none.

and posts here as often as you do? try none.

and exactly how much have you spent on macross toys? probably more than $500.

so you aren't as "average" as you claim.

BTW, your jab is weak but your baiting is sweet! :rolleyes:

  do not disturb said:
if you really are the average fan as you claim to be, let me ask you this...

how many average fans have been a member as long as you? try none.

and posts here as often as you do? try none.

and exactly how much have you spent on macross toys? probably more than $500.

so you aren't as "average" as you claim.

BTW, your jab is weak but your baiting is sweet! :rolleyes:

You have over 4000 posts, you aren't "average" either. Not trying to flame you, but I'm just making a point.

I think the average person's tastes are something very few people in the world could guess. I'd wager that some average people will like it and some won't. That's just how the world works.

  protostar8 said:
You have over 4000 posts, you aren't "average" either. Not trying to flame you, but I'm just making a point.

I think the average person's tastes are something very few people in the world could guess. I'd wager that some average people will like it and some won't. That's just how the world works.

not once did i ever claim to be an average fan.

if you're posting here, if you're a member of this site, then you're not the average fan.

the average fan still thinks robotech is the original series.

the average fan wouldn't even know what a beta fighter is.

the average fan might remember the alpha, if even that.

the average fan posts on RT.com! :lol:


This sounds like it's going to be a Jeff Foxworthy skit soon.

You might be an average anime fan if....

Okay, stop it, I must get back to pictures and putting my Beta through the ringer so I can get a review up soon.

  do not disturb said:
if you really are the average fan as you claim to be, let me ask you this...

how many average fans have been a member as long as you? try none.

and posts here as often as you do? try none.

and exactly how much have you spent on macross toys? probably more than $500.

so you aren't as "average" as you claim.

I'm not an average disinterested random person, I am an average fan.

I have spend nowhere near $500 on Macross toys. Maybe if you put all anime toys together over the last five years, it might almost come to that level.

Trust me on this, I am the world's foremost expert on what kind of fan and collector I am.


your intial reply was as if i were specifically calling you out when it was just my opinion.

you took it personal even though it wasn't directed at anyone in particular, then tried to make it personal by throwing your weak jab, please. :rolleyes:


  do not disturb said:
your intial reply was as if i were specifically calling you out when it was just my opinion.

you took it personal even though it wasn't directed at anyone in particular, then tried to make it personal by throwing your weak jab, please. :rolleyes:


I don't know, I thought he made a good point about making sweeping generalizations. If you are not one of those average fans, how can you speak for them?

  jenius said:
Okay, stop it, I must get back to pictures and putting my Beta through the ringer so I can get a review up soon.

can't wait ....


Posted (edited)

sweeping generalizations, who cares?

why get so butthurt over a strangers opinion in a toy forum on the internet?

i think the average fan(everyones definition of "average fan" is obivously different) wouldn't be able to tell what this toy is.

most average fans don't know much at all when it comes to specifics on anything. the average fan wouldn't know what they saw on TV some 25 years ago. thats my definition(along with the other stuff i posted) of what i think the average fan is.

i know the internet is serious business for a lot of folks, like really serious business. so i'll just chill out now.

i should add that anyone who wants to continue this, keep in mind....


Edited by do not disturb
  RavenHawk said:
Ok, I'll definitely agree with you on that. Red bikes with red screens... blue bikes with blue screens... green bikes with green screens... might as well buy a half plastic Buell.

FZR400, FZR600, FZR1000, and an R1? Wow, you've got great taste. I'm a Yamaha junkie.

Who needs a screen. Buy a chopper. I got me a Star Raider and it beats the hell out of the Harleys and buells I've owned.


There were way too many photos for me to edit and take so I had to take a two-post approach to the Beta. The first post is just a true review of that toy and it's up. Another post with comparison pics and what have you will be posted later.


Posted (edited)
  jenius said:
There were way too many photos for me to edit and take so I had to take a two-post approach to the Beta. The first post is just a true review of that toy and it's up. Another post with comparison pics and what have you will be posted later.

*sigh* If only the Toynami Alpha wasn't such a lame piece of junk, and the Beta didn't have a limp stubby (apparently symmetrically diseased?) penis for a cockpit...

Vostok 7

Edited by Vostok 7

Thanks for the awesome Beta review (as usual) jenius!!! I certainly appreciate your insight and rush to get it posted.

FRACK. Now I need to get one ... and somehow fit it into my toy budget ...


Posted (edited)

Thanks for the review, jenius!!

Yeah, that overhead shot really shows the gaps between the legs/boosters and the missile rack. <_< But a least it doesn't stick out or jutt up as much as the CM's missile rack.

It's too bad the Beta doesn't have a twisting knee joint either (ala the VF-1 MPC's, the 1/48 Yammies, and the v2 1/60 Yammies). And a twisting torso would've been nice addition as well.

Oh well, still looking forward to getting this big bad bastard Beta.

EDIT: Regarding the tilt-down cockpit, I can live with it. As dumb as it sounds, I actually like the fully functional cockpit, complete with pilot and stuff. Plus, I like how it looks in bomber mode. Would've been nice with transparent yellow windows though. But again, I can live with the cockpit compromises.

Edited by Mog
Posted (edited)

I'll probably grab one to display in linked bomber mode, otherwise, I honestly prefer the CM's.

Edited by GobotFool

Now if someone would fab an accessory kit for the beta containing the bomb racks, the rifle with the side mount cartridge and a new head that would rotate to hide the side canopies as Jenius recommended, that would be sweet.

  jenius said:
whoa... so can't wait to get that.

How many more weeks until this baby is released? I'm simply drooling at the pictures of the beagle. That display stand is awesome as it has all the compartments for all of the accessories. Look a built in targeting scope! No more swapping in or out! Obviously I'm super excited over this true masterpiece. *continues drooling* B))

Posted (edited)
  SuperHobo said:
Forget the tread for awhile lets go riding with some ride armor! Yaco's blog has done it again with part 3 of the Beagle review! And hey it looks like it can stand without the stand!


Doesn't seem that way. The guy writes that he used a support arm or double-sided tape to stabilize the figure and that readers should take note. I guess he photoshopped the support arm out or something.

That said, it looks awesome. 2009 is going to hurt my wallet bigtime. The crappy exchange rate doesn't help! ARGH

Edited by Vifam7
  SuperHobo said:
Forget the tread for awhile lets go riding with some ride armor! Yaco's blog has done it again with part 3 of the Beagle review! And hey it looks like it can stand without the stand!


  jenius said:
whoa... so can't wait to get that.

*whimper* I must be strong, I must be strong, I must be strong...

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the great review, Jenius; can't wait to see the comparison pics (by itself the toy looks huuuge), they'll help to calm a bit my anxiety. I guess my beta will take a couple of weeks more to arrive.

And the MOSPEADA... it looks simply awesome. Funny thing, after each new review the toy looks even better.

Any word on how many of them does Beagle plan to produce?

Edited by mar_ku
  Vifam7 said:
Doesn't seem that way. The guy writes that he used a support arm or double-sided tape to stabilize the figure and that readers should take note. I guess he photoshopped the support arm out or something.

That said, it looks awesome. 2009 is going to hurt my wallet bigtime. The crappy exchange rate doesn't help! ARGH

Oh well. At least it still looks beautiful.


For those of you considering an Aoshima Legioss as a replacement to a blue MPC to go with your new Beta, I've updated my review by adding the following picture (I'll put it here to save you the trip).



damnit Jenius, you're making me want buy one.

I don't even like robotech or Mospeada, heck I don't even know why I want one of these but I do now... WTF?!?

Posted (edited)

Well then, you're probably not going to like that I did this:


I was too hung over to do anything but take and edit pictures today....

Click here for my next post and let me know if there are problems with the write-up, I don't think I'm as coherent as I normally am when I write those things.

Edited by jenius

Nice comparison review, Jenius.

That side profile pic you did of the two fighter combos easily points out all the flaws I had with CM's interpretation of the fighter combo.

Regarding durability, I won't deny that I've had my share of MPC Alpha duds. And the Alphas definitely have a ridiculous case of floppy arm syndrome and disintegrating hands.

But as a minor counterpoint, my blue Alpha has taken a few stage dives over the years (once intentionally, since it was being a bitch to pose :ph34r: ) and has held up surprisingly nicely.

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