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  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Zartan, if you wanted a classic one all along, and the wave 3 version didn't do it for you, look no further, this one rules!

It does indeed. I found him earlier tonight at Target for the fairly decent price of $6.79. The only drawback I had with this was the way the hood was attached to the head so I had to do a little prying and using some Gorilla Glue to reposition it so it can fit the Duke and Storm Shadow masks.

What can I say about his tiny little Chameleon Sled? Some don't like it much but IMHO it's kinda cool in it's own way (the original was better hands down), the new one reminds me of that Jalopy Sled from Disney's The Rescuers.


Posted (edited)
  chowyunskinny said:
anybody have more info on this 1/28 Tomcat?


found it on toysdaily

Wow, that's cool! But don't you mean 1/18 scale? I am so drooling right now. As Darth would say, "I want that ship"

On another note, I am kicking myself for not realizing that there are different Capt. Ace figures. Ditto for Wild Bill. Since getting the regular Wild Bill and Wild Weasel/Ace comic pack I saw at Toys R Us a cool 3 pack set of Wild Bill/Ace/Sky Duster

I bought these

Wild Bill


Wild Weasel/Capt. Ace


I wished I bought these instead

Ace/Wild Bill/Sky Duster


I much prefer the Ace in this set as he has a more traditional flight suit instead of a space suit. I also like the Wild Bill darker colors, and he comes with both his cowboy hat and a helmet.

I also saw another Wild Bill in a blue flight suit.

Scrap Iron/Wild Bill


Edited by sharky
Posted (edited)
  sharky said:
Wow, that's cool! But don't you mean 1/18 scale? I am so drooling right now. As Darth would say, "I want that ship"

yes, yes I did...it was a typo...good catch ^_^

fixed now

Edited by chowyunskinny
  chowyunskinny said:
anybody have more info on this 1/18 Tomcat?


found it on toysdaily

Any I have is translated poorly from your link.

  Toysdaily Link said:
1 / 18 F-14A Tomcat

Manufacturer: Kawai Toys

1/18 Size: 1 / 18

Details: 1000 Edition

Release Date: December 2008 will be released later

Price: 31,290 yen, Price: 24,990 Yen

List Price ※ consumption.

超ビッグスケールのトムキャット完成品が登場です。 Super Big-scale introduction of the Tomcat is the finished product. フル装備の搭載ミサイル、着艦フック、可変ウイング等細部にわたり忠実に再現! Fully equipped with missiles, landing hooks, such as variable-wing faithful reproduction of detail over! なんといってもその大きさが凄い! But what is the size of Great! サイズは全長105cm×高さ27.5cm×幅(翼展開時)110cmとなります。 In size and height of 105cm × total length 27.5cm × width (wing during deployment) 110cm. 1000個限定生産品。 Limited production of 1000.

※カラーリングはVF-154「ブラックナイツ」CAG機NF100号機を予定しておりますが、確定ではございません。 ※ Color Ring the VF-154 "Black" CAG aircraft reactor is expected to NF100, but not confirmed. 部隊・マーキング等が変更になる可能性がございます。 Marking the change of force may become. 予めご了承ください。 Please understand in advance.


has hasbro ever reissued the original figures like g1 transformers or just these redesigned versions?

  sh002 said:
has hasbro ever reissued the original figures like g1 transformers or just these redesigned versions?

Yes but they tend to look like crap.



Cockpit area looks very nice. How accurate is that engine detail?


Re: engine detail. Way too shallow. Common problem in all models, not just toys. The actual afterburner is about 4 to 5 feet in from the nozzle. Not "just inside". A lot of toys/models ::coughYAMATOcough:: also have the same problem with the compressor fan---just inside the intake lip, instead of deep within.


Picked up the Cobra F.A.N.G/C.L.A.W two pack at Wal-mart today. I'm so excited to get it as I used to have it when I was a kid. :D

Is it me or do most retailers stock far less on the shelf of GI-Joe than Star Wars or Transformers? At my nearest Wal-mart they had around 15 to 20 A-wings for example, but they only had the 1 FANG/CLAW. I also saw 1 SHARC and 1 AWE striker. They had 2 VAMPs and that was it as far as vehicles. They only have about 5 vehicles out at any given time it seems, and always on the bottom shelf. What gives? Why no love for GI-Joe at Wal-mart?

I am wondering when I will see the Ghost Hawk out on the shelves at Wal-mart or Toys R Us. I see it for sale online.

I saw the Firebat once on the very top shelf at a Wal-mart once as if someone was trying to hide it. I passed it up, because I was already buying some Star Wars stuff during that visit. I have not seen it since that one time around 2 weeks ago.

I am also expecting to see the Water Mocasion soon. I used to have that one as well as a kid.

I am totally re-living my youth now with regard to GI-Joe. :p


BTW--is Wild Bill the ultimate peg-warmer? Some figs may have greater raw numbers, but those figs were also PRODUCED in much greater numbers. But Wild Bill---I think like 1 per city sold, and every other one ever just sits there.

There may be 20 basic Cobra Troopers at times, but that's because the other 40 sold...


I think the GI Joe stuff just flies off the shelves faster than SW and TF because i went to my local Wal-Mart first thing in the morning, they had just put out a fresh case of Joe's on the pegs (about 6 pegs worth). I picked what i wanted and left, when i came back later in the afternoon to run errands with the family, there were only the usual suspects, Wild Bill, Spirit Iron Knife, and Python Patrol Troopers about 2 pegs in total. Vehicles and the newer DVD packs go really fast as well unlike the SW vehicles, I'm waiting for Wal-Mart to mark down the A-Wings because all of my local Wal-Marts still have end caps full to the brim of A-Wings.

  emajnthis said:
I think the GI Joe stuff just flies off the shelves faster than SW and TF because i went to my local Wal-Mart first thing in the morning, they had just put out a fresh case of Joe's on the pegs (about 6 pegs worth). I picked what i wanted and left, when i came back later in the afternoon to run errands with the family, there were only the usual suspects, Wild Bill, Spirit Iron Knife, and Python Patrol Troopers about 2 pegs in total. Vehicles and the newer DVD packs go really fast as well unlike the SW vehicles, I'm waiting for Wal-Mart to mark down the A-Wings because all of my local Wal-Marts still have end caps full to the brim of A-Wings.

Yeah, I suppose you are right. I see the same thing as you describe with the Star Wars figures, but not so much the Star Wars vehicles like the A-wing. I think the issue with the A-wing is that it is more expensive ($30) while other similar sized vehicles go for around $20.


Found all(I think) the Resolute figs. Meh, I have no interest in them at the moment. I'm still looking for Trakker, Para-viper, etc. And still need Copperhead.


Ooooh that F-14 could be a nice fixer-upper project I think. Looks decent enough, but it's another congolmeration of versions, kinda like Shin's in Mac0. Looks like it has cockpit/engines from an A-model, but some of the later modifications for the B/D models like the wing glove ECM bumps (which look like they're HUGE) and the newer modified chaff/flare dispenser sidewinder rails (though those might have been used on A models).

On top of that though, it doesn't look like the gear retract. :(


The Resolute figures are ok. Duke is surprisingly pretty cool, Cobra Commander - ok, and the Cobra Trooper is decent. I passed on Firefly.

  Vermillion21 said:
The Resolute figures are ok. Duke is surprisingly pretty cool, Cobra Commander - ok, and the Cobra Trooper is decent. I passed on Firefly.

That's funny because Firefly was the only one I got. But then, he's the only one I really like, other than Hit and Run who was my favorite, but he won't be out for a LONG time probably.


I saw the red sigil Cobra Trooper today. But that was about it from Wave 12. Nothing else was on the pegs other than the usual leftover pegwarmers.

Remind to smack Hasbro upside its head for not packing Airborne in all the Wave 11 cases. :angry:


Sorry Mog - I am on the lookout for an Airborne for you ... but I haven't seen a wave 11 restock in weeks.

Seems like it's all revision cases and wave 13 (or what's left of it) when I am ...


Tiger Rat box artist sure likes flames, even where very inappropriate.

Also--gotta wonder about an ugly repaint exclusive. If Target had a clue, they'd order another run of Rattlers, and nothing but, in the original color. Conquests don't sell! (not nearly as well as the Rattler, at least). Now we'll have Conquests, repaint Conquests, and repaint Rattlers clogging the shelves, and still no(or very few) original Cobra Rattlers.

"Case assortment theory" really needs to be a required course at business college. (and it's the manufacturer's fault, not the retailer's) Even grocery stores fall prey to it----"Nummy Snack A" comes in strawberry, and green apple. Nobody wants artificial green apple flavor. But it ships 50/50 with strawberry in the case. Strawberry always sells out immediately, and there's always a bunch of green apple clogging the shelves. People ask the manager etc to order in more strawberry, but he can't/won't as he knows he'll just get MORE green apple ones too, to the point that the entire shelf is green apple, and not a single spot for anything else, and he'll be stuck with 4 dozen boxes nobody will buy even on sale. Later, that entire product is cancelled due to low sales----because the manufacturer never altered the case assortment so no store ever ordered more, knowing they'd be stuck with flavors that don't sell. If they made it like a 80/20 strawberry/apple split, then it'd consistently sell. (I've seen this personally happen several times with some stuff I really like)

Also--gotta wonder about an ugly repaint exclusive. If Target had a clue, they'd order another run of Rattlers, and nothing but, in the original color. Conquests don't sell! (not nearly as well as the Rattler, at least). Now we'll have Conquests, repaint Conquests, and repaint Rattlers clogging the shelves, and still no(or very few) original Cobra Rattlers.

My local Target only has 1 Conquest left, and neither those or the Rattler ever clogged shelves here. Honestly I wish I was in an area that did as finding them wouldn't have been such a PITA. I like these two repaints a great deal, I wanted these specific paint schemes when I was young but couldn't get them, but now I can. The Cobra Rattler has sold better in my area, sure, but there also have been times where I have seen more Rattlers than Conquests.

"Case assortment theory" really needs to be a required course at business college. (and it's the manufacturer's fault, not the retailer's)

It depends, these may have been requested by Target. So far they are the only retailer willing to take the risk on G.I. Joe and order bigger vehicles(than the usual $14.99 sets), and ever notice that they typically have the best exclusives fron Hasbro?

Tiger Rat box artist sure likes flames, even where very inappropriate.

The Tiger Rat box art is bearable, but the Python Patrol Conquest box art is not great. There are so many mistakes wrong with it. I would have preferred the original box art, as it is straight to the point, and not riddled with horrible inaccuracies.

Posted (edited)
  Vermillion21 said:
Sorry Mog - I am on the lookout for an Airborne for you ... but I haven't seen a wave 11 restock in weeks.

Seems like it's all revision cases and wave 13 (or what's left of it) when I am ...

No worries, Vermillion21. My venom's aimed squarely at Hasbro, and no one else. I read that Airborne might be pack with one or some of the Wave 12 packs. So hopefully, I can finally nab the Navajo.

(Don't worry; I've still got the Ghost HAWK sitting here ready to be shipped on a moment's notice. ;) )

Regarding case assortment theory, I'm kinda baffled at some of Hasbro's figure choices of late. I mean single packing Torch and Ripper? Did they not learn from the pegs and pegs of Buzzers? I can sorta understand why they packed Cobra Flint with all the Wave 11 cases (could be a troop builder), but I'm still baffled by their decision to short Airborne and replace him with Croc Master. Freakin' Croc Master?!

EDIT: Just saw the Tiger Rat....Seriously, ANOTHER Wild Bill figure? :blink:

Edited by Mog

I was at my local KB Toys since they are going out of business they are offering various percentages off their prices. I saw these GI-Joe figures on a minimal card. It was not the full size card you normally see. Most of the figures did not even have any accessories. They looked more like the older Joes before they started to make these newer ones. They looked pretty lame and they were like 2 for $4.98 or something.


Crap, better stop procrastinating and buy a Conquest or two already. My local Target always has them, so I lost the sense of urgency...


Today was a good day--saw a Rattler (3rd one ever), saw 2 Airbornes (but I have no interest in them), found 2 Trakkers and bought one, found 4 Paravipers and bought one. Found a pilot Scarlett with a good jaw (first ever) but her nose had paint chipped off.

My Paraviper's right elbow had a severe case of "excess rubbery plastic all over the joint". Spent a while slicing it off. Still can't figure out what the problem is, I've only seen it about 3 times. It's like the plastic is still liquid while the figure's being assembled, and it "bleeds out" over the joint. (that, or the plastic is too loose, and it's supposed to form like a second skin over the joint for the parts to slide over--hard to tell)

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