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Since the old one has gone on to the great hallowed hall of super threads (link), I figure we'd need a new thread to continue the talk, news, and rumors about all things Joe-related.

Considering it was a little over a year ago that this collection first burst onto the scene, it's amazing to see how much this whole line has grown.

I really should take more updated pics of my current collection. But I'll get us started with some pics of the baddest LRRP group around:

After a hard day's work.....


Bow Down


  Mog said:
Since the old one has gone on to the great hallowed hall of super threads (link), I figure we'd need a new thread to continue the talk, news, and rumors about all things Joe-related.

Considering it was a little over a year ago that this collection first burst onto the scene, it's amazing to see how much this whole line has grown.

I really should take more updated pics of my current collection. But I'll get us started with some pics of the baddest LRRP group around:

After a hard day's work.....


Bow Down


I was wondering what happened to that thread. Anybody get the rattler and conquest yet?


Been checking my local Target for them since the 3rd with no luck. I'm hoping they get 'released' this sunday when the toy aisle is supposedly getting a reset.

Apparently, one guy found 'em in San Diego ...


Alright, I haven't found the exact post, but some members at HissTank who pre-ordered are now getting a ship date of 11/7. There is speculation of a restock, unlike the previous 3 gijoe exclusive vehicles at target. Some members who pre-ordered already have their planes on the way.

Me personally, I opted to wait, and enjoy the thrill of the hunt. I have been waiting 21 years for the v1 Conquest. Sure I could have obtained a vintage sample, restored it, cleaned it, and added new stickers, but nothing beats the feeling of buying something you've wanted for years, MIB, new, and yours to open. I do have the 98 version, which I enjoy a lot, but I keep that one for Ace, and the v1 deco is much better.


Any word on when the TRU 3-packs (the Air, Sea, and IG packs) are supposed to come out?

Thanks to a lucky find at Wally World, I'm actually caught up for once on my figure hunt. ^_^

P.S.--Thanks to the mod who fixed the subtitle. (I thought that last "thread" would have fit.)


Crazy how these threads all rotate at the same time.


I was able to finally score the Bats. I found 1 at the same wal mart in consecutive days, so I bought them both. I hope to score Flash soon.

No sightings on the new vehicles yet.

  Golden Arms said:
I was able to finally score the Bats. I found 1 at the same wal mart in consecutive days, so I bought them both. I hope to score Flash soon.

No sightings on the new vehicles yet.

I believe Flash is being packed one to a case with a Wave 9 revision (However, he'll be on a yellow card instead of the Wave 5 silver one). I picked up an extra Flash when I found the full Wave 9 set one morning.

I basically caved and decided to repaint him as Grand Slam, complete with jetpack and the whole deal. Even went so far as to copy his updated filecard off the 'Net and glue it over Flash's filecard. :rolleyes:


i cant really afford to import these, but i wonder if anyone could grab me The Hero Storm Shadow (The one in white with Grey camo bits and the bow) and a Snake eyes with the knives crossed over his chest? Ill pay expenses of course. those were 2 of my favourites when i was a kid.

Posted (edited)
i cant really afford to import these, but i wonder if anyone could grab me The Hero Storm Shadow (The one in white with Grey camo bits and the bow) and a Snake eyes with the knives crossed over his chest? Ill pay expenses of course. those were 2 of my favourites when i was a kid.

Hey man, we got news the other day at HissTank, and G.I. Joe toys will be released in Australia next year. Not sure if its just the movie figures, or if it includes the anniversary/Modern era figures.

The accurate parts for that Storm Shadow have actually been tooled, so I would not be surprised if an accurate one in those colors comes out next year. These new parts include new lower arms, new lower legs, and the backpack/weapons. The wave 12 Storm Shadow has all of these(I think the backpack too), but is in a v1 color scheme(white with cobra symbol on chest). Knowing Hasbro, and how they like to retool/repaint everything at least once, and that Storm Shadow has high brand recognition, chances are an accurate one will see release next year.

Edited by Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0
  Scream Man said:
i cant really afford to import these, but i wonder if anyone could grab me The Hero Storm Shadow (The one in white with Grey camo bits and the bow) and a Snake eyes with the knives crossed over his chest? Ill pay expenses of course. those were 2 of my favourites when i was a kid.

Might be able to help you on the Snake Eyes, but the Storm Shadow might be a little harder to come by due to the amount of time that has passed since the release of that wave. If you're more concerned with the overall look of the Storm Shadow and not so much the paint scheme it might be worth it to take Shin's advice and just wait for the Wave 12 Repaint.


If you're more concerned with the overall look of the Storm Shadow and not so much the paint scheme it might be worth it to take Shin's advice and just wait for the Wave 12 Repaint.

The funny thing is, I would not be surprised if the wave 12 version is repainted next year into the v2 colors(accurate 88 version). The only part missing so far is the belt of pouches on that version.

Quick recap of news so far this week:

-Hasbro debuts a new commercial for vehicles, seems most fans like the vintage vehicles shown rather than the new ones(it starts off with Skystrikers flying off the Flagg, and a Night Raven before showing the new vehicles.

-Alley Viper listing showed up today, along with more Omega Force(G.I. Joe Resolute figures)

-Conquest and Rattler started to arrive both in stores, and to those who preordered. 2 dates floating around are 9/20 and 11/7. I honestly don't know what the hell is going down. I don't think these will be as hard to come by as the first 3 target exclusive vehicles, as the main competition consists of well, ourselves. If anything I think the demand of these should give a message to mass market that big vehicles like these planes(and the Skystriker, the 3 of which really aren't that big) need not be exclusives to sell. I was not surprised Target picked these up as exclusives, but more surprised that these were not mass market. Its not even xmas season yet and already people are panicking. With that said, I hear the sticker quality sucks.

-Joseph Gordon-Levitt gave some new information on the G.I. Joe:Rise of Cobra movie, and on his role in it as Cobra Commander. There is a mask, but no classic hood. Rather than relying on CG, much of his mask consists of prosthetic makeup that took hours to apply.

Basically just go to the hisstank.com frontpage, as it was updated frequently this week. I was amazed at the amount of news these past few days.


That commercial is dreadful. Especially the flabby guy at the end.

It would have been fun to see a group of guys sitting down to watch a foot ball game. One runs in with the Hiss tank screaming "I got it" and the other adults screaming "Yeah!"

A flabby guy alone screaming "I got it" seems more like they're laughing at you,than with you.


That commercial... was horrible, if they're putting that on TV they've got a couple of screws loose.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
-Alley Viper listing showed up today, along with more Omega Force(G.I. Joe Resolute figures)

Just when i was all ready to get out of army building with the release of the EEL. Outside of the Alley Viper, i can't think of any other Cobra trooper that i would have to army build around. I'm almost hoping the figure isn't that appealing if only so i can save some money and time. :ph34r:


I'm fine with any Alley Viper, but i admitedly liked the battle corps Alley Viper with the modified torso and face mask, either color scheme is fine with me.

Definitely looking forward to the Omega figures.


sweet! I can't believe the nice haul I got today. Went to three different targets and one toys r us today. Picked up the conquest at one target, trouble bubble two pack vehicle set at another target, and picked up a bat, two snow serpents, a major bludd, and black storm shadow today. Whew! nice! ^_^

  Vermillion21 said:
Was lucky to find a Rattler yesterday, still looking for a Conquest ....

wow, really? all I've been finding were conquests but no rattlers.... I need to keep searching!

  BoBe-Patt said:
wow, really? all I've been finding were conquests but no rattlers.... I need to keep searching!

Agent-GHQ has found them at Target.


  chowyunskinny said:
Whoa that's crazy! Especially since they are Target Exclusives! :lol:

:lol: ...yeah yeah yeah...I'm not too much of a fan of the Joes these days. My younger self would be ecstatic to be...I just wanted to shove it in your faces that someone else has had luck..... :p .....just playin.....maybe. ;)


Posted (edited)
  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Wasn't it a lot more than 20?

I think it was more like 60 or so Vipers ....

EDIT* - here's the link: http://www.hisstank.com/forum/g-i-joe-real...wave-7-8-a.html

  BoBe-Patt said:
wow, really? all I've been finding were conquests but no rattlers.... I need to keep searching!

Probably because people are army building/hoarding them IMO.

Edited by Vermillion21

I think people want the Rattler more because Wild Weasel is a more popular and recognizable character, and the Rattler was one of the first Cobra vehicles. It is also the first Cobra jet. The Conquest was not the first gijoe jet, and Slipstream is nowhere near as popular as Ace or Wild Weasel. Plus, as a toy, the Rattler's got a lot more going for it. Its a VTOL A-10, has a rear gunner canopy, its the most creative cobra jet ever concieved.


I agree with your comments Shin - but when I read on hisstank from collectors who bitch and complain about crappy distribution because they only have 10 of each plane already .... sorry, but I gotta roll my eyes ...

I agree with your comments Shin - but when I read on hisstank from collectors who bitch and complain about crappy distribution because they only have 10 of each plane already .... sorry, but I gotta roll my eyes ...

I know of a few guys that have that many, but I haven't even seen these in person yet!


well at least there are targets there... unlike in Canada <_< I want wave 2 exclusive vehicles damnit!

Though finally the vehicles and a decent selection of carded (but canadian carded ewww) figures showed up at my local walmart.

Didn't see any flightpods, but everything else was there.

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