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Posted (edited)

The first color is on, cured, and has been masked in preparation for the succeeding coats.

I'm going with a random, hard-edged geomoettric pattern reminiscent of Flankers and Viggens.



Color number two has been added, with masking to be done tomorrow.

Comments and criticisms welcomed, as always.


Edited by Lt. Z0mBe

Keep it coming Kenny. The ed of the project is near. If kylwell can do a spindly SV-51 up in a splinter scheme you can do this one easy.

  Lt. Z0mBe said:
The first color is on, cured, and has been masked in preparation for the succeeding coats.

I'm going with a random, hard-edged geomoettric pattern reminiscent of Flankers and Viggens.



Color number two has been added, with masking to be done tomorrow.

Comments and criticisms welcomed, as always.


Hey Kenny. No criticisms here, can't wait to see your VF-22 when its all finished!! Looks awesome so far!! B))

  cowie165 said:
Sean WTF's up with your threads being closed dude?

Its been handled. It was a misunderstanding.


Finshed the fuselage color coats today.

Here's the top and bottom with their second colors on. The second colors are masked off and the masks are burnished down and sealed:



Third color applied of the first two colors' worth of maskings:



I'll let everything cure for a day or two while I work on the base or something. The preshading didn't give quite the relief I was hoping for in all the areas, meaning I'll probably use some extra pastel ninja attacks when the time comes.

Comments and criticisms welcome, as always.


  electric indigo said:
Remove the tape already. The tension is killing me.

Ha Ha! Me too! :lol: Those flanker type colors look verrrrry interrressssting! Can't wait to see the end results.

  Lt. Z0mBe said:
Finshed the fuselage color coats today.

Here's the top and bottom with their second colors on. The second colors are masked off and the masks are burnished down and sealed:



Third color applied of the first two colors' worth of maskings:



I'll let everything cure for a day or two while I work on the base or something. The preshading didn't give quite the relief I was hoping for in all the areas, meaning I'll probably use some extra pastel ninja attacks when the time comes.

Comments and criticisms welcome, as always.


Cripes man how can you wait! I'm usually dodging fingerprints carefully removing the tape. Just peel it off man!

  promethuem5 said:
I just finished these guys. Check out my new gallery page for more pics and closeups of the group shots:

Well done! All I can say is thank god Hitler or Stalin didn't have those things. :blink:


Posted (edited)

Hey quit posting unless its pictures of that VF-22 sans masking tape!

Nice work there P5 I have been known to paint a few miniatures myself.

Edited by Berttt

Hey Ben, nice 40K minis! I LOVE the terminator chaplain. I really want to grab that model soon. He looks great. The assault guys look very nicely done too. If you're ok with C&C, for me, the wash on the assault guys seems a little heavy. Hey did you take extra time on the jewel on the breastplate or is the shine just a trick of the light. If you painted that, awesome work mate, please share! :)

I'm trying my first 40K guys at the moment. Man, the painting style is completely different to making a model kit, hey. Five minutes I stopped work - I'm in the middle of basing a DA tac squad, and have a dread WIP. These first guys are AoBR but they still turned out nicely. Hope to share in the next few days.

Oh yeah, Ben, do you use Citadel paints? I tried running DA Green through my airbrush and it clogged it to the $hithouse. For every 10mins I can spray, I spend another 10mins cleaning out the nozzle :(


I finished work yesterday dude, but I received your email and I'll be sure to beam over a reply. Suffice to say, big time agreement on my part ;)


Gotta say it again, that chaplain kicks ass.

Have you uploaded all the pics to MW Gallery? I'm struggling to find them - but that doesn't mean they're not right under my nose...

  cowie165 said:
Hey Ben, nice 40K minis! I LOVE the terminator chaplain. I really want to grab that model soon. He looks great. The assault guys look very nicely done too. If you're ok with C&C, for me, the wash on the assault guys seems a little heavy. Hey did you take extra time on the jewel on the breastplate or is the shine just a trick of the light. If you painted that, awesome work mate, please share! :)

I'm trying my first 40K guys at the moment. Man, the painting style is completely different to making a model kit, hey. Five minutes I stopped work - I'm in the middle of basing a DA tac squad, and have a dread WIP. These first guys are AoBR but they still turned out nicely. Hope to share in the next few days.

Oh yeah, Ben, do you use Citadel paints? I tried running DA Green through my airbrush and it clogged it to the $hithouse. For every 10mins I can spray, I spend another 10mins cleaning out the nozzle :(


I finished work yesterday dude, but I received your email and I'll be sure to beam over a reply. Suffice to say, big time agreement on my part ;)

Thanks for the nice comments... the Terminator Chaplain really is one of GW's coolest figures ever. It's not even very effective in games for its price, but it's such a badass figure I couldn't help painting it first. I did jewel all of the blood drops and the eyes... I find it helps them pop a bit more than flat colors, altho on vehicles I think I will just use solid colors with some highlighting. It's funny you should mention a wash being heavy, as there is no wash really to speak of over the final colors... my progression was to spray them all with 50/50 Red Gore and Foundation Mecharite Red thru my Citadel Spray gun (which is really nice for a portable at-college solution for spraying without owning an AB, and took the GW paints no problem), and then I did some washing, with GW Wash Baal Red (which isn't very good, and I don't think I'll use for much more) and a bit darker wash. I think I then block highlighted all the panels with Red Gore and then panel-lined with an oil wash. I cleaned up the oils, and then highlighted from Red Gore up to Blood Red. Anything that looks like wash buildup should be a little uneven-ness in the highlighting coats, as I was aiming for a little surface variation on the armor to really tie in with the down-and-dirty look I'm going for. My next builds will be a Rhino with interior, and then maybe a Dread before I head home for Xmas and rip into the massive box from Forge World awaiting me... two FW Dreads, an Arvus Lighter shuttle, a couple Epic Titans, some bits and bobs, and a Vulcan Mecharius are calling to me.

As for the photos, they're hosted on the new DakkaDakka.com gallery, which is really phenomenal and went up a couple days ago, and I'll be using for all my miniature images besides my larger models for the foreseeable future. If you're really getting into 40k (and it's funny you mention Dark Angels, as I'm currently reading the Angels of Darkness book about their backstory and tracking Fallen) then I suggest you hit up DakkaDakka.com and check out their galleries and boards.

  Berttt said:
Hey quit posting unless its pictures of that VF-22 sans masking tape!


Here's the masks removed after the final color was added. THe two "turqouisy" colors were too similar once applied. To combat this I thinned some Tamiya blue waaaay down with 90-percent Isopropyl and a drop of Future and gave a mist coat to the entire model prior to removing the camouflage masking. I was really tickled with how this bizaare scheme came out



More masking underway now for the stabilizer attachment points, the secondary exhaust nozzles, cannon ports, and the micro-missile lauch doors:



New masks have been burnished down, with their edges lightly sealed with Future.

Comments and criticisms welcomed, as always.


  • 2 weeks later...

Long time between updates. I've been sanding the base down and applying decals. The decals are all applied, say of one I'll apply tomorrow night. It's a big one and I'm tired. :)

The unit markings are fictitious, being an amalgam of a Navy craft with Marine attack squadron markings.


From three o'clock Level

From nine o'clock level

FRom above

I've got washes and weathering to go, not to mention the base is primed and ready.

Comments and criticisms welcome, as always.



I think it looks good. I'm thinking lo-viz markings may comlement the colors better, but I'm not sure. - MT


With the much anticipated Christmas break now being realized, I was able to crack open the Bandai 1/72 VF-25F box to begin work. ^_^

Here's what I got so far, Alto was painted in his school X-Gear color as seen when he first jumped into the VF-25 cockpit.


A few other pieces were also put together but nothing too really show for yet.


Yes, they are virtually the same scale.

The eta-2 is the titanium and the N-1 is a hallmark tree display which I think is on the relatively small size side. The scales were pointed out by some members at Starship modeler site.

The A and B wings are fantastic plastics. E wing is the Model Addix one... it will look pretty good with the Fine molds one

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