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  SchizophrenicMC said:
I'm gonn say... Almost, save the B-wing. That's a bit too big. Probably a manufacturer's error.

Really? I thought that looked right to me. The B-Wing is a big fighter/bomber and I know that kit was Mastered by Alfred Wong who knows his stuff.

Posted (edited)
  Grayson72 said:
Really? I thought that looked right to me. The B-Wing is a big fighter/bomber and I know that kit was Mastered by Alfred Wong who knows his stuff.

No, B-wing's not that big. Given, the others are small (And the Eta-2's about right, actually... That thing measures smaller than most pickup trucks.), but the B-wing's not that big. It's big, just not that big. I'm thinking that if the others are at 1/100, that would measure 1/85 or so. Just a comparison. Not WAY too big, but too big.

By the way, it's not a fighter-bomber, it's a fighter-attacker. The Y-wing is a fighter-bomber and the K-wing's a bomber.

BTW, I have a 27-year-old B-wing model. It's unfinished, yellowed, and was my dad's, but it's a lot more faithful to the movie. I looked closer at your picture, and it lacks 2 of the blaster conduits. They're little things on the side of the "wingtip" blasters. Also, the bottom of the wing's too flat, and the cockpit mounting's all wrong. Not to mention all the missing panel lines and conduits, and such.

Definitely an Asian rendition of an American model. Don't get me wrong, I like asian models, but they're too prone to retcon when it comes to American originals.

Edited by SchizophrenicMC
Posted (edited)

Actually Alfred Wong is canadian. You can find him over on starship modeler. But i also agree that his rendition of the B-wing is too large. If you take a 1/72 pilot and put it in the cockpit of the old Ertl kit , the pilot will fit better and match what is seen on the filming model more closely. A commong train of thought on the pilot is that he is 1/3 of the cockpit width. The ertl cockpit is 3/4 of an inch wide and the pilot in 1/72 is 1/4 of an inch wide. It holds up to the math.

The B-wing also scales out close to the correct dimensions when compared to the fine molds X-wing and falcon and comparing those to the fleet scene in ROTJ. using the falcon and X wing as a solid size comparison base.

Edited by HWR MKII
  HWR MKII said:
Well the Sanka is done. Yes its the fine molds kit. Finished shots can be seen here

Just saw your Sanka a few minutes ago on the ARC forums. You did an excellent job on this one too. Looking forward to see the Falke finished.

Detailing and changing the fuselage of my hover tank at the moment for a more comic book like look.


  HWR MKII said:
Actually Alfred Wong is canadian. You can find him over on starship modeler. But i also agree that his rendition of the B-wing is too large. If you take a 1/72 pilot and put it in the cockpit of the old Ertl kit , the pilot will fit better and match what is seen on the filming model more closely. A commong train of thought on the pilot is that he is 1/3 of the cockpit width. The ertl cockpit is 3/4 of an inch wide and the pilot in 1/72 is 1/4 of an inch wide. It holds up to the math.

The B-wing also scales out close to the correct dimensions when compared to the fine molds X-wing and falcon and comparing those to the fleet scene in ROTJ. using the falcon and X wing as a solid size comparison base.

I don't care if he's Canadian or not, I was using "Asian" as a generalization of the retcon style on the model. It's retconned, as we see with the missing and changed details.

It probably is in scale with other models of the same line. Outside of that line, Revell, for example, the same does not hold true.


I'm working on a pair of Gundams right now in addition to my 1/72 Ozma, which I posted over in the 1/72 thread.

They are the Dynames and Cherudim Gundams from 00. These are the first Gundam kits I've purchased in about two years. Between then and now, I'd been doing a lot of BattleTech minis, and I'm in the miniatures-painting habit now, so I'm all about the layers of drybrushing.

post-4714-1230928723_thumb.jpg post-4714-1230928775_thumb.jpg post-4714-1230928829_thumb.jpg


The Dynames is more WIP than the Cherudim, which is pretty much done, just some touching up left to do. I purposefully overpainted the eye "cavity" and "belly button" a bit to give the sensors a glowing effect.

Mimicking a post I saw in Climax F's review of the Cherudim:


My official variant names for them are Dynames GS and Cherudim Snipe Master, named for the Zoids that inspired their color schemes and raptor decals (yes, it's a Warhammer decal...): the Gunsniper and its successor/evolution, the Snipe Master.

post-4714-1230929232_thumb.jpg post-4714-1230929252_thumb.jpg


Working on a resin 40k sci-fi tank... I'm trying alot more weathering on this after reading a coupe new articles and books on the matter... lots more layering and alot more oil work.



  Mechleader said:
All Macross...for a nice change.

Macross 0 bat and Yellow Sub Macross.


Awesome, make sure post the completed pictures, can't wait to see them!!


I just finished this big guy... it was my Xmas bonus :D I was really inspired by IA:Masterclass, and tried out a few things I picked up from that tome, including more oil work, and more layering. I'm really happy with the results, and think it's my best armor model so far, and am interested to see what people think... this is around the standard I want my SM tanks to look at the end if the day, and I've gota a detailed Rhino awaiting exterior paint, so we'll see how these ideas hold up.

I converted the commander to have one hand on the stubber and the other pointing, as I've got a DK flamer team to go with this model, and I may end up doing a diorama base for the two models.

I also got some good use out of my GW spray gun early on... the base color green is custom mixed, and was sprayed to save alot of time and preserve the surface detail. What might surprise some is that the camo color was sprayed on as well... obviously you can't do very fine squiggly camos with the SG, but for a nice broad banded camo, it worked to great effect. From there I some detail work and started the weathering, including acrylic work for shipping, oils for surface discoloration, dirt, grime, rust, oil, and fuel staining, and pigments and acrylics for the mud and dirt and the tracks. I'm happy to answer any specific questions about my work. The pics cam be seen much larger in my Dakka gallery.









Impressive work! I especially like the battle damage on the panel with the unit insignia/number. The wear on the hatch edges looks great too.


The model looks great! Tactically it's an "easy hit barn door," but it looks cool! - MT


Ben mate that is amazing work! I can hear the tank tracks squeaking from here! The DK guys look great.

What are you thinning your citadels with? I've tried metho and water and they both clogged quickly. I tried iso alcohol this morning and base painted 20 DA marines without too many hassles (only had to clear/clean once)(which is about 1/4 of the cleaning I'm used to with those paints :()


Posted (edited)

I use water for my spray gun and all of my acrylics... I've had a little problem with clogging, but not to terrible.

Edited by promethuem5

Well, the main things I picked up from IA:M was to space things out and try not to do too much at once... basically break down all the different things you want to show on your model into separate layers and go about them logically... and don;t be afraid to repeat and overlap things. I did some rust streaking and staining, and then the bulk of the dirtying and mud, and then more rust streaks and grease leaks, so that some of the rust and grease would stain into the dirt, making it look more recent.

  promethuem5 said:
Well, the main things I picked up from IA:M was to space things out and try not to do too much at once... basically break down all the different things you want to show on your model into separate layers and go about them logically... and don;t be afraid to repeat and overlap things. I did some rust streaking and staining, and then the bulk of the dirtying and mud, and then more rust streaks and grease leaks, so that some of the rust and grease would stain into the dirt, making it look more recent.

Thanks mate. I'm going to have a crack at this on two dreads I've just started painting.


  Ghost Train said:
505, it's the Master Grade kit, 100 scale (with very heretical non-canon colors).

Thanks Ghost!! I had that kit years ago, wish i still had it. Well, someday!!


here's what i'm working on right now, a modified SD GP03S, i call it GP03EX :D

will be using a GM head instead, and some 1/144 parts, as well as left over 1/550 HG Mechanics parts mixed in with the SD Orchis base parts:

th_DSC00106.jpg th_DSC00108.jpg

fitted feet with 1/144 ankle armors:

th_DSC00103.jpg th_DSC00104.jpg

"legwork" :lol: the pegs are from SD Astray legs, sawed off and glued on top and bottom:

th_DSC00110.jpg th_DSC00111.jpg

modified the hip assembly by fitting sawed off SD Astray socket joints, and test fitting the legs:

th_DSC00107.jpg th_DSC00109.jpg

that's all for now, will post again when there are updates :)

  promethuem5 said:
cowie, post some pics when you get something done, I'd love to see it!


I'll see about taking some pics of my most recent tac squad tonight.

Posted (edited)


Here's a couple of quick 'n' nasty shots I took a few minutes ago of my very first 40K minis. These are the AoBR guys with some very minor bits and pieces changed. It's all good learning for me (whaddaya mean BRUSH paint!?). I need to sort out how to paint eyes correctly if I'm ever going to buy some cadians!


White balance and shadows are a bit off, but you get the idea.



edit: forgot to add, C&C very welcome. And yep, I need more flat coat after the Future. Them some shineh space marines! :)

Edited by cowie165

cowie, they look geat! I like those bases alot too... are they resin, or scratchbuilt?

Sean, looks great... I fricken LOVE the Flanker... slickest looking aircraft ever. I always liked the double-wide cockpit variant as well with the duckbill nose :lol:


HWR those shots of the Dash/instrument panel make me want to read the dials.

Cowie I just want to get out my old lead figures now and paint em.

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