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Look at these Macross doujins/books


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Just a little word to say there were 2 old doujins (i think) passed on yahoo auction...not seen in MW books section, maybe it could be possible to add them...(perhaps it's someone here who won them?)

Here we are:


link http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h60722812


link http://page13.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/r48507584

Bests regards.


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I've always thought that this image comes from a doujinshi... The Jenius bunch adventures!!! ^_^


Could you tell me which mag does it come from?

Another pics for others doujins... i suppose....




Macross revival... :)


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I found a couple of Macross books on ebay. But, I'm not too sure if they're official or not. They could be added to the Macross World book list for future reference. I wasn't the one to buy them though.

Not porn either, sorry.

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