Gubaba Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 sketchley said: Funny how the article on the back of the poster in the October 2008 Newtype got missed... what with it's interview with Shoji Kawamori and Haruhiko Mikimoto AND fun things like "February 2009" and in big bold letters "MACROSS BEGINS". Funny how that got missed in the scans and mobile phone pictures. I don't know if it means a new production...February 7, 2009 is when Space War I began in the TV show. It may just be a reference to that.
DeeBot Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 Gubaba said: I don't know if it means a new production...February 7, 2009 is when Space War I began in the TV show. It may just be a reference to that. Excellent point. Still, they might mark the occasion somehow.
Darial Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 (edited) More data dump. Once again, I apologize for being a bit overworked to translate everything. If I have time I'll do some more as time permits. But feel free to take a stab at it in the meantime. More Kawamori interview stuff and female seiyuu (for both Ranka and Sheryl) interview summary thanks to the lads at 2ch. Highlight is the interviews of Megumi and Aya on Ranka and Sheryl. If you read about what they said about their character's desires at the end..... speculations, speculations, speculations. Reveal hidden contents メディア付録冊子 (Animedia supplement) 河森インタビュー・「マクロス 大人の科学」から簡略まとめ (Quick summary of Director's interview; MacrossF Adult Science) ・3人組で一番大人なのは → シェリル。 Out of the three main characers, which one is the most mature? - Sheryl ・河森が付き合いたい女性は? → 昼間はランカ、夜はシェリル、深夜はキャシー。 Which female character do you like the most? Daytime Ranka, Evening Sheryl, Late Night Cathy. ・いい女になるのはシェリル、ランカどっち? → シェリル。ランカは今のまま大人になる感じ。 30になろうが70になろうが「みんな抱きしめて!」と言える。 ・乗ってみたいメカ → EXギア Which mecha would you like to ride? Exo-Gear. ・大人の事情でできなかったこと → いっぱいありすぎる。バルキリーの別バージョンが出せなかったこと、フォールド中はハイな人が増えて恋愛が盛んになる「フォールド・ラブ」のこととか。 ・制作を経て大人になったこと → 以前は「設定図を書いて作る」感じだったが、今は情報を種にしてまき、スタッフに育ててもらう感じ ・フロンティアの大人のスポットは? → 地下。深・歌舞伎町とかいろいろある。 Where is the adult spot on Frontier? Deep underground, Kabuki-cho is still there. ・参考にした街 → サンフランシスコ。一番おどろいたのはゲイパレード。 Reference city for Frontier? San Francisco. Biggest surprise about the place was their Gay Parade. ・よく聴く音楽は? → 民族音楽とか好きだけど、菅野よう子の曲を一番よく聴いてる。 Favorite music? Ethnic music, and especially music by Yoko Kanno. ・25年前になかった科学技術でマクロスFに取り入れたもの → サイボーグとインプラント ・フロンティアにおけるメガネについて → 目が悪いのは治せるはずなので、ナナセのはファッション Why are there still glasses on Frontier? Bad vision is no longer an issue, Nanase is wearing it for fashion. ・杯をかわしたい相手は? → 絶対襲われない保証があるならボビー。 ・アルトが長い髪を切らないのはなぜ? → 母親との思い出が関係してる。父親への反発心もある。 ・フロンティアの人はどうやって音楽を聴いてるの? → 基本はダウンロード。バーゲンのシェリルCDはパチもん。 ・共通語は? → 英語、日本語、中国語が混ざったチャンポン。 Common language on Frontier? A hybrid of English, Japanese and Chinese. ・スピンオフを作るなら誰を主人公に? → 当然クラン! ・25年前との変化は? → 徹夜に弱くなった。以前は72時間起きはザラだった。 What have you changed from 25 years ago? Can't stay up as long as I used too. I used to be able to stay up 72 hours. ・25年後に何したい? → 宇宙と深海に行く。 What would you like to do 25 years from now? Travel to space and deep ocean. ・マクロスシリーズの終着点を考えたことは? → 考えたことない。「探検」「探訪」の連続。 女性声優メッセージ一部抜粋 (Partial summary of female seiyuu) (also from Animedia) まめぐのメッセージが若干意味深にも… (Megumi's answers seems to have some deep inferences) 遠藤綾は本当にシェリルが好きなんだなあという感じ (It feels like Endo Aya really likes Sheryl's character) Ranka (Nakajima): クライマックスのランカはどうなってほしい!? ただただ幸せになってほしい。これ以上傷つけ合う姿は見たくないですね 自分自身も、周りの人のことも、大切にしてほしいです。 At the climax, what does Ranka want? She wants everyone to be happy, not to hurt each other anymore. For herself, for those around her, that's her wish. その願望、実際にランカは叶えられそう? ランカは愛情に満ち溢れている子なんですが、それが自己中心的な行動につながったりしていました。 これから愛情表現も成長していくことができれば、幸せに近づけると思います。 あとはやっぱり…自分の本当の「歌」、本当の気持ちを見つけてくれると信じます。 誰かに伝えたいことがあれば、どうぞ! シェリルさんにも幸せを掴んでほしいですね。歌手としても女の子としても。 アルト君には…見極めてほしいですね、色々と。 ブレラさん、これからもランカを支えてあげて下さい! Sheryl (Endo): クライマックスのシェリルはどうなってほしい!? やっぱり女の子なので、好きな人とずっといてほしいな。 格好良いシェリルも好きだけど、ほっぺが赤くなるシェリルも好きなので…。 At the climax, what does Sheryl want? Of course, to be with her love forever. I love it when she's acting cool, but I also love it when she turns all red... その願望、実際にシェリルは叶えられそう? でもシェリルはシェリルだから、歌わずにはいられない。いろんな逆境も歌声に乗せて暴れそう。 そして、「あたしはシェリル、シェリル・ノームよ!」と鞭をひっぱたいてそう。 誰かに伝えたいことがあれば、どうぞ! アルトへ… 8話かなあ。シェリルを抱えて飛んだ時の「なんだそれ」という台詞が愛に溢れていた気がするんでが! ランカちゃんへ… ランカちゃんがいなかったら気付かなかったことがいっぱい!似てないようで似てたね。 Edited September 9, 2008 by Darial
MisaForever Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 I love how some of you, at the slightest showing of skin, freak out at Sheryl. This is anime, what the heck are you expecting? I honestly wish she'd show MORE!
Westlo Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 Interesting quotes from the two leading ladies VAs... MisaForever said: I love how some of you, at the slightest showing of skin, freak out at Sheryl. This is anime, what the heck are you expecting? I honestly wish she'd show MORE! I like the way you think
kalvasflam Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 Graham said: I'd still love a season 2 of Frontier though. That would be nice, but may be a tie in from Macross Galaxy, I am a bit disappointed with what they've shown on Galaxy so far, there isn't enough filler for that part of the show. That's something they need. Hell, if they can do 50 episodes of crap like GSD, I hope they can do a second season of Macross
grss1982 Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 OK just dropped by the offical MF website..... Reveal hidden contents and it seems pics of Episode 23 have been posted. WTF!!!! A drunk Sheryl?
azrael Posted September 9, 2008 Author Posted September 9, 2008 kalvasflam said: That would be nice, but may be a tie in from Macross Galaxy, I am a bit disappointed with what they've shown on Galaxy so far, there isn't enough filler for that part of the show. That's something they need. Hell, if they can do 50 episodes of crap like GSD, I hope they can do a second season of Macross Considering some of what's happening in Code Geass, maybe it's best to wait and rethink that second season.
Sulendil Ang Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 azrael said: Considering some of what's happening in Code Geass, maybe it's best to wait and rethink that second season. Agreed. I'm not too big a fan for a sequel, too. If there's going to have a Macross show next year, I hope it will be something new. And again, regarding Macross Galaxy, I think patience is the key. Let's wait for at least next episode before we all scream 'what about Galaxy!!!!'
Dervish Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 grss1982 said: OK just dropped by the offical MF website..... Reveal hidden contents and it seems pics of Episode 23 have been posted. WTF!!!! A drunk Sheryl? Reveal hidden contents Looks like Richard Birla's scheming hands in the foreground of the middle screenshot.
RedWolf Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 Dervish said: Reveal hidden contents Looks like Richard Birla's scheming hands in the foreground of the middle screenshot. Indeed wonder if Leon suspects of Bilrer of the big frak you Bilrer did when Leon wanted to take away his company.
sketchley Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 Newtype 2008.10 breakdown, and translations of the mecha related paragraphs in the article(s): (yeah... it doesn't say much that we don't already know, or can infer from the series.)
Final Vegeta Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 azrael said: Considering some of what's happening in Code Geass, maybe it's best to wait and rethink that second season. Luckily no official source has talked about a second season up to now Instead of that, an OVA/movie where Alto chooses the girl he hasn't chosen in the series would be good FV
Radd Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 Regarding Galaxy, I'm kinda wondering what people expect to be revealed? Through Grace we already know most of the pertinent information. We know their immediate goals, and enough to infer their long-term goals. All we need to know about who they are could be taken care of in a couple minutes Reveal hidden contents when Galaxy appears to join in the battle over the Vajra homeworld , beyond that would be akin to demanding to know Leon's favourite cereal, and where he went to highschool. I really doubt a second season of Frontier will materialize. Another new Macross next year? Possibly. Almost likely with the popularity Frontier has enjoyed, but a second season? I don't expect there will be enough loose ends left for one to run with.
Final Vegeta Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 Radd said: Regarding Galaxy, I'm kinda wondering what people expect to be revealed? Does it transform? FV
UN Spacy Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 Following the popularity of Gundam and Geass (lol) makes the gap between now and February 2009 perfect for a Frontier sequel.
MisaForever Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 UN Spacy said: Following the popularity of Gundam and Geass (lol) makes the gap between now and February 2009 perfect for a Frontier sequel. Bleah, I could care less about either.
badboy00z Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 I've said this before but I'd like to see a prequel OVA of Frontier showing the events of the 117th research fleet, the first encounter of the Vajra, Ozma as a young rookie pilot, and his relationship with Cathy.
Valkyrie addict Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 I don't like prequels.... as much as I would like a second season, if it wasn't plan then the thing would just drag on with no proper plot I think the best bet are OVA's of a new breed of renegade Galaxy type anarchist cyborg enhanced full grown zentradi on a plan to overthrow the UN Spacy and bring back the goold old days of the Zentradi...
rubi Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 I don't know what they could put in a second season. People say Galaxy VS Frontier but looks like it could happen on the final episode. Nothing is better, than dragging the plot just because of the recent success. Code Geass is the perfect example. If one of the three main character dies, you can say bye bye to a second season. If Ranka dies this is not a bye bye anymore like in episode 6 but Goodbye to another season. Most of all, if this is Sheryl who dies ,with a second season , Macross will encountered his biggest turkey in his story. But I think Ranka has highest chance than Sheryl to buy the farm at the end ,because Kawamori would not want to put a charm and buy a bulletproof vest
Duke Togo Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 badboy00z said: I've said this before but I'd like to see a prequel OVA of Frontier showing the events of the 117th research fleet, the first encounter of the Vajra, Ozma as a young rookie pilot, and his relationship with Cathy. I'm still waiting for them to reanimate the original series...
RF-26AAC Posted September 9, 2008 Posted September 9, 2008 Duke Togo said: I'm still waiting for them to reanimate the original series... That would rule so hard as long as it wasn't super revisionist-- the VF-1 should continue to look like the VF-1.
Beltane70 Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 If they reanimated the original series using the DYRL designs and quality, I'd be more than satisfied!
RF-26AAC Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 Beltane70 said: If they reanimated the original series using the DYRL designs and quality, I'd be more than satisfied! It would also rule if Hikaru was plausibly less oblivious I mean, he is such an idiot and soooo oblivious in the TV series, it blows me away how he gets away with it.
Duke Togo Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 RF-26AAC said: It would also rule if Hikaru was plausibly less oblivious I mean, he is such an idiot and soooo oblivious in the TV series, it blows me away how he gets away with it. I think I would want the original audio tracks used. I wouldn't want them straying off course and really screwing it up. I am talking shot for shot, here. Designs looking the same, that sorta thing.
Graham Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 Duke Togo said: I'm still waiting for them to reanimate the original series... No, no and no! As much as I love the original series, I don't want them to repeat what's been done before. IMO, there's no need to remake everything, just cus' it's a couple of decades old. Graham
vanpang Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 Valkyrie addict said: I don't like prequels.... as much as I would like a second season, if it wasn't plan then the thing would just drag on with no proper plot I think the best bet are OVA's of a new breed of renegade Galaxy type anarchist cyborg enhanced full grown zentradi on a plan to overthrow the UN Spacy and bring back the goold old days of the Zentradi... I could not agree more, if they are doing sequel or Frontier OVA, it should well plan out. Hell it is another opportunity for Bandai to churn out toys - VF-25F Ova version !
Strumvogel Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 I personally prefer that they re-introduce the Galaxy fleet and resolve the series with them with atleast two episodes but the spoilers haven't given anything like that away or even on the last episode so I'm willing to give the series the benefit of doubt and watch the story reveal itself the way the writers want it to. As for remaking the old series, there really is no need unless they tell it from a different angle or even focus on different characters. In other words, bring on the Destroids: SDF's Cannonfodder...
Morpheus Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 No for remake of original and second season of Frontier. No remake since I like it as it is, a treasured classic anime. No for Frontier second season since I'm afraid it will be terrible just like all mecha anime who got second season (Seed Destiny, Code Geass R2, and probably Gundam 0.0 too). I prefer to wait several years (or several century) for another quality Macross series.
vanpang Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 Strumvogel said: I personally prefer that they re-introduce the Galaxy fleet and resolve the series with them with atleast two episodes but the spoilers haven't given anything like that away or even on the last episode so I'm willing to give the series the benefit of doubt and watch the story reveal itself the way the writers want it to. As for remaking the old series, there really is no need unless they tell it from a different angle or even focus on different characters. In other words, bring on the Destroids: SDF's Cannonfodder... similar to the evangelion franchise.
sketchley Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 Regarding remakes: if they're going to remake anything, they'll do it as a 3 part movie version. Since SDF:M has DYRL, I highly doubt that we'll see any more remakes. A second season of Macross Frontier? That is possible, but my impression is that there won't be. A new series? time will tell.
vanpang Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 sketchley said: Regarding remakes: if they're going to remake anything, they'll do it as a 3 part movie version. Since SDF:M has DYRL, I highly doubt that we'll see any more remakes. A second season of Macross Frontier? That is possible, but my impression is that there won't be. A new series? time will tell. The Macross franchise is a cash cow (thats why HG is harping on it), a new Macross series would come out. Question is how long do we have to wait ? I hope not another 25 years !
Kronnang Dunn Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 (edited) Valkyrie addict said: I think the best bet are OVA's of a new breed of renegade Galaxy type anarchist cyborg enhanced full grown zentradi on a plan to overthrow the UN Spacy and bring back the goold old days of the Zentradi... Reminds me of Episode 12 of Frontier... vanpang said: The Macross franchise is a cash cow (thats why HG is harping on it), a new Macross series would come out. Question is how long do we have to wait ? I hope not another 25 years ! First, HG is "harping" in The Super Dimension Fortress Macross only (The Macross franchise is bigger than that)... Second, Macross 7 was broadcasted from 1994 to 1995... So it took 13 years actually... Edited September 10, 2008 by Kronnang Dunn
vanpang Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 vanpang said: The Macross franchise is a cash cow (thats why HG is harping on it), a new Macross series would come out. Question is how long do we have to wait ? I hope not another 25 13 years !
vanpang Posted September 10, 2008 Posted September 10, 2008 Kronnang Dunn said: Reminds me of Episode 12 of Frontier... First, HG is "harping" in The Super Dimension Fortress Macross only (The Macross franchise is bigger than that)... Second, Macross 7 was broadcasted from 1994 to 1995... So it took 13 years actually... Thanks see correction
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