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Anybody ever get replacement shoulder hinges for their 1/60 vf-1s valks from HLJ or Overdrive? If so have they started making and sending out the replacements that dont break? Or are they sending you just a replacement that cracks still? I just received my 1/60v2 from HLJ today and right out of the box during my first transformation sure enough there is a pretty big crack on not just the left but the right as well.. What a sad day for me =( anyways, lemme know guys!

  sil80jdm said:
Anybody ever get replacement shoulder hinges for their 1/60 vf-1s valks from HLJ or Overdrive? If so have they started making and sending out the replacements that dont break? Or are they sending you just a replacement that cracks still? I just received my 1/60v2 from HLJ today and right out of the box during my first transformation sure enough there is a pretty big crack on not just the left but the right as well.. What a sad day for me =( anyways, lemme know guys!

Any idea if your 1S is the first release or the December reissue?

  Agent-GHQ said:
I've been out of the loop and heavily concentrated on the GI Joe 25th anniversay. Shiets, hard to accept that the 2.0 lacks those details of the 1/48s! Thanks all for the replies.

Why is that hard to accept? Just don't buy 'em if you don't like 'em.

  IXTL said:
Any idea if your 1S is the first release or the December reissue?

I believe mine was the version from the january restock they just had.. Is there a difference in the reissue and the first release? If so mine could be from the first issue if they have corrected this shoulder problem because its still broke =(

  sil80jdm said:
I believe mine was the version from the january restock they just had.. Is there a difference in the reissue and the first release? If so mine could be from the first issue if they have corrected this shoulder problem because its still broke =(

Everyone's been hoping the shoulders have been fixed on the reissue Roy 1S (and subsequent v2 1/60 VF-1s).

I don't think there is any way to tell if your 1S Roy is a first production run or reissue unless you check with your retailer. Also, we don't know for sure if Yamato have actually done any fixing but so far, only the Roy 1S (1st run) and one isolated case of 1A have reported shoulder breakage. The 1J and Hikaru 1S have been problem free so far.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that when mine comes it will be problem free.

  UN Spacy said:
That being said I'm expecting the VF-1D to have quality control improvements (similar to what Yamato did to the latter 1/48's such as Kakizaki or the Angelbird.

Tight joints, wing flags (and nose cones) that don't fall off, etc....see what I'm getting at here? With all the good news about Hikaru's VF-1J and VF-1S I remain optimistic. ^_^

Ditto, I havent bought a yammie in a while. But with all the hype on these new 1/60 V.2 Im eagerly awaiting the VF-1D 2 seater. You think they'll release an elint seeker soon as well?

yamato did fix the problem. People who own subsequent releases have said numerous times that they don't have problems. Should the problem have existed in the first place? obviously not, but replacements are available through 2 retailers. It's not the best solution but the issue seems to have been resolved and an 8 dollar fix available for owners who don't want to fix it themselves.

Until someone can confirm that the hinges are now made out of POM or if Yamato says the problem is fixed and someone outside of them can confirm it, they are not fixed to me.


Its pretty lame waiting for your VF-1 and when you finally recieve it its in pieces. Nothing so expensive should have that problem.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Until someone can confirm that the hinges are now made out of POM or if Yamato says the problem is fixed and someone outside of them can confirm it, they are not fixed to me.

so, thousands of new units being shipped with no complaints not good enough for you?

so, thousands of new units being shipped with no complaints not good enough for you?

Nope. I basically agree with what IXTL said:

Everyone's been hoping the shoulders have been fixed on the reissue Roy 1S (and subsequent v2 1/60 VF-1s).

I don't think there is any way to tell if your 1S Roy is a first production run or reissue unless you check with your retailer. Also, we don't know for sure if Yamato have actually done any fixing but so far, only the Roy 1S (1st run) and one isolated case of 1A have reported shoulder breakage. The 1J and Hikaru 1S have been problem free so far.

  Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0 said:
Nope. I basically agree with what IXTL said:

See, I dont get that. I have 4...FOUR units athat are fine, and like graham i take em through their paces. I play with my toys. i have heard you talking aboiut getting this magical confirmation about the shoulders....dude, telling us on here won't get you the answer. I dont know who you have to ask but it isn't us!

I'm sorry yours has a broken shoulder, I truly am. If you dont want to buy more of the toy, thats fine, and thats your call. But after several versions now that arent having the problem, you either need to accept it isnt there, or move on and not buy anymore!

  Scream Man said:
See, I dont get that. I have 4...FOUR units athat are fine, and like graham i take em through their paces. I play with my toys. i have heard you talking aboiut getting this magical confirmation about the shoulders....dude, telling us on here won't get you the answer. I dont know who you have to ask but it isn't us!

I'm sorry yours has a broken shoulder, I truly am. If you dont want to buy more of the toy, thats fine, and thats your call. But after several versions now that arent having the problem, you either need to accept it isnt there, or move on and not buy anymore!

see, I basically agree with what scream man said :)

But after several versions now that arent having the problem, you either need to accept it isnt there, or move on and not buy anymore!

Several? There are currently only two, the Hikaru 1S, and the 1J, the guy who bought a Roy 1S had both hinges cracked, and we don't know if his was from the 2nd run or 1st.

  Folka said:
Its pretty lame waiting for your VF-1 and when you finally recieve it its in pieces. Nothing so expensive should have that problem.

It does suck really bad after hearing all the good stuff about the vf-1s 1/60 and received mine with both shoulder breaks on both. It does suck to receive it out of the box like that but with services like Overdrive and HLJ, its making it much easier for us guys in the US to obtain replacement parts. But i remember reading a member got replacement shoulder hinges and after a couple of turns it broke again.. So im just seeing if theres a better replacements to go through the process of getting them or if its just the same shoulders and would get screwed either way..


my 1S stike is fine. My 1S without strike is fine. My 1A Hikaru is fine. My 1J Hikaru is fine. Granted, i dont have the 1S Hikaru yet, maybe it will disintegrated. But Im 4 for 4, and all different versions. if u want to count the 1S's as the same, then Im still 3 for 3.


At this point, I have just accepted that buying Yamato Valkyrie means potentially getting a dud. I now own about 15 different valks. Out of all of the Valks I've bought, 3 have been duds - 1 VF-11B, 1 VF-0A and one of the new v.2 VF-1Ss (but the first 1S I got is not a dud and is in good working order).

Oh - and about my dud 1S v.2 - the adhesive I glued the small crack with is holding firm and the valkyrie looks fine.

I am not happy about these QC problems. I think for so much money we shouldn't have such problems.

I also accept the fact that this is life.

Just like I accept the fact that Bandai's VF-25 has many aesthetic problems.

It's inherent in our hobby that we will have to deal with shoddy QC or bad finish.

Live and let live.

And buy.

Enjoy the perfect qualit Valkyrie you manage to get. Lament not over the duds.

It's just like rainy days and sunny days.

They also cost a lot.


  Scream Man said:
my 1S stike is fine. My 1S without strike is fine. My 1A Hikaru is fine. My 1J Hikaru is fine. Granted, i dont have the 1S Hikaru yet, maybe it will disintegrated. But Im 4 for 4, and all different versions. if u want to count the 1S's as the same, then Im still 3 for 3.

Yeah, but a lot of people do have the problem. Shouldn't discount that. I had a couple of problems with my Roy 1S shoulder. Also on the Roy valk the foot piece broke in half after only a few transformations (though some glue fixed that - now better than ever). If you go through a good enough dealer though, a replacement part should be free!

The others shoulders are fine though. My 1A Hikaru, now thinking about it, actually had a broken backpack part - I was probably the only one, but I certainly feel for all the people, like me, who have blown $400 on 'premium' toys and then find them broken after taking them out of the box. You have been blessed to have had problem free ones - which is sweet! Fortunately my 1J is of fine quality.

after receiving a replacement arm for the Roy Valk, it looks like the shoulder problem is fixed, though I cant tell yet if the material is different (will look closer tonight). By the way, does anyone know how to replace that hinge/arm part?

But i remember reading a member got replacement shoulder hinges and after a couple of turns it broke again.. So im just seeing if theres a better replacements to go through the process of getting them or if its just the same shoulders and would get screwed either way..

He did get his replacement part back when the only VF-1 that was out was the VF-1S. If the hinges are truly fixed, then chances are the replacements you get will not break.

By the way, does anyone know how to replace that hinge/arm part?

You have to unscrew the hinges from the backplate. I'm not exactly sure how to get to that part.

my 1S stike is fine. My 1S without strike is fine. My 1A Hikaru is fine. My 1J Hikaru is fine. Granted, i dont have the 1S Hikaru yet, maybe it will disintegrated. But Im 4 for 4, and all different versions. if u want to count the 1S's as the same, then Im still 3 for 3.

Well good for you. If everyone was in the same boat as you(you also had some problem free 1st release VF-0S toys), then the amount of criticism would have been far less. My 1S was had a hairline crack the first time I removed it from the box, I didn't think it was a big deal, just thought it was a mold line, then months later I could feel it and it was definitely a crack. I handle my toys quite extensively, if I didn't, I wouldn't be so vocal about the 1/48's fragility being highly exaggerated, or saying that the new 1/60 is more durable except for the hinge. Hell the hip bar removal from the nose cone is easy as hell to pull off too. The fact that you have problem free v2 1/60s just means that you had the better luck of the draw, I'd love to say that a lot of us 1S owners can the say the same, but the fact is, we can't.

after receiving a replacement arm for the Roy Valk, it looks like the shoulder problem is fixed, though I cant tell yet if the material is different (will look closer tonight).

If you have a 1/48, the shoulder hinges on that should feel the same as the replacement hinge for your 1/60.

I am not happy about these QC problems. I think for so much money we shouldn't have such problems.I also accept the fact that this is life.

Yes but if you don't speak up and share constructive criticism no company will care and will be happy to just neglect all the problems and keep making products anyways because they know people will buy them. Tab B would never have been fixed if no one brought it up.

Posted (edited)

after my disappointing shoulder breakage I completely stop all my toy purchases, it was a sad christmas for me, hehehe, kidding, but I will probably wait several more months to see if the shoulder issue has been solved or if Yamato contacts Graham again about this, so I'm with Shin on this, the 1S Roy was perfect for several month until they all started to self destruct, so I will play the waiting game on this :ph34r:B))

Edited by Valkyrie addict
Posted (edited)

I dont discount that sometimes toys break, and that they shouldnt. I just dont believe the shoulder is the epidemic problem its presetned as, especially in later releases.

edit: I know the zeros had a problem. I had one that had a crack (Which I glued and is fine). and got lucky with the rest of them. Discounting the ghostpack editions, i have 3 that are ok, and 1 that had a crack I fixed. Granted wioth those I barely transform or play with them anymore for risk of breaking them.

As i say, I dont discount that issues occour, I just dont see saing in every2nd post you make that the shoulders are this disaster zone. You were unlucky, and I truly am sorry for that! But it isnt an epidemic issue like the zeros were.

Edited by Scream Man

the casualty reports for the 1s strike came in right away. Now that people know what to look for, I have a hard time believing that 1a, 1j and 1s hikaru owners aren't checking for cracks right out of the box.

the fact that we're not seeing a deluge of similar "it was broken right out of the box" complaints leads me to believe the problem has been addressed.

Posted (edited)
I dont discount that sometimes toys break, and that they shouldnt. I just dont believe the shoulder is the epidemic problem its presetned as, especially in later releases.

I'm just trying to find out if the hinges are fixed for sure before I buy more in the future. It is also one of my favorite VF-1 toys, and my favorite Yamato toy for sure, which is why I am so disappointed that mine had a crack.

Edited by Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0

Well unless u discount my percentage as luck, Id say it's fixed! 4 for 4 baby! not even a stress line, and believe me, Ive been looking for em!

i suppose i may have good batches or something. I got all mine rom Toy-wave if that helps....

  Scream Man said:
Well unless u discount my percentage as luck, Id say it's fixed! 4 for 4 baby! not even a stress line, and believe me, Ive been looking for em!

i suppose i may have good batches or something. I got all mine rom Toy-wave if that helps....

but you ARE unusually lucky, you're the exception that proves the rule. :p

Posted (edited)

well no matter the kind of plastic used

this part gets too much stress do to the fact that it is small

this part was bigger on the 1/48 and the hole is bigger too you can tell in the pic below that the metal bar is not smashed into place it looks clean hey ???


for the V2

the hole was too small and when the metallic bar was placed in the factory the plastic gets micro breaks that will get bigger later on

===> the plastic gets stretched

the metal bar looks like it was hard to be put in place see my pics below

I have just check my roy

and a crack line is present I have just put a bit of cyano glue to fixe it

the optimum fix will be a full metal part but are u ready for paint issues over time

everything due to its size

it will break sooner or later guys

but I like the V2 and will just monitor it a bit preventing breaks to get worst and avoid stress during transfo


Edited by Ghostkiller

my metal hinge replacement seems to be holding up and it's easy to do, so at this point, I'm disappointed with the flaw but I don't care enough to boycott since (to me at least) it's an easy fix if it does happen

  eugimon said:
my metal hinge replacement seems to be holding up and it's easy to do, so at this point, I'm disappointed with the flaw but I don't care enough to boycott since (to me at least) it's an easy fix if it does happen

it might sound bizarre but I don' care too lol

  Dante74 said:
Why is that hard to accept? Just don't buy 'em if you don't like 'em.
Because I'm disapointed! I would have thought that for something to be of better grade than the 1/48 to at least retain what the 1/48 has. But you're right, I probably shouldn't spend money on a new line of 1/60s.
  Agent-GHQ said:
Because I'm disapointed! I would have thought that for something to be of better grade than the 1/48 to at least retain what the 1/48 has. But you're right, I probably shouldn't spend money on a new line of 1/60s.

The toy is smaller than the 1/48 and it's Perfect Transformation unlike the v1 1/60. If they would've added all the details they put into the 1/48, it would cost even more than a 1/48 making it smaller and more expensive. Would you buy it? I know I wouldn't.

  Dante74 said:
If they would've added all the details they put into the 1/48, it would cost even more than a 1/48 making it smaller and more expensive.

Not to mention more fragile as well.


Wait.. Im confused. I thought the 1/60 V.2 were more durable than the 1/48's? Aside from the few QC problems from the first release VF-1S, I thought everything was fixed. Im worried about the VF-1D now.. :(


As far as I can tell everything is fixed and people are just complaining about their broken Roys.

The 1D will be fine. Don't worry.

And the 1/60 v.2 IS durable. It's less floppy than the 1/48 and it has better details (because it is tampoo printed) and has better panel lining and has better looking hands and comes with super and strike parts and every thirteen VF-1 fighter has been packaged with an inflatable Minmey sex doll with built in oral motor massage system.

So buy as many as you can and you might get REAL lucky.


  VFTF1 said:
As far as I can tell everything is fixed and people are just complaining about their broken Roys.

The 1D will be fine. Don't worry.

And the 1/60 v.2 IS durable. It's less floppy than the 1/48 and it has better details (because it is tampoo printed) and has better panel lining and has better looking hands and comes with super and strike parts and every thirteen VF-1 fighter has been packaged with an inflatable Minmey sex doll with built in oral motor massage system.

So buy as many as you can and you might get REAL lucky.


Lmao :lol: Thanks!! I cant wait for the VF-1D now. Though Im sure at that price point it wouldnt include any strike parts. And why would I want a Minmei sex doll? I already have one!? just kidding!! lol!!!

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